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【関東中流】 関東学院・東国・中学・流経 17

1 :○○  関東中流  ○○:2016/09/14(水) 14:19:09.95 ID:ygWxUzBk0.net
「危ない大学・消える大学 2017」島野清志著



953 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:26:28.24 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
The standard for them in noses

954 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:27:05.06 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
must have been rather high,

955 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:28:08.96 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
to judge by the portraits

956 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:29:23.20 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
of the Duke,

957 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:31:04.59 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
but no doubt

958 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:31:45.79 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
he made allowances.

959 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:32:18.36 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
Anyhow, by this method

960 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:32:54.05 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
he got the men he wanted.

961 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:33:44.46 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
Some people, however,

962 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:34:06.78 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
may think that

963 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:39:19.23 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
he would have done better

964 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:39:50.95 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
to have let the mouth

965 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:40:25.43 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
be the deciding test.

966 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:40:57.92 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
The lines of one's nose are

967 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:41:51.11 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
more or less arranged

968 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:42:12.67 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
for one at birth.

969 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:43:17.90 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
A baby, born with a snub nose,

970 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:43:42.69 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
would feel it hard

971 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:44:22.27 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
that the decision

972 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:48:30.35 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
that he would be no use

973 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:48:57.11 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
to Wellington

974 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:49:22.32 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
should be come to so early.

975 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:50:00.19 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
And even if he arrived

976 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:50:21.26 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
in the world

977 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:50:39.30 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
with a Roman nose,

978 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:51:04.18 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
he might smash it up

979 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:51:22.48 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
in childhood,and with it

980 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:51:46.08 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
his chances of military fame,

981 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:52:30.96 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
This, I think you will agree with me would be unfair.

982 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 08:52:42.09 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
Signs of Character

983 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:06:42.10 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
Now and again

984 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:07:15.45 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
I have had horrible dreams,

985 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:07:42.05 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
but not enough of them

986 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:08:11.84 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
to make me lose my delight

987 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:08:35.64 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
in dreams.

988 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:08:55.72 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
To begin with,

989 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:09:43.62 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
I like the idea of dreaming,

990 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:10:15.33 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
of going to bed and lying still

991 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:10:34.38 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
and then,

992 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:10:55.08 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
by some queer magic,

993 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:11:22.38 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
wandering into another kind

994 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:11:41.07 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
of existence.

995 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:13:16.24 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
As a child

996 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:13:39.26 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
I could never understand

997 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:14:06.83 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
why grownups took dreaming

998 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:14:26.30 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
so calmly

999 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:14:47.36 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
when they could make

1000 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:15:33.12 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
such a fuss about any holiday.

1001 :大学への名無しさん:2023/04/22(土) 09:16:41.47 ID:WRnxy+yc0.net
This still puzzles me.

1002 :2ch.net投稿限界:Over 1000 Thread

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