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☆メジャー・ロードレース統一スレ etape 204☆

188 :ツール・ド・名無しさん:2016/08/16(火) 22:06:14.42 ID:GJpbFDkD.net
Thijs Zonneveld ?@thijszonneveld 15時間15時間前

First of all, the British press didn't pose Cavendish the question
whether he should have been DQ'd for his move.

So I did. I showed him the rerun on my laptop. Cavendish asked me:
"The guy wasn't Dutch, was he?" Me: "What?"

Me: "Would you care to comment on that move?"
Cav: "I could sue you for that, do you know that?"
Me: "What for? Asking a question?"

And then he walked away, cursing.

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