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【大村リコール会見】共同通信「天皇陛下を燃やす映像を侮辱と思うのか?」百田「その通り」有本「あなたの感想は?」→共同絶句★3   [Toy Soldiers★]

38 :ソーシャル名無しさん:2020/07/04(土) 08:23:59.77
"Korean is a dog child" is a taboo.
"Nigger is a dog child" is on air.

"The NIGGER is a son of the DOG who FUCKED the JAP."
This is SoftBank president Masayoshi Son's favorite TV commercial.

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★