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1 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 09:25:32.48 ID:ZQnjnzlJ.net

84 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:06:13.77 ID:/ZFzWy2V.net

85 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:06:20.27 ID:FS4Cr0Ic.net

86 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:10:12.62 ID:FS4Cr0Ic.net

87 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:44:39.55 ID:Dh2gyeWy.net

88 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:45:10.36 ID:y/vB9tKA.net

89 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:47:04.00 ID:/ZFzWy2V.net

90 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:53:39.02 ID:GeY6WRMB.net

91 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:54:29.39 ID:dWvy2OBV.net

92 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:58:16.67 ID:dWvy2OBV.net

93 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 20:59:51.86 ID:SoGOvkdq.net

94 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 21:04:21.08 ID:dWvy2OBV.net

95 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 21:11:18.65 ID:PbWTFEHJ.net

96 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 21:12:34.27 ID:Whqo5aG4.net

97 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 21:19:54.19 ID:Dh2gyeWy.net

98 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 21:32:48.99 ID:ZQnjnzlJ.net


99 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 21:33:50.73 ID:ZQnjnzlJ.net

100 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:24:32.50 ID:GeY6WRMB.net

101 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:25:48.60 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

102 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:26:19.51 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

103 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:26:50.94 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

104 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:27:26.37 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

105 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:28:00.45 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

106 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:28:32.09 ID:lzfMnsyc.net

107 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:29:12.20 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

108 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:29:48.67 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

109 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:31:33.56 ID:lzfMnsyc.net

110 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:32:05.54 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

111 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:32:37.46 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

112 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:33:08.75 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

113 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:33:49.88 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

114 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:34:22.44 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

115 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:34:53.41 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

116 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:35:26.97 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

117 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:36:00.16 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

118 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:36:42.50 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

119 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:37:16.31 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

120 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:37:48.49 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

121 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:38:19.80 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

122 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:38:52.83 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

123 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:39:39.77 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/

124 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:40:21.03 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/

125 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 22:40:55.50 ID:lzfMnsyc.net
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)

126 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/05(金) 23:23:10.96 ID:vbPp05vs.net

127 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 07:36:50.71 ID:Z40JjOna.net

128 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 08:40:42.19 ID:txwIZhz9.net

129 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 08:50:28.96 ID:THeSt1of.net

130 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 09:06:16.46 ID:TP6bfhh9.net

131 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 09:30:59.76 ID:KJAYGJSD.net

132 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 09:31:41.27 ID:TP6bfhh9.net


133 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 09:33:57.14 ID:vLNGlk4z.net

134 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 09:37:42.21 ID:/5f9o8qn.net

135 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 09:52:50.18 ID:THeSt1of.net

136 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 10:06:07.46 ID:phlrCYpE.net

137 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 10:36:12.47 ID:THeSt1of.net

138 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 11:22:33.70 ID:mLPaO1bB.net

139 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 12:23:23.11 ID:XmWkyDKl.net

140 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 15:09:58.47 ID:SsDjiSAQ.net

141 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 15:43:45.20 ID:fb1hNZZW.net

142 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 16:24:17.02 ID:h+4h9YvG.net

143 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 18:09:13.40 ID:1OIDzg/e.net
2024/01/05(金) 22:51:08.42ID:YnSCyj2q


 ゆくホロくるホロ2023 ホロライブ撮れ高大賞2023


Q なぜ NG削除されてるの?

A   桜鷹虎さん  木村魚拓さんは

     ボディーガード 工作員を雇っている確定

🖐( ・∀・ )




144 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 18:26:50.63 ID:THeSt1of.net

145 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 18:28:02.98 ID:1OIDzg/e.net
🖐( ・∀・ )マクロススレ オカルト太郎たった一人の自演書き込み発覚




146 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 18:55:43.07 ID:KJAYGJSD.net

147 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 19:00:03.54 ID:8mJ9PV1R.net

148 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 19:02:50.85 ID:8mJ9PV1R.net

149 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 19:05:50.55 ID:8mJ9PV1R.net

150 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 19:07:16.30 ID:KX+FIDNK.net

151 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 19:07:41.29 ID:ZHGQPEf5.net

152 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 19:12:51.17 ID:THeSt1of.net

153 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 19:34:23.92 ID:2dAtObk0.net

154 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 19:38:06.52 ID:2dAtObk0.net

155 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 19:45:21.67 ID:THeSt1of.net

156 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 20:30:16.14 ID:bi4e3p0C.net

157 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 20:38:27.88 ID:68N+TPps.net

158 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 20:43:57.49 ID:WG0qo8rE.net

159 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 20:49:10.29 ID:THeSt1of.net

160 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 20:54:34.99 ID:2dAtObk0.net

161 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 20:57:05.21 ID:tEp3igIM.net

162 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 20:57:59.83 ID:2dAtObk0.net

163 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 21:01:47.59 ID:68N+TPps.net

164 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 21:10:28.33 ID:THeSt1of.net

165 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 21:13:15.77 ID:THeSt1of.net

166 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 21:30:11.15 ID:bi4e3p0C.net

167 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/06(土) 21:44:32.51 ID:THeSt1of.net

168 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 00:09:17.39 ID:Sgej800E.net

169 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:18:56.46 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

170 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:19:26.85 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

171 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:20:03.20 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

172 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:20:33.01 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

173 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:21:02.83 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

174 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:21:38.55 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

175 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:22:10.65 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

176 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:22:43.34 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

177 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:23:18.83 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

178 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:23:52.62 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

179 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:24:25.06 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

180 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:25:04.80 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

181 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:25:44.54 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

182 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:26:22.91 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

183 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/01/07(日) 02:27:03.72 ID:eCHZi8I4.net
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/

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