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【安心】ハードウェアウォレットについて語るスレ【安全】 Part.3

96 :承認済み名無しさん:2018/07/04(水) 18:54:31.90 ID:0b+gQXYq.net

The firmware update cannot delete your history and balance.
Do you have any record of previously used addresses that were generated by your Trezor?
If so, please, compare them to the addresses that are now generated by Trezor, these shouldn't match.

Most likely you are recovering a seed that is different from the one that your balance was stored at.

Since this was confirmed by recovering to Ledger you can see that the recovery works, the problem is with the seed.

If you have any reocrd of previous transactions made to or from your Trezor,
please, send me the TX IDs or receiving addresses alongside with your XPUBs,
I will analyze this. XPUB can be found in the "Basics" menu tab, you need to click on "Show XPUBs" and then,
please, copy the text that will pop-up into the body of the message.

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