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【モンハンNow】Monster Hunter Now Part41

949 :名も無きハンターHR774 (ワッチョイ 4d7b-80lF):2023/10/05(木) 17:36:09.38 ID:PvW/fX890.net

English Follows after Japanese







Hunters, we are currently experiencing the following issues:

The skill "Recoil Down" does not take effect until the first reload is performed when using the Light Bowgun.
The skill "Reload Speed" does not take effect on the first reload when using the Light Bowgun.
Charge may unintentionally be preserved when using the Bow.
We are planning to release V62.1 to address these issues.

Please note that this release will start as soon as the app is ready, and it may be distributed to Android hunters first. We will update this article once it becomes available for iOS hunters as well. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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