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1 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:12:26.13 ID:HHthGKEk.net

2 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:14:05.20 ID:HHthGKEk.net
hey, stupid jap!
you are no more intelligent than a monkey

3 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:15:27.22 ID:HHthGKEk.net
why don't jap apologize for korean?

4 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:18:57.94 ID:HHthGKEk.net
jap emperor has killed many my friends

5 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:20:05.75 ID:0mblk4tb.net
your dick

6 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:24:38.51 ID:HHthGKEk.net
but jap isn't apologizing about coast that has been taken
by their emperor

7 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:30:57.31 ID:HHthGKEk.net
i doubt that hirihito had been judged as war criminal

8 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:33:26.33 ID:HHthGKEk.net
so i think about that atomic bombs was dropped to hiroshima and nagasaki were hammer of justice and jap is racist

9 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:36:32.41 ID:HHthGKEk.net
if i were to come true for a wish, jap would be extinction

10 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:38:54.09 ID:HHthGKEk.net
had been→had not been

11 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:40:04.39 ID:u6egNwuG.net

12 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:41:29.73 ID:HHthGKEk.net
i wish for stupid jap to be killed by god

13 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:43:27.38 ID:yECisngO.net
ちんぽって tinpo timpo どっち?

14 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:47:55.19 ID:HHthGKEk.net
hirohito is the worst war criminal in Japanese history
he is called "showa tenno" by jap

15 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:48:56.39 ID:zSZgGxMV.net

16 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:50:51.71 ID:HHthGKEk.net
wataku is particularly stupid even in jap

17 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 14:57:04.28 ID:HHthGKEk.net
coast→act of barbarity

18 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 16:05:50.96 ID:zXAeLv3h.net
Why don’t we talk about something fun here?

19 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 16:10:59.06 ID:0tnCGh55.net
Please fuck me please!
but i'm a man

20 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 16:11:40.44 ID:SHLarJfv.net

21 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 16:17:01.70 ID:6b1xDJwx.net
who r u ?

22 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 16:21:02.75 ID:6b1xDJwx.net
juken saron is most fuckin in anonymous bulletin board

23 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 16:21:39.42 ID:zXAeLv3h.net
Then you should talk to someone in real life instead of being here too lmao

24 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 17:06:03.61 ID:NJRrn2Gp.net
Zakoku is fukin' stupid.
I think they should die as soon as pissible.

25 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 17:37:22.31 ID:xNsXyyQ2.net
You ain't afraid o' no mistakes, really. lol
You want me to correct your mistakes?

26 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 18:44:03.48 ID:utytWhgj.net
Tinpo is correct

27 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/19(金) 22:27:42.88 ID:yqkKceH3.net

28 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/20(土) 10:51:08.56 ID:Yo6ukxox.net
if you open your mouth, your tongue touches you back teeth and stays there, that is an n sound.
if the tongue backs of and you squeeze your throat, that is an ng sound.
if you close your mouth, that is an m sound.

there are three different sounds assigned to the letter ん in Japanese.

fact not so many Japanese don't know.

29 :名無しなのに合格:2019/04/20(土) 14:41:10.80 ID:hmbP3NBG.net

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