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【TPS】Warframe part674【強化外骨格】

139 :UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 76ed-FrWM []):2017/02/09(木) 12:18:11.24 ID:43MJ/98X0.net
• Multishot will increase ammo consumption in an attempt to add more complexity to its use, rather than a mandatory mod



• Apparently this was the original intent - having it not increase ammo consumption has been a two year bug, like coptoring



• This was part of the thought process involved with the Vaykor Hek's release

これは標準のHekより2倍のマガジン容量を持つVaykor Hekの実装により、慎重に考えなければならない複雑な問題となった。


• There will be many guns that will be tweaked in response to this change - particularly ammo-hungry weapons may get ammo buffs, for instance

これにより多くの銃が改定を受けるだろう - たとえば一部のもともと消費の多い銃はマガジン容量を増加させられるなど。

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