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577 :名無し草:2018/11/08(木) 19:08:23.01 ID:WfLWI5xo.net
833 名無し草 sage 2018/11/08(木) 18:02:53.00

The program begins with the quadruple rittbergera,
already in flight, it was clear that now would be a bad landing.
One Judge sees no reason for nedkrut minusovanija.
Salchow jump with two legs, he left it in shirochennuju comma, clearly hoping that nobody would notice.
Well, nobody noticed

Rotation with Brokeback backs; on the track, and so not much cumbersome, generally decided to relax,
triple loop combination without difficulty, at kvadtulupe he put the box, but I didn't saw a cascade with flipom
(I do not see in this vein, his leg on impact, there might be an edge), Axel-Euler-Salchow without exit,
horeodorozhka of the INA-Bauer and mikroblejdika with walking between them, and the two final rotation.
"Resting correctly in the program (s) Tarasova. Dear Tatiana anatolievna, to relax, you first need to get tired,
doing anything. Yuzuru Hanyu is the second year of their programs is absolutely not strained.
Languid travels back and forth between jumps, is on track and rolls his eyes.
He used to have at least some no work on bonding steps, now just not even convenient.
Any explicit because to the judges I don't see except comments that judge no. 8 No. 2 clearly his fanatics,
and perhaps they are from nostalgia for Plushenko Juziku 9.75 up to confront for composition.
The more important question, why program with two nedokrutami generally raise above 9?

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