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Welcome to the new 'gamestones' board!

1 :Board maker さん:2017/05/27(土) 12:15:52.00.net
Welcome to the new 'gamestones' board!
Let's enjoy!

2 :名無し名人:2017/05/29(月) 15:16:48.31 ID:w8sttyWU.net

3 :名無し名人:2017/05/30(火) 11:59:35.80 ID:Lxs4xDWY.net

4 :名無し名人:2017/05/30(火) 13:25:48.88 ID:J08JJDRN.net

5 :名無し名人:2017/06/05(月) 00:28:10.57 ID:/z3HJFXQ.net
so how do we use this thred?
is this thred for person who use another language but Japanese?

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★