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255 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/05/13(日) 20:18:28.64 .net
Does anyone know of a working m2n gateway, and how to psot to it? I used to
use anon.lcs.mit.edu and newsanon.yi.org, but they don't appear to work now.

Many of the free and university sponsored sites are shutting down or restricting
inbound mail from their internal networks only due to abuse.

There were a couple of GNU Project sites that just recently shut down as well - for -
you guessed it - big-time abuse. Providers have some pretty serious consequences
if their domains/ip blocks become known areas that generate spam.

Here is an additional list that you can check. It is not a new list - but you may find
some useful and still open sites:

group.name@news.cs.dalca group.name@news.demon.couk group.name@dispatch.demon.couk
group.name@brushtail.hna.comau group.name@myriad.alias.net mail2news@c2org

Here is a list of spotty servers. I think most of these have filters up now:

group.name@undergrad.math.uwaterlooca group.name@julian.uwoca
group.name@cs.dalca group.name@news.cs.indianaedu
group.name@cass.ma02.bullcom group.name@paris.ics.uciedu
group.name@magnus.acs.ohio-stateedu group.name@ug.cs.dalca
group.name@usenet.ucs.indianaedu group.name@bullcom
group-name-news@newsbase.cs.yaleedu group.name@comlab.ox.acuk

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