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41 :ツール・ド・名無しさん:2017/11/14(火) 13:37:44.51 ID:uq/V5lb5.net

"...and its accuracy are disappointing drawbacks"

"The Snap was consistently reading 5-6% higher than my Powertap, which meant I had to compensate by telling Zwift and TrainerRoad that my FTP was 5-6% higher to get the right resistance. "


"The Snap scores lower than both the Hammer Direct Drive and the Kickr direct drive model when it comes to power accuracy. Wahoo claims power accuracy to be +/- five percent,
but during initial testing, we had quite variable power numbers ranging in the +/-15 percent range despite following the recommended calibration procedures."

"Vortex shows a much greater amount of power drift during a long session, with the power accuracy decreasing as the ride progresses, and is most pronounced during long sustained threshold efforts"

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