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サイクルコンピューター:ハートレートモニタ Part85

552 :ツール・ド・名無しさん:2018/10/02(火) 15:29:52.22 ID:WONS/oyg.net
Wahoo ELEMENT/Boltにアプデ来てた。

ELEMNT WF48-2147 - 1 October, 2018
This release centers around integration with the Pioneer Pedaling Monitor System.
ADDED: Integration with the Pioneer Pedaling Monitor System
ADDED: Support to set crank length for Favero Assioma pedals
FIXED: GPS drops after 3-4 hours
FIXED: Auto pause not working
FIXED: ANT+ sensors not reporting battery levels
FIXED: Riding Best Bike Split routes changing CLIMB gradient, but not KICKR resistance
FIXED: Incorrect target Watts in planned workouts
FIXED: Bug causing unexpected power off or reboot
FIXED: Duplicate uploads to sharing sites
UPDATED: Japanese translations

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220 KB

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