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1 :らびあ:2012/05/26(土) 23:12:40.63 0.net

910 :夢見る名無しさん:2017/07/17(月) 23:47:26.31 ID:BNkXBc4uw
Well, how much did America know about Stalin's plan for earth uniforms?
I knew the existence of Space Kanto Army, but I did not know that it was part of the Soviet army
It seems.
It became extra hysteric as I understood that the Soviet Union was a bridgehead preservation of unknown existence.
The trouble was the leadership of the Soviet Union, even if it is said that they are aliens' companions, the extraterrestrial part
After Stalin's defeat All under the command of Uranov, and in the agreement of aliens
If aliens are not mixed, advanced high-tech will not be free.
In this gap Urranov worked to expand the leadership rights outside the solar system, and the alien of the Soviet Union and the aliens of the Soviet Union
Successfully mobilized the resident planet.
In effect the Soviet Union is like moving outside the solar system.
In addition, deviation of the Earth's Russian route gradually became problematic. Also thrust the mouth until things outside the solar system
It was unfortunately present.
It is about the 16th Republic that Russia can thrust into the mouth, but it is virtually the origin of the Soviet Union
It is the central presence of the Soviet Union of the planet.
Finally when Gorbachev appeared and began to deviate greatly, I came up with a hard way to eliminate the Earth part.
After this the Soviet Union collapsed on the earth and the United States got a false victory

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