2ちゃんねる ■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1- 最新50    

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むるおかスレ パート36

1 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 14:15:22.30 ID:j7YpFN8f.net

むるおかスレ パート34
むるおかスレ パート35

2 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 14:35:52.30 ID:6TSNIPce.net




2/6 ヤンキー ドンキーで奇声あげてぶちぎれwww


3日続き雨は 俺にとって 新年に入って吉兆w

工作員が ぶちぎれて 人為で 雨ww

パチンコ業界工作員が 無限∞ひっかかっとんのがわかったw

3 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 14:36:01.63 ID:6TSNIPce.net
         /^>》, -―‐‐<^}
.      /:::::::〃:::::::::/}::::丿ハ   
     /:::::::::i{l|:::::/ ノ/ }::::::}   
      /:::::::::::瓜イ-‐ ´ ‐ ,':::::ノ  
.     /:::::::::::::|ノヘ.{、 ( フ_ノノイ 
   /:::::::::::::::| ハ∨/^ヽ
          ノ::[三ノ :.、
          i)、_;|*く;  ノ
            |!: ::.”.T~

 🖐( ・∀・) 初音ミクAA貼ってくれた人ありまとw


ほんで オカルトぽっちゃん ドラゴンスレイヤー4スレで 僻みコメントしとったんやな


エヴァ対ゴジラスレで オカルト太郎 初音ミクAA連射殴り書きぶちぎれとったww


4 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 14:36:14.29 ID:6TSNIPce.net
 🖐( ・∀・)なぜ吉宗スレは無くなったのか?

オカルトぽちゃんが ガガギゴさんションボリ使用に嫉妬してぶちぎれよった


ほんで 声優 内田雄馬さん 日高里菜さん結婚の件でぶちぎれ

 内田雄馬さんには感謝してるw ガチでw

内田兄弟動画NG削除 = 松平健さん出演に オカルト太郎 水の泡になってぶちぎれwwww

5 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 14:38:04.71 ID:6TSNIPce.net



いままで メガカスさんのキーワードはスロット板になかった

6 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 15:04:57.10 ID:u9w4Q5Iy.net

7 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 16:04:00.93 ID:0n9bccFh.net

8 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 16:15:11.18 ID:0X3sYiym.net

9 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 16:20:44.71 ID:qM8u8rAr.net

10 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 17:15:57.55 ID:+Yq8eub7.net

11 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:25:45.88 ID:7zXqXAa5.net

12 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:27:11.49 ID:7zXqXAa5.net

13 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:29:05.17 ID:7zXqXAa5.net

14 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:31:06.01 ID:7zXqXAa5.net

15 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:33:09.76 ID:7zXqXAa5.net


16 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:33:24.64 ID:A/2wwxwF.net

17 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:35:03.40 ID:7zXqXAa5.net

18 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:37:08.81 ID:7zXqXAa5.net

19 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:39:16.43 ID:7zXqXAa5.net

20 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:41:10.84 ID:7zXqXAa5.net


21 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:48:45.02 ID:0X3sYiym.net

22 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 19:49:45.54 ID:xTNW2btw.net

23 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 21:04:48.24 ID:xAKZrtR+.net

24 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 21:29:32.89 ID:A+dPIkP2.net

25 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/07(水) 22:27:13.83 ID:hurSElsh.net

26 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 06:50:14.71 ID:KGmgC35w.net

27 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 07:06:19.60 ID:gdKHBzCj.net

28 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 08:02:49.84 ID:cGZ/E22R.net

29 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 08:08:37.37 ID:cGZ/E22R.net

30 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 12:36:26.21 ID:gEhKvUBR.net

31 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 12:48:03.37 ID:9/Z7nn35.net

32 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 12:57:04.83 ID:92TzRtb7.net

33 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 13:39:48.41 ID:Uso4zjwx.net

34 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 14:26:14.33 ID:92TzRtb7.net

35 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 14:37:35.44 ID:3DWMF1o8.net

36 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 14:52:52.30 ID:92TzRtb7.net

37 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 14:58:08.69 ID:92TzRtb7.net

38 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 15:10:34.44 ID:92TzRtb7.net

39 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 15:13:49.05 ID:Uso4zjwx.net

40 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 16:05:23.27 ID:PWa6P9/P.net

41 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 16:29:36.85 ID:Twa1OeiB.net

42 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 16:35:34.89 ID:ckb7lOk9.net

43 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 17:17:57.08 ID:lXBmr3Nv.net


44 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 17:25:23.05 ID:SGpTwKBJ.net

45 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 17:30:41.26 ID:6LjJC+tR.net

46 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 18:31:45.27 ID:ckb7lOk9.net

47 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 18:51:38.55 ID:MXReozlU.net


48 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 18:55:17.33 ID:MXReozlU.net
でその頃の二大巨頭が俺のパチライフさんとパチともさん、この二組がとりあえず圧倒的に抜けてて後はどんぐりの背比べっていうか烏合の衆って感じ。むるおかもこのone of themの中にいた

49 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 18:57:57.40 ID:Uso4zjwx.net

50 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:02:58.46 ID:MXReozlU.net

51 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:05:42.34 ID:Uso4zjwx.net

52 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:06:38.13 ID:Uso4zjwx.net

53 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:09:17.68 ID:Uso4zjwx.net

54 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:10:50.37 ID:MXReozlU.net

55 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:18:29.16 ID:MXReozlU.net

56 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:21:57.01 ID:yrZtNQ20.net

57 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:35:17.88 ID:MXReozlU.net

58 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:42:46.72 ID:MXReozlU.net

59 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 19:47:17.94 ID:GoBtx12l.net

60 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 20:32:22.52 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net

61 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 20:34:57.20 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net

62 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 20:36:50.37 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net


63 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 20:39:00.46 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net

64 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 20:41:54.66 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net

65 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 20:44:03.57 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net

66 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 20:50:23.26 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net

67 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 20:52:24.50 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net

68 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 20:58:46.24 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net

69 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 21:02:10.04 ID:CbnJZK+Q.net

70 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 21:07:38.64 ID:KJ/QtLWt.net

71 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:04:46.73 ID:Ls/vrX8S.net

72 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:13:51.74 ID:4a4jNjBB.net

73 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:17:45.87 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

74 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:18:11.36 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

75 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:18:42.31 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

76 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:19:18.08 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

77 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:19:51.75 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)

78 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:20:26.41 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

79 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:20:57.21 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

80 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:21:43.71 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

81 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:22:15.84 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

82 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:22:47.73 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

83 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:23:22.45 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^

84 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:23:55.36 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

85 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:24:29.26 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

86 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:25:05.88 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

87 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:25:39.38 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

88 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:26:14.00 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

89 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:26:54.99 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

90 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:27:33.95 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/

91 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:30:18.37 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

92 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:30:48.75 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

93 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:31:20.48 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

94 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:31:50.74 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

95 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:32:23.10 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

96 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:32:54.44 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

97 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:33:26.35 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

98 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:34:03.40 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

99 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:34:38.88 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

100 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:35:09.46 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

101 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:37:40.17 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

102 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:38:07.05 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

103 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:38:38.46 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

104 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:39:17.35 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

105 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:40:06.76 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/

106 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:40:45.52 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/

107 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:41:17.75 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/

108 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:41:50.92 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/

109 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:42:22.73 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!

110 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:42:56.57 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^

111 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:43:28.47 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

112 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:43:58.60 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/

113 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:44:28.49 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)

114 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:44:58.96 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^

115 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:45:31.13 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

116 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:47:08.70 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

117 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:47:47.12 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

118 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:48:23.97 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

119 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:48:58.77 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

120 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:49:37.56 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

121 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:50:08.52 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

122 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:50:43.59 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

123 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:51:26.59 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

124 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:52:11.33 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

125 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:52:50.60 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

126 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:53:23.99 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

127 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:53:59.86 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

128 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:54:35.32 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

129 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:55:48.06 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

130 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:56:21.32 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

131 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:57:01.76 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

132 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:57:38.90 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

133 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:58:18.81 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

134 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:58:56.16 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

135 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 22:59:29.63 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

136 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:00:06.91 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

137 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:00:43.21 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

138 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:01:21.67 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

139 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:02:07.22 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

140 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:02:49.37 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

141 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:04:55.85 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

142 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:05:47.86 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

143 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:06:26.36 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

144 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:07:07.44 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

145 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:07:43.12 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

146 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:08:23.95 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

147 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:09:01.53 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

148 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:09:41.37 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

149 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:10:15.07 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

150 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:10:53.24 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

151 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:11:30.49 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

152 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:12:12.16 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

153 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:13:18.60 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

154 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:13:50.89 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/

155 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:14:21.85 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/

156 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:14:57.52 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

157 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:15:33.87 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

158 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:16:05.35 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/

159 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:16:38.61 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

160 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:17:12.28 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
There is no way it will be filled,In the first place, the slots for visiting the store performer are full.!(埋まるわけがありません、そもそも来店演者の枠がもう埋まっております!)\(^o^)/
There is no way it will be filled,In the first place, the slots for visiting the store performer are full.!(埋まるわけがありません、そもそも来店演者の枠がもう埋まっております!)\(^o^)/
There is no way it will be filled,In the first place, the slots for visiting the store performer are full.!(埋まるわけがありません、そもそも来店演者の枠がもう埋まっております!)\(^o^)/
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)

161 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:17:43.90 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is Mr. M a Youtuber who surpasses Hikakin?(M氏はヒ○キンを越えるYoutuberですか?)(-_-;)
Is Mr. M a Youtuber who surpasses Hikakin?(M氏はヒ○キンを越えるYoutuberですか?)(-_-;)
Is Mr. M a Youtuber who surpasses Hikakin?(M氏はヒ○キンを越えるYoutuberですか?)(-_-;)
Is Mr. M a Youtuber who surpasses Hikakin?(M氏はヒ○キンを越えるYoutuberですか?)(-_-;)
Is Mr. M a Youtuber who surpasses Hikakin?(M氏はヒ○キンを越えるYoutuberですか?)(-_-;)
YES!In terms of beggar level, he far exceeds Hikakin!(はい!乞食度合いに関してはヒ○キンを遥かに超越しております!)(^○^)
YES!In terms of beggar level, he far exceeds Hikakin!(はい!乞食度合いに関してはヒ○キンを遥かに超越しております!)(^○^)
YES!In terms of beggar level, he far exceeds Hikakin!(はい!乞食度合いに関してはヒ○キンを遥かに超越しております!)(^○^)
YES!In terms of beggar level, he far exceeds Hikakin!(はい!乞食度合いに関してはヒ○キンを遥かに超越しております!)(^○^)
YES!In terms of beggar level, he far exceeds Hikakin!(はい!乞食度合いに関してはヒ○キンを遥かに超越しております!)(^○^)
He is the King of Beggars, "Kojikin" for short!(彼は乞食の王、略して「コジキン」です!)\(^o^)/
He is the King of Beggars, "Kojikin" for short!(彼は乞食の王、略して「コジキン」です!)\(^o^)/
He is the King of Beggars, "Kojikin" for short!(彼は乞食の王、略して「コジキン」です!)\(^o^)/
He is the King of Beggars, "Kojikin" for short!(彼は乞食の王、略して「コジキン」です!)\(^o^)/
He is the King of Beggars, "Kojikin" for short!(彼は乞食の王、略して「コジキン」です!)\(^o^)/
He is the King of Beggars, "Kojikin" for short!(彼は乞食の王、略して「コジキン」です!)\(^o^)/

162 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:18:15.25 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
An old man is acting like a junior high school student and causing trouble for the store staff?(こ汚いオッサンが中学生レベルのイタズラをしてお店の人に大迷惑をかけていますか?)(´・ω・`)
An old man is acting like a junior high school student and causing trouble for the store staff?(こ汚いオッサンが中学生レベルのイタズラをしてお店の人に大迷惑をかけていますか?)(´・ω・`)
An old man is acting like a junior high school student and causing trouble for the store staff?(こ汚いオッサンが中学生レベルのイタズラをしてお店の人に大迷惑をかけていますか?)(´・ω・`)
An old man is acting like a junior high school student and causing trouble for the store staff?(こ汚いオッサンが中学生レベルのイタズラをしてお店の人に大迷惑をかけていますか?)(´・ω・`)
An old man is acting like a junior high school student and causing trouble for the store staff?(こ汚いオッサンが中学生レベルのイタズラをしてお店の人に大迷惑をかけていますか?)(´・ω・`)
Yes!This is a matter that should be reported to Mac's FC headquarters immediately!(はい!早急にマックのFC本部に通報すべき案件です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a matter that should be reported to Mac's FC headquarters immediately!(はい!早急にマックのFC本部に通報すべき案件です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a matter that should be reported to Mac's FC headquarters immediately!(はい!早急にマックのFC本部に通報すべき案件です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a matter that should be reported to Mac's FC headquarters immediately!(はい!早急にマックのFC本部に通報すべき案件です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a matter that should be reported to Mac's FC headquarters immediately!(はい!早急にマックのFC本部に通報すべき案件です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a matter that should be reported to Mac's FC headquarters immediately!(はい!早急にマックのFC本部に通報すべき案件です!)\(^o^)/

163 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:18:52.02 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

164 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:19:36.10 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

165 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:20:14.24 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

166 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:21:15.95 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

167 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:21:47.07 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Is it the beginning of the end when believers' wallets become tight?(信者の財布が厳しくなってきたら終わりの始まりですか?)(*´∀`)
Is it the beginning of the end when believers' wallets become tight?(信者の財布が厳しくなってきたら終わりの始まりですか?)(*´∀`)
Is it the beginning of the end when believers' wallets become tight?(信者の財布が厳しくなってきたら終わりの始まりですか?)(*´∀`)
Is it the beginning of the end when believers' wallets become tight?(信者の財布が厳しくなってきたら終わりの始まりですか?)(*´∀`)
Yes!Waiting for the super hot Owacon countdown!(はい!激熱のオワコンカウントダウン予告が発生中です!)(´・ω・`)
Yes!Waiting for the super hot Owacon countdown!(はい!激熱のオワコンカウントダウン予告が発生中です!)(´・ω・`)
Yes!Waiting for the super hot Owacon countdown!(はい!激熱のオワコンカウントダウン予告が発生中です!)(´・ω・`)
Yes!Waiting for the super hot Owacon countdown!(はい!激熱のオワコンカウントダウン予告が発生中です!)(´・ω・`)
When the count reaches 0, it will develop into the strongest beggar ending reach!(カウントが0になれば最凶の古事記終焉リーチに発展するでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When the count reaches 0, it will develop into the strongest beggar ending reach!(カウントが0になれば最凶の古事記終焉リーチに発展するでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When the count reaches 0, it will develop into the strongest beggar ending reach!(カウントが0になれば最凶の古事記終焉リーチに発展するでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When the count reaches 0, it will develop into the strongest beggar ending reach!(カウントが0になれば最凶の古事記終焉リーチに発展するでしょう!)\(^o^)/

168 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:22:19.05 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Do you think he would be accepted if he applied to be a Do you think he would be accepted if he applied tobeapachinko&slottle performer?(彼はスロパチ演者に応募したら受かると思いますか?)(・。・)
Do you think he would be accepted if he applied to be a Do you think he would be accepted if he applied tobeapachinko&slottle performer?(彼はスロパチ演者に応募したら受かると思いますか?)(・。・)
Do you think he would be accepted if he applied to be a Do you think he would be accepted if he applied tobeapachinko&slottle performer?(彼はスロパチ演者に応募したら受かると思いますか?)(・。・)
Even if there are zero applicants, you will probably be rejected!(仮に応募者がゼロでも間違いなく落選するでしょう!)(・へ・)
Even if there are zero applicants, you will probably be rejected!(仮に応募者がゼロでも間違いなく落選するでしょう!)(・へ・)
Even if there are zero applicants, you will probably be rejected!(仮に応募者がゼロでも間違いなく落選するでしょう!)(・へ・)
Because he is a Kojiki!(なぜならば古事記だからです)\(^o^)/
Because he is a Kojiki!(なぜならば古事記だからです)\(^o^)/
Because he is a Kojiki!(なぜならば古事記だからです)\(^o^)/
Because he is a Kojiki!(なぜならば古事記だからです)\(^o^)/
Because he is a Kojiki!(なぜならば古事記だからです)\(^o^)/

169 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:22:58.30 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
)His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
No!He is such an unpopular performer that there is no need to bring a schedule book with him!(いいえ!スケジュール帳を所有する必要性皆無の不人気演者です!)(^ν^)
No!He is such an unpopular performer that there is no need to bring a schedule book with him!(いいえ!スケジュール帳を所有する必要性皆無の不人気演者です!)(^ν^)
No!He is such an unpopular performer that there is no need to bring a schedule book with him!(いいえ!スケジュール帳を所有する必要性皆無の不人気演者です!)(^ν^)
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/11

170 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:23:27.39 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
)His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
No!He is such an unpopular performer that there is no need to bring a schedule book with him!(いいえ!スケジュール帳を所有する必要性皆無の不人気演者です!)(^ν^)
No!He is such an unpopular performer that there is no need to bring a schedule book with him!(いいえ!スケジュール帳を所有する必要性皆無の不人気演者です!)(^ν^)
No!He is such an unpopular performer that there is no need to bring a schedule book with him!(いいえ!スケジュール帳を所有する必要性皆無の不人気演者です!)(^ν^)
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/

171 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:23:59.83 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

172 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:24:31.07 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

173 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:25:27.79 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

174 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:26:01.76 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

175 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:26:29.84 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

176 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:27:03.60 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

177 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:27:35.00 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/

178 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:28:08.10 ID:BbLbKP3o.net
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/

179 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:28:42.34 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

180 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:29:51.65 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

181 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/08(木) 23:30:19.60 ID:BbLbKP3o.net

182 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 01:16:08.92 ID:qT7sOy5H.net

183 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 01:22:13.13 ID:lQz2wFER.net

184 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 04:17:24.44 ID:JbzxsLYL.net

185 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:08:40.18 ID:B+iaORLJ.net

186 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:09:17.26 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

187 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:09:55.31 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

188 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:10:29.73 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

189 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:11:02.01 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

190 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:11:40.53 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

191 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:12:11.66 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

192 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:12:47.03 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

193 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:13:25.46 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

194 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:13:55.71 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

195 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:14:25.51 ID:B+iaORLJ.net

196 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:15:02.24 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

197 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:15:48.65 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/

198 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:16:20.10 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!

199 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:16:52.36 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)

200 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:17:32.50 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・`)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/

201 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:18:09.23 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting

202 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:18:48.07 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a co certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!

203 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:19:23.91 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/

204 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:19:56.15 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
AYA○MI"Are you playing pachinko to win someone's attention?"(アヤ○ミ『貴方は人にめぐんで貰うためにパチをうってるの?』)(・。・)
AYA○MI"Are you playing pachinko to win someone's attention?"(アヤ○ミ『貴方は人にめぐんで貰うためにパチをうってるの?』)(・。・)
AYA○MI"Are you playing pachinko to win someone's attention?"(アヤ○ミ『貴方は人にめぐんで貰うためにパチをうってるの?』)(・。・)
A○KA"Are you a beggar? Really a beggar!"(ア○カ『あんた古事記?本当に古事記ね!』)(;・∀・)
A○KA"Are you a beggar? Really a beggar!"(ア○カ『あんた古事記?本当に古事記ね!』)(;・∀・)
A○KA"Are you a beggar? Really a beggar!"(ア○カ『あんた古事記?本当に古事記ね!』)(;・∀・)
KA○RU"Don't make that face!I'll get it again from Megun, M-oka-kun!"(カ○ル『そんな顔しないで!まためぐんで貰えるよ、Мオカ君!』)\(^o^)/
KA○RU"Don't make that face!I'll get it again from Megun, M-oka-kun!"(カ○ル『そんな顔しないで!まためぐんで貰えるよ、Мオカ君!』)\(^o^)/
KA○RU"Don't make that face!I'll get it again from Megun, M-oka-kun!"(カ○ル『そんな顔しないで!まためぐんで貰えるよ、Мオカ君!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/

205 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:20:26.50 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/

206 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:20:59.05 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/

207 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:21:31.92 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
He's unpopular so there's no need for him to have a schedule book,Is it enough to write a schedule on your forehead?(彼は不人気なのでスケジュール帳を使うのもったいないのでおでこにでも予定書いておけば十分ですよね?)(´・ω・`)
He's unpopular so there's no need for him to have a schedule book,Is it enough to write a schedule on your forehead?(彼は不人気なのでスケジュール帳を使うのもったいないのでおでこにでも予定書いておけば十分ですよね?)(´・ω・`)
He's unpopular so there's no need for him to have a schedule book,Is it enough to write a schedule on your forehead?(彼は不人気なのでスケジュール帳を使うのもったいないのでおでこにでも予定書いておけば十分ですよね?)(´・ω・`)
He's not most popular so he won't even have that forehead space!(彼は超絶不人気演者なので狭いおでこのスペースですら持て余してしまうでしょう!)(^ν^)
He's not most popular so he won't even have that forehead space!(彼は超絶不人気演者なので狭いおでこのスペースですら持て余してしまうでしょう!)(^ν^)
He's not most popular so he won't even have that forehead space!(彼は超絶不人気演者なので狭いおでこのスペースですら持て余してしまうでしょう!)(^ν^)
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/

208 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:22:03.43 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
If you visit a nearby store hidepi, it will develop into a relief reach!(ひ○ぴが近隣店舗に来店したらオワコン「救済」リーチに発展だ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
If you visit a nearby store hidepi, it will develop into a relief reach!(ひ○ぴが近隣店舗に来店したらオワコン「救済」リーチに発展だ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
If you visit a nearby store hidepi, it will develop into a relief reach!(ひ○ぴが近隣店舗に来店したらオワコン「救済」リーチに発展だ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Collect strong enemies by holding down the lever,five Fight against Hidepi!(レバー長押しで5人の強敵(とも)を集結させひで○に対抗しろ!)\(^o^)/
Collect strong enemies by holding down the lever,five Fight against Hidepi!(レバー長押しで5人の強敵(とも)を集結させひで○に対抗しろ!)\(^o^)/
Collect strong enemies by holding down the lever,five Fight against Hidepi!(レバー長押しで5人の強敵(とも)を集結させひで○に対抗しろ!)\(^o^)/
Ranmaru gathering!Chotama gathering!Okay, just three more!It is uselessI a mistake that Nichino Shimada, Etajima, and tennda don't get togethe!(蘭○集結!ちょ○ま集結!ダメだ、日○島○と江○島とてぇ○だが集まってくれない、終了だ!)(TдT)
Ranmaru gathering!Chotama gathering!Okay, just three more!It is uselessI a mistake that Nichino Shimada, Etajima, and tennda don't get togethe!(蘭○集結!ちょ○ま集結!ダメだ、日○島○と江○島とてぇ○だが集まってくれない、終了だ!)(TдT)
Ranmaru gathering!Chotama gathering!Okay, just three more!It is uselessI a mistake that Nichino Shimada, Etajima, and tennda don't get togethe!(蘭○集結!ちょ○ま集結!ダメだ、日○島○と江○島とてぇ○だが集まってくれない、終了だ!)(TдT)

209 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:22:36.89 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/

210 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:23:17.90 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

211 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:23:52.07 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

212 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:24:26.89 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

213 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:24:57.77 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

214 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:25:30.69 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

215 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:27:19.30 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

216 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:27:53.32 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

217 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:28:27.77 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

218 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:29:12.73 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

219 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:29:47.15 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

220 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:30:19.58 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

221 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:30:52.59 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

222 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:31:25.99 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

223 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:31:56.58 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

224 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:32:27.33 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・`)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/

225 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:32:58.04 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)

226 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:33:38.68 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a co certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!

227 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:34:10.14 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting

228 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:34:42.03 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!

229 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 06:35:15.54 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/

230 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 09:11:35.75 ID:YHNHorDK.net

231 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 10:08:53.43 ID:A9H7UULb.net



232 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 10:32:34.47 ID:RT1zZajx.net

233 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 10:51:07.13 ID:RT1zZajx.net



234 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 10:56:16.27 ID:JbzxsLYL.net

235 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 11:08:23.65 ID:RT1zZajx.net

236 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 11:14:33.89 ID:RT1zZajx.net

237 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 11:19:54.69 ID:RT1zZajx.net


238 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 11:50:21.43 ID:0JZBp9Jk.net

239 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 12:02:17.77 ID:RT1zZajx.net

240 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 12:06:00.54 ID:RT1zZajx.net

241 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 12:19:32.19 ID:YHNHorDK.net

242 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 12:24:24.85 ID:JbzxsLYL.net

243 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 12:24:37.73 ID:y8p2GBOi.net


244 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 12:50:18.51 ID:RT1zZajx.net

245 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 12:57:16.34 ID:RT1zZajx.net

246 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:00:04.84 ID:RT1zZajx.net

247 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:02:35.38 ID:JbzxsLYL.net

248 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:07:07.94 ID:XIOHIFpY.net

249 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:24:00.74 ID:P2HQWWgh.net
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/

250 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:24:26.41 ID:P2HQWWgh.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

251 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:25:24.17 ID:P2HQWWgh.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

252 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:26:56.45 ID:P2HQWWgh.net

253 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:29:18.50 ID:P2HQWWgh.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

254 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:29:59.16 ID:P2HQWWgh.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

255 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:31:52.73 ID:P2HQWWgh.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^

256 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 13:39:54.85 ID:P2HQWWgh.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

257 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 14:12:50.61 ID:xq4+hqGe.net

258 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 14:15:45.10 ID:xq4+hqGe.net

259 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 14:32:06.88 ID:JbzxsLYL.net

260 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 14:46:14.43 ID:zgPcGdpC.net

261 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 14:49:10.96 ID:YHNHorDK.net

262 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 14:55:10.10 ID:IJ8N6Q5W.net


263 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 15:10:12.61 ID:blfIF9Jn.net

264 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:03:39.60 ID:YhTquoH1.net

265 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:27:28.98 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

266 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:28:00.32 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

267 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:28:26.52 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

268 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:28:55.15 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

269 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:29:26.59 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

270 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:29:59.67 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

271 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:30:33.62 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

272 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:31:04.06 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

273 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:31:35.62 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

274 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:32:07.82 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

275 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:32:38.58 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

276 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:33:09.47 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

277 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:33:41.65 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

278 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:34:13.57 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

279 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:34:44.94 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/

280 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:35:16.14 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/

281 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:42:27.42 ID:G5lPhFbb.net

282 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 16:59:44.64 ID:1QWbH9tc.net

283 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 18:11:08.13 ID:SMhXMhOw.net

284 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 18:17:32.61 ID:qT7sOy5H.net

285 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 18:30:09.83 ID:u80ZodvU.net

286 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 18:33:26.96 ID:GLVACsct.net

287 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 19:08:10.49 ID:sv60fw5H.net

288 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 19:49:52.15 ID:2BDyMecq.net

289 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 19:53:06.67 ID:iNAEAchb.net






290 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 19:57:07.09 ID:Du/G8UQk.net

291 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 20:08:06.42 ID:ncqsF0Pu.net


292 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 21:48:57.31 ID:167OpIPV.net

293 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 21:50:31.89 ID:167OpIPV.net

294 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:28:23.92 ID:KOLoTaQj.net

295 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:30:02.23 ID:B+iaORLJ.net

296 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:30:24.54 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

297 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:31:00.86 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

298 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:31:30.68 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

299 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:32:07.67 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

300 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:32:41.45 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

301 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:33:14.65 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

302 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:33:35.17 ID:ncqsF0Pu.net


303 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:33:46.28 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

304 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:34:19.81 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

305 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:34:55.56 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

306 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:35:31.74 ID:B+iaORLJ.net

307 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:36:06.65 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

308 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:36:44.95 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

309 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:37:15.54 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

310 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:37:48.66 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

311 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:38:19.03 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

312 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:38:32.04 ID:blfIF9Jn.net

313 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:38:50.69 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

314 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:39:24.18 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

315 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:39:56.42 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

316 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:40:29.06 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

317 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:41:00.86 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

318 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:41:32.29 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

319 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:42:01.65 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

320 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:42:33.68 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

321 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:43:12.11 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

322 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:43:45.44 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

323 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:44:19.39 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

324 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:44:51.05 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

325 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:45:23.15 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

326 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:45:56.41 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

327 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:46:27.96 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

328 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:47:05.35 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

329 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:47:21.60 ID:r5BVRXr3.net

330 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:47:39.80 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

331 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:48:13.89 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

332 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:48:45.75 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

333 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:49:18.29 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

334 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:49:53.31 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

335 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:50:26.63 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

336 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:51:03.43 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/

337 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:51:35.83 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/

338 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:52:10.18 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/

339 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:52:43.17 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/

340 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:54:04.32 ID:B+iaORLJ.net

341 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:54:35.67 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

342 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:55:10.07 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

343 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:55:45.07 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

344 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:56:20.79 ID:B+iaORLJ.net

345 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:56:57.72 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

346 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:57:31.57 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

347 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:58:07.02 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

348 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:58:45.20 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

349 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 22:59:28.84 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)

350 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 23:00:01.11 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

351 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 23:00:32.67 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

352 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 23:01:05.68 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

353 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 23:01:37.52 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

354 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 23:02:09.79 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

355 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 23:02:40.51 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

356 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 23:03:09.79 ID:B+iaORLJ.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

357 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/09(金) 23:22:57.48 ID:QEk4NdW3.net

358 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 04:43:28.33 ID:sePFNp8Z.net

359 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 04:44:56.51 ID:PPqvSZXv.net

360 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 05:59:26.01 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net

361 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:00:03.33 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

362 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:00:35.01 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net

363 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:01:14.92 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net

364 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:01:55.55 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

365 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:02:36.34 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

366 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:03:15.96 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

367 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:03:50.35 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

368 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:04:24.50 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

369 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:04:56.86 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

370 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:05:40.85 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/

371 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:06:11.63 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

372 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:07:01.11 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

373 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:07:42.92 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

374 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:08:22.76 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

375 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:12:23.53 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net

376 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:24:10.89 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net

377 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:25:44.45 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net

378 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:31:36.47 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Who does his wife resemble as a celebrity?(彼の奥さんは芸能人に例えると誰に似ていますか?)(~_~メ)
Who does his wife resemble as a celebrity?(彼の奥さんは芸能人に例えると誰に似ていますか?)(~_~メ)
Who does his wife resemble as a celebrity?(彼の奥さんは芸能人に例えると誰に似ていますか?)(~_~メ)
Who does his wife resemble as a celebrity?(彼の奥さんは芸能人に例えると誰に似ていますか?)(~_~メ)
Who does his wife resemble as a celebrity?(彼の奥さんは芸能人に例えると誰に似ていますか?)(~_~メ)
Who does his wife resemble as a celebrity?(彼の奥さんは芸能人に例えると誰に似ていますか?)(~_~メ)
Who does his wife resemble as a celebrity?(彼の奥さんは芸能人に例えると誰に似ていますか?)(~_~メ)
I can't think of a celebrity, so let's use an athlete as an example,I think it's similar to Terunofuji or Asanoyama!(芸能人では思いつかないのでスポーツ選手で例えると照ノ富士とか朝乃山とかに似てると思います!)\(^o^)/
I can't think of a celebrity, so let's use an athlete as an example,I think it's similar to Terunofuji or Asanoyama!(芸能人では思いつかないのでスポーツ選手で例えると照ノ富士とか朝乃山とかに似てると思います!)\(^o^)/
I can't think of a celebrity, so let's use an athlete as an example,I think it's similar to Terunofuji or Asanoyama!(芸能人では思いつかないのでスポーツ選手で例えると照ノ富士とか朝乃山とかに似てると思います!)\(^o^)/
I can't think of a celebrity, so let's use an athlete as an example,I think it's similar to Terunofuji or Asanoyama!(芸能人では思いつかないのでスポーツ選手で例えると照ノ富士とか朝乃山とかに似てると思います!)\(^o^)/
I can't think of a celebrity, so let's use an athlete as an example,I think it's similar to Terunofuji or Asanoyama!(芸能人では思いつかないのでスポーツ選手で例えると照ノ富士とか朝乃山とかに似てると思います!)\(^o^)/

379 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:32:09.78 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

380 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:32:51.38 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/

381 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:33:36.03 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・`)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルはもちろん雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルはもちろん雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルはもちろん雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルはもちろん雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/

382 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:34:13.55 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a co certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!

383 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 06:46:01.25 ID:a/wUA0J6.net


384 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 07:08:01.99 ID:1LUZwBYv.net

385 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 07:56:40.96 ID:a/wUA0J6.net

386 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:38:58.39 ID:sePFNp8Z.net

387 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:49:14.31 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net

388 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:49:36.06 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

389 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:50:11.57 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net

390 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:50:42.04 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

391 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:51:13.59 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

392 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:51:54.72 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

393 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:52:27.97 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

394 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:53:00.03 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

395 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:53:30.29 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

396 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:54:00.63 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/

397 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:54:28.13 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

398 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 08:54:59.58 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

399 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 09:16:40.78 ID:1LUZwBYv.net

400 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 09:42:16.73 ID:rW6L+bIV.net

401 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 09:53:29.02 ID:uWa4G2oo.net

402 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 10:05:33.44 ID:FH8yF070.net

403 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:35:26.81 ID:uSyGOJgT.net

404 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:52:26.39 ID:XLo8L0Ty.net




405 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:53:56.51 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

406 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:54:21.94 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

407 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:54:50.14 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

408 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:55:21.78 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

409 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:55:55.41 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

410 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:56:28.46 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

411 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:56:59.33 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

412 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:57:32.62 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

413 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:58:04.02 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

414 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:58:35.55 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

415 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:59:07.72 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

416 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:59:39.14 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

417 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 11:59:40.86 ID:CaLw5ucE.net

418 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:00:09.69 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

419 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:00:41.95 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

420 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:01:15.94 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/

421 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:01:47.02 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

422 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:02:21.99 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

423 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:02:53.91 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

424 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:03:30.66 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

425 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:04:04.95 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

426 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:04:44.89 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

427 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:05:16.34 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

428 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:05:50.11 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

429 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:06:25.04 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

430 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:06:59.94 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

431 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:07:34.52 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

432 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:08:05.57 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/

433 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:08:38.19 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/

434 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:09:15.41 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/

435 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:09:44.61 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/

436 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:10:17.61 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!

437 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:10:49.83 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^

438 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:11:27.71 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

439 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:12:05.67 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/

440 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:12:35.53 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)

441 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:13:07.63 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^

442 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:13:39.75 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

443 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:14:15.00 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

444 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:14:49.85 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

445 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:15:20.55 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

446 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:15:24.55 ID:qlO6IvgL.net

447 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:16:08.25 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/

448 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:16:54.08 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/

449 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:17:25.52 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/

450 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:17:58.13 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/

451 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:18:29.67 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!

452 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:18:59.91 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^

453 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:19:32.63 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

454 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:20:03.59 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/

455 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:20:35.45 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)

456 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:21:07.51 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^

457 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:21:40.55 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

458 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:22:12.23 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/

459 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:22:44.04 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/

460 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:23:15.21 ID:/ML36KBB.net

461 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:23:16.71 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

462 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:23:47.26 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

463 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:24:16.27 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/

464 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:24:46.87 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
There is no way it will be filled,In the first place, the slots for visiting the store performer are full.!(埋まるわけがありません、そもそも来店演者の枠がもう埋まっております!)\(^o^)/
There is no way it will be filled,In the first place, the slots for visiting the store performer are full.!(埋まるわけがありません、そもそも来店演者の枠がもう埋まっております!)\(^o^)/
There is no way it will be filled,In the first place, the slots for visiting the store performer are full.!(埋まるわけがありません、そもそも来店演者の枠がもう埋まっております!)\(^o^)/
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)

465 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:25:19.61 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

466 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:25:53.14 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

467 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:26:26.25 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/

468 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:26:37.87 ID:/ML36KBB.net

469 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:27:00.11 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

470 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:27:33.03 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの古事記です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!

471 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:28:05.21 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

472 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:28:39.63 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

473 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:29:10.12 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(古事記通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)

474 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:29:41.09 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

475 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:30:11.90 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

476 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:30:43.11 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

477 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:31:14.46 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^

478 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:31:49.80 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

479 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:32:15.03 ID:cX2zmwpw.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

480 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:33:09.30 ID:cX2zmwpw.net

481 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 12:56:35.69 ID:B2oozn6g.net

482 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 13:02:37.04 ID:jPr0RFxh.net

483 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 14:22:36.71 ID:sv8Rwhqq.net

484 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 14:29:00.05 ID:pg4A4K41.net

485 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 14:29:48.18 ID:pg4A4K41.net

486 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 15:14:17.88 ID:LOZe3bJ0.net

487 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 15:33:07.04 ID:qozuHqTJ.net

488 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 16:21:36.92 ID:AOLSFOwC.net

489 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 16:33:55.14 ID:CNj5rfzO.net

490 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 16:55:35.47 ID:b7AmIwiA.net

491 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 17:04:42.83 ID:U1AsGu0g.net

492 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 17:21:52.34 ID:/ML36KBB.net

493 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 17:45:04.31 ID:lGnrFrrA.net

494 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 17:59:22.84 ID:b7AmIwiA.net

495 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 18:21:22.39 ID:1XTJFVdp.net

496 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 18:56:26.12 ID:XGF41sDV.net

497 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:09:35.08 ID:SWy6oFvU.net

498 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:15:11.88 ID:Ny6TFQ6U.net

499 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:17:16.45 ID:Ny6TFQ6U.net

500 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:19:01.97 ID:Ny6TFQ6U.net

501 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:21:01.48 ID:Ny6TFQ6U.net

502 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:23:04.32 ID:Ny6TFQ6U.net

503 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:25:01.55 ID:Ny6TFQ6U.net

504 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:27:07.11 ID:Ny6TFQ6U.net

505 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:29:04.34 ID:Ny6TFQ6U.net

506 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:31:35.46 ID:Ny6TFQ6U.net

507 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 19:58:01.60 ID:oVPW2WyP.net

508 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:40:17.76 ID:whNmmKH8.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

509 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:40:55.12 ID:whNmmKH8.net

510 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:41:31.01 ID:whNmmKH8.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

511 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:42:01.91 ID:whNmmKH8.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

512 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:42:38.87 ID:whNmmKH8.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

513 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:43:13.88 ID:whNmmKH8.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

514 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:43:46.35 ID:whNmmKH8.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

515 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:44:21.10 ID:whNmmKH8.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

516 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:44:58.94 ID:whNmmKH8.net
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/

517 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 20:45:36.15 ID:whNmmKH8.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

518 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 21:00:21.39 ID:b3+55DDp.net
今なら入金不要ボーナス 5000円貰えるよ!

519 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/10(土) 21:19:41.25 ID:jvg9wdxH.net

520 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 07:53:18.29 ID:6oo/otI5.net

521 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 08:18:18.33 ID:qohxZcFn.net

522 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 08:28:14.97 ID:M9xPBz5n.net

523 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:42:27.76 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

524 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:43:00.17 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

525 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:43:37.91 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

526 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:44:08.83 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

527 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:44:43.54 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

528 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:45:13.60 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

529 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:45:45.82 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

530 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:46:36.09 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)

531 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:47:08.27 ID:6rw9s+QH.net

532 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:47:36.87 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

533 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:48:08.78 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
Does the store visit schedule book look good?(来店スケジュール帳はうまりそうですか?)(・へ・)
There is no way it will be filled,In the first place, the slots for visiting the store performer are full.!(埋まるわけがありません、そもそも来店演者の枠がもう埋まっております!)\(^o^)/
There is no way it will be filled,In the first place, the slots for visiting the store performer are full.!(埋まるわけがありません、そもそも来店演者の枠がもう埋まっております!)\(^o^)/
There is no way it will be filled,In the first place, the slots for visiting the store performer are full.!(埋まるわけがありません、そもそも来店演者の枠がもう埋まっております!)\(^o^)/
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)
There is no space to enter without this kind of ability to attract customers!(こんな集客力のない古事記が入り込む余地はありません!)(*´∀`)

534 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:48:44.20 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
)His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
His followers say he is a popular performer, but is his schedule book full of plans?(信者の話では売れっ子演者らしいですが彼のスケジュール帳は予定がビッシリですか?)(・へ・
No!He is such an unpopular performer that there is no need to bring a schedule book with him!(いいえ!スケジュール帳を所有する必要性皆無の不人気演者です!)(^ν^)
No!He is such an unpopular performer that there is no need to bring a schedule book with him!(いいえ!スケジュール帳を所有する必要性皆無の不人気演者です!)(^ν^)
No!He is such an unpopular performer that there is no need to bring a schedule book with him!(いいえ!スケジュール帳を所有する必要性皆無の不人気演者です!)(^ν^)
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
Since you will be visiting the store several times a month, writing it on the back of the flyer will be enough!(どうせ月に数回の来店しかないのでチラシの裏にでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/11

535 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:50:12.28 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
He's unpopular so there's no need for him to have a schedule book,Is it enough to write a schedule on your forehead?(彼は不人気なのでスケジュール帳を使うのもったいないのでおでこにでも予定書いておけば十分ですよね?)(´・ω・`)
He's unpopular so there's no need for him to have a schedule book,Is it enough to write a schedule on your forehead?(彼は不人気なのでスケジュール帳を使うのもったいないのでおでこにでも予定書いておけば十分ですよね?)(´・ω・`)
He's unpopular so there's no need for him to have a schedule book,Is it enough to write a schedule on your forehead?(彼は不人気なのでスケジュール帳を使うのもったいないのでおでこにでも予定書いておけば十分ですよね?)(´・ω・`)
He's not most popular so he won't even have that forehead space!(彼は超絶不人気演者なので狭いおでこのスペースですら持て余してしまうでしょう!)(^ν^)
He's not most popular so he won't even have that forehead space!(彼は超絶不人気演者なので狭いおでこのスペースですら持て余してしまうでしょう!)(^ν^)
He's not most popular so he won't even have that forehead space!(彼は超絶不人気演者なので狭いおでこのスペースですら持て余してしまうでしょう!)(^ν^)
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/

536 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:50:46.89 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/

537 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:51:25.51 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

538 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:51:58.29 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

539 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:52:29.77 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

540 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:53:03.22 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

541 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:53:33.02 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

542 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:54:04.72 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

543 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:54:34.50 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

544 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:55:05.02 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

545 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:55:36.74 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

546 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 09:56:19.52 ID:6rw9s+QH.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

547 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 10:06:27.42 ID:6rw9s+QH.net

548 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 11:28:24.76 ID:lnh7MwNE.net

549 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 11:48:05.05 ID:DvUfSRnm.net

550 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 12:02:19.96 ID:6yju+51w.net

551 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 14:51:53.25 ID:a8B3Lv75.net

552 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 16:13:33.28 ID:mVEbJjRB.net

553 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 18:03:27.64 ID:oiTH6m6j.net

554 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 18:41:32.50 ID:qohxZcFn.net

555 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 18:52:45.75 ID:6yju+51w.net

556 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 19:13:03.12 ID:3UTQzy4R.net

557 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 19:57:12.97 ID:/hasmdWG.net

558 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 19:57:46.59 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

559 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 19:58:15.29 ID:/hasmdWG.net

560 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 19:58:47.97 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

561 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 19:59:13.95 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

562 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 19:59:47.07 ID:/hasmdWG.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

563 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:00:22.89 ID:/hasmdWG.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

564 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:00:55.95 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

565 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:01:32.47 ID:/hasmdWG.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

566 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:02:14.39 ID:/hasmdWG.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/

567 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:03:00.38 ID:/hasmdWG.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

568 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:03:32.36 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

569 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:04:18.40 ID:/hasmdWG.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

570 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:04:50.44 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

571 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:05:21.09 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

572 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:05:51.44 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

573 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:06:24.13 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

574 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:06:56.17 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

575 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:07:27.75 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

576 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:07:57.29 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

577 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:08:27.71 ID:/hasmdWG.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

578 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:09:04.46 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

579 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:09:35.90 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

580 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:10:04.49 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

581 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:10:39.10 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

582 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:11:10.34 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

583 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:11:40.28 ID:/hasmdWG.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

584 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:12:26.81 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ) 
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(古事記撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/

585 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:12:39.02 ID:lnh7MwNE.net

586 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:12:59.92 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/

587 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:13:32.27 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/

588 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:13:49.96 ID:mVEbJjRB.net

589 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:14:04.16 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/

590 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:14:33.11 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

591 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:15:05.92 ID:/hasmdWG.net

592 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:15:41.77 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)!
Stemakitter of new wind industry!(新規風業者のステマキタ~!)(゚∀゚)
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/
Your cunning tricks are obvious,Otsu!(お前の悪巧みはマルっと御見通しだ、乙!)\(^o^)/

593 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:16:00.02 ID:qohxZcFn.net

594 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:16:12.30 ID:/hasmdWG.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

595 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:16:42.80 ID:tW7H8DHZ.net

596 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:16:44.87 ID:/hasmdWG.net

597 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:17:19.11 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

598 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:17:52.21 ID:/hasmdWG.net

599 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:18:24.97 ID:/hasmdWG.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

600 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:18:58.56 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

601 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:19:33.82 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

602 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:20:07.39 ID:/hasmdWG.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

603 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:20:20.55 ID:lnh7MwNE.net

604 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:20:42.15 ID:/hasmdWG.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

605 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:21:16.11 ID:/hasmdWG.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

606 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:21:48.52 ID:/hasmdWG.net
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)

607 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:22:21.37 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/

608 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:25:26.53 ID:7drKAPH/.net

609 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:28:19.58 ID:8lXAgkD7.net

610 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:35:15.90 ID:8lMJJg0K.net

611 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:37:03.14 ID:8lMJJg0K.net

612 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:39:03.35 ID:8lMJJg0K.net

613 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:41:03.38 ID:8lMJJg0K.net

614 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:43:03.09 ID:8lMJJg0K.net

615 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:45:04.82 ID:8lMJJg0K.net

616 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:47:08.73 ID:8lMJJg0K.net

617 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:49:03.12 ID:8lMJJg0K.net

618 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:51:42.45 ID:8lMJJg0K.net


619 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 20:54:01.84 ID:a8B3Lv75.net

620 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:02:26.49 ID:M9xPBz5n.net

621 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:22:39.19 ID:/hasmdWG.net

622 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:23:11.50 ID:/hasmdWG.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

623 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:23:43.14 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

624 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:24:26.21 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

625 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:24:58.41 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

626 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:25:37.19 ID:/hasmdWG.net
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶

627 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:26:11.83 ID:/hasmdWG.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

628 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:26:49.82 ID:/hasmdWG.net
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/

629 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:27:32.06 ID:/hasmdWG.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/

630 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:30:45.61 ID:EiV6cmPg.net

631 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:34:34.29 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/

632 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:34:57.43 ID:/hasmdWG.net

633 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:35:27.41 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/

634 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:36:07.91 ID:/hasmdWG.net

635 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:36:45.67 ID:/hasmdWG.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

636 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:38:35.26 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Believer"Can't М-pon be invited to Sammy Festa?"(信者『Мぽんは何故サ◯ーフェスタに呼んでもらえないのですか?』)(・_・)
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"As a performer, he's already dead, so I won't call him!"(サミ◯担当者『彼は演者として【お前はもう死んでいる!】状態ですから呼ぶわけありません!』)\(^o^)/

637 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 21:55:33.99 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Due to increased expenses due to the introduction of new banknotes this summerIs it likely to affect his visits?(今夏の新札導入における各店の経費増大は彼の来店に影響を及ぼしますかね?)
Due to increased expenses due to the introduction of new banknotes this summerIs it likely to affect his visits?(今夏の新札導入における各店の経費増大は彼の来店に影響を及ぼしますかね?)
Due to increased expenses due to the introduction of new banknotes this summerIs it likely to affect his visits?(今夏の新札導入における各店の経費増大は彼の来店に影響を及ぼしますかね?)
Due to increased expenses due to the introduction of new banknotes this summerIs it likely to affect his visits?(今夏の新札導入における各店の経費増大は彼の来店に影響を及ぼしますかね?)
Due to increased expenses due to the introduction of new banknotes this summerIs it likely to affect his visits?(今夏の新札導入における各店の経費増大は彼の来店に影響を及ぼしますかね?)
Don't worry, he won't be able to attract customers, so he'll be gone almost all visitsby summer!(そんは心配しなくても彼は集客力皆無なので夏までにはほとんどの来店は無くなってる筈ですからご安心ください!)\(^o^)/
Don't worry, he won't be able to attract customers, so he'll be gone almost all visitsby summer!(そんな心配しなくても彼は集客力皆無なので夏までにはほとんどの来店は無くなってる筈ですからご安心ください!)\(^o^)/
Don't worry, he won't be able to attract customers, so he'll be gone almost all visitsby summer!(そんは心配しなくても彼は集客力皆無なので夏までにはほとんどの来店は無くなってる筈ですからご安心ください!)\(^o^)/
Don't worry, he won't be able to attract customers, so he'll be gone almost all visitsby summer!(そんな心配しなくても彼は集客力皆無なので夏までにはほとんどの来店は無くなってる筈ですからご安心ください!)\(^o^)/
Don't worry, he won't be able to attract customers, so he'll be gone almost all visitsby summer!(そんは心配しなくても彼は集客力皆無なので夏までにはほとんどの来店は無くなってる筈ですからご安心ください!)\(^o^)/

638 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:11:48.44 ID:tW7H8DHZ.net

639 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:19:58.11 ID:gLY0ZSYU.net

640 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:34:47.96 ID:/hasmdWG.net
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・) 
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・) 
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/

641 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:39:25.02 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Well, I'm tired of playing against you,"(まぁ仕方ないから相手しときますか)

642 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:44:57.55 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Well, I'm tired of playing against you,"Yes,Yes thank you for your hard work, incompetent contractor!"(まぁ仕方ないから相手してあげますかね『はいはい無能業者さんワンパ煽りお疲れさまでしたー』!)(^Q^)
Well, I'm tired of playing against you,"Yes,Yes thank you for your hard work, incompetent contractor!"(まぁ仕方ないから相手してあげますかね『はいはい無能業者さんワンパ煽りお疲れさまでしたー』!)(^Q^)
Well, I'm tired of playing against you,"Yes,Yes thank you for your hard work, incompetent contractor!"(まぁ仕方ないから相手してあげますかね『はいはい無能業者さんワンパ煽りお疲れさまでしたー』!)(^Q^)
Well, I'm tired of playing against you,"Yes,Yes thank you for your hard work, incompetent contractor!"(まぁ仕方ないから相手してあげますかね『はいはい無能業者さんワンパ煽りお疲れさまでしたー』!)(^Q^)

643 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:45:26.95 ID:/hasmdWG.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

644 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:45:58.02 ID:/hasmdWG.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

645 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:46:28.76 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
Do people who act like they're pretenders have a developmental disorder?(ネカマ風自演する奴は発達障害なのですか?)(゚∀゚)
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/
There is no doubt that he is an abnormal person!(間違いなく異常者であると断言できます)\(^o^)/

646 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:47:27.71 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

647 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:48:01.24 ID:/hasmdWG.net
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Is that the pattern again?Be like me, you incompetent, who goes out with one pattern.
Well, I'm tired of playing against you,"Yes,Yes thank you for your hard work, incompetent contractor!"(まぁ仕方ないから相手してあげますかね『はいはい無能業者さんワンパ煽りお疲れさまでしたー』!)(^Q^)
Well, I'm tired of playing against you,"Yes,Yes thank you for your hard work, incompetent contractor!"(まぁ仕方ないから相手してあげますかね『はいはい無能業者さんワンパ煽りお疲れさまでしたー』!)(^Q^)
Well, I'm tired of playing against you,"Yes,Yes thank you for your hard work, incompetent contractor!"(まぁ仕方ないから相手してあげますかね『はいはい無能業者さんワンパ煽りお疲れさまでしたー』!)(^Q^)
Well, I'm tired of playing against you,"Yes,Yes thank you for your hard work, incompetent contractor!"(まぁ仕方ないから相手してあげますかね『はいはい無能業者さんワンパ煽りお疲れさまでしたー』!)(^Q^)

648 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:48:34.47 ID:/hasmdWG.net
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・) 
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・) 
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm tired of your stealth marketing!(お前のステマには飽きました!)(・_・)
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/
I'm so stupid I'm disappointed!(馬鹿すぎて呆れてしまいました!)\(^o^)/

649 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:49:19.52 ID:/hasmdWG.net

650 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 22:59:36.88 ID:/hasmdWG.net
believer"I can see the stars shining behind М-pon!He's a "star", just like I thought!"(信者『Мぽんの背後に星が輝いて見えるわ!やはり私の思った通り彼は【スター】だったのね!』)(^Q^)
believer"I can see the stars shining behind М-pon!He's a "star", just like I thought!"(信者『Мぽんの背後に星が輝いて見えるわ!やはり私の思った通り彼は【スター】だったのね!』)(^Q^)
believer"I can see the stars shining behind М-pon!He's a "star", just like I thought!"(信者『Мぽんの背後に星が輝いて見えるわ!やはり私の思った通り彼は【スター】だったのね!』)(^Q^)
believer"I can see the stars shining behind М-pon!He's a "star", just like I thought!"(信者『Мぽんの背後に星が輝いて見えるわ!やはり私の思った通り彼は【スター】だったのね!』)(^Q^)
believer"I can see the stars shining behind М-pon!He's a "star", just like I thought!"(信者『Мぽんの背後に星が輝いて見えるわ!やはり私の思った通り彼は【スター】だったのね!』)(^Q^)
Sammy person in charge"No!That is "Owakon Death Omen Star"!"(サ◯ー担当者『いいえ!あれは【オワコン死兆星】です!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"No!That is "Owakon Death Omen Star"!"(サ◯ー担当者『いいえ!あれは【オワコン死兆星】です!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"No!That is "Owakon Death Omen Star"!"(サ◯ー担当者『いいえ!あれは【オワコン死兆星】です!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"No!That is "Owakon Death Omen Star"!"(サ◯ー担当者『いいえ!あれは【オワコン死兆星】です!』)\(^o^)/
Sammy person in charge"No!That is "Owakon Death Omen Star"!"(サ◯ー担当者『いいえ!あれは【オワコン死兆星】です!』)\(^o^)/

651 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/11(日) 23:12:16.27 ID:qMDv7Ck+.net

652 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 00:55:42.61 ID:l3rrFONy.net

653 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 01:05:21.56 ID:s2V9kkzO.net

654 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:24:06.71 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/

655 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:25:02.05 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)

656 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:25:44.77 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/
it's frustrating(悔しいの~)\(^o^)/

657 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:26:31.58 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/

658 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:27:02.13 ID:PGBpYgoU.net

659 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:27:41.11 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、)( ゚д゚ )彡
Talk to the wall,garbage!(壁に向かって喋ってろ、ゴミ!)( ゚д゚ )彡

660 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:28:18.26 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/

661 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:28:55.62 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/

662 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:29:34.90 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)

663 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:30:11.07 ID:PGBpYgoU.net

664 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:31:14.44 ID:PGBpYgoU.net

665 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:31:59.84 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!

666 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:32:33.13 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)

667 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:33:05.16 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・`)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/

668 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:33:38.04 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting

669 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:34:12.40 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a co certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!

670 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:34:45.94 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Entering mission mode!Start condition:Achieve 5 store visits next month!(ミッションモード突入!起動条件:来月の来店店舗数を5店舗達成せよ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
RI○KO"How is MA○○'s situation?"MA○○
"No good!I can't get a call from performer anywhere,Activity limit!"(リ○コ『マ○状況はどう?』マ○『駄目です!どこからもお呼びがかかりません!演者活動限界です!』)(TOT)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
Gold frame step-up occurrence!KURU○IN"М-pon won't die,What the rich protect!"(金枠ステップアップ発生!くる○ん『Мぽんは死なないわ、太客が守るもの!』)(・へ・)
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/
М-pon"Begging is a man's job!!"(Мぽん『物乞いは男の仕事!!』)\(^o^)/

671 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:35:18.43 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Even if you try flame marketing, won't it burn because the fuel is empty?(炎上商法しようとしても燃料スカスカだから燃えませんか?)(・へ・)
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It is a very nuisance as it is being heated dry and harmful substances are generated.(はい!空焚きとなっており有害物質が発生しているので周囲が非常に迷惑しております!)\(^o^)/

672 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:35:48.97 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
He's unpopular so there's no need for him to have a schedule book,Is it enough to write a schedule on your forehead?(彼は不人気なのでスケジュール帳を使うのもったいないのでおでこにでも予定書いておけば十分ですよね?)(´・ω・`)
He's unpopular so there's no need for him to have a schedule book,Is it enough to write a schedule on your forehead?(彼は不人気なのでスケジュール帳を使うのもったいないのでおでこにでも予定書いておけば十分ですよね?)(´・ω・`)
He's unpopular so there's no need for him to have a schedule book,Is it enough to write a schedule on your forehead?(彼は不人気なのでスケジュール帳を使うのもったいないのでおでこにでも予定書いておけば十分ですよね?)(´・ω・`)
He's not most popular so he won't even have that forehead space!(彼は超絶不人気演者なので狭いおでこのスペースですら持て余してしまうでしょう!)(^ν^)
He's not most popular so he won't even have that forehead space!(彼は超絶不人気演者なので狭いおでこのスペースですら持て余してしまうでしょう!)(^ν^)
He's not most popular so he won't even have that forehead space!(彼は超絶不人気演者なので狭いおでこのスペースですら持て余してしまうでしょう!)(^ν^)
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is enough to write it on the back of the gold ball!(キン○マのウラにでも書いておけば十分でしょう!)\(^o^)/

673 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:36:19.37 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
If you visit a nearby store hidepi, it will develop into a relief reach!(ひ○ぴが近隣店舗に来店したらオワコン「救済」リーチに発展だ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
If you visit a nearby store hidepi, it will develop into a relief reach!(ひ○ぴが近隣店舗に来店したらオワコン「救済」リーチに発展だ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
If you visit a nearby store hidepi, it will develop into a relief reach!(ひ○ぴが近隣店舗に来店したらオワコン「救済」リーチに発展だ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
Collect strong enemies by holding down the lever,five Fight against Hidepi!(レバー長押しで5人の強敵(とも)を集結させひで○に対抗しろ!)\(^o^)/
Collect strong enemies by holding down the lever,five Fight against Hidepi!(レバー長押しで5人の強敵(とも)を集結させひで○に対抗しろ!)\(^o^)/
Collect strong enemies by holding down the lever,five Fight against Hidepi!(レバー長押しで5人の強敵(とも)を集結させひで○に対抗しろ!)\(^o^)/
Ranmaru gathering!Chotama gathering!Okay, just three more!It is uselessI a mistake that Nichino Shimada, Etajima, and tennda don't get togethe!(蘭○集結!ちょ○ま集結!ダメだ、日○島○と江○島とてぇ○だが集まってくれない、終了だ!)(TдT)
Ranmaru gathering!Chotama gathering!Okay, just three more!It is uselessI a mistake that Nichino Shimada, Etajima, and tennda don't get togethe!(蘭○集結!ちょ○ま集結!ダメだ、日○島○と江○島とてぇ○だが集まってくれない、終了だ!)(TдT)
Ranmaru gathering!Chotama gathering!Okay, just three more!It is uselessI a mistake that Nichino Shimada, Etajima, and tennda don't get togethe!(蘭○集結!ちょ○ま集結!ダメだ、日○島○と江○島とてぇ○だが集まってくれない、終了だ!)(TдT)

674 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:36:51.98 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/

675 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:37:23.93 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

676 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:37:55.67 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

677 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:38:27.93 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

678 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:39:01.00 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

679 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:39:33.80 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

680 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:40:08.33 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
Will he give kickbacks to his followers?(彼は信者に何らかのキックバックをしてくれますか?)(*^_^*)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
NO!He sees believers as nothing more than ATMs,don't expect anything in return!(いいえ!彼は信者をATMとしか思ってませんから当然そんな見返りはありません!)(^ν^)
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
When he quits broadcasting, he will give you plenty of sand on his "hind legs"!(彼が配信を辞める時は「後ろ足」でたっぷり砂を掛けてくれるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

681 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:40:37.57 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

682 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:41:18.47 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

683 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:41:47.83 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

684 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:42:29.55 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

685 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:43:24.31 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

686 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:44:07.38 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

687 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:44:44.71 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

688 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:45:17.94 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

689 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:45:52.13 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
I received a sticker and towel from Mr. M, but what should I use it for?(M君からシールとタオルを貰ったのですか何に使ったら良いですか?)(・・?
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・`)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
Use stickers to repair areas that are out of sight,It's embarrassing to be seen in public, so please don't do it!(シールは人目につかない所の補修用に用いましょう、人目につく所への使用は見られたら大恥をかくので絶対厳禁です!)(´・ω・)
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/
It is better to use a rag instead of a towel!(タオルは雑巾にしてしまえば良いでしょう!)\(^o^)/

690 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:46:27.68 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Should the remaining 1,000 believers take care of Mr. M until his old age?(今残ってる信者約1000人はM氏の老後まで面倒見るべきですか?)(´・ω・`)
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Оf course!Mr. M is a beggar, and even at this point he cannot live without his followers, Supacha!(もちろんです!M氏は現時点ですら信者のスパチャ無しでは生きていけない古事記なのでスパチャ途絶えたら死んでしまいます!)\(^o^)/
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)
Even if I can no longer work, I will continue to use my pension or retirement allowance funds to provide support!!(例え自身が働けなくなっても退職金や年金を駆使して彼がくたばるまでスパチャを投げ続けてください!)(*´∀`)

691 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:47:01.48 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
МPon can aim to win the "R-1"Grand Prix because his impersonations are fun, right?(Мぽんはモノマネが面白いからR-1グランプリ優勝が狙えますよね?)(*´∀`)
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No!The moment I imitated Sazae-san and Doraemon in the preliminary rounds, the audience yelled and threw objects at me!(いいえ!予選でサザエさんやドラえもんのモノマネした瞬間客席から罵声と物が飛んでくるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a complete copy of a Aso impersonation certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!(あと麻生氏のモノマネはお面が某芸人の完全なパクリのため著作権侵害に該当するでしょう!)(*´∀`)
This is a co certain comedian, so it is a copyright violation!

692 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:47:34.80 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Is M-kun more popular than Suropachi in the minds of believers?(信者の脳内ではM君はスロパチよりも人気者ですか?)(・へ・)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
Yes!I seriously believe that believers are blind or stupid!(はい、信者は盲目的というか頭が悪すぎるので本気でそう思っています!)(*´∀`)
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting(スロパチどころかお笑い芸人よりも面白いと本気で思っているので「Мぽんはいつ地上波呼ばれるの?」と馬鹿なコメントしております!)\(^o^)/
I think he's funnier than a comedian, let alone a comedian,IWhen will МPon be released on terrestrial TV? I'm waiting

693 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:48:10.70 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
Does he have no pride?(彼にはプライドはないのですか?)(。>﹏<。)
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!(はい!彼にはそんなものはありません、何故ならば彼は古事記だからです!)\(^o^)/
YES!he doesn't have that!Because, he is a beggar!

694 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:48:43.13 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Deceived by the three-sentence play of the Kojiki Are the believers who have been deceived and continue to throw a screw loose in their heads?(古事記の三文芝居に騙されて毎回スパチャ投げ続けてる信者は頭のネジが緩んでるのですか?)(・_・)
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/
Rather than the head screw being loose, the screw thread is crushed It will be impossible to fix it anymore!(ネジが緩んでいるというよりはネジ山が完全に潰れておりますので締め治すことは不可能でしょう)\(^o^)/

695 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:49:16.11 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)

696 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:49:48.99 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Is his statement a big problem?(彼の今回の発言は大問題ですか?)(・o・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
Of course!This is a very problematic statement that should not be tolerated and desecrates those who died in the earthquake!(もちろんです!震災で亡くなられた方々を冒涜する絶対に許してはいけない大問題発言です!)(・へ・)
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/
We strongly feel that our mission is to spread the word about this problem to the outside world!(我々に課せられた使命はこの大問題発言を外部に拡散して行くことだと思います!)\(^o^)/

697 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:50:21.55 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/

698 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:50:54.86 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

699 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:51:26.99 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/

700 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:51:58.11 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/

701 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:52:30.15 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/

702 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:53:13.11 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/

703 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:53:45.32 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/

704 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:54:17.35 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/

705 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:55:11.96 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)

706 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:55:46.62 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/

707 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:56:19.30 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/

708 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:56:55.43 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/

709 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:57:31.32 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/

710 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:58:12.91 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/

711 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:58:48.14 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/

712 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 05:59:25.45 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/

713 :ヽ(´∀`≡´∀`)ノ7777さん:2024/02/12(月) 06:00:04.90 ID:PGBpYgoU.net
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please prepare the next thread immediately!(早急に次スレの準備をしてください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/
Please create the next thread quickly!(迅速に次スレをたててください!)\(^o^)/

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