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DERO【匿名×スマコン×DAG】リング署名&SSL/TLS hash攻撃高耐性 Monero系CryptoNoteプロトコル…DERO

522 :承認済み名無しさん:2021/11/15(月) 21:26:51.77 ID:Sxk+VkM1.net

bydlo — 2021/09/29
What advantage does dero have over azero?

Azylem — 2021/09/29
What advantage does azero have over dero?

bydlo — 2021/09/29
Privacy platform claiming >50k transactions per second.

Azylem — 2021/09/29
Dero has an entirely HE L1 protocol, is trustless and actually decentralized(not proof of stake on AWS nodes), supports native assets, instant balances, private services model etc.
Aleph Zero has none of these things and have chosen an architecture that prohibits them from even being added, using already existing parts, in contrast to dero being built piece by piece entirely from the ground up, to allow for features like these.
As a result, they are not in competition in any area, despite what the hype would like to say

dillony — 2021/09/29
Centralised Vs decentralized
Just check their "testnet". I don't see any smart contracts platform enable yet. So it's non comparison.

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