2ちゃんねる ■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1- 最新50    

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています


1 :ナナシマさん:2017/03/08(水) 23:57:22.79 ID:0ZRI9vK3O.net

2 :ナナシマさん:2017/03/09(木) 10:43:28.57 ID:???0.net

3 :ナナシマさん:2017/03/09(木) 22:32:18.33 ID:???0.net

4 :ナナシマさん:2017/04/09(日) 11:19:50.94 ID:???0.net

5 :ナナシマさん:2017/04/13(木) 21:04:57.46 ID:???0.net

6 :ナナシマさん:2017/04/15(土) 10:14:50.25 ID:???0.net
                                |    7   おい、知恵遅れの鷺沼朝鮮猿
                 _,,.. -──- 、.._     |   ./  
               ,.‐'"´           `` ‐、|   / /  テメー いつまで悪あがきを続けて
            /                  ///  
      ,,.. -─- 、/                    /    逃げ回っているんだ?
    ,.‐'´ _                         ゙i、  
 ∠ ‐ '"´/                          i   このバカチョンが!!!
     ./                                 |  
    ./    ,.イ                        |
   .l    //      ,イ ,1    |ヽ     ト、      !
   i   ./  i  ,   /l / l.l !  、 ト、゙i ,ヘへ、l ヽ.ト、|、 /
   l.  /  .|  /|  /-|←┼‐l、 ヽ ト、!, -─ヽ|─!-l、i /
    ! l   l | ! |、`';:‐-_、._ ヽ、l\l-i'   _,_-='、"~! i"ヽ
.    ヽ!     ヽ|,/l゙、! l(  (80j` l──|. イ80)  l l.  | ) 
          l.(l  l ー-‐'   ,!   l、`゙‐--‐' l  /"ノ
          ヽ ヽ、._l_   _,.ノ  〈>  ヽ、._   _.l_// 
             ヽ、.__,l  ̄    ______     ̄ /、‐'´
               `‐ 、  \ /   , ‐'´‐-ヽ 
                _ ./l` ‐ 、. _,. ‐''"!\ 
            _,,.. -‐'ヽ ̄ヽ,-、シ ̄//  |`‐- 、.._ 
           / i  / /_ 7`‐゙\__.\.  |     i ヽ、
             / l  /   | /||\ / ̄   !   |  ! 

7 :ナナシマさん:2017/05/01(月) 03:53:04.62 ID:???0.net

8 :ナナシマさん:2017/05/07(日) 11:22:31.70 ID:???0.net

        朝 鮮 人 大 嫌 い !


9 :ナナシマさん:2017/06/20(火) 10:09:11.98 ID:???0.net
                . ; '  バサッ!!
              . ・ ' . ; '  
           ハ,  ;'.  ,ハ      ∧ ∧,〜    ゴキブリ死ね!
          < `./   /ω´>     ( (⌒ ̄ `ヽ    _
         / ./   /   \     \  \ `ー'"´, -'⌒ヽ
       ⊂  )/   /  ノ\つ    /∠_,ノ    _/_
              (_⌒ヽ     /( ノ ヽ、_/´  \
               ヽ ヘ }   、( 'ノ(     く     `ヽ、
          ε≡Ξ ノノ `J  /`   \____>\___ノ

10 :ナナシマさん:2017/06/20(火) 18:49:28.51 ID:???0.net
                , ‐'''^^"'''ー、、
      ._..-'" ̄ ̄フ′       `'‐、
    ./     /             \
   /       .!                  l,
  ./        .|                   l
  ./           |                   l
 │     .,..-'"`-、                  ヽ
 ..!    ../      \               !
 ..|    /        ヽ             /
  l   ./             l     ,―、   ._, /
  .ヽ  l          ヽ   ./   .l-'/ 、}
   `'''l、.. -――- .、  / "゙゙゙゙゙゙゙'.l #  i' |.!
     .!      │ l,     ,!     /  
     .ヽ、    _,/ !  `-----'"    .,/
      l`゙゙゙゙´゛  ,!          ,i   l
       ヽ     く_ _./    ゛   /
        ヽ    ___,.、     /.|
           ヽ   }++++゙|      / ト,
         ヽ.  `ー-- '     /  |ヽ
        _,./ヽ      ./    ./  \、
  -‐ '''"  ̄ /  :| \,,,__,,,, /    /    | `'''‐- 、.._

11 :ナナシマさん:2017/06/23(金) 20:30:16.81 ID:???0.net
  .‐'' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ
  |    ________                         |
  |    |   ∧__∧     |                .. .   . |
  |    |  <`∀´ >     |                      |
  |    |_/   二\  |  人間の皮を被ったゴキブリ.  |
  |    |_/\  \\) |                      |
  |    |     \  \ |.  在日チョン 鷺 沼 良 幸  . |
  |    |    / /\ ̄ ̄ )                  |
  |    |   / /    ̄| ̄ チョウセンゲテモノジジイ  .|
  |    \ \ \     \                   |
  ゝ、     \ \ \     \                ノ

12 :ナナシマさん:2017/06/24(土) 00:21:33.43 ID:3PvnP/j20.net
                  /     /     ̄  /
               /     /       /
            /     /     _/
              ̄ ̄ ̄

    (.`ヽ(`> 、                      /''''''   ''''''::::::\
     `'<`ゝr'フ\                  +  (●),   、(●)、.: +
  ⊂コ二Lフ^´  ノ, /⌒)                     ,,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::
  ⊂l二L7_ / -ゝ-')´                 +    `-=ニ=- ' .::::::: +
       \_  、__,.イ\           +     \   `ニニ´  .:::/    +
        (T__ノ   Tヽ        , -r'⌒! ̄ `":::7ヽ.`- 、   ./
         ヽ¬.   / ノ`ー-、ヘ<ー1´  ヽ  :::::::::::::ト、 \ (  ./ヽ
          \l__,./       i l.ヽ!    . ::::::::::::::l ヽ   `7ー.、‐'´ \-、
 │三│四│五│六│七│六│六│七│二│三│ │ │ |


13 :ナナシマさん:2017/10/01(日) 18:23:20.35 ID:???0.net

14 :ナナシマさん:2018/03/03(土) 01:19:20.21 ID:rAvOo3LT0.net
グーグル検索⇒『金持ちになりたい 鎌野介メソッド』


15 :ナナシマさん:2018/06/24(日) 10:01:36.02 ID:???0.net


16 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/20(土) 02:05:01.13 ID:???0.net
So remember your love doesn't mean forever.
I know you've been taken afraid to hurt again.
One more say I love you.
Oh I'm falling love with you.
I love you.

17 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/20(土) 02:19:59.50 ID:???0.net
That's show time.
to love, to dream and to your heart. I send my song.
Get it on
Let's go!! tomorrow
Tomorrow is another day.
Right away
Keep your rhythm and keep your smile
Don't forget that memory
Open your eyes in your dream
In the following tomorrow
Is another day. Is another day.
Your think, your eyes, your way of life,

18 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/21(日) 17:05:26.01 ID:???0.net
This symbol indicates that caution is required when operating the product.
If you do not follow the safety precautions, there is a high and imminent possibility that it will result in death or severe injury.
If you do not follow the safety precautions, there is a possibility that it may result in death or severe injury.
If you do not follow the safety precaution, there is a possibility that it may result in injury or damage to the households nearby or product breakage.

19 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/21(日) 19:51:07.40 ID:???0.net
・ Do not use your IQOS Holder with the cap removed.
Doing so may result in personal injury.
・ If the Pocket Charger has fallen intowater, do not reach for it.
Doing so may result in personal injury.
Should this happen during charging, unplug the IQOS Device immediately and only retrieve it if you can do safely.
・ Do not attempt to repair or open any component of the IQOS Device, or to replace any IQOS component batteries.
Doing so may result in personal injury.
・ In the event of the IQOS Holder or Pocket Charger battery fulid leaking, avoid contact with skin and eyes.
If contact occurs flush thoroughly with water and seek medical attention immediately.
・Do not operate the IQOS Device if it is not working properly, if it sparks or becomes unusually hot when not in use or not in charging mode.
If this happens, stop using the IQOS Device immediately.
・ Do not attempt to `short circult' your IQOS Holder or Pocket Charger by attaching wires or other materials to their contacts, terminals or connectors.
Doing so may result in personal injury.

20 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/22(月) 22:24:21.85 ID:???0.net
Watching you loving you memory forever.

21 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/22(月) 22:30:17.47 ID:???0.net
I love boobs.
I love tits.
I love bazongas.
I love chebs.

22 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/23(火) 03:25:20.36 ID:???0.net
nip slip.
swing boobs.

23 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/23(火) 03:30:24.01 ID:???0.net
She sway and move her boobs.

24 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/24(水) 01:11:32.88 ID:???0.net
I want to lick her uterus.

25 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/26(金) 00:43:42.34 ID:???0.net
Don't touch my pennis.

26 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/26(金) 00:51:42.52 ID:???0.net
I want to rub her boobs.

27 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/26(金) 01:11:00.34 ID:???0.net
I want to knead her boobs.

28 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/26(金) 08:55:23.00 ID:???0.net
Say yes to rape.
Say no to rape.

29 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/27(土) 02:13:46.09 ID:???0.net
Do you like child porno?

30 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/27(土) 02:18:46.92 ID:???0.net
She has very pleasant vagina.

31 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/29(月) 00:36:26.20 ID:???0.net

32 :ナナシマさん:2018/10/29(月) 01:13:04.61 ID:???0.net

33 :ナナシマさん:2018/11/04(日) 01:10:50.22 ID:???0.net
Can you speak Japanese?

34 :ナナシマさん:2018/11/04(日) 01:12:46.14 ID:???0.net

35 :ナナシマさん:2018/11/10(土) 00:34:04.41 ID:???0.net

36 :ナナシマさん:2018/11/25(日) 13:28:09.01 ID:???0.net
J,J1 1993〜2019(27シーズン)
J,J1 1993〜1999,2001〜2019(26シーズン)
J2 2000(1シーズン)
J,J1 1993〜2009(17シーズン)
J2 2010〜2019(10シーズン)

37 :ナナシマさん:2018/12/09(日) 22:48:55.24 ID:???0.net

38 :ナナシマさん:2019/03/10(日) 12:04:47.85 ID:???0.net

39 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/06(土) 10:37:28.92 ID:???0.net
#215 ベイ・オブ・ザ・リベンジ(前編)
#216 ベイ・オブ・ザ・リベンジ(後編)

40 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/07(日) 13:29:15.45 ID:???0.net
#744 容疑者か京極真(前編)
#745 容疑者か京極真(後編)

41 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/07(日) 14:56:48.35 ID:???0.net
#746 怪盗キッドVS京極真(前編)
#747 怪盗キッドVS京極真(後編)

42 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/07(日) 16:14:16.20 ID:???0.net
#599 プロモビデオ撮影事件(後編)
#600 花時計は知っていた

43 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/08(月) 22:45:26.04 ID:???0.net
#113 白い砂浜殺人事件

44 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/10(水) 00:02:34.06 ID:???0.net
#129 黒の組織から来た女 大学教授殺人事件

45 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/11(木) 00:09:18.56 ID:???0.net
#130 競技場無差別脅迫事件(前編)
#131 競技場無差別脅迫事件(後編)

46 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/11(木) 03:09:33.76 ID:???0.net
#651 命を賭けた恋愛中継(現場突入)

47 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/11(木) 03:29:33.29 ID:???0.net

48 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/12(金) 00:07:01.91 ID:???0.net
#132 奇術愛好家殺人事件(事件篇)
#133 奇術愛好家殺人事件(疑惑篇)

49 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/13(土) 10:50:07.24 ID:???0.net
#217 封印された目暮の秘密(前編)

50 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/14(日) 08:57:41.64 ID:???0.net
#172 よみがえる死の伝言(ダイイング・メッセージ)(前編)
#173 よみがえる死の伝言(ダイイング・メッセージ)(後編) 

51 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/14(日) 09:48:24.83 ID:???0.net
#266 バレンタインの真実(事件編)
#267 バレンタインの真実(推理編)
#268 バレンタインの真実(解決編)

52 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/14(日) 16:10:50.31 ID:???0.net
#632 時の番人の刃(前編)
#633 時の番人の刃(後編)

53 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/14(日) 20:13:32.58 ID:???0.net
#667 ウェディングイブ(前編)
#668 ウェディングイブ(後編)

54 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/14(日) 22:39:27.05 ID:???0.net
#669 くらやみ塔の秘宝(前編)
#670 くらやみ塔の秘宝(後編)

55 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/15(月) 00:10:46.26 ID:???0.net
#123 お天気お姉さん誘拐事件

56 :ナナシマさん:2019/04/20(土) 08:20:07.70 ID:???0.net

57 :ナナシマさん:2019/06/28(金) 18:52:33.37 ID:???0.net
エラミ ミアラナ ラミミ ミミラウ

58 :ナナシマさん:2019/07/05(金) 15:51:21.34 ID:???0.net

59 :ナナシマさん:2019/07/29(月) 00:00:17.19 ID:???0.net
●60th Anniversary of the First Issue of the 5 Yen Brass Coin and 10 Yen Bronze Coin in Their Current Specifications
This year (2019) marks the 60th anniversary of the first issue in 1959 of the 5 yen brass coin and 10 yen bronze coin in their current specifications.
In 1959, the specification for the 5 yen brass coin was switched from the old regular script (kaishotai) to a Gothic script,
and the specification for the 10 yen bronze coin to a non-milled edge.
When the 5 yen brass coin was first issued in 1948 it did not have a hole in the middle,
and was changed to the current from with a hole in the following year (1949).
The 10 yen bronze coin also had milled edges between its first issue and the change of specifications in 1959.

60 :ナナシマさん:2019/07/29(月) 17:22:03.68 ID:???0.net

61 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/02(金) 09:41:28.40 ID:???0.net


62 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/13(火) 11:31:28.07 ID:???0.net
01 ポチエナ
02 ナゾノクサ
03 ミジュマル

63 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/13(火) 11:34:33.74 ID:???0.net
01 バケッチャ
02 ヤンチャム
03 ぺラップ
04 ケロマツ
05 マナフィ

64 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/14(水) 18:19:19.34 ID:???0.net
01 シママ
02 ポカブ
03 マネネ
04 クレッフィ
05 ゲッコウガ
06 サトシゲッコウガ

65 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/14(水) 18:25:33.72 ID:???0.net
01 エルフーン
02 ピカチュウ
03 ヌメラ
04 フラエッテ あかいはな
05 キモリ
06 ムンナ
07 ミュウ
08 セレビィ

66 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/15(木) 16:28:38.01 ID:???0.net
01 ジュペッタ
02 メガジュペッタ
03 ヒトカゲ
04 キバゴ
05 ミカルゲ
06 ジカルデ・50%フォルム
07 ジカルデ・10%フォルム
08 ジカルデ・パーフェクトフォルム

67 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/15(木) 16:33:58.57 ID:???0.net
01 ポッチャマ
02 クマシュン
03 オニゴーリ
04 メガオニゴーリ
05 ラプラス
06 グレイシア

68 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/16(金) 19:07:03.39 ID:???0.net
01 カビゴン
02 ビッパ
03 ミロカロス
04 ゼニガメ
05 ブイゼル
06 シャワーズ
07 ジラーチ

69 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/16(金) 19:10:50.50 ID:???0.net
01 メタモン
02 エレザード
03 ブラッキー
04 オンバーン
05 ニャース
06 ゲンガー
07 メガゲンガー
08 フーパ いましめられしフーパ

70 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/17(土) 23:43:53.38 ID:???0.net
01 ペロッパフ
02 ヤヤコマ
03 ハリマロン
04 リーフィア
05 ニャオニクス オスのすがた
06 ファイアロー
07 ライボルト
08 メガライボルト
09 シェイミ スカイフォルム

71 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/17(土) 23:51:27.57 ID:???0.net
01 ピッピ
02 ミニリュウ
03 カイリュー
04 サメハダー
05 メガサメハダー
06 ナマケロ
07 チョロネコ
08 ヒトデマン
09 エーフィ
10 カイオーガ

72 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/18(日) 20:01:50.72 ID:???0.net
01 イトマル
02 タツベイ
03 ハッサム
04 メガハッサム
05 ニャスパー
06 ギリガルド
07 アーボック
08 ケルディオ

73 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/18(日) 20:06:55.34 ID:???0.net
01 ズルッグ
02 メグロコ
03 ジュプトル
04 ヌオー
05 フーディン
06 ピジョット
07 メガフフーディン
08 メガピジョット
09 イベルタル

74 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/19(月) 19:28:25.63 ID:???0.net
01 ツタージャ
02 プテラ
03 メガプテラ
04 ケムッソ
05 ラッキー
06 ワニノコ
07 ヒードラン

75 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/19(月) 19:33:41.90 ID:???0.net
01 キャモメ
02 ジグザグマ
03 イーブイ
04 ヘルガー
05 メガヘルガー
06 カイロス
07 メガカイロス
08 フシギダネ
09 トゲキッス
10 ギラティナ

76 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/20(火) 14:39:11.78 ID:???0.net
01 ハガネール
02 メガハガネール
03 フカマル
04 グレッグル
05 ヒノアラシ
06 ソーナンス
07 メタグロス
08 メガメタグロス
09 ヤミラミ
10 メガヤミラミ
11 レジロック
12 レジスチル

77 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/20(火) 14:44:32.15 ID:???0.net
01 ゾロア
02 イシズマイ
03 ルカリオ
04 メガルカリオ
05 パールル
06 ミズゴロウ
07 ボスゴドラ
08 メガボスゴドラ
09 ダイケンキ
10 ゼルネアス
11 デオキシス

78 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/21(水) 20:02:46.37 ID:???0.net
01 マーイーカ
02 ムウマ
03 コイキング
04 ヌマクロー
05 クチート
06 メガクチート
07 ガブリアス
08 メガガブリアス
09 パルキア
10 ディアルガ

79 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/21(水) 20:09:22.82 ID:???0.net
01 ナエトル
02 ヘラクロス
03 メガヘラクロス
04 チコリータ
05 プリン
06 シキジカ はるのすがた
07 タブンネ
08 メガタブンネ
09 ジュカイン
10 メガジュカイン
11 ランドロス れいじゅうフォルム
12 ダークライ

80 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/22(木) 20:00:28.68 ID:???0.net
01 フォッコ
02 ヒコザル
03 ゴウカザル
04 エンテイ
05 デスマス
06 アチャモ
07 ブースター
08 バクーダ
09 メガバクーダ
10 バクフーン
11 グラードン

81 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/22(木) 20:06:32.07 ID:???0.net
01 デンリュウ
02 メガデンリュウ
03 ライチュウ
04 プラスル
05 コイル
06 ライコウ
07 サンダース
08 マイナン
09 バチュル
10 ギアル
11 ポリゴン
12 ロトム
13 サンダー
14 ゼクロム

82 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/23(金) 22:33:49.86 ID:???0.net
01 コダック
02 ルンパッパ
03 ヤドラン
04 メガヤドラン
05 トゲピー
06 マリル
07 ラブカス
08 カメックス
09 メガカメックス
10 スイクン
11 オーダイル
12 ルギア
13 メロエッタ ボイスフォルム

83 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/23(金) 22:38:09.35 ID:???0.net
01 ユキメノコ
02 アブソル
03 メガアブソル
04 ウリムー
05 タマザラシ
06 エンペルト
07 チルタリス
08 メガチルタリス
09 フリーザー
10 レジアイス
11 キュレム

84 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/24(土) 06:33:02.47 ID:???0.net
01 ラルトス
02 バンギラス
03 メガバンギラス
04 チャーレム
05 メガチャーレム
06 ゴクリン
07 エムリット
08 ボーマンダ
09 メガボーマンダ
10 マッギョ
11 タマゲタケ
12 レシラム

85 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/24(土) 06:42:05.35 ID:???0.net
01 エイパム
02 チラーミィ
03 ヤナップ
04 エルレイド
05 メガエルレイド
06 アグノム
07 ドレディア
08 メガニウム
09 ニンフィア
10 ドダイトス
11 ブリガロン
12 ホウオウ
13 ビクティニ

86 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/25(日) 14:01:02.62 ID:???0.net
01 ラッタ
02 ミミロップ
03 メガミミロップ
04 サーナイト
05 メガサーナイト
06 ユクシー
07 ヒメグマ
08 ニドラン♀
09 ホーホー
10 ルチャブル
11 ウソッキー
12 ラティオス
13 メガラティオス
14 ラティアス
15 メガラティアス

87 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/25(日) 14:06:31.34 ID:???0.net

88 :↑途中送信しちった(笑):2019/08/25(日) 14:08:11.21 ID:???0.net
01 デデンネ
02 エモンガ
03 パチリス
04 スピアー
05 メガスピアー
06 ピチュー
07 バタフリー
08 フシギバナ
09 メガフシギバナ
10 ポワルン
11 ジャローダ
12 ビリジオン
13 ゲノセクト

89 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/26(月) 07:53:10.62 ID:???0.net
01 オタマロ
02 ヌメルゴン
03 ツボツボ
04 レントラー
05 アンノーン(F)
06 ラグラージ
07 メガラグラージ
08 フライゴン
09 ギャラドス
10 メガギャラドス
11 コバルオン
12 ディアンシー
13 メガディアンシー

90 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/26(月) 07:58:36.46 ID:???0.net
01 リオル
02 ロコン
03 ワカシャモ
04 エンブオー
05 フワライド
06 バシャ−モ
07 メガバシャーモ
08 テラキオン
09 リザードン
10 メガリザードンX
11 メガリザードンY
12 マフォクシー
13 ファイヤー

91 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/27(火) 16:45:35.69 ID:???0.net
01 ペンドラー
02 ユキノオー
03 メガユキノオー
04 マニューラ
05 シャンデラ
06 ガルーラ
07 メガガルーラ
08 ビビヨン はなぞののもよう
09 レジギガス
10 ボルトロス れいじゅうフォルム
11 トルネロス れいじゅうフォルム
12 フーパ ときはなたれしフーパ

92 :終わり(笑):2019/08/27(火) 16:51:32.81 ID:???0.net
01 メレシー
02 キノガッサ
03 オノノクス
04 レックウザ
05 ミュウツー
06 メガレックウザ
07 メガミュウツーX
08 メガミュウツーY
09 ヌケニン
10 ウルガモス
11 ムクホーク
12 ゾロアーク
13 サザンドラ
14 クレセリア
15 アルセウス

93 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/28(水) 02:38:14.12 ID:???0.net

94 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/29(木) 00:34:56.85 ID:???0.net
popular combination of Chageyasu it, Chage & ASKA flight of
Toriryo's withdrawal was announced. It ’s a
shame because it ’s an expected combination . I was often sung at karaoke. Dora
Toka Yayaya became the theme song of Ma. Somehow lonely
. Speaking of loneliness, it ’s wolf time! In familiar de
"often'm time" Lama of re-broadcasting is terminated earlier. C
Although S I had been broadcast on TBS channel 2
, it was also broadcast as it is of course top bust. Splendor
wonder if was bought in the 11th episode, suddenly 4 Doa' of continuous ass
scene that from-flops, made up of four consecutive bus stop
. This Irra the eyes ashamed truly of Toshiya-chan
had to. It was a rough era. It was time that
was broadcast before the time
, and it was time again, and there was also Takagi Boo. It's a
mistake that makes men's baths and women's baths wrong, so it does
n't look good with Takagi Boo's character . I thought. Takagi has an
image of appetite or sleep . I think so while normal hair.

95 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/31(土) 01:57:37.83 ID:???0.net
I feel like summer just ends in August . I didn't have summer, my small, medium and friends
so I don't have any memories like going to camp or going to the sea .
I was happy to be alone because my parents worked . State qualifying and Koshi high school baseball
while looking at the garden, it odd to throw the eraser toward the ceiling
had a play to Yatchi. A
ball if it does not reach a certain height . Even if you hit the ceiling. The strike zone is
decided by me , but the judgment is severe. In addition, the hand to catch
in reverse of the hand and the person who threw the cis will hit After the missed take
it Temu. So Hanekae to outrageous direction and hits the ceiling
up Ri Dzurai. Because even ball judgment as was balanced, Stora
needed a subtle control to put the go.
I did this alternately left and right, and recorded it.
I didn't do any free research during summer vacation, but I was researching and developing artificial breasts
I tried putting water in a plastic bag or balloon and making it a certain size. But I've never touched the real thing, so I'm pretty
sure this is the balloon, and my chest part
I was cramming it. Then, it was hard to grudge
, and one of them burst and the vicinity of the heart was disappointed. This is the
middle 2 summer. If I had a heart attack at that time, I
was not here. I think so while normal hair

96 :ナナシマさん:2019/08/31(土) 09:32:57.17 ID:???0.net
Ayabe somehow
ends in August. This month ’s Gibagait is 0.5, so it ’s
500 Mebagaito. There are still more than 14 hours left, but
if you do not use it flashy, you can get over it. But
I wonder tough month after month while. How good will it Once you have
, I may have to look a Mufufu video I but, quite its
I'm not afford to not Uiu.
I've copied only the URL of the video I want to see again, so I 'll see you next month. Moon
Is the end of the, Is a fun Kyasopeso of Dejiraapuri, day-by-day
No get the goods to or Gibagaito in Wari. The main
is a product, but I personally want 50GB
. But I have never been hit. To challenge three times
and that but I get 100MB as a prize for participation, such
huh tears about the sparrow, soon will end. Pull the mind next month
let's look at Shimete well videos. Argue

97 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/01(日) 00:57:18.50 ID:???0.net
Ayabe GB
GB is used up, the moon changes Motarasarema to me again
was. I was able to connect to the internet quickly
. However, it ’s not good to meet the same at the end of the month
. Think about how much you can use a day
. Although this month is 30 days, it will be 31 days to see severely
. 20 GB ÷ 31 days = 0.645 GB. that?
I feel like I had done this calculation before . It ’s good.
Of course, you can't use 1GB per day because it's 20GB. When you see the video, you
'll be gigging right away. Renewal of accident-free world-building.
The video titled “I want to go to oilseed rape”
seems to be interesting. Umm, I hope. Somehow
. Argue

98 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/02(月) 02:21:36.18 ID:???0.net
&#187;575 is at least a little if I went to a decent enough high school Ma
I was able to configure the sheet sentences, but I'm sorry. &#187;576 thin
hair just will not be giving you truly God is also the ordeal
will. Already, there are too few, low head, bad smell, God. Well
, Oi Nakagawa. Daisuke Nakagawa was arrested. Suspect underwear de
Russia. They seem to want underwear when they get drunk.
The police have found 200 underwear from Nakagawa's home
. If you try to search a look at such article "Daisuke Nakagawa", Ike
Men model's came out. Huh? Come, you I, underwear softening theft
or not you enter the Manaku Tatte any number of hands. Oh, yes
, I thought it would be because it was hot, but when I
searched for " Daisuke Nakagawa ", a completely different person came out. Oh, this
person? Yeah, well. Yes. But
why did these two people with the same name have the same difference? The same name and the same name are the same as the name and
name judgment.
Will the model Daisuke Nakagawa get drunk and collect underwear
? Will Daisuke Nakagawa go on the model road?
That's not possible. I think so while normal hair

99 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/02(月) 22:21:00.35 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 444
Finally this thread is also 444. You can see half of it. Oh
door or 500 to go in less than two months. It
will be as usual . There used to be no long cuts or Zoro first getters
. Soya. I still have 2 get, but
there is no crisp. In the TBS radio play-by-play, and the frequency Date
Why, people written in 905 or 954 make the following thread
has become determined. So it seems that there are a lot of troublesome people,
and the momentum gets weaker as the Les number approaches. Beaten and ignored
because Ru. Well, it will be good once instead of ID, statement
or become known in the habit. Is there a word for literary arts? I don't
think so. If not, make it. Argue

100 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/04(水) 01:37:09.52 ID:???0.net
>> 589 To solve the problems that are having some people
to consult on such a fortune-teller in the thoughts cling to straw for that
, but you will, but I was up to you eventually. Palm reading something even example
if e lifeblood of people in a specific geographical area in front of the catastrophe is generally the same place
when I interrupted with, this area is dangerous! In warning and
it's likely to come. Run away!
But no one seems to believe me . By the way,
I watched tvk's Yokohama DeNA Baystars game with supper . However, thunder light! Sano-
san was also surprised. Of course
canceled. Negishi Ana B. I'm worried that the local team would have been safe.
I once again bad in the old story, for the first time 8 Miribi at your own salary
when I bought camcorders, I think I was crazy and happy shooting
. Just as thunder customers also was great in bad weather live and Nagaraso
had taken the state of. At that time, "Bakyan!" Think me
all around the power failure if there is a lightning strike near the feces have. The recording tape still
over-flops have saved. So I can't fool Thunder
. I think so while normal hair

101 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/06(金) 01:18:54.69 ID:???0.net
often have dinner while browsing a little strange video . Because of the two-channel 5-channel, any
island adapted to be eat even while watching a moving image
was Tsu. While watching the men and women of or condition in the screen, Ketchen, ichi
wants Ya and Yaicha, and Kakkomu the salmon chazuke.
Is n’t it a nice table ? But, recently, when you play the video, round strange Nogaku
've got to interfere with the smooth playback while around Rukurukurukuru
. Is that one thing? I'm not a dragonfly. Oh
Re or, video distribution company is doing attention to the audience, when the rest of the eyes
I wonder if is provided between. Isn't it a
revolutionary system
that also turns your eyes into a gymnastics when you turn your eyes around them? No, but yesterday I played it and it
came out in 30 seconds . That's why I don't like recent high-tech equipment
. After all it is VHS. Once upon a time to play the old program, grandparents
Itadakima while remembered when I was around the parents and the dining table
trying to be. I think so while normal hair.

102 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/08(日) 00:51:30.44 ID:???0.net
? Did you achieve Chiga-chan no-no? Generous
tower. Because it's a 6th day story Good no no. Rain
I Do not I baseball game in Kopiko. Once
you ’ve done it, you ’ll be able to dance with Picshasiya. In my case, I have no money, no time, no women
, nothing. No no no but no hair
. Well, what will become a Sunday horse race? I
saw a rare dream . Ordinary people will come out and places will come out
. But only the number 8 came out. What
I wonder if I should buy for about Kotaa 8. Are
you wearing something like a bib ? Should I buy that 8?
Should I buy the 8th most popular? Oh! do not know. Why this such
has horse racing'm difficult? Perhaps only 8 of Kanjani Eight has come out
. The gals of the workplace were excited by the subject of Ryo Nishikido
. Then please do that. I do
n’t buy . Under wear is noticed future course towards the predicted passage area of the typhoon
again. I think so while normal hair

103 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/08(日) 01:20:41.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe luxury
Is the CS, channel NECO and Japanese movies specialty channel
Choi erotic work out of the top bust in, etc. It's broadcast,
but my work isn't that. Is it luxurious? I
'm looking for a bright nude. Quite like a mask
or fought in the nude, the or peek a change of clothes become invisible man, its
a good soft feel of such works do. Stupid companies while watching it
picture! Do not hate. I'm looking forward to whispering. The
“Beautiful labyrinth wandering woman” that is being broadcast now is also dark.
If the content is dark, the screen is dark. I
like something like "Time Aventure Climax 5 seconds ago" broadcast about 20 years ago
. The scene through the glass was amazing.
That was flowing from daytime . Come again, come in!

104 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/09(月) 01:24:06.86 ID:???0.net
Ayabe No.
15 Typhoon No. 15 passes through Kanto. Now, at the Kanagawa Prefecture,
we have come up with evacuation without'm Korea condemned the people. The alert level
is 4. I don't like going to the shelter in the middle of the night
. And what if you are sleeping well? Mind
it's not attached. Anyway? That? If you are in the area
, please be careful about the future typhoon course. If
you're just looking at the forecast typhoon circle in the weather map
, you'll see the circle appear in your boobs . Iam Askebe. And
it's because it's dirty . Did I say before?
I want to be a woman bath undressing room fan. Then you
can see a lot of nakedness while the neck is falling from side to side . Sometimes
there will be a daughter who cools in front of me. Then I burn
it in my eyes and masturbate when I get home. If such there is no work
known. Oh, but I don't like it because there are kid and grandfather. A young
girl only female bath is good. Then
I'll do it for about 1,200 yen per hour . Argue

105 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/10(火) 00:57:18.74 ID:???0.net
was so popular that it was called ■■ fungus (■■ is my last name) . It has been called elementary school and junior high school. The
cause of this so-called call is ugliness and all responsibility is on us
. The girl who was next to me when I changed my seat was overwhelmingly disliked
, and I was really sorry. Men's or
et al. Is said to be "Hey bacteria! Come to buy cigarettes!", The switching of the notes
handed a sheet of paper that says [prolonged] to Re end, change also request
has been. My little pocket money disappeared in their tobacco bill
. The most crying was when we danced folk dance in the practice of the athletic festival
. Although it is something that connects hands between men and women, as mentioned above,
I am a fungus. I know more than anyone that girls are hated.
So, was handing out careful not to touch as much as possible,
"Hey ■■! Treats women a like a garbage from the physical education teacher K of the stage
was scolded by loudspeaker and each Ne Ja do I Gora". The bug
-holding and Tsu, leave early, cried Doggie return to the room. It?
Also reduces et al school number of times, give up the efforts to also go to university to high school
I was. It was discarded as well yearbook of elementary and junior high, have also to the coming-of-age ceremony
did not go theory. I don't have anybody's common sense.
I think so while normal hair

106 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/10(火) 01:16:25.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Yodogawa
DVD-R and BD-R were put in order and kept in order.
Among them,
there was a picture taken during a trip to the Tohoku region four years ago . Or Wow bosom
Naa correct. I'm still young. I
don't see myself because I like photography . Was it Aomori Prefecture? In the scene at
Yodogawa, there was a “deaibashi”. What a bridge
! I went there with three boys so I wasn't tied there. Further
, even Irasshara such those who think that the people of other travelers and local
I bought, there is no meeting also feces. that's what I thought. However
, whether it is the benefit of this bridge,
is a fateful encounter with the unpleasant poem here , the only girl who often appears in Kimopo for short, half a year from this trip , “Oh-chan”
. I wonder if the beeper met me. However, the
so could not be the opportunity to things, even Aki God of Deaibashi
I guess has been. Ah. The days of permanent regret will
continue. Argue

107 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/11(水) 01:30:28.32 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 9/11 Is
it 18 years since the 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States? fast.
I'm no longer featured on this day.
It has already weathered in Japan.
I don't want the same tragedy to happen again. Even now, terrorism targeting different religions is happening
. There is also a civil war area. We have lived leisurely
Some people who are suffering in between that. What should I do?
Japan was overwhelmingly hot after a typhoon. Large-scale power outage Hama in Chiba Prefecture
wonder has continued it. A commercial radio station, Nippon Broadcasting System,
has a transmitting station in Kisarazu City, Chiba Prefecture.
Emergency power supply is also not operate and also to run the Adachi transmitting station of the preliminary
weak output, such listen to AM Nippon Broadcasting in most regions
had Kuna'. It was good to have a wide FM. TBS
Radio Toda City, Nippon Cultural Broadcasting each transmitting station there in Kawaguchi City
was not affected because Ru.
Isn't it Saitama's strongest against the typhoon ? It ’s famous for nothing, but there ’s no disaster.
I remember there was no death from the Great East Japan Earthquake
. It is a mysterious prefecture. Argue

108 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/12(木) 00:52:48.95 ID:???0.net
&#187;631-632 better to give me laughing Guerlain Guerlain is saved
you. Suicide, it ’s a waste! I think people who
are thinking about suicide can escape now . I'm sure I'm a junior graduate or a fool,
but I thought what it was
. It may be mentally poisonous, but I have looked
into the Facebook of people who have been disgusting, but this
is all of you, wedding photos with lovers and photos that look happy with your children
, I'm jealous. I took my smile
because of that amount, lover or your child the he will give you a smile
or feel that again. But I am happy! 'S something rising strength
not, here doing this to defend the people of thinning hair, so to speak, scan
to have vandalism dirty a record, also have comments from generous people
began to Keru only. Although it should normally be perfectly thru
. I hope to meet such people in elementary and junior high school. What a
luxury. I think so while normal hair

109 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/12(木) 04:30:09.79 ID:???0.net
Ayabe butt is not
[USA] Controversy in the high school student swimsuit rules ... The champion swimmer
"Ass is overexposed I was disqualified. I saw that article
. I
wonder if there is no help for those who worked hard . I
'm not going to rampage the streets of Shibuya naked . The
land Daimoyando league that ended the final game that wouldn't work is too out! Pole Vault
Nante players of beauty, crept exposed considerably under the influence at the time of landing.
But I think it ’s cooler than it ’s obscene
. A person who is normal. The person who thinks it's not a metamorphosis. Or pervert
I think we obscene. Because they thought the obscene Do not look at it as the fault
probably was reported I guess a rival player stakeholders to.
In any case, the disqualified person is Kramer and the council member
who accepted it. Do your best ass. Argue

110 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/13(金) 01:04:13.56 ID:???0.net
Chiba What happened to the power outage in Chiba Prefecture? I
'm very sorry during this hot summer . Isn't it flexible? Power plant ya even me
I because not have been done the power grid rather not mean was.
If you are rich, you can store electricity at home, but
you can't install it in ordinary households . It's a dirty story, but it's a serious story
. Fuel is inexhaustible raw
It's not as Musa, but it I think it's the ultimate ecology.
There are hygiene problems,
and will it become difficult and difficult if the electric power company doesn't make money ? The
power company should develop a power generation method that will last only a few days . It may feed out good university
wonder got fee? That's that easy. Near the time of the nuclear power plant accident
to the general public only Re because I was rotten to moss. It ’s a matter of innocence
. Argue

111 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/15(日) 22:51:36.81 ID:???0.net
Ayabe FF5
afresh a stop Once out to do a Final Fantasy 5
rice. Roll out learning.
Is there a level binding magic ? In particular, it was difficult to achieve level 5 death. This level is
I'm death, which is determined to ensure the character of a multiple of 5, Dongfeng
et al not a one person because there is all level to annihilate in multiples of 5 and it is the same
to devise and or Rashi. If you eat it, raise or
do a resurrection command. It's quite annoying, but some
guys know the easier way. Yes, learning
is a blue magic that you can easily learn.
Is it all 30 ? I remembered 19 of them. ? ? ? ?
There is also a magic of the name . Not garbled. Hatena Hatena Hatena Hatena
. What did I read? Argue

112 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/16(月) 00:20:03.18 ID:???0.net
corridor is cool, but it's 32 ℃ in the room Hey! But
I will not lose. Life without relying on air conditioning. The wind power of the electric fan
is surpassed at level 6. Kuraberi to such of Chiba people
I because not a Ya fart. If healthy male Speaking of fan
once would have ever delusion, women's style, such as hot springs and public baths
desire to become a fan of Lu dressing room. All
you have to do is to sway your head all day long to deliver a cool breeze to the girls. Sometimes the bath on the
will Rino girls or to monopolize my wind coming in front of the eye.
Daughter, I'm happy with my feelings, but I
want to be in a wind that gently wraps everyone . Would say. And the day is
over, the switch is turned off and I fall asleep. But
if you think carefully,
it's hell if you are assigned to a place where older people are used more often . I want the woman bath that can't be seen forever to stay in my
delusional paradise.
You should keep it in your delusion . I think so while normal hair

113 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/16(月) 02:40:14.42 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Aging
So remember your love do
n't mean forever. I know yo
u've been take afraid hur
t again. I'm falling love with
you. I love you. What is it
? As expected, I forgot Ayabe-chan on the day of Retirement.
I remember why. Maybe it's not accurate,
but it's okay. Is it a persuasive complaint? I do not know but young
idea to the Ranmama also the best of Ayabe-chan.
Let's all live properly.
Use it for fun rather than spending time in silly things . As you get older, time itself
becomes valuable. Argue

114 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/16(月) 02:47:58.67 ID:???0.net
again Hadidosuku remaining amount becomes small. So
yesterday when it was physiological again. That said, even the number of empty Burerui remaining small
because I shy Ya have gone, Refureru is off, before
only the combined disk Choi erotic scene of, for example, in television
to click, also dubbing to, if there is residual.
If there is not enough free space on the disc ,
delete a few erotic scenes on the Hardidosk side to fit the rest of the disc. I
have to repeat such a cumbersome task. Therefore
, the program of 2019
was sometimes dubbed on the bottom of the 2013 disc . It
is said that one disc is shared when it is six years old .
I was impressed when I watched a program called Lullaby for a long time.
Was this a Sun TV production ? Things. It was a good time. Processed in detail
. As a result, the remaining less than 1 hour has now
increased to 6 hours . I'm jealous. Argue

115 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/16(月) 22:32:56.60 ID:???0.net
Respect for the Aged Day. I and people here
are familiar with yesterday, September 15th. Because my grandparents have died, I can no longer
go to my house
. He lived with his paternal grandparents until the age of 18
. Since both parents of civil servants in the absence, going home from school
had me watching over me that. Since I was the only child
, I would buy anything , and everything was centered around me. Chinami
grandfather to be civil servants. I retired early. I am wondering
why I am the opposite of me and intelligent, and why I am the head of middle school
. My grandmother was scared. When I do bad
things, I chew my cheeks. It hurts. It was the opposite of me, I felt strong, and I
often wandered. It has
been inherited by the father . Although I was so indebted, I started working at 16
and couldn't buy anything for the first salary. I'm
angry with myself that I never thought of that . It is of I also grandparents a little more
so go to the world, but And then abandon likely Do, Moi in liquor
and much, trying to filial piety that could not be. How many years
should I endure in this world ? I think so while normal hair

116 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/17(火) 00:27:47.43 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Oil
Saudi Arabia oil field was attacked and destroyed by someone
. The president
of United States tweeted that the criminal star was on. It ’s hard. Ring
or not it is not good even on the border?
I don't think it's a waste to watch a burning image . oil. You can taken from the plants and animals
I'm you. What is famous is canola oil?
I like oilseed rape. Other plants include
sesame oil, sesame oil, olive oil and coconut oil. Moving
from the product, and lard or HET. It's a dirty
story again, but couldn't a person's face be fueled with fat
? I'm greasy, so when my cheek hits the cardboard, I
can get a fat stain. I don't really need this. In particular, nose next to the fat terrible
not. About a lamp at the time of leave accumulated it, for example, power failure or the like
or not you use et al.? Efficient accumulated way of Hanayokoabura is, Roh
I think you ballpoint pen of click-type? Not like issue a roughening of the core
rub the nose next to in the previous whiff of state. Then because the fat is accumulated, ball
out of the Rupen. Then, fat will stick to the core.
Let's save a little bit every day in this way . Argue

117 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/18(水) 00:37:35.58 ID:???0.net
We teach girls to shrink themselves
To make themselves smaller
We say to girls
"You can have ambition, but not too much
You should aim to be successful but not too successful
Otherwise you will threaten the man."
Because I am female
I am expected to aspire to marriage
I am expected to make my life choices
Always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important thing.
We raise girls to see each other as competitors
Not for jobs or for accomplishments
Which I think can be a good thing
But for the attention of men.
We teach girls that
they cannot be sexual beings
In the way that boys are.
the person who believes in the social,
political, and economic equality of the sexes

118 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/18(水) 01:14:21.39 ID:???0.net
≫Mr. If my hair is bald
, people around the world are bald. Now, hey, Toshiya? Te
some people think that the new line Kimee do I'll fool of Mee
is I think it, but when the line full-size 26-character line breaks, I
the characters are displayed closely packed to fill the screen in a smartphone
's. I'm using it, but I'm used to it.
I was n’t able to revive.
What's up, it's just like a baby again. Changed date
is today it seems there is also a region that falls sharply temperature. Everyone
, not in possession of such spare jacket so that it is not drawn, such as your cold
Masu recommend that rather. I think so while normal hair

119 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/18(水) 01:34:56.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Magic
Baseball familiar magic. It ’s not an oil pen name, it ’s not a
magic trick. As of there, what
Kano target value and like to go to reduce as 0. For example,
Do not likely, September 26, the people of birthday 26 days 0 of the I or
, et al., Today on the 18th Magic 8. Decrease by 1 every day.
Now, a certain magic is lit for me. Reached
today at 14:00. This magic is reduced every hour, so the
current magic is 13. If you think about it, you were started from 45
. Has it been 32 hours since then? I
can't reduce it by myself, but I'm looking forward to it. It
’s a secret what magic is on . I'll forget to read it myself
. The hint is the foundation of Sayaka Hatakeyama. Argue

120 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/19(木) 03:32:54.94 ID:???0.net
Wrestling Relay. Although
it is broadcast every day on BS NTV, I didn't know the day before yesterday and I watched it yesterday
. It ’s almost a girl ’s game, and there ’s only one boy ’s game? But Sako
it a force game had unfolded. Still more information Toka player
I forgot something kilogram bout does not rather, Japan North Korea
there is a confrontation of (the Democratic People's Republic of Korea), Japan's players
defeated by a wide margin, the so-called technical fall-out defeat
by suffered Oops. Kim Jong Un ’s secretary would be happy with this.
Don't you say secretary now? Secretary? President? President of the state?
Is it okay to be a general because I don't know? But that's it.
You should be careful because Uni is quite good. Especially female players
are serious. It
seems to be able to concentrate on the game with peace of mind if you put it even nipless . I
really like bandages . Argue

121 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/20(金) 01:10:08.11 ID:???0.net
be positive, positive and happy at any time
! There are people who say that.
Those who say that are mostly people who can afford.
Let's say you hit your little toe on the corner of a chiffon. It hurts.
Let's make this pain happy. Bump and be happy! happy!
pleasant! I love you! Suppose you thought this way.
God doesn't know whether he was watching it or not, but God said, "Oh
, is this person happy to hit the little finger on the horn's horn
? The To
and, to hit the foot of the little finger to the corner of the closet more than ever
you'll be. It
may be better to think honestly happy things are happy and unhappy things are unhappy
. So I don't have a girlfriend. And honestly I think
and to Migihitsuji. I think so while normal hair.

122 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/20(金) 02:26:49.77 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Rugby Football World Cup Japan
9th Rugby World Cup 2019 starts today
. Star in Japan vs Russia of Tokyo Stadium (taste Star)
's over bet. Japan participated for the ninth time in nine consecutive tournaments.
There was a time when I was in high school rugby decades ago . Soon tired of digits
etc.. It was still around when JORX-DTV (TBS) was relaying. Pre
was looking up to about recording. I haven't seen it at all now.
Is it Goromaru from the previous tournament? Or pose becomes famous
, it is also cry interested even Toka defeated powerhouse South Africa
was Tsu.
Have you ever seen a rugby story in this tweet every day ? This time it was held in Japan, this
seems to be the first time in Asia . I think.
Let's take a look at the pro league with this Japan . Is there any? I think
Once you search, because "Top League"
It is said that there will be an. What teams are there
and where are they based? I'll check it out soon. Now sleepy or
et al impossible. Argue

123 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/21(土) 01:20:16.05 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Start
Rugby World Cup late report! Okonawarema in Tokyo stadium
was Japan vs Russia Japan has won the season opener at 30-10.
How about it? I was worried, but it seems that the
real thread of 5 channel was also exciting, and I think that
it became a good appeal by winning further . Congrats! I
'm watching broadcasts on Fuji TV ONE now . What program?
It is # 130
of the entertainment world mahjong strongest decision game THE THE DEME . The guests are really aging.
They are Daisaku Kimura , Nori Terada, Akira Shimizu, and Hakkou Tsukitei.
It ’s a live broadcast. Until 6 o'clock. Is it okay? I its
But I would fall asleep Yara unnoticed out of. Soya
reminded of yesterday morning is, I do about 30 minutes at 8, garbage
past the front of the eye When I tried to Serve try to open a house of the gate
I women's driver was looking over here. No,
please look straight ahead and drive. But it is seen from the girls and happy
char. Do not I'm not necessarily had a particularly noticeable clothing
§. Of course it's not naked. Anyway,
why would you want to see this until you look sideways because it is normal standard clothing ?
? Did you mean that you were driving, but are
n't you ah? I heard the song. Iyo
Iyo my decree sum begins. Argue

124 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/22(日) 00:37:23.88 ID:???0.net
giant is the 37th Central League champion for the first time in 5 years.
I knew? I saw it on BS-TBS. Only the last. Director Hara
was in tears. Congratulations. Well,
there's something unfriendly, Toshiya- chan. The game is too lazy to play at all
. The world of Toshiya is a joy. So
suddenly I came up with a picture. Hobbies are celebrity caricatures.
I'm not good at painting, and I admired manga artists, but I
wasn't talented. This age branch castle Tatsuya, no, progress to
Runokane? I don't know, but the boy on the dolphin is Michiru Castle
. That's why I
'll put it here after getting dirty . Draw only celebrities that you know.
The debut work is a great finish. This is day by day as well
I'm glad to think that going to Tsu. Look at your uncle's efforts
That seems like normal hair

125 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/22(日) 01:03:41.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe O type line feed MAX 32 line version
■ Ohaka & Zubora Speaking badly
. When I was a kid, I had a caress and I was cute, but my
work and my private life were a little rough
, and the people around me were a little in trouble. ■ Easy to get bitten by mosquitoes When
people are outdoors in the summer , O-type people get bitten by mosquitoes first
. Because it notices and evacuates from the place
, people of other blood types escape the difficulty. Canary existence of poisonous gas detector. ■
Are all, usually because nothing slob is the room ChirakashiPPa
do not care even without. It burns, clean in the wake of something beginning
Metara, without compromise and attention to detail to the professional, Toru
bottom to the sorry care If you do not clean. ■ scrupulous long-lasting
and buy a new notebook that does not, in the first few pages to things
to a very polite, become more and more rough to write, last or
would eliminate the notes in less used up in. ■ "Well
, good or" such as when the initial setting of the smartphone, theory has been written
is the button you do not know may read a bright, press the time being
try. "In addition, transient," but put away the approximate it in, not
not to be and later troublesome. Or rather
I don't notice and don't care. ■ strange Good for institutions
to use a thoroughly care about that there is a mind, you are not interested
do not care at all. Out of the husband, the room Mechakuchi
in the habit of littering Ya, strict rules there is to dry the way of laundry
I, profusely noisy.

126 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/22(日) 01:05:51.16 ID:???0.net
■ thing when it comes to strong your money
to personality fine thing in the folded or do not care, and that of money
a scrupulous when it comes to, to spare no expense is to be required,
but us to be or Ogo' generously, I do not need I do
n't even give out "Britichi" for what I think . Make ends meet in the capital, came of households
have good at Li Sheng, Toka 3000 yen investment life, funded investment
also continue diligently the Toka trust good. Therefore, savings binding
a certain structure. Quotation end. Yup. Roughly. Argue

127 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/23(月) 22:20:36.96 ID:???0.net
I'm not bored, but this short poem is short
. I haven't come up with anything! Of course, Ajo hill
big factor is also the I's well of anti-is no longer came
there in, I wonder if there is to be any of the age? Uhya Toka fish
Toka Oーgone. Is this bad? Yeah
. Always if the department the hated Yomiuri of the Central League championship
's where you hit Tsu, but was not divided at all energy. Asso
kana feeling. Young is amazing. Energy all full of passion
Naa envy Gil such youth. You may
be worried because you are young, but it's only now. Of our uncle
suffered Nante I also thing it does not be helped. I can see the future.
You don't need an uncle who worries about work or love
? You can't even worry. The word “I
ca n’t do it ” before I worry . So
young people with promising infinite possibilities will
challenge more and more unless they bother others . Impossible is hear the width After 30 more than
I since coming to. Argue

128 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/24(火) 00:45:30.05 ID:???0.net
≫Mr. 699, I'm going to draw a celebrity.
Well, if I can
improve it over time, I would like to draw the same person again and revenge. It ’s really difficult.
Well, I don't know the Pacific League until the end. Saitama Seibu or fortune
or Oka Softbank. Where is Ryowa's first Pacific League conquest?
I do not know! The name of the Pacific League has changed
. Now the child is Hankyu, Nankai, no, Kintetsu, Daiei even Mowaka
it would be orchids. Nishitetsu much but I want to keep studying
, if they were little things are per crown writer and Pacific Ocean Club
Raney. I'll try to rename it too. What about Masakazu Tamura
? So is that Toshiyama Sakaz
cool after that? Somehow island became like Masakazu Mimura
was Tsu. Rejected. That seems like normal hair

129 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/24(火) 20:26:44.91 ID:???0.net
I'll force you to do stupid writing. Ukkyo!!
I love boobs boobs boobs! Go to Keke! Fish
over! The man is Uo! That's right. Huh. Is n’t it? I
can't laugh at this age . Retrieve the pure heart
Modoseyo Ri. Write more stupid things. I wonder what.
I flew in the sky with farts! Pune! The smell of hydrogen sulfide
wrapped around Japan. Japan is like a hot spring town. Wow.
Ku too name Once. No, no no more! More! Motto!
I thought of not going down! Similar to the hooters I PayPay
I'm Ru!? What is the difference between Tits and Boobs?
Tell me. I also don't know Busts and Breasts!
I'm still not stupid. Because it is a work of dark reunion, there is no help for it
. Argue

130 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/25(水) 01:26:24.58 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Volleyball
FIBA World Cup. Yesterday was Japan vs.
Brazil. Japan was completely defeated. strong. I wonder how to win. I don't know. I don't know. When I analyzed it as an amateur, it was a butt.
Sportsman's hip. Brazil Le's bra ass. I think that you can have
a great and stable ballet with jumping power, receive, toss, and attack because your hips are firm.
Other big country mower's ass you will,
but also win Japan because not ready is still environment.
It would be difficult if the countries were seriously strengthened.
So I wonder if I should do squats. Argue

131 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/26(木) 00:49:11.71 ID:???0.net
A Masso apologized to Naomi Osaka for bleach.
What I wonder wonder said in such a thing. Thin hair towards thin hair!
If you say, I'll be hurt. Some entertainers use thin hair as a material.
If you see the thread on the art sports board, do not discriminate!
This Chong! And contradicted. They don't understand well.
That seems like normal hair

132 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/26(木) 01:17:23.73 ID:???0.net
Happy birthday. No, no in my birthday Kutene, but people of my intention.
Congratulations this year.September 26th. It ’s a day without anything, but it ’s a special day for me.
I do n’t know because it ’s still 23 hours, but it ’s impossible this year.
I want to tell you next year.
I thought from the bottom of my heart.

133 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/27(金) 01:30:46.12 ID:???0.net
Ayabe was bad
yesterday I did not meet. Naka can'll be celebrating this year was Tsu.
It very sad to very painful and regrettable, and with and also crying.
If I could have a happy birthday with my boyfriend, husband, and daughter,
I will be happy.
I play the piano. Only sad note is overflowing,
have if I want to write the score, such as dance bright,
note we are minor, you play the. Argue

134 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/28(土) 00:46:43.80 ID:???0.net
month has passed since it was one year and nine months old.
The Cormorant would be that Chi good.
I thought, but I had this day again without anything.
There is such a thing. I am very surprised.
Regretless eternity, sadness every day and
invisible exit.
I wiped the window cleanly, but the good news hasn't arrived yet.
I want to wipe the front side as much as possible today.
I wish I could have a prospect for Tamao chan. Argue

135 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/28(土) 01:28:26.03 ID:???0.net
FIVA (Fiva) It was a supper while watching World Cup 2019 against Serbia, but it is Serbian Ne-chan's amazing body.
Really meaty. Yet Pattsun Pattsun'm surprised because wearing Pichi uniforms.
Very interesting deep.
Our children, girls were lanterns in school days.
Was Serbia and Serbia and Montenegro separated from Serbia and Montenegro?
Long ago it was Yugoslavia.
Japan managed to win. Now Cho has broadcast the game on Fuji TV ONE Udo CS,
here do not come out Toka Janitare, different from the terrestrial huh recommend because the video can also be seen.
Furthermore, from yesterday, the world land also started.
There is also rugby, and the land for the national athletic meet begins.
As long as every day seems to be fulfilling for a while, I am happy.
That seems like normal hair

136 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/29(日) 03:12:43.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe various
rugby W Cup, Japan wins by 19-12 to powerhouse Ireland
It was Chimashi. Oh. I'll do it. Two consecutive wins. The following writers
over. U-16 girl V for the first time in 3 competitions. Asian championship. The final
opponent is North Korea. In the penalty kick eat a pre-emptive also, before
reversal within a half.
The match ends. Japan also large now North Korea
Kai's first runs. It was a busy day for sports.
And I'm worried about Misaki Ogura (7 years old)
missing at a campsite in Michimura, Yamanashi Prefecture.
The 9th day was reached on 29th.
Self-defense even withdrawal as there is no clue Corps.
Have you been kidnapped? There is no choice but to pray for safety.

137 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/30(月) 00:45:07.94 ID:???0.net
seems to end September. Early, huh. This month or such to go to the girls and play
was Tsu. Oh, boys.
I didn't meet anyone privately. That's what happens when you get older.
You can't have a drink outside the sweets. I don't have that kind of money.
So-called because the Ru of poverty.
There is no woman without money. There's no end to nothing. Yake no napachi.
At that time, listen to the world radio.
I can listen to longwave and shortwave broadcasts.
You or repeatedly Gyururigyururi be anywhere in the match I do not hear the Toka speaking from.
The Gyururigyu received a low-malt beer while listening to Ruri, it becomes tipsy mood and,
the Gyururigyururi becomes fun Kurundawa.
Fun Toshiya-chan.
This is what I remembered from Naganami Broadcasting.
Tsushima Omega station. What is it!?
There was once a huge facility for very long wave broadcasting (very low frequency).
Its height was 454.83m,
and it was the tallest building in Japan until the Sky Tree exceeded this height.
Now the solution is submerged in the sea are the body.
Something will be destroyed someday.
That seems like normal hair

138 :ナナシマさん:2019/09/30(月) 01:14:53.88 ID:???0.net
Ayabe pepper
something of the place where the food sprinkled the powder pepper that came with in bonus lips were numb.
Is it an allergic reaction?
Do you say Aladdy? Energy is energy.
Lot eel heavy only until now wonder there is no memory of numbness I was put pepper in time rather.
Was it even poisoned? I don't know, but
it wasn't tingling or nasty numbness,
so I feel like I'm going to be a habit.
Medium scary If yours is commonly used become a poison. Patients with yam addiction.
The summer sky is still blue today.

139 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/01(火) 01:34:13.12 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Kan
Hanshin Tigers decided to participate in the climax series.
Unfortunately, Hiroshima Toyo Carp.
I was entangled until the end,
but I think Hanshin who gained momentum will win the Japan Championship series as it is.
Then it will be the first time for Central League.
DeNA BayStars and Kyochiri, And V without losing Pacific League representative and once in Yanen!!
I hate it because it reminds you. Argue

140 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/02(水) 00:55:20.95 ID:???0.net
You guys, look at the coins in your wallet?
Isn't there anything that was engraved with Reiwa?
I of the nothing was Tsu. Sorry.
I wanted to grin alongside Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa.
I thought suddenly.
If Showa I got married to a Heisei girl and gave me a child, wouldn't it be safe?
That ’s great, right? Toshiya-chan emergency declaration! It is.
That TOKIO's Shigeru Jojima was also tied to a child under the age of 24.
I came to hope that I could get a younger girl.
Heisei seems to be right around 2 years? Stomach ADUTO 1990.
Next year 30 years old. Nice. The Chosen woman child is good, but honored.
If Why this me to be able to get married
Become happy. I think so while normal hair.

141 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/02(水) 03:23:37.72 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Seriku
World Land Qatar Doha tournament is held every day,
but I can't see it because I am afraid of pole vault.
Especially not a live broadcast, even if
or broken stick if either would not or stuck to the players?
And I will worry more.
Do you jump about 10 meters? That ’s amazing. Be moved. The hurdles are scary.
There were players who were injured in contact with the hurdles that fell in Japan.
Since this was also a live broadcast, I have a memory that I could see bloodshed.
There is less fear of throwing spears far away.
I might stab a record clerk.
You can watch with confidence. Also, foreigners are troubled with the eyes because of too much hips.
I can hear your voice. Argue

142 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/03(木) 02:38:40.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe also no good
Yesterday and let's go to the shop where I wanted to go for a long time I think,
because the weather was good I headed by bicycle.
By train because it's the early better to go I is not good train,
smartphone but while asked to guide the navigation.
After a while, stop the bicycle and check the navigation.
Oh it is over there'll not it here. Because of the direction,
I went back and forth. You're a suspicious person.
It took about 30 minutes to arrive somehow, but it was a break. Gakshi. It's an irregular holiday.
Sure it is bad failure to sure, but I wonder why such this day.
It doesn't come true like this when I start thinking.
Not once or twice. Time was at T printing company, the child I H river's come to love,
Do not come from the next day I thought Nante what tomorrow or chat Kuna', so also Ao-chan.
Everyone disappeared without Kunar. I'll do my best now! It has been kicked down every time.
That's why you quit. This is the last time.
A sound that tickles my ears. Argue

143 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/04(金) 00:43:31.82 ID:???0.net
≫Mr. 748, I think I won the victory!
I guess, yeah for other celebrities and sport of tricks sports but I there is a plate gather terrible writing,
there often are visiting. It's very rare to write good things in a row of dirty words!
There are also writings that I think.
Congratulations on the celebrity's marriage,
but congratulate you on saving your mileage!
There was something like that. According to the person,
or good a lie accumulate Congratulations Mileage written and Raomedeto, something that it is reduced to myself.
Hey. There is such an idea. So or rolling up to write and immediately Congratulations to,
it was also able to save somehow 3 tail bud. In great cane.
This made what tail bud Tamere if women acquaintances, what Oh if Tamere eyes she can be,
or can get married if what tail bud Tamere
I point that can girls acquaintance saddle 400 million tail bud is I think not.
Arrival in just four days if Tamere day one hundred million tail bud Thats reach.
Let's do our best. That seems like normal hair

144 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/04(金) 01:30:12.92 ID:???0.net
Ayabe alone baseball
After a long time I tried to erase rubber catch baseball.
This elevation to prepare the first ones not too soft nor too hard,
such as eraser sleep in for.
It threw toward the ceiling, calibration those that have fallen if you can pitch strike.
If you can't catch it, you hit.
If you do not get close to the ceiling to some extent,
you will not be able to strike.
A ball that catches anything that is too low or hits the ceiling.
And in the left when I threw in the right,
calibration in the right if you threw in the left must pitch.
This is the official rule. It ’s easy.
However, home run and two-base hits, Suribe no Suhitto, there is room for improvement of only I one-base hit.
As a result, the right-handed and left-handed troops won in 7-6 after the extra game.
This is really going to kill time.
The strike zone should be 30cm down from the ceiling.
Strike through the range and catch it. It ’s pretty fun.
I like you who are shy. Argue

145 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/04(金) 02:18:24.91 ID:???0.net
I love chests.
I love bosoms.
I love boobs.
I love breasts.
I love busts.
I love tits.

146 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/05(土) 19:43:18.07 ID:???0.net
hot! hot!
Is it October? How hot it is.
Why isn't it normal to have a hot bath in a bathtub and enjoy it slowly?
Young must not! Climax Series also hot gates both league looks like it was over-time, also thick my wallet.
Oh iterator One early Ku I wonder if does not become cold.
I can't wait. I'm not good at being hot.
Confused by the sound of summer. Argue

147 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/06(日) 00:50:25.14 ID:???0.net
No, I can't help it in my spare time.
The climax is not out of the mosquito net because the Ryukyu team has not participated.
You What I do know I mosquito net person is.
There is also a table version, which is a measure against wrinkles.
I wonder if this also has a name. Toka Birdlime it was also.
It will stick to your hair. The old people were devised.
Mosquito coil is also now of child'm Ne know how to use me.
The rounds overlap. I don't know to remove that.
The match won't rub. How are you? But on the contrary,
we can't master the current high-tech home appliances.
I can't say youth. I also life because not get the daughter-in-law of the younger you memorize hard.
Is it trend now? Orchon makeup is popular? I'm a big fan of Ginavia, but at the beginning of the week,
I 'm going to sell it to a girl at work, saying,
"Oh, it's nice to make an Orchon makeup."
I think so while normal hair.

148 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/06(日) 01:13:36.95 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Democracy
Candidate? The liberation of girls.
Eliminate things that are prohibited because they are girls.
In public places also that not openly accused of indecency of sin to be made to the upper body naked of.
Free and nice. Free boobs. Of course, such I want out have people want not issued.
That is outside the girls' chest from pornography Sunoda.
I think it was cramped until now. Poor thing.
However, touching it and voyeuring it out as before. It is out regardless of gender.
This can monopolize female votes.
A sorrowful smile. Argue

149 :cunt:2019/10/07(月) 22:51:21.55 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Sports
World Land is over.
Ah, can't you see the flying butt? No, I don't look at that point of view.
It is lonely that we cannot see the dynamic physical beauty of the world's top athletes.
And Japanese professional baseball also finished the climax series first stage,
the back is the Hanshin Tigers, path is the Softbank Hawks,
Secondary advance to de stage!
Giants and Lions are waiting for each. It ’s too much fun.
I can't stop playing baseball.
Tears of joy. Argue

150 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/08(火) 01:32:35.66 ID:???0.net
World land is over. Athlete only lack of worldwide
N, Mr. Yuji Oda, was Miho Nakai cheers for good work.
I thought is, I strong towards the blacks. I can't win. Climax Series over's also the final stearyl giants vs Hanshin and Seibu pair Softbank is determined over di.
I also enjoyed this again. World body in 8 days Misao also begin.
And the drama of a man who can't get married yet begins.
Kanto people are, have been re-broadcast on Fuji TV.
I Rurashii. I can't see it in terms of time,
but it's been 13 years since the last man who couldn't get married.
Kusabue photon's also continue wonderful so Nasaru can cast.
Isn't it the same age as Mr. Shoichi Kaneda who passed away ?
Kaneyan peacefully.
I also, of course binding but not been able to marriage,
Hiroshi Abe starring in a real marriage cytidine I mon was Ya'.
When am I? Well, I do not know, I will do my best. That seems like normal hair.

151 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/08(火) 22:58:09.27 ID:???0.net
Man Who Can't Get AA
A sequel to a man who can't get married was broadcast in 2006.
It ’s been 13 years. I watched 2006 in the re-broadcast every day,
so this "man who can't get married" seems to have lost some poison.
It is uncomfortable that people are messed up in the office.
Mr. previous work of actors out of the how good taste what has been can be seen.
Although I watch it responsibly until the end,
I think the audience rating is not good.The average is 8.6%.
Each one of them. Argue

152 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/09(水) 22:15:59.81 ID:???0.net
Abebe results late
Climax series final was Tokyo and Saitama
The results are Yomiuri 5-2 Hanshin and Seibu 4-8 Softbank.
Or § duly or. The heat of baseball still won't go away. pleasant.
My treasure. Argue

153 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/10(木) 00:32:36.09 ID:???0.net
Congratulations on Yoshino Akira winning the Nobel Prize.
That's amazing. I want to win the Nobel Prize someday,
but I can't do it because I hate airplanes .
Are you developing a rejuvenation of medicine
but, this is Nobel Prize weather definitely if those of the certainty I'm complement.
It is also able to my page on Wikipedia Unokayo!
Suge! Speaking of Saitama city, the underground idol who is stalking?
Photos or Toka it was indexing the child from whereabouts.
Wow. Landscape and I wonder if any? When I thought, I analyzed the landscape in the pupil of the child's photo and identified the station that was used.
Wow. For thin hair, please be careful not to include any hints in the surrounding scenery on the forehead.
Good night. I think so while normal hair.

154 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/11(金) 01:09:13.07 ID:???0.net
Ayabe results late
Climax series final was in Tokyo and Saitama.
The results are Yomiuri 6-0 Hanshin and Seibu 6-8 Softbank.
Or § duly or. The heat of baseball still won't go away. pleasant.
Meet that day. Argue

155 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/11(金) 01:12:39.23 ID:???0.net
Ayabe depletion
Is this an age? Longer imagination is Do not was shy Ya it away me.
In just a few years, brain cells are dying. Lethargy, annoying, and forget.
I forget what I wrote a while ago. The face is a baby face, but the head is older.
It ’s not the amount of hair.
Typhoon No.19 is approaching, so be careful. I wonder what happens.
I wish I could go to South Korea.
Some time ago when the punishment that stole hits the Buddha of Tsushima think Unoda is.
People in the southern part of Chiba are particularly worried.
What we would like to pray Toka like to safely pass through.
I would like to help each other and declare Japan in this unpleasant poem.
Stare at each other. Argue

156 ::2019/10/13(Sun) 00:28:31 ID:???0.net
Typhoon # 19! In particular, the houses in Chiba Prefecture that were affected by No. 15 were blue seeds.
I'm worried that it will be skipped again.
Self you do not win the deer.
Yukkina, who has no choice but to recover from the office.
Tthat seems like normal hair

157 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/13(日) 00:30:08.80 ID:???0.net
Ayabe results late
climax series final was Tokyo and Saitama
. The results are Yomiuri 6-7 Hanshin and Seibu 0-7 Softbank.
Or § duly or. The heat of baseball still won't go away. pleasant.
Touch your finger. Argue

158 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/13(日) 00:31:03.48 ID:???0.net
Ayabe results late
climax series final was Tokyo and Saitama
. The results are Yomiuri 6-7 Hanshin and Seibu 0-7 Softbank.
Or § duly or. The heat of baseball still won't go away. pleasant.
Touch your finger. Argue

159 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/13(日) 00:41:40.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 19
Typhoon is amazing. I was surprised.
It was raining down and the wind wasn't so much,
but river flooding information reached the smartphone several times.
Pyrrolo Lolin Pyrrolo Lolene sounded even though he was always in manner mode.
Are you in the Tohoku region now? Please be careful.
An earthquake occurred in Chiba during the typhoon. It was a chaos state with seismic intensity 4 in Kamogawa City.
Self I thought again and not go against the natural. I did a little blackout.
Ah, I was recording, but was interrupted for a few minutes.
I knew that it was love. Argue

160 ::2019/10/14(Mon) 00:40:53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe thanks
As of Typhoon No. 19 scars are going to become clear, the of around simply just stunned to harm situation.
Fortunately, my area of &#8203;&#8203;residence was safe. However, the downstream portion of the river that flows near flood,
its seemed to collapse in, his place is sauce for just maybe I wonder if had been a victim, and learned fear.
I The friend does not have, do not worry anyone of that, also, such are worried by anyone but was not,
we would like sympathy to that again affected people will. I can only thank you.
Although this thread has often touched disasters, it did not pose a threat to me.
Thousand of Nagano Prefecture Chikuma River flood was shocking.
Piers of such Ueda Electric Railway is folded into the river it is,
is how to go further shed collapsed house.
I was overwhelmed by the power of nature.
I was saved. I still have a meaning to live, a reason, and a mission.
And I think, really feeling that I want to see that the child is large of mind dominated the part.
There is no choice but to believe and work hard. Please wait.
Ask for it. Argue

161 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/15(火) 18:52:26.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Fallen
During rescue by helicopter due to typhoon damage.
The elderly Nakuna was an accident that that. That's horrible. That it is attached to forget the hook either.
It was dropped from 40 meters above. The situation seems to have been included in the video,
and there was a guy who posted it in a gif video.
I'm too sorry. Even a high jump in swimming is 10 meters? That's pretty scary.
I would like to ask for prevention of recurrence.
Fell in love. Argue

162 ::2019/10/16(Wed) 22:33:11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe blood donation
[tie-up] Busty character in blood donation poster,
criticism from overseas "just used a character popular with young people"
Keiko Ota lawyer teacher make defended the crippled exhibition of expression but generous person was Tsu.
However, this poster is a treat.
A statement was made that it would be harassment because people who looked at this poster would be offended.
So that's it.
Burning photographs with the Emperor Showa as a motif,
it is free for the indistinct Japanese.
Fu of the chest rather than by Kana exhibition is recognition that out.
Hey. I'm not sure, but it's too much trouble to stop both. Every time Igamia'
because Jamakusai in. I'll use my expression. Chimpoko!
Comforting each other. Argue

163 ::2019/10/17(木) 01:56:17 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Neikan
While thinking about the unpleasant poem here while listening to Lovefool / The Cardigans,
yes, when there is nothing I came up with the idea of &#8203;&#8203;making it an Ayabe Museum. IchiIchi Remember me?
It's easier to collect here than search. If you search for this thread in the “library,” you can see the materials that interest me.
This is a great project. Check Wikipedia for details. I'm rough, for example, a list of group members.
Let's use the date of birth and hometown information.
The first stage is Morning Musume, which was popular when I was young and still active. Summary.
Please look forward to it.
I became love. Argue

164 :ナナシマさん:2019/10/18(金) 01:23:58.89 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mens
A long time ago,
a talent who appeared in a commercial for women's sanitary products appeared in a commercial for urine leakage products.
I feel the flow I'm Ru. Oh my age.
What? If you round it up, you'll be 40 years old.
I think a female talent of the same age will look younger than before.
Merode of nostalgia a television program but there Nante I over,
it long ago of people who come out in there now looks old than the same age. Be displayed and at that time 20 years old,
had would have exceeded YaiYa 30! I would think.
Large enough that people ish. Looks old. Now the guys on the contrary whether ish brat But it might be.
Of course, do not also showy makeup, Enka found in extra older because Rassharu singing in kimono something human but I can.
Even so, it looks like an aunt.
Traces of such days. Argue

165 ::2019/10/19(Sat) 22:15:50 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Baseball
Softbank 7-2 Yomiuri. Wow! Strong Softbank.
Is Japan's Central league 7 years severe this year?
Still I do not know. But I'm an anti-giants and I support Softbank.
Summer stars. Argue

166 :ナナシマさん:2019/11/25(月) 04:50:12 ID:???0.net

167 :ナナシマさん:2020/07/03(金) 16:43:10.42 ID:???0.net
Yoshihiro Akiyama “I’m go to KOREA.”

168 :ナナシマさん:2020/08/19(水) 10:36:31 ID:???0.net
Broken or missing Index
Because this file index is broken or missing,seeking will not work correctly.
VLC won't repair your file but can temporary fix this problem by building an index memory.
This step might take a long time on a large file.
What do you want to do?


169 :ナナシマさん:2020/08/22(土) 02:15:07 ID:???0.net
Is it better to have a phimosis operation? Hmm? Wait a minute?
Wrapped Nanzo and the stalk surgery? For example,
breast augmentation surgery hand to enrich the chest huh surgery?
What about phimosis surgery? It's a surgery to wrap the stem!
Well, I guess there is an official name.
Summers lyso Is the have seen over door, CM that men of total neck comes out Is the if there is,
it Is the I'm represents the skin suffer state,Ueno clinic's. Don't worry.
Even if you cut the skin, the size of the ball will not change, right?
Tamatama also hangs down like everyone from Super Chisae and doesn't shake.
It is written that there is also an augmentation technique for the pole,
but it's impossible to use Tamatama? Why I wonder these mini-size will.
I forgot whether it was a 5th or 6th grade elementary school or a school trip,
but everyone would take a bath? Teacher at that time also came in,
only I've been showing off the over ball bag. Uhhh,
this is going to happen! I didn't think so. That's why it's not popular.
The aura being emitted isn't male.
It Ji I not Ya way. Everything goes well.

170 :ナナシマさん:2020/08/24(月) 01:57:21.32 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 24 hours
a day. And Pya' Pya mosquitoes Chang with the TV switch
Is when I changed the channel, Tao Tsuchiya-chan is not running,
recording start hastily become. It was around 18:00, and I immediately touched Q-chan.
What I'll tell you if you're broadcasting such a good thing.
It's my favorite. Ah, it's a waste. Tomorrow, there is a backside program of the marathon at the same station,
so there is no choice but to ask how much Tao Pai pie Yusasa Yusa will show.
Everything goes well.

171 :ナナシマさん:2020/08/24(月) 02:18:26.65 ID:???0.net
Ayabe A misplaced
Bloomed, bloomed, tulip flower.
There is such a song. Then you'll introduce the colors, right?
The order is red, white, and yellow.
I remembered it as red, blue, and yellow.
Such misplaced my Idarake. How can I recover? I do not know.
I heard a song from the outside at this time, but it doesn't seem to be a misunderstanding.
The door in the neighborhood opened properly, so I couldn't help singing because I was drunk or because of illegal drugs.
But I'm glad that the girls' eyes aren't mistaken. This is a misunderstanding or rather,
do not know how to ascertain. watched?
If you ask a question, it feels uncomfortable,
and even if you really look at it, there is no progress unless you confirm it.
Saying to your sister Toka colleagues I've got some things that we.
I'm looking at you. What's wrong with Ayabe-chan?
No, no, Moso once because it no progress was made from this, I wonder gentle lie.
Too much or it will not seemed to the lonely.
To not worrying about Mai, I'm sorry.
Everything goes well.

172 :ナナシマさん:2020/08/26(水) 00:19:42 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Problem Carboy
LOL Problem Yuji Tanaka Stand by for 2 weeks at home!
Wife Moe Yamaguchi corona sense of PCR testing talent mountain in the accreditation 26 days close contacts with dyed receive that Moe Yamaguchi(43) were infected with the new coronavirus only,
laughter problem Yuji Tanaka (55) close contacts are certified in order were,
received a PCR test in 26 days, home two weeks to prospect to wait 25 days, it was found.
Yamaguchi physical condition not in 24 days complained of a good, was subjected to the PCR test in 25 days,
positive Han was bright.
Yamaguchi remarried with Tanaka in 2015. Woman in May 2005 to give birth to children,
there is also a 1 M 2 Woman of the mother. Quote ends.
What happens to the laughing problem cowboy after 1 o'clock!?
There are some rumor that it will be live broadcast suddenly,
but it is scary because it is timely.
Of course, I record, but recently I'm feeling sick FM90.5MHz.
Yesterday, the stereo ended and became monaural. It was true that the antenna I had made came off and was fixed again,
but that made me forget the original clear position.
Everything goes well.

173 :ナナシマさん:2020/08/27(木) 01:20:28.51 ID:???0.net
The combination of laughter and laughter Yuji Tanaka was "positive" in the PCR test
and they belonged on the 26th. Office announced. Symptoms such as cough are starting out,
"or has been rested for the return in a thorough state is set to be".
The office I belong to is titled "Report," "I am very sorry for the trouble since yesterday.
When I did the PCR test of our laughter problem Yuji Tanaka on August 26th today,
the test was positive. I got the result."
"Today has begun to appear symptoms such as cough than,
current enough rest the body ten thousand
rested and we are directed to return in all of the state,"
he explains the current situation was. Quote ends.
Uuchaka, who appeared on the phone yesterday by radio.
There was no such thing as a rattling voice. Please cure slowly and ask for a cowboy again.
Everything goes well.

174 :ナナシマさん:2020/08/30(日) 03:15:48 ID:???0.net
Prime Minister Abe resigned
Prime Minister Abe announced his resignation.
Who will be the next president? Nippon Television was recommended by Mr.Ishiba.
Fuji TV is recommended by Mr.Kono.
Is it the first time the Prime Minister has changed since starting Kimopo?
It's been 7 years and 8 months. Ulcerative colitis. Please heal slowly.
Your fatigue could be like.
After that, it was announced that Keiko Utsumi had died on the 22nd. 97 years old.
A 98-year-old because it is next month birthday was Ruhazu.
Your companion, Yoshie, died early.
Down-town no gakinotsukaiyaarahende in the,
of the Keiko at the end of the year special killing the boss of the
Do not be surprised to remember that had been.
Look at what was recorded the first time in a long time Luke.
Everything goes well.

175 :ナナシマさん:2020/08/30(日) 03:25:20 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Railway 999
This skit has reached 999. It is early. The current topic is about Noriko Ishigaki's tweet apology.
The content was a person who had the habit of destroying the body at an important time and who had no crisis management ability .
Constitutional democracy. Although it is a female member of the Diet, I think women
feel more anxious about their physical condition than boys.
You must have experienced the pain of menstruation that boys can't understand,
and there is also what is called "menstrual leave" because of the pain.
However, the ulcerative colitis, which is designated as an intractable disease, should be beaten.
It would be unpleasant to be told that there is a habit of getting menstruation at an important time if you have to take a menstrual leave on an important day.
Am I not good at others, especially political opponents?
I wonder if those who are suffering from the same illness do not have the crisis management ability.
I didn't like it and didn't suffer from intractable diseases.
A little more I think also I hope people Itadaketara with a earrings! It comes to think I UGA.
Everything goes well. The claim ends.

176 :ナナシマさん:2020/08/31(月) 01:40:00 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Invasion
Who are you using here? You don't seem to Then
I'll take over. It's my poor poem, Kimopos Red for short, thank you.
Because there are up to 1000. Is it about 2 years if you write it everyday I think it takes.
Nice to meet you. The new coronavirus yesterday hearing or seeing the regular program of Uchaka a positive reaction of came out had or have.
Sunday Japon and Sunday Sunday. San Japo is Iio's season is, day San Hideyuki Mr. Mr. Nakayama,
each of the follow-up of Ota's as a pinch hitter I did not. In particular, Nissan was quite chaotic,
as there was an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 3 in Ibaraki Prefecture and Yuzo Kayama's hospitalization news during a talk by Mr. Taro Hakase.
Then bad this feeling poem, short liver Po is, because together is always deadline word of, it also should be noted not.
Everything goes well.

177 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/01(火) 01:24:06.83 ID:???0.net
Ayabe number
My number minor points have been registered. It was easy as I thought it would be a hassle.
How nice. Are you Eleven Nanaco? Down the app I try to do in the smartphone when you try to load,
I wonder you of Smartphone 2016? I didn't correspond, so I went to the store. Store or A.
Naa's troublesome, if left alone and, such is registered at the store until 20 of you and August 31 days.
Hurry to Seven-Eleven.
I 'll do it with a multi-copy machine, put my number card, read the rules,
select nanaco, and enter the nanaco number on the back of the card in two 16-digit lines without hyphens.
I put a hyphen at the beginning, so I got an error. Oh Re PIN input or earlier. And finally the last 4 digits of the phone number.
only this. After the char up to March from 2021 today 25 percent of the amount that was charged when di-, 5,000 yen at the maximum seems Nowak is the point of the matter.
Should I charge 20,000 yen ? Anyway let's do it. you can do it if you try. I can't because I don't.
Everything goes well.

178 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/02(水) 20:05:15.84 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 1990
An old newspaper came out. It was on May 2, 1990, 30 years ago. Uhhhhh!
When I read the article, Telephone club clerk (20) What Shinasu to Bull Rush the elderly it had been.
Since he was 70 years old, he might have been 100 years old if he did not encounter the incident.
The Telephone club clerk also whether the 50-year-old.
The name is also only had also been posted address etc. let us face down here. It seems to be troublesome.
Well, once the suspect meaningful result I tried to search for the name of the resulting et al was not.
It's been 30 years ago and now what? Seen
from a suspect who feels like that.
Not for the bereaved family.
Everything goes well.

179 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/03(木) 02:02:06 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Time Capsule.
How many years has it passed since I knew the character Teruhisa Sakai?
Sometimes when are foraging in the past thread find a Sakai Sure there are things Ru.
There was also my writing in it, and I found my writing in my twenties and blushed. It's rampage.
Young is wonderful. Even now, it looks like a kid, I'm childish, I'm childish,
but I'm writing more silly comments and I can laugh at something. At the same time, it's sad.
It's time to go back. The time is money. I
must also mention the horrifying fact that even one of her could not have done so long.
Ten years from now, I think I'm in my fifties when I round it off, but if you don't have her, kill yourself.
Not so popular. What's wrong? Really not suitable for life.
Everything goes well.

180 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/04(金) 01:57:25 ID:???0.net
I should have been premature death remains of Yumi Arai. Really, further the abomination
Suyori, I think that rather die quickly is good. The name of the person in question
for the sake of honor.
This is a big rant against Yumi Matsutoya.
Too cruel. Satoshi Shirai This is a lecturer from Kyoto Seika University.
Even if I'm a junior high school graduate, I understand that writing this kind of thing makes the other person sad.
In other words, do you learn to hurt people and look down on them at university? I do not understand.
I proclaimed that Yuming was a word of hard work to those who didn't like Mr. Shirai
That's just that word. Sad sentences.
Niigata Prefecture changes. Hmm? Did something happen?
We recorded 40 degrees Celsius in Sanjo-city and Tainai-city.
It's hot. Is this the first time in Niigata? I don't know what the Fern phenomenon is.
You either like even your body so that the approaching also typhoon No.10! Be careful.
Everything goes well.

181 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/05(土) 04:44:49 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Earthquake Late Report
Yesterday, around 9:10 am, an earthquake centered on Reihoku, Fukui Prefecture.
There was. A seismic intensity of less than 5 is Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture. The
magnitude of the earthquake was 5.0 and the depth was estimated to be about 10 km.
It will come when I forget it. Typhoon No. 10 also, it may be better that the good that was confirmed again with
Everything goes well.

182 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/06(日) 00:08:11 ID:???0.net
you your presence that there is a strange disease which is commonly referred to as Ikuiku disease wonder Ji?
Woman that the target was persistent genital arousal disorder in the disease, a new disease that has just been discovered in the United States in 2001's care.
"Nante envy disease What!" Some of the men
likely Moi those who rejoice, but not in such a simple story actually.
Even the casual activities of everyday life reach sexual cum, and many people say that it exceeds 100 times a day.
This be replaced with their own, envy and does not seem to absolutely it does not.
This time, the author contacted a woman named Ako (30's) who suffers from such persistent evoked syndrome.
I was able to hear from her. "I was aware of the symptoms is that of 7-8 years ago.
However, It is not like can be explained to people, shame is every day that can not be confided to anyone,
however of much now followed was" especially hell It was a crowded train commuting to work.
The vibration or in Rakuru stimulation, forced to forced continuous climax in to go to the company that had been.
Moreover, this is not the end. "While at work,
I just changed the sound of the phone and the sitting posture.
Because of that, I needed to wear several pieces of underwear every day.
” As expected, I would never be asked to see a doctor at hospital,
and if the cause of the disease is unknown, no cure has been established.
Earlier in the crotch of this disease so there were many who do not know and,
"not a lust disease?
She be a doctor say to the owner of an abnormal sexual desire and"
I so was leprosy. Quote ends. It's tough. I hope you get well.
All goes well.

183 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/07(月) 22:40:40 ID:???0.net
Ayabe but
every day as usual. It ends by hanging a fart. What am I?
Everything goes well.

184 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/10(木) 00:45:57 ID:???0.net
heard Ayabe
I heard a laugh problem cowboy. Mr. Ijuin's guest hit. Terrible not.
It was two hours worth listening to, including criticism of President Mimura and feuds with Hakuzan Kanda.
But I didn't need the corner of angry boy
Tanaka. The boring material and the cry of Mr. Ota.
I'm glad they talked. The recorded SD is a permanent preservation.
Everything goes well.

185 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/11(金) 02:29:02.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe silent prayer
19 years after the terrorist attacks in the United States. It was Tuesday at that time.
Downtown Hama-chan of the program look Tamosan's Jungle TV let me know came in.
Immediately after that, I feel like I changed the channel to NHK. After that,
the laughter problem carboy also took a break from broadcasting and became a special news program.
Toka there is a possibility that Japan also targeted allies,
no, organizations Toka have respect for kamikaze commandos of Japan had been talking about experts,
whether the manner anxiety the night of one person Kochitora was Tsu. I have no choice but to pray that it will never happen again.
Moment of silence again.
Everything goes well.

186 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/12(土) 19:06:10.37 ID:???0.net
Ayabe account
DoCoMo account is in full swing. I also
deposited a small amount at Japan Post Bank, one of the relevant banks,
but for some reason I was relieved that the entire amount had been taken down before this problem surfaced.
I showed the difference in ability. NTT-related is aiming to enter the Japan Women's Professional Soccer League "WE League",
which will start in the fall of 2021, by establishing a new women's professional team by NTT Sports Community,
which operates Omiya Ardija of the quoted soccer J2.
On the 9th, it was found by interviewing the people concerned. The quote ends.
It seems that those who have announced that and have taken the money will first strengthen security and compensate.
I don't know what will happen. Everything works.

187 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/14(月) 02:26:30.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Borin Borinbo
What's wrong?
Well, when I notice it, I scratch my scalp and ears.
I was shocked that dandruff mixed with blood was caught between my nails yesterday.
But it scratches from itching, and unconsciously, especially while sleeping.
I'm still writing while scratching. Once useless Tsu is scratched the take Icha useless! No!
What I was a commercial it does not go away because the problem persists even when.
I use liquid Muhi and Liquid Unakowa to control itching, but I wonder if it has improved.
When I wasn't careful, it was back to normal. Because it's itchy.
How can it be cured? I do not know. Ayabe-chan is already crazy.
Everything works.

188 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/15(火) 00:14:41.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Obituary
Actor Sei Ashina, who has appeared in many dramas and movies, is at her home in Tokyo. I was found dead. I was 36 years old.
It depends on the person concerned a child that is expected to suicide by the Metropolitan Police Department has confirmed the detailed situation.
The person who died is Sei Ashina (36), an actor. It depends on the parties and, 14 days,
relatives from that died at his home in Tokyo that it was found, from such as the situation in the field is seen as suicide
is that Ru.
The Metropolitan Police Department is checking the detailed situation.
Ms. Ashina is from Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture,
and has appeared in NHK's taiga drama "Yae no Sakura" broadcast in 2013, as well as in numerous dramas and movies.
The quote ends. Such nano-Nde? First, I had thought I, the person Shikawaka I thing orchid. Gassho.
And Mr. Suga is the president of the Liberal Democratic Party. It landslide victory
it was Tsu.
The difference was too small to add Mr. Kishida and Mr. Ishiba.
Uncle Reiwa. I'm an old man in terms of age.
Everything works.

189 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/16(水) 00:30:19.01 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Bulletin
Talent and actor Shiro Kishibe at 4:33 am on August 28, expanded myocardial infarction.
It was found that he had died at a hospital in Chiba prefecture due to acute heart failure due to an infarction.
I was 71 years old. Near rushed sister living in, then ran also Kazunori's brother actor but say attached,
became a people that does not come back.
Mr. Kishibe collapsed due to cerebral hemorrhage in 2003, and has been repeatedly hospitalized and discharged on suspicion of Parkinson's disease.
The 2013 reunion of The Tigers was the last public event. The quote ends.
I Waidosho remains strong impression of "look look Hello" of the over. Gassho.
Everything works.

190 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/17(木) 01:34:54.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Garsu
Liberal Democratic Party President Yoshihide Suga (71) will be elected prime minister of the House of Representatives plenary session on the afternoon of the 16th.
Was elected the 99th Prime Minister. Poor physical condition in good has received after Ri resigned Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (65).
It is the first time in 7 years and 8 months since December 2012 that the prime minister has changed.
Mr. Suga immediately started to form a cabinet.
Through the prime minister appointment ceremony and ministerial certification ceremony at the Imperial Palace,
the local people, the Cabinet, but by the two-party coalition New Komeito is launched in 16 days.
Own in the prime minister selected from Minto, not even in the hereditary does not belong to the faction is unusual.
Mr. Suga declared on the 14th that he was elected the 26th president,
" We will create a cabinet that works for the people."
"Silos of bureaucracy, vested to break the interests, bad precedent principle, promote regulatory reform,"
the strength and the tone. The quote ends.
Prime Minister Suga appointed Congratulations or be.
When you find the wrote Nante such die in Dokozo of lecturer wonder, I tell them that it Te do.
Would you like to deal with such a small person?
Everything works.

191 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/18(金) 01:21:02.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Point
When I shopped at a major convenience store, Seven-Eleven, I got 5,000 points in nanaco.
Great. I sang Happy Happy I'm Happy. I will use it carefully.
That said, it's not enough for IQOS's one carton.
But it helps. Everything works.

192 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/19(土) 00:38:35.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Again
Ayabe-chan wasted a gigabyte, which she is good at.
Actually, the date changed and as of midnight on the 19th, the remaining amount should be 8.385GB, but only 7.42GB remains.
This 7.42GB will be less than the expected remaining amount of 7.740GB as of midnight on the 20th tomorrow.
Well you, whether it is free time yesterday Lhasa, did you find the GIF in tits Purupuru.
And Maku download to find What is quite a shaking condition When not had Riyaga'.
Then I used 1.05GB. So today, tomorrow is quiet Shitema be.
Everything works.

193 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/20(日) 00:12:54.92 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Saving
What happened to yesterday's self-restraint from using the Internet?
I almost never used it. Then, 7.42GB → 7.26GB, and I used only 160MB.
Wonderful but still My eggplant worry about what to do because minus a.
Today is also the saving remaining 7.1GB next if the life,
such remains in the 21 days his head, but he more than 7.09GB of the remaining amount that must,
network I do not If you do not tampered bets information can be obtained.
Horny dynamic do not also obtained image. Let's talk, let's do it.
If you win the monthly au50GB present campaign at the end of the month, this
problem will be solved, but I have never won it.
But everything works.

194 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/20(日) 04:11:34.93 ID:???0.net
You have to wait 0 hours, 09 minutes, 26 seconds till next download.
Download files instantly with Premium-account!
You can download one file per day.
Download speed in free mode up to 75 Kb/s.
Avoid the need for download tickets by using a PREMIUM account!!

195 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/21(月) 16:14:00.08 ID:???0.net
I have a boobies selection.

196 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/21(月) 16:16:31.46 ID:???0.net
She's got big boobies.

197 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/22(火) 00:17:24.97 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Dependence.
Giga Saving Life is becoming more difficult and regrettable.
I was absorbed in Hardidosk's physiology without messing with the net.
This is a little easier because there is plenty of room left. But I have no choice but to do it.
Big pie. In other words, Boyne. I thought
about how to name this collected by program combination for an hour. Umm.
Fixed name but before the "BOOBIES SELECTION".
It's cool. Thanks to you, I went to numbering # 12. One also 12 hours of continuous since are summarized in approximately 1 hour per translation it tits can enjoy.
But, my important Pacotin isn't doing well. Zinc and maca do not work either.
But when I ate the soy sauce of fried rice with garlic soaked in it, it revived.
Ayabe's Ayabe. So Nin meat give vitality to definitely male function.
My Gusoku the original it because much anxious. But I'm already tired.
Everything works.

198 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/23(水) 00:40:41.14 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Sake and former
TOKIO Tatsuya Yamaguchi is driving in Nerima- ku, Tokyo on the morning of the 22nd.
Kotogawa had been arrested in suspicion was bought.
According When the 9:30 am around to the Metropolitan Police Department, exchange of Nerima Sakuradai in the difference point,
the bike is not a signal waiting Yamaguchi suspect is driving was hit from behind by a car that.
The injured were not, but Hiroshi Yamaguchi for alcohol was examined suspects of breath has been detected,
it has been arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.
Yamaguchi suspect is "driving a bike with a cup of sake, that caused the accident is MaIari does Mase" thing that has admitted the charges and.
Quote end Divide. Hmm. So.
By the way, will Uchaka be revived in the upcoming radio program, LOL Problem Carboy?
Already in the Sunday Japon and Nichiyou Sunday not doing a live broadcast that.
Is the cowboy a live broadcast? I don't know, but let's listen.
Ota and Mr. Daredare friends of Daredare at the beginning of program,
making noise the world since claiming the person is caused, how claiming to Yamaguchi, a former member?
Everything works.

199 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/24(木) 00:21:34.25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 53 years old
Yokohama FC player Kazuyoshi Miura participated in the J1 Kawasaki Shinmachi match yesterday and is the oldest player.
It set a new record. That is Todoroki Athletics Stadium.
Yes, the stadium that Verdy Kawasaki used to be home to.
At the beginning of 1993, he was active as Verdy's Kazu.
Since I was anti-Verdi Kawasaki, mosquito
's, Takeda, but per Kitazawa was not as how disgusting disgusting,
or strength It'll have Tsu, I thought that there is no way.
That Kazu is still active. I have to give up my life.
So I honestly think it's amazing. Kazu, who is over 10 years old, looks younger than me.
I think such Alright is a'll I also do my best But I have.
Everything works.

200 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/25(金) 20:06:11.72 ID:???0.net
Strange dream. A mountain suddenly forms in an empty space.
There was also a lake at the foot of the mountain, which was named Reiwa Shinzan.
Originally geothermal potential in high places, spa town is formed,
what is comparatively not far away from home to go to play with.
It's impossible. When I looked it up, there were no volcanoes in the vicinity.
There are no mountains. It's a plain, and
it's unlikely that such a place would suddenly rise and erupt.
If there was, it wouldn't have accumulated . Dreams are really mysterious. I wanted to record it.
Everything works.

201 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/26(土) 01:24:28.27 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Hapiba
Congratulations on my loved one's birthday today.
Is it 30 years old when rounded off? Congratulations too much anyway.
But it doesn't reach her. For 3 years. Three years on the stone.
I hope you will meet again positively. Such better is YYY and nylon was written on the site.
Believe it honestly and write positively.
Well, I found some interesting check items, so I will introduce them.
I found it at Becky Thread, but it is an HSP diagnostic test, so please try it.
1.It makes me uncomfortable when many things happen at once. Busy day-to-day is followed and the ply, such as a bed or a darkened room
Bashi is obtained, want escaped to the stimulus is small place
3. Bright light and strong smell, rough and fabric, close to the service
easy to chilling, such as the sound of ylene
4. Be flustered and often must be in a short period of time that
5. Confused when there is a change in life
6. Big strong stimuli, such as sound and cluttered and the scene is troublesome
not (heavy cumbersome and air)
7. It depends on the mood of others
8. Loud noise makes you uncomfortable
9. It's frustrating to be asked a lot at once
10. And many things are happening in around them unpleasant mood
is enhanced
11. And it has been seen and competition scene tension and upset too, have
not be able to exert even the power of One
, but is more than, I
I will almost true. Is it dangerous?
Everything works.

202 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/28(月) 01:15:45.06 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Sadness
Two years and nine months have passed since it was early. Every month, every month, every time this 28th comes, I remember.
The deep impact of that day. And this is also a deep sadness for me and my age group.
Yuko Takeuchi is the death of the actress, 40-year-old ... suicide or actress at home
Yuko Takeuchi (40) is 27 days before dawn,
the own of Shibuya-ku, Tokyo found're limp with home apartment, the transport destination of the hospital Death was confirmed.
From the situation on the ground, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is Kubitsu are considered to have attempted suicide Ri.
According to people familiar with the matter, at around 1:55 am on the 27th, Takeuchi's husband and actor Taiki Nakabayashi (35) found Takeuchi in the closet and dialed 119.
The suicide note has not been found. The quote ends. Such do that will What is the end of the month.
The original members and Daiya Seto main Yamaguchi I was will flow away My God of members.
It is a gassho.
Everything works.

203 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/29(火) 20:04:02.26 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Tamon
I'm free, so I 'm working on a hyper GIF creator Ayabe project. Is it a super GIF master?
I forgot to call myself in the past. Such a thing is how well even,
big tits is shaking Burunburun have struggled videos to work to adjust the speed at the time of GIF ofthat.
Of course, but I think that I want to publish some day,
or not a general public After obtaining a high evaluation from if I have seen in the friend thinks I even did to him.
What is difficult about the speed is that I am making the same speed that is shaking normally and the one that slows down a little slowly,
but that speed. What it is to speed it during the study or should I Re.
With my tool, you can set up to 4x speed up and 0.25x speed down.
The I 0.25 speed is a fragmentary I'm thing I 1 of 4 minutes to. I tried to multiply the boobs of Poinboin,
which is plump, by 0.25 times, but it was
too slow and the feeling of shaking disappeared.
It is a phase where the lower limit of double speed is being determined. So far,
the speed at which you can enjoy the behavior of the breast while leaving a feeling of plumpness Is it up to 0.5 times speed?
After that only such consulted show to friends must Re. However, one problem arose here.
I don't have any friends.
Everything works.

204 :ナナシマさん:2020/09/30(水) 01:52:59.66 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Kagura 2
I tried Senran Kagura 2 -Shinku- for the first time in a long time. That's free time
When I looked at the save data, it was written that it was 14:21 on May 28, 2016 in the first frame.
It's a waste because it's been about 4 years and 4 months. Low
Once you have de ends with was what cleared the first scenario had Tsu. Ah, I remembered.
The poem of Ninja 1-02 was so strong that I threw it out.
When I looked up the strategy on the net, I was told to put on a dendrite. I see.
Get attack, defense, and ground attack immediately and install.
I was able to beat it easily. After that
, things went on and on, and I was able to afford all the chestnuts.
Now, diligently and work aimed at all the combinations 50 set favorability are industry.
Wear both likable stones and select Ninja 5-13 "Because I want to be a rival"
If you go to the left instead of the right from the starting point,
there are items that increase experience points and favorability, so take them.
The rest is properly cleared. I wonder if it will be 50 if I do it twice.
Starting with Asuka, everyone is doing 50 spotted pigeons in order, but Katsuragi and Katsuragi's same character con
Only up to bi is 50. There is still a long way to go. Well,any good.
Everything works.

205 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/01(木) 00:39:15.85 ID:???0.net
The second half of the year starts in the second half. Until next March.
There seems to be some price increases. The price of what is said to be the third beer and cigarettes is rising.
Alcohol and nicotine addiction is hard! Please do your best.
Yesterday I did a little DIY. I made a shelf. It's a simple one. It's not strong enough and it 's fluffy like my dick.
When I cleaned it up for shelving, an old tea bottle came out.
The contents are 80%. So I tried to throw it away, huh? Wait, wait, let's filter this into water?
If you have a problem with water in the future, this experience should be useful. Is it okay to boil first?
I'm afraid to open the lid, so if I boil it as it is, it will burst, right?
Should I open the lid and wrap the surroundings with boiling water?
It is impossible to put this content liquid in a pot. After the coffee fill drink if Kose on the Coulter, etc.?
No, you can't drink.
Everything works.

206 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/01(木) 03:37:22.56 ID:???0.net
from ABC NEWS.

207 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/02(金) 15:09:23.83 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Are you frustrated?
During the 15:00 break, young people regret Satomi Ishihara's marriage.
But, you guys Is the, why its Even though no chance originally are you doing now what hot It is? I'm thinking.
These did not even I maintain are thought to such a thing in the vicinity,
I think regret is an emotion that can only be forgiven by those who have a chance.
In a little more to arrive at the Satomi Ishihara if shame were taken in the direction of others it can be seen.
But, if such can even compete in the habit nor acquaintance mortifying and is this how Even though people were Tsu.
I know if you're sad.
For example, obituary. Here also Kere also not acquaintedetc. it will be no people who've seen on TV. that's sad.
But I'm not disappointed. Not a bereaved family or a doctor in charge. Can be matching in shame for the people there was a Rukoto.
So please congratulate Satomi Ishihara. Young dung guys.
Everything works.

208 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/03(土) 01:42:45.83 ID:???0.net
Ayabe bitches
and bitches bitches I'm loud Rogai Ayabe, I still, the year I become so take age Right.
Do the old man you do not want to be wonder we've come me. You have to be careful.
Ordinary, general, if come a standard of life, by now the children I do not have time to write in such a place in the exam and North and South Valleys
wax burns.
A while ago, I went to the amusement park in Kumamoto on a program to record the Goripara, but the group was talking about love while watching the school trip students .
Ayabe didn't have that idea. But dopey that attraction down the Do's scary,
The three of Goripara must have been popular. Well, that's why I got a TV job.
For example, at a company drinking table, how many people do you have with your boss? It will be a story like that.
But I can't answer because I don't have it. When that happens,
my boss is a nasty guy who doesn't get hungry.
Then, the isolation will deepen more and more. Not being popular is a real sin.
Everything works.

209 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/03(土) 14:09:54.76 ID:???0.net
It's as easy as ABC!

210 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/04(日) 19:53:49.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Since
I was free, I had a bad poem while watching the Japan Women's Open Golf Championship I read it back.
Well really feeling bad. Kotodama-sama, sneaking into a love affair without any luck!
It was a past that I thought that I would be suicide or suit myself,
because the worst result would come out on the day when I made a positive statement , relying on spiritual things.
It is, however it interesting. It's not new that it doesn't work, and I know that there is no Kotodama.
Isn't it different? There is a kotodama, but it was written that it would react to me.
Positive words react and negative words come back to you. The history of this Kimopo proved it.
I don't know what to do. I wonder if it is. But I keep writing?
Everything is fine.

211 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/05(月) 18:40:22.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Yokohama Rubber
There is nothing special about it.
There seems to be a strange odor in the vicinity of Yokohama. It smells like burnt rubber.
Is the whole city like that? Well I know not but, Dongfenget al.
Since the countryside, have constantly burning there need of field Runode, is the day-to-day of smoky in some time. So Dongfeng In et al would not be a whistleblower.
Smel harassment?
Or, or, because in the Kanagawa Prefecture of underground is burning is what fire fighting? Eventually, it erupted from nothing and formed a mountain.
The completion of Reiwa Shinzan! It's like I saw it in a post somewhere.
Everything works.

212 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/06(火) 01:29:35.00 ID:???0.net
Not a Miyazon and Miyazono Daiko. Email from A mazon.
Please update your credit card information.
Well, I've certainly bought it in one shot, but I haven't registered the credit card information, right? Hmm?
I don't have the credit card itself. I have a prepaidcard.
Is this a fish-on scam? What is it? The attached URL is mazon. It feels bad.
Let's report the junk mail. Then I wonder if I won't go to other people.
Then the number of victims will decrease as much as possible.
These fraudulent harassers and loud doorbattans!
I pray that the people in my neighborhood will die. Please.
Everything works.

213 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/07(水) 05:27:16.71 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is Devil.
Arrested Masaru Onuma suspect in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
The alleged abuse of his child and killed him.
Yes. I'm sorry every time, but there is a woman who needs such Onuma S suspect. Once again, I was proved to be a man less than a criminal.
It's sad and subservient. Not only his appearance but also his curse seemed to be attached,
and he was a troublesome person in the neighborhood. Is it less than that? This is
likely to cause long-term depression again .
Even with short stature, low education, and low income, girls and children will not be violent.
Swear. Of course shake both men not I but.
However, he lost to the violent man.
I don't know if this is no good anymore. I wonder if it's time to write something.
Everything works.

214 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/08(木) 04:05:47.23 ID:???0.net
GIF is tidy. Organize animated GIF videos
by the author, or delete duplicates.
Its though it is exactly the same video in, there are things of different capacity. Taka
I one-kilobytes or it, but do not know the difference. But I'm wondering if there is a slight difference that I can't understand, so I've saved both.
Can I say it's done?
This will take some time as there are quite a few. That makes me sleepy. Some guys don't move, what is it?
When I looked at the details, it said webp.
The URL says GIF, but when I download it and get it, it becomes webp. It's funny. What is this?
I'm not sure, but I can't see it on my Android device. Is it an extension? It's hard, is not it.
Such I'll keep to the left do not know so. That seems to be ugly.
Everything works.

215 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/10(土) 00:00:23.77 ID:???0.net
Ayabe #cancelkanechi
Now, what happens is a typhoon. The course forecast for No. 14 is quite different,
isn't it? It's like going over the sea in the south. But please be careful if you are in the coastal area.
Ayabe is inland so it's okay.
By the way, it's been a while since there was a live broadcast of the Japan national football team match, so I thought I'd take a look.
I changed the channel because the pink head of comedy that I was not good at came out.
Apparently, I've been a thief, so I get rejection. I couldn't get inside, but something outside was stolen.
The criminal wasn't caught, and the neighbors told me he was stupid and had a lot of trouble.
I think it was about 10 years ago. It said Ma and hate the sin not the sinner Suga, I let me be rejected.
Also, Anchan in the neighborhood, I'm still boiling Harawata. Be careful.
Everything works.

216 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/11(日) 16:42:17.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mega
I tried to buy MEGABIG 1 like 0-neck and write to this morning of the newspaper had been had. Gain.
It was unscrupulous, but I thought that some games would be canceled due to the typhoon,
so I bought it, and all the games were played safely.
Well, I still have a second chance. I think it was about 6 million. Let's increase
Then I want to try again. Preparative qualification or Tsu.
There is no such sweet story. The bad guy what ya I'm no good even me. I know that, but as long as I'm alive, I want to have hope.
You can try your best on the stone for three years. But in my case, I'm likely to be fired.
So even if I do my best, I don't like it because I'm waiting for depression. That was the case until now.
Everything works.

217 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/12(月) 22:30:00.75 ID:???0.net
Composer Kyohei Tsutsumi dies. 80 years old.
Everyone knows I'm just songs that.
I think the senior generation is in the middle of me, so it's better not to write anything extra. It is a gassho.
Everything works.

218 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/13(火) 02:21:26.69 ID:???0.net
Ayabe LOL
When I was cleaning up the room for a while I came. It was recorded in 2015 since,
still with the HD to the water mark of the family theater.
Since it has been rebroadcast many times, will we start recording again?
It's the third time in five years. At first I recorded it on a DVD.
Moreover, from the set-top box via the S terminal. In XP but still I have to feel that did not enter the.
Certainly, I was dubbing in flexible mode.
Eventually i. Since the STB compatible with Link has arrived,
we also have a Blu-ray hard disk recorder.
What about Drifters? Speaking of which, I edited only the lascivious scenes and put them together,
so I didn't save them as a whole. It was in 2015 that I finally lifted my heavy waist.
But halfway tow gave up. This time, the part that will be broadcast at the Family Theater will be completed.
Everything works.

219 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/14(水) 19:04:05.06 ID:???0.net
Tochigi Prefecture, which is familiar with the catchphrase of Tochigi Road of Yasuragi,
is 47 in the prefecture attractiveness ranking.
It has become the lowest rank, that is, the lowest rank.
Speaking of Tochigi Prefecture? Even crazy me can easily think of dumplings, strawberry,
Nikko Toshogu, Kegon Falls, Nasu Kogen, Kinugawa, etc.
Moreover, I have stayed at Sunvalley Nasu several times.
What is it? With and without anything, just Is the only close in Tokyo, sales pitch is the city center close to, but there will be what charm there is no prefecture of just me.
As for the questionnaire, you can't vote for your prefecture.
Then, the place with a large population will lose its advantage.
Good luck Tochigi Prefecture! Ayabe will support you.
Everything works.

220 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/15(木) 04:07:17.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe awakening...
I'm originally a poor sleeper, but I'm just about to come out.
I think it's the timing when I'm talking loudly with my neighbors!
My eyes are clear. Ah, I wonder if it can't be helped anymore.
I thought again that it was such a fate. I wonder if he will sleep soundly from now on.
Minute of my me sleeping comfortably up.
Well, I saw you saw my buddy season19. I will not write the contents, but the last message was a memorial message to Sei Ashina,
who played the role of Kaede Kazama, a reporter of "Weekly Photos" who passed away the other day.
This is sad. Kaede Kazama was also out, so I wonder if that will be the last if it comes out next week. Lonely limited.
Everything works.

221 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/17(土) 20:25:56.93 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Wee
Women's soccer professional league "WE league" entered 11 teams determined round.
Soccer women's professional league, which kicks off next year, "WE re- determine the 11 teams to enter the Hague",
Nadeshiko League with nine of the team that belongs to, is newly established will be to enter the two teams I did.
The WE League is looking for clubs to join the league with the aim of opening next fall,
and by July 17 teams had applied for membership. At the board meeting on the 15th,
the WE League signed professional contracts with more than 15 players,
and as a result of judging based on its own entry criteria such as making more than half of the officers and employees women,
11 teams I approved the application. 11 teams approved for membership
My Navi Sendai, Urawa Reds, Chifure Elfen Saitama,
Jeff United Ichihara / Chiba, Nittele VerdyBerezer, Nojima Stella Kanagawa Sagamihara, Nagano Parceiro,
Albirex Niigata, INAX Kobe Leonessa, and new Omiya Ardija, Sanfrecce Hiroshima.
Or the end quote you. I want Japan to be a place where girls can shine. That should be the case.
Everything works.

222 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/18(日) 19:16:40.51 ID:???0.net
It's hard to see yesterday's WE original 11 again. I'll write a lot.
・Mynavi Sendai Ladies
・Urawa Red Diamonds Ladies
・Omiya Ardija
・Chifure AS Elfen Saitama
・Nihontelevision・Tokyo Verdi Beleza
・Nojima Stella Kanagawa Sagamihara
・AC Nagano Parceiro・Ladies
・Albirex Niigata Ladies
・INAC Kobe Leonessa
・Sanfrecce Hiroshima F.C
Kanto is too much, but J was more than half in the first year.
Its It will increase within or. Would you like to buy a directory if it comes out?
Everything works.

223 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/20(火) 04:02:56.34 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Bitches
Vegalta Sendai MF arrested for "Dating partner DV"
The face of a female talent.
There was a shocking thread that wasn't announced even if I kicked and swung up the knife.
Ryohei Michibuchi from Miyagi prefecture.
There was also an image of the same player holding a kitchen knife, which made me feel scared.
It seems that a similar incident occurred during the Ventforet Kofu. Yes, it's a customary bitterness from here.
I think she can do it for such a person. If Guchire this many times would be good.
Sure, I'm a shit man, but I swear to God that she will never be violent. However, such a weak and weak man does not treat him as the opposite sex.
But I can't. Because it hurts.
If she can't do it without violence against the girl, I'll be lonely for the rest of my life.
I can't hit and kick.
Everything works.

224 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/20(火) 21:09:59.15 ID:???0.net
Popolon went into Mt.Atos to
rescue Aphrodite kidnapped
by Hudnos. But it was a trap
made by Galious. He attacked
the castle during Popolon's
absence and also kidnapped
and imprisoned a baby from
the heaven who was supposed
to be born Popolon and
Aphrodite several years

225 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/21(水) 19:24:35.10 ID:???0.net
Ayabe alarm
And while flowing a television program in you also commute the preparation phase
should more human also not a little to say.
On rare occasions, I don't watch TV. I also understand that. Certainly, it's boring to do the same thing side by side.
I agree with that. However, I play Fuji Television Network Co., Ltd. In the meantime, the longevity specialty corner, today,
a different dog corner will start. The show is about to end.
Its although I Nante dog Ne cute in this, Is the softening, most near, not 's dog, take a look over our lives nice was Yo?
Isn't it a proud corner?
There are times when I think. Jismonin I don't know what to do this morning,
they were fashionable guys. Fuji Television Network also choose the people Runokane?
Let 's go to a house like buying a dog secretly in a public housing complex that seems to have been mass-produced during the period of high economic miracle.
I think you guys have cut off the negatives from politics. That's why I often complain about politics.
I don't understand. Tomorrow will also be proud of It makes me sad to think that Nko is used.
Angry dog. Defeat Fuji-television.
Everything works.

226 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/22(木) 00:47:26.16 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Dopyu
As I get older halfway, I can understand most of my life. It will be.
I can't pursue my dreams anymore, and I can't have any higher hopes. Here and there in Te Gatagaki,
old to feel the have even unpleasant. What I was able to do when I was young is gradually becoming impossible.
Every day, bad Poyet of this feeling but is spelled write-time, this right now latest poem also,
one will become day one day old.
I'm starting to feel a little scared about it. Yesterday there was still time than today,
a year ago, further further before.
What can I do now so that I won't regret it?
Even if you think about it, the reality is nothing.
Everything doesn't work even though it exists. But it surely goes by one second.
Suddenly, is it okay?
The bad idea goes astray. I a funny idiot of the head because I think such a thing even,
delicate person is not suffering more I wonder Rassharu.
Will we mourn today again tomorrow? Is there anything I can do?
Play with Pocochin while thinking.
Everything works.

227 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/23(金) 01:26:02.01 ID:???0.net
Ayabe congratulations
Popular laughter combination Ninety-nine Takashi Okamura (50) is getting married!
The other party is a general person in his thirties. It was good tut ~.
Until just a few months ago, I was sick of words, but I wonder if that person supported me during that time?
After all, the article was just published,
and Ninety-nine's Thursday ANN (All Night Nippon) is busy with live special week broadcasts.
I'm busy touching JUNK Ogi and Yahagi's eyes on the back Thursday. The ANN guest aiko's songs, it also Toka is flowing in towards the Giwayagi.
I'll be back on the radio anyway. congratulations!
Everything works.

228 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/24(土) 03:29:15.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe no butt.
Local Bus Connection Confrontation Trip Team Battle 2 Boso Peninsula Kamogawa-Naritasan I recorded it,
but I left it alone.
And isn't Johnny's injury during the show on the art sports Yarase? When I looked into it, it said,
"Is Jurina Matsui's ass good?",
So I played it immediately. Then suddenly my chest was good.
Only I do not know the ass quite to. Where is which scene?
And the first day is over. And my favorite food on the second day! Reward Pita Pita
Pants Pita bread for short.
It's not Peter Pan, but I worshiped it.
I'm satisfied. I stopped playing because it was a waste,
and watched a program called "Shimura Theater" at the CS Family Theater.
Eventually, it became a town bra corner, and it was a trip to Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture.
Shimura-san and Ryu-chan. The girl blood Yuka rather than Nyan, who do not have idea all due respect.
That person's butt was too tight and it was wonderful. great. It's ass day. Let's say October 23rd is Butt Day.
That person's name will be continued next week in Utsunomiya, so let's find out.
Yup, I haven't recorded this. After all, it was a sudden event and a treasure.
Everything works.

229 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/25(日) 20:35:54.55 ID:???0.net
Ayabe sorry
There are commit suicide by jumping in Osaka, one person you Nakuna in the collateral was Rininara.
I can't finish it. You can die alone or that's exactly right.
Some have defended it, but most have stated that it is not clear that it was the Japanese cause of the person committing suicide.
Then, I wonder if it would be nice to have a society in which they are isolated when they try to take mysterious actions under the thorough control of the Japanese government.
I don't know, I just want to hit Japan.
I don't understand the psychology of suicides .
Even people who are wealthy and successful at first glance may do
it. It's not something we amateurs just say. I
've read on the internet before that I tried to commit suicide, tried to commit
suicide, and if I was a good person, I would be saved, and if I couldn't live, I
would die. He says he'll try which way to fall
. There was no particular problem, and somehow. Whew. However,
don't bother people.
There are many people who are in trouble, such as people who are late for trains, people who clean, and drivers.
I want to die beautifully at the end . Everything works. The claim ends

230 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/26(月) 15:52:16.35 ID:???0.net
Professional baseball is wonderful.
From now on at 16:30 pm! The Professional Baseball Draft Conference will be broadcast on Sky-a.
Lipopitan D presents. It's called supported.
Is there such a ball rose? Isn't it? Draft meetings not only aim to bring the force to the suburbs, but also,
for example, to eliminate the strongest
This is called the Weibo method, which selects from the lowest ranking. This is Japan Senshudan series,
day sheet that of Li of losing the bottom of the league ranking team is going to nominate those.
The second and subsequent orders. How is it? I've heard that fans tend to be biased in their thinking because they are biased,
and that discrimination against black people,
South Korea (Republic of Korea), and North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) is terrible.
How about the Rising Sun Flag still being posted at some venues?

231 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/27(火) 22:45:08.17 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Dream feeling.
Last night, BS JAPAN was changed and it was broadcast on BS TV Tokyo. Among them, it
was an event in a combination of Akiko Yagi and Sayaka Isoyama.
I forgot my trip, but the scene is a bathing scene. Sayaka Isoyama (37) was wearing a bath towel and was soaking in hot water.
What? Does Akiko Yagi (55) not enter? I'm a fan of Yagi! Where? No, not really.
Is there an age limit for the bathing scene? I thought, but Haruhi Ryokawa (44) and Rino Katase (63) were included.
What it is the NG in the program does not mean issued, from Yagi side NG comes out, and do you to say.
When I was a kid, I wanted to see Yagi-san, who was the sister of the Akashi family Santa,
taking a bath! I'm sorry.
However, in the scene of Sayaka Isoyama, it was OK to raise the chest from above.
Isoyama may not be NG if it is within the scope of the Broadcasting Law.
Everything works.

232 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/28(水) 00:23:27.87 ID:???0.net
It's been 2 years and 10 months since it was early.


of course I ended up writing that there was nothing this month.
Last night, he had kept saying I want I want what you want in a TV program La three had come out of people entered the hand.
I've been saying it for at least a thousand days, but I can't even give you a hint.
So always the same, well I go people horse also doing what Kuikushi, also such not work doing what does not work people there is no other only say the Most.
It can't be helped. That is my destiny.
Everything works.

233 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/29(木) 01:18:57.95 ID:???0.net
Korea stay in the "Japanese underage women" is stunned to victims of rape and There is only a Korean reaction.
Japanese woman was staying in Korea properties, revealed an incident that received a rape victim from the Korean man,
it has become a hot topic in the coverage of the Korea media.
The victim woman, who was studying abroad in Seoul to study Korean, was still a minor.
Around 10:30 at night, induced at home man with her luggage had, after which took the smartphone to drink wine,
committed the crime that he.
In addition, he was injured for two weeks after he was completely healed, such as holding the victim's neck for about one minute and making him unable to breathe.
And However, net news of reaction, "he follow related to this incident," Japanese AV did a revenge of military comfort women grandmother us"
if you look at the, it will be appreciated that the woman" of waste that such as Comments are lined up.
The quote ends. The media should report well and call attention. At least if the Korean comment was a criminal hit,
I thought that not all Koreans would be so, but I was disappointed with the terrible comment like Netouyo.
It's no good Korea. Stay away Not involved.
Everything works.

234 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/30(金) 05:08:32.80 ID:???0.net
Ayabe DJ Agetaro
Ito Kentaro arrested. Suspected of leaving after the accident Kentaro Ito (23),
a popular actor of the Metropolitan Police Department,
collided with a motorcycle while driving a passenger car in Tokyo on the 28th, and
after an accident injuring two people,
from the scene once the stand can see that there is blood left suspected, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was arrested.
The quote ends.
Is it a breach of rescue obligation? I don't usually have a driver's license, so I'm not sure if I should run away.
This is true of my favorite bicycle, especially for cars. It Well But opponent of the bike was like young couples,
this It looks like there is she who will worry the suspects,
eventually only I had felt like was shown a speaking fondly of the world is should not.
Everything works.

235 :ナナシマさん:2020/10/31(土) 00:44:43.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Fantasy.
I'm doing Final Fantasy 4 from the beginning because I'm free.
Are you spelling each other in FINAL FANTASY IV?
However, I decided to impose a quota because it is also a matter of doing it leisurely again.
You can't proceed until you get a rare item dropped by a monster in that area! Wow! What a plan!
Immediately go to the field at an event that delivers Boburin.
When you examine the peripheral monsters not in possession of the other rare items
were monsters buy that.

Oh my God!

They are "Boburin" and "Dive Eagle" that drop summoning magic very rarely.
Boburin is dropped as it is summoned Boburin, Dive Eagle will drop the summons cockatrice.
Challenge in the forest on the west side of the waterfall.
8 hours later! Bobulin came! Okay! And Pasha the photo.
I'm tired as it is, so I take a break. Power off. Hmm? what? wait! so.
I misunderstood that I saved the photo taken.
It was not saved. That hardship is a bubble of water. shit! once again!
How many hours have passed since then!
Get Cockatrice instead of Bobrin ! Now take a picture and stay calm. Save!! Pilorine! Okay!
Cockatrice there in item column you will! Nothing happens when I use it.
It doesn't make sense without Lydia.
By the way, the selling price was 150 gil. Sure, this will take some time. Wow, head. It's hard to miss Boburin.
Everything works.

236 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/01(日) 00:22:24.24 ID:???0.net
Ayabe steadily.
You can already see it in FF4. I did chewy yesterday and got Bobrin safely. Then I went to the mist cave, and there was a kettle, Cain disappeared, and Lydia became a friend.
Rare drop is especially there or I Sen'yo. One day, an old Tella became a friend, and the Hades equipment had fallen,
so he recovered it. Hmm? Hades isn't upright, right? I'm not looking anywhere.
Hades of armor, helmet of Hades, its to a certain until the gauntlet of Hades and why? And then really free you doing. I understand.
So is it Damsian? As I approached the castle, the airstrikes started bombing, and the castle collapsed.
When I went inside, the soldier fell down and it was hard.
A woman is lying down as she goes up. It
was the daughter of an old Tella. Isn't it a grandchild?
From the side, Prince Gilbert of this castle comes out with the title of a bard and is arguing with the old Terra.
It's a hassle, so I hit the A button repeatedly, broke up with the old Terra, and Prince Gilbert became a friend.
Hovercraft? Have Rosa prepared I want go get what Chara for help, but here we stopped at, et al.
It's a hassle when you get older. No way.
Everything works.

237 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/02(月) 07:33:56.35 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
Japan time on October 30 evening, er between Turkey and Greece to the epicenter of the gate sea large earthquake of magnitude 7.0 caused-out,
the tsunami occurred. A total of 14 people have died and more than 600 have been injured in Turkey and Greece.
USG = and depends on the United States Geological Survey, 10 in Turkey time 3 pm before the May 30 days,
9 hours ago on October 30 night Japan time, to the epicenter of the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece magnitude 7.
There was a big earthquake of 0. Sway over a wide range is observed, Bogazici University, which conducted the seismic observation in Turkey Earthquake Research Institute of the 30 days,
the tsunami generated by the earthquake, 1 person today announced the death by.
The quote ends. I never thought that such a natural disaster had happened when I was playing games fluently.
That's horrible. Let's prepare again.
Everything works.

238 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/03(火) 05:04:27.21 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is a culture.
The Japan Cultural Center, which is familiar in Tokyo Zero San.
And Nippon Cultural Broadcasting, Nippon Cultural Broadcasting JOQR,
and cultural knives have an affair with culture.
Culture is fired on Culture Day. The word culture has collapsed in Gestalt.
Arrested Daisuke Miyazaki, a handball player.
Most of Miyazaki's saki is standing. Will it be displayed? →?
Garbled characters, culture for short. I heard that she was sick of an acquaintance's woman.
Acquaintance assault. This kind of thing for athletes continues.
Basketball Hall Hyakune Alex (Koshigaya Alphas) violates the Road Traffic Act.
Hiroshi Hirao (Saitama Seibu Lions) of baseball canceled the contract due to theft within the team.
The suspect Miyazaki belonged to Osaki Osol. This is based in Miyoshi Town, Iruma District, Saitama Prefecture.
Will Saitama make players go crazy? Soyya Hanasaki Tokuharu is sure.
Everything works.

239 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/04(水) 00:29:17.87 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is already there.
I saw V6's Ainanda 2020.
It's been a while since I've seen JORX properly. Probably since Tokyo Friendly Park.
It's a blue spring. It's youth.
Get hooked on something with your friends and accomplish one thing.
Whatever the outcome, the process will be a lifetime memory.
Blunder It is video of thanks to the teacher came a little Urutto also.
Still it was what was left even the human mind to me, and somewhat surprised. The cormorant Chi, there is a corner for self-assertion from the rooftop,
girls boys had confessed to. I said well! The result is that I'm a friend, but if I'm free, it's a waste to go out with me. Hey, what kind of school days did you spend? Asked the lever, it's nothing. My friends are NES and SNES.
I wanted to say something in a good boys and girls group and confess. Me that women with each other is walking find only in a certain guy in Toka comics
Do not want to see inform poked at the elbow wanted to be done. However, they haven't existed for the rest of my life,
and when I think about it, Ijuin Hikaru's way of speaking is chilling.
Was it ran chills through the body in such a feeling borrowed, another return not only wrap when not in sorrow.
Please seal it so that it will not spill. I definitely don't want young people to have this kind of experience.
Therefore, I want everyone to get along well, or rather, to respect each other's individuality and to understand each other rather than exclude them because they are different from themselves,
and to make their student life shine. Insidious ostracized Toka will be, old man of our late Showa born should be without really looking at,
but I was Minufuri. I've neglected it.
I'm sorry for making Japan like that.
I'm sorry.
Everything works.

240 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/05(木) 01:35:31.18 ID:???0.net
Ayabe postponed.
The Levin Cup final will be canceled on November 7th. Alternative date undecided 13 corona positives in Kashiwa.
The Japan Professional Soccer League (J League)
has announced that it will hold an emergency press conference on the 4th and will not hold the final match of the YBC Levan Cup of soccer on the 7th.
The cup was supposed to compete for the championship in the FC Tokyo-Kashiwa match, but it turned out that three people, including one player and Nelsinho,
were positive for the new coronavirus infection in Kashiwa. In response to this, the club conducted a PCR test on a total of 82 players and staff on the 3rd.
By the night of the 4th, the results were obtained, and 2 players and 8 top team staff were confirmed to be positive,
and a total of 13 people became positive. After receiving the inspection results and discussing with the league,
it was decided to cancel the final on November 07.
The quote ends. What a bad time. I'm planning to broadcast it on Fuji TV, but what will happen?
It's okay to rebroadcast Furuhata Ninzaburo, assistant police officer.
Also, Katsuyuki Mori (Kawaguchi Auto) won the SG victory. I don't know much about auto racing,
but former SMAP members also congratulated and became a hot topic. I'm older It looks younger than me.
I'm jealous of good-looking guys. Other than that, Mr. Trump or Mr. Biden, but the presidential election.
What happened? Even so, national character of the one, festival or rather or rather commotion show,
such of Japan if it were a funeral I different from the voting style. I'm not voting in Japan. United States was dancing.
what's with that.
Everything works.

241 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/06(金) 20:53:10.41 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Good to go.
I saw JO1 on some TV show. Then there was OH-EH-OH in their songs, it's like Hangul, isn't it?
I thought, I looked it up. JO1 is a global male idol group in Japan.
The affiliation seems to be a joint venture between Yoshimoto Kogyo and a Korean entertainment company. I see.
I hope Yoshimoto and South Korea will be a bridge between Koreans living in Japan and South Korea.
It seems that Koreans living in Japan and South Korea are not on good terms, or from the perspective of South Korea,
they don't really think about Koreans living in Japan who are warm and warm without military service.
There is also a derogatory term called Panchoppari. really. It's not good for world peace.
Yoshimoto must create a day when all Koreans living in Japan can return to their homeland.
Koreans living in Japan are said to have been discriminated against by Japanese people and suffered all damage.
I'm sorry as a Japanese. I hope that Koreans living in Japan can return to Korea where they can live with peace of mind as soon as possible.
Japanese people, don't pretend not to see it, seriously how to release Koreans in Japan from Japan let's think.
Let's not put it off to future generations. It's too pity to have to be in Japan, which I hate and hate.
Everything works.

242 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/07(土) 20:48:51.26 ID:???0.net
Ayabe sleep.
After having lunch, I'm just sleepy.
I was thinking of seeing Lupine III today, but I fell asleep, and when I woke up,
it was 15:50.
Lupine III was at a station called Animax
from 15:00, so it was almost over.
Is it narcolepsy? I feel like I suddenly lose consciousness.
I don't have a driver's license, but I'm glad I didn't.
When I drive a car, my consciousness flies and I'm sick.
It's okay if I just die, but it's extremely annoying to get someone involved or destroy something.
It is God's will that I couldn't get it even after going to the driving school many times.
Everything works.

243 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/08(日) 01:38:11.03 ID:???0.net
Legend of Ayabe.
I'm doing the Legend of Zelda between FF4, but this tied up play has no ring.
The Legend of Zelda ring has the effect of reducing damage, the blue ring halves the damage,
and the red ring halves the damage, making it a very useful item.
First, buy a blue ring for 250 rupees. Normally. The red ring has fallen into the last dungeon,
so the blue ring is the one that will be taken care of for the longest time.
Do you go without it? And I think progressed comparatively crisp I was Tsu, to a level 5 dungeon was the margin.
So level 6. I got in with the momentum. The defeat Sshuzasshu and enemies. Ola Ola! The orange magician also calms down and defeats it surely.
Nice. As I proceeded, I entered the room of a blue magician, a shield-eating guy, a
glittering guy who sealed the sword for a certain period of time,
and an orange magician.U! Mambo!
Not when you're saying! Like processing the orange, the sword is sealed and the shield eats before he escapes.
I hate it! If you avoid it, a blue magician will hit you and be blown away, and another blue magician will magically attack you.
Gupoa. Instant death. I didn't even have time to use the medicine. Game over. I'm already broken.
Everything works.

244 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/09(月) 01:38:30.80 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Kodomo-beya.
I'm playing video games at a good age, but after all,
I'm about to lose to that age, and the word "retired" crosses.
Speaking of RPG, level up and equipment are prepared, and people in the city are neglected to listen.
The dungeon is also troublesome and disgusting.
Action also fell arm something high-speed boat of Mario 3, and think intends that often. So avoid it with fluttering wings. I can afford it.
And I'm misunderstanding. The puzzle game Picross is a peck mark here, so I painted it and activated the correction skill.
Is it retirement? No, it's because the controller is worn out!!!
Must be so! I don't admit it!
What should I spend my days as a hobby if my game brain is taken away?
Pocochin isn't doing well either.
Everything works.

245 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/10(火) 04:57:54.48 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Awakens.
I wake up at such a time. I want to be old. It's true that he was born in the Showa era,
so speaking of the elderly, he is the elderly.
In a dark room, I feel anxious and sad. It wasn't supposed to be like this.....
That's it. Recently, I've been bald with gray hair. The right side of the forehead is dangerous.
I'm massaging it, but it doesn't change. That it is exposed so that the lower the hair is non-Iga, it is very hard to do the wind or rain or blowing.
There are some soccer players who are bad on rainy days, but I'm sorry.
Hey, low education, low income, short stature and baldness.
The punishment game continues.
Everything works.

246 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/11(水) 00:28:03.00 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Eleven Feels good.
It's November 11th, but it's a favorite number of people I hate,
so I have to be careful as an ominous day.
I was wondering what I was poeming on November 11th in the past, so I took a look back.
You have to be uncomfortable and not vomiting.
Everything works.

247 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/12(木) 01:50:37.39 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Tanka.
Imechibomu MeMemumemewaa Awaaa
are the Azeaaabaa Wahikoku
Tanka. Writing as a short song is longer than a haiku. The way to count is one.
By the way, you don't understand the one you wrote today, right? This is actually the password for the NES software Saint Seiya Golden Legend Complete Edition.
Have you got tired of FF4 yet? No, it's not. It's a change of pace in between. When I was looking at the capture site,
the above came out. This is the ending suddenly.
There are Seiya and the glacier, and when I hear the conversation, they say strange things.
You can go to Athena as soon as you press start. The ending is dull. It seems that you can remember the 31 letters of 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7.
I remember even Hyakunin Isshu. Meaningless characters are parallel just Nderu but, I once made to have the meaning you were.
For example, in the case of "Imechibomu", the explosion of this bomb was different from the image.
Bombs with different images, Imechi Bombs, Imechi Bombs, and so on.
I see, how do you remember it? From tomorrow, let's break through the zodiac signs one by one. It's nostalgic, isn't it?
Everything works.

248 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/13(金) 00:20:02.66 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Corona.
Is it the most people who are positive for the new coronavirus in a day? It's tough.
In favor externals Is'm not is around,
came to pick up people in the neighborhood wonder if a friend's that?
The voice is so loud. Isn't it a splash busher? Infect its neighbors guy with that person but I'm selfish to death and escaped Once was for that,
spit of that person et al. Of the house it's dirty If you wait too long and touched without knowing suffering from a gate or the like.
Get out early! But, it's also troublesome
to put it on a sticker. You have to try not to get involved as much as possible.
Well, it's a guy who ignores even greetings, so when the soot disappears, I can only think of it.
The IQOS butts are thrown away in that area, and the idling of the car and the way of closing the door are also rough.
It's a so-called DQN where you leave PET bottles in the monthly parking lot.
I didn't do this until last year. Security has deteriorated all at once from this year.
Soitsu and others made a noise outside in the middle of the night of May 12th this year. Around 2 o'clock.
You guys have a lot of harm and no benefit. What if Shinkoro-chan also aims at Soitsu?
Everything works.
The 7th Metropolitan of Nuazezegoze Zezegozeze
and ze door Gagaga is it ah Gagaa

249 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/14(土) 03:13:54.19 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Aoyama.
Men's clothing sales chain to the clothes of Aoyama, such as 160 shops closed Aoyama Trading to expand the "Aoyama of clothes" is 11 days,
2 of all stores be closed about 160 stores, which corresponds to the percent by Reiwa four years of the end of March and that Announced.
The reason is the deterioration of business performance due to the spread of infection with the new coronavirus.
Through in the reduction of fixed costs suit sales have been sluggish rebuild their management.
The quote ends.
Why did you bring this article? Speaking of which, in Aoyama, the clothes I always go through,
the face of the clerk who stood up outside in preparation for the morning looked somewhat sad,
so what happened? I searched for it and found it.
That means that the nearest Aoyama is a candidate for closing.
Certainly, the city &#8203;&#8203;I live in is only old. If I'm not short, I can make a new one.
We pray for your success in the new world. It's not decided, it's my delusion. What
I wonder was not healthy either.
Do you receive power harassment from your boss?
Well, because "Human everything is a horse", closing the store may actually lead to good things.
I have no choice but to go positive. I don't want to be told by Negative Ayabe-chan.
Everything works.
the 7th Metropolitan of Nua Gagakuze Zezekuzeze
Zekuzegagahi is Gagate Atoteka

250 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/15(日) 00:41:20.10 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is a day!
On the 14th, yesterday was about 23:00, and the shit was angry!
The door closes my shit, I scream out loud, is it finally out of focus?
I don't know if it's an Alzheimer's type,
but Anger management doesn't work because it's not Ungirls.
Human, I don't want to be that. I do not want to be,
but the blood of shit old man that is playing the is has the potential to become so also I Runoka. No way.
It was in the originally sharp easy to fool, but such may have been becoming not asked to control the brain with aging rice.
This will make a big difference from my family, and I hope that in my later years I will be lonely without being seen by anyone.
But why? I've never seen my grandfather mild-mannered and sharp.
My grandmother often got angry.
Is that there? Anyway, you shouldn't get involved. Go somewhere soon. Disappear!!!
Everything works.
to Nugizeni Nudea is starvation is Zezebozeze
Zebozezeze tail Gagau Atotege

251 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/16(月) 00:18:41.24 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Volleyball.
The prefectural qualifying for high school volleyball was being broadcast.
It was broadcast yesterday in Chiba and Saitama, but I had a reservation for Chiba,
but Saitama noticed later. Wow.
I missed the recording.
It's a shame that it's been in the middle of the women's final.
Kanagawa Prefecture will be broadcast on tvk on November 22nd, so make a reservation
. Don't forget.
Was unforgettable?
Everything works.
in Nugizeni Nudea there is starvation Gagaozeze
eyes intends Gaza ze Zebozezezeboze

252 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/17(火) 17:17:22.22 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Very Short.
Hair is the number one concern for middle-aged men. This is, the lower would be 2 top of the troubles of half of the body.
What stands out these days is very short hair. It means that it fell off in just about 1 cm.
If you look it up, hair that says goodbye before it grows up is likely to be AGA.
It seems that the rest is disappearing, and this is unavoidable.
Receiving the old age he must be taken. Oh my hair!
My lower body isn't doing well at all, and I have to end my life.
Everything works.
Nugizeni Nuaagazenuze Zezebozeze to
department Mr. Zebogagaga is Te is vomiting

253 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/18(水) 01:43:14.45 ID:???0.net
Ayabe BSCS.
Busy! Kas! Not really. Satellite broadcasting.
There is a control program called Dorifu Daibakyou, but BS is rebroadcast on BS Fuji Television and CS is rebroadcast on Family Theater.
What's the difference?
Speaking of which, BS Fuji TV has a cut song. After What is another characteristic is, it enters a blur to those sexual.
There was a nude drawing on the last Sunday broadcast, but I could see the butt, but the bust top had disappeared.
This is a big problem.
At the Family Theater, the nipples are fully open in the daytime. After this I forgot time of or broadcast, Kato tea's to expose the penis of fake in the coin-operated laundry,
but I, BS Fuji TV had put a blur also to this. It's tough.
So, as a maniac me, I enjoy combining with and without blur after blurring. DIGA can do such editing.
If you add a chapter mark and skip from the blurred version, the blurred will be removed and the breasts will be exposed.
The boobs are exposed by skipping in reverse and blurring. Don't get sleepy if you play this repeatedly I have.
Everything works.
Nugizeni Nutsuagagazeze Zezebozeze to
I Zebozezegashi is intends Gagaya

254 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/19(木) 02:46:10.46 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Good evening.
Oh, say hello at this time.
It was awakened 20 to 30 minutes ago by the voice of a person who was making a noise somewhere in the neighborhood.
What a bad luck. I can't sleep for a while.
It's terrible. It was a bad memory. I'm crying and waiting for the morning to come.
Everything works.

255 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/20(金) 05:42:16.90 ID:???0.net
Ayabe rich man.
Will there be people making noise outside like last night again tonight?
When I think about it, I get nervous and can't sleep.
Even if I fall asleep, I sleep lightly and wake up immediately.
They slept soundly and I have to spend my whole life scared by my voice. It's a loss if you get into trouble with caution.
I wonder if I have to spend my days of patience. Or just move. Its will can not be easy.
Unless you win the lottery. I didn't buy it in the first place.
Would you like to buy a MEGA BIG? It seems
that there are a lot of carryovers. Maybe they made a noise outside and robbed me of my sleep to get me to buy it?
You will be worried about the noise and will try to make a lot of money with the thought of grasping the straw.
Then you'll rely on lottery tickets and soccer lottery tickets.
That's right and you can get rid of it from this area. It is a part of the scenario.
Everything works.
Nugizeni Nuriagagaba ze Zezebozeze to
text ZenuZezegaze is intends Gagaze

256 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/21(土) 15:39:10.40 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Yamazaki.
American Forces Network Abbreviated as AFN. It's an AM810kHz radio station,
but I haven't heard Hisano Yamazaki's voice for a while, but have I stopped? It was a sexy voice.
What a teapot. That is probably her too. I don't know how long I want it to come back.
The reason I started listening to this US military broadcast was when I was playing around with the world radio that my parents bought,
and this broadcast happened to catch me,
oh! I received the radio waves of the world!
If you think about it, this station is certainly entirely in English, but it's a broadcast for the USFJ.
Did you come from the Far East Network era
I'm so worried that I can't get up in the morning!
If Hisano Yamazaki can teach English, I would like to hear the meaning of "Accept".
This comes out when you are asked for consent online, but I don't know what to click .
It's easy to understand if it's OK.
Everything works.
Nunugizesu ze if Shizumezeze Zezezegaga
Gaze Gagaga place is Te after Gagayo

257 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/22(日) 19:24:36.51 ID:???0.net
There was an earthquake right now, right?
I was surprised, bu it was calm in terms of shaking.
But if I was asleep, I would have been awake. It made that much noise. There is no help for nature.
There is no choice but to coexist. The noise generated by humans is more annoying than that,
so the resentment when awakened will be the maximum.
Be aware that a man in his twenties who made a noise near his house in the middle of the night is resented by me. Understand.
Everything works.
Nununuze to ze Zezebagaga if Shichimezeze
is Gaze Gagaga place to Te after Gagawa

258 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/23(月) 06:47:32.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
The epicenter of yesterday's earthquake was around 19:06, off the coast of Ibaraki prefecture,
and the maximum seismic intensity was less than 5, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki prefecture.
The depth is about 50km and the magnitude indicating the magnitude of the earthquake is estimated to be M5.7.
Speaking of Tokai Village, there is a nuclear power plant. About 20 years ago, there was an INES level 4 accident here.
It is a criticality accident at the Tokai Village JCO nuclear fuel processing facility.
Two workers were killed in the third criticality accident in Japan. Tokai Village wouldn't want to be famous for this. Hmm?
Who reads Tokai as Donghae? Sea of &#8203;&#8203;Japan.
Everything works.
Nununuzenu Nuria ze ze ze is Zezezezeze
to Zewagagagawa is Te after the Gaga

259 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/25(水) 00:11:06.28 ID:???0.net
Ayabe The day to cut your hair.
I changed the barber shop. I changed it, or returned to the barber shop that had been cut before.
It's been since August 18, 2016. It's been 1559 days.
Uncle and aunt still live was good to have come. An old-fashioned shop.
The reason why I graduated from the store four years ago is that a nice girl joined the company and decided to go to a modern barber shop.
Still, Ayabe-chan can't go to the beauty salon. Thousand yen was up, but still I did not.
It's close to my house. Why did you come back this time? The It girl also had quit long ago,
cry to save even thousand yen because finances are severe enough to not have to Re.
When I went there after a long time,
it was renewed and I tended to refrain from entering the store.
Yeah, this one is more calm. Let's continue here. Scan also we were I get stamp card. Isn't that child returning?
Everything works.

260 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/25(水) 00:19:48.22 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Golden Legend.
Did you forget the password for the final edition? Stupid guy!
So, today's unpleasant poem, "Kimopo" for short,
will post the password for two days,
so those who are having trouble with the capture of Saint Seiya Golden Legend Complete Edition should play the continuation with confidence.
Everything works.
Nushishigashi cytidine Jose Zeze is there is Gagaga
governor Gagagawa is there is Nuwatotodo
ze Nununuzenu bran dice Zeze Zezezezeze
governor Gagagawa is Ji Gagakika

261 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/26(木) 00:30:49.07 ID:???0.net
Congratulations on Ayabe.
Professional baseball, Japan Championship Series Fukuoka Softbank Hawks nests decided to 4 years in a row 11 time. Congratulations.
With this, the Pacific League has won eight consecutive titles since 2013. It is Goine.
Kawasaki Frontale of the J1 league also decided to win. It's the third time in two years. Congratulations. J opening (1993) still won among the original 10 club never (JEF United Chiba, Shimizu S-pulse) also to some,
made his debut in the J2 League in 1999,
the club is already the third time was.
Isn't it regrettable? In addition,
Kanagawa Prefecture has continued to win consecutive championships. I'm full.
I like the club that has been away from the championship for a while next season, or the first victory.
Everything works.

262 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/27(金) 19:59:54.65 ID:???0.net
Hiroko Ayabe.
I had a strange dream.
Dating Yuka (why are they married)
First of all, they are at home. The house before moving.
I saw a kid hanging out from above. It's dangerous to go to Sendai, so I'll go with you when I send it.
I walked to support my shoulders all the time.
Mr. Shimura appears on the way. Barre to the people in the city. I'm explaining to a surprised town person that I'm just like him.
Of which station Nitsu look at the chest of knit sweater Yuka reflected in the glass you are,
single-mindedly walk to the home while I think touch soon.
On the way, the stairs and shoes collided and made a noise like flatulence,
but the same noise was made again and I was relieved that I could not think it was flatulence.
I ended up thinking about buying a cake on my way home.
Hmm? I'm not a fan of Yuka-san, but I wonder why she was Yuka-san. I remember buying a photo book about 20 years ago.
It was Yuka at that time. And another question.
didn't you do something lewd? Certainly, I
was happy just by walking with my hands around my waist , but I should
have done something lascivious anyway . No problem
That's why. It's a waste. After all I'm dead.
Everything works. The claim ends

263 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/28(土) 00:08:05.02 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anniversary.
It's been 2 years and 11 months since the earliest.

Really really really

I don't have a chance even a millimeter. No, there is no one yocto.
But don't give up. There is no choice but to think positively. I will try my best.
Everything works.

264 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/29(日) 09:51:57.32 ID:???0.net

265 :↑自動英訳前書いちゃったwww:2020/11/29(日) 09:58:25.21 ID:???0.net
The glory of Ayaberakures.
The glory of Heracles, the warrior Makaiden, has begun in earnest.
It's a password system with RPG, so I'll write it down here again.
First, maximize your money. Gilbert (G) at the start is an exceptional 400. Without
touching this,
I left the first city of Athens and headed for Perla in the southeast. The way had been "wild boar of iron" come boss medium you are out,
but can break through because it is a relief. If you can't fight or escape, you'll die almost instantly.
And arrived to Perla et al. Entered on the right side of the pink of a large building at the bottom, buy the "key" in 300G. Next, I will return to Athens,
but it may be faster to take a password and reset it than by myself.
Athens aims to southwest of the exit you come to sleep. It's the place I came out when I headed to Perla.
I will visit a small house near the exit.
Probably a passerby is in the way. When the screen moves to the inside, it suddenly comes in front of the door,
so use the "key" to open the door and invade.
It will not be recognized unless you touch the door once. To sell the lower right around the room fit to Urosuru and pitfalls.
Rest assured that you will move to a pitch-black room. Repeat step by step left, bottom, left, bottom There is a treasure chest, and if you look it up,
you can get about 2000G. The exit is one step up from the treasure chest and all the way to the left!
Everything works.

266 :ナナシマさん:2020/11/30(月) 00:44:10.66 ID:???0.net
Ayabe If you drink, don't ride, if you ride, don't drink.
Shoji Koganezawa arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.
1990 in 's full of "Koganezawa Mr. Singer" of TV commercials predominate in the phrase (conquer) was Koganezawa of veteran singer Shoji suspect is 28 days,
caused a rear-end accident at Tokyo Suginami Ward, on suspicion of drunk driving I found out that I was arrested.
Enka singer Shoji Koganezawa (62) was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.
According to our investigation officials, put away Sawa suspects 28 days afternoon,
add while driving a car on the streets of Suginami Ward has caused a collision accident.
Koganezawa suspect the police were passing by, but was declared the accident to the officer,
police officers temper suspicious think exhalation solid place, 0.15mg per liter of the reference value slightly above alcohol-free is detected,
then, arrest It means that it was done. Koganezawa suspects to the examined
"drinking the liquor Nde is no doubt that caused a traffic accident driving a car is that it has admitted the charges and does".
Koganezawa is a veteran enka singer who was a former uchideshi of Saburo Kitajima, and was called "Singer Koganezawa-kun" in a TV commercial in the 1990s.
The phrase was predominant in the world.
The quote ends. Quotient I wonder if consideration is not out of the product name.
Is it the finish Kowa? Everything works.

267 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/01(火) 00:16:19.43 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Shiwasu.
Early! Really fast! premature ejaculation! Like that, in a year.
It's too early to look back, but personally she couldn't.
After that, somebody returned to the quiet neighborhood, and the noise revived, often waking up in the middle of the night.
This is not only wait for us someday disappear, have in the next year I do not want to come.
In society and performing arts, the influence of the new corona cannot be excluded.
Ken Shimura and Kumiko Okae passed away, which was a big shock.
Taking advantage of the turmoil in the world, the price of pure gold I had increased, so I sold it.
I was grateful for this. 31 days including today. I hope you can spend it safely. I want to make it a good month and connect it to next year.
Everything works.

268 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/02(水) 01:28:53.15 ID:???0.net
Ayabe internal regulations.
Nike Japan's commercials are a hot topic.
The content that we Japanese bully the target children due to differences in nationality and skin color.
I've never seen it around me. People of various nationalities, specifically the Brazilian, Chinese, or was the Iranian and work,
to know I was going to the play in the introduction of each other, discrimination was not.
I even got in the way of the Iranian house. The word is a little but I was also part not through, was playing without such the relationship.
What I was interested in about the content of the commercial was that Yamamoto wanted
to call himself Kim, but he couldn't.
Who told you not to give the Korean name to the Koreans? Rather, I want you to call yourself.
Kimchi, but if it is sad was discriminated against on the grounds that So, what
I do, as "overwhelming and it is me if discrimination is!",
I'm sorry just does say. In the first place, bullying and discrimination,
such as those with small hair, those with thin hair, and those who are overweight,
have become such targets. Why that person
wonder if I did not help people of that.
What is the difference? After all, it's decided by convenience.

Yeah! Triennale!

Everything works.

269 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/03(木) 01:04:40.20 ID:???0.net
Ayabe worried.
I haven't seen my uncle in my neighborhood lately.
A week or so.
I usually quarrel with my husband and wife. To Aunt rebuke voice to the uncle by resounds.
Wow, I feel sorry for being angry again, but I can't hear it these days.
There is no car. Your child or something of the car is not parked in place of that.
The sound of closing the door is noisy, and it emits a red light and is dazzling.
From here on, it's my delusion, but maybe
there is a positive reaction for the new coronavirus and I'm isolated by the couple.

That's why my child is staying at the house where he will be away. Then it makes sense.
I thought about the worst, but I haven't heard that it was carried by an ambulance.
It's just a coincidence that at the same time that the child came,
someone who didn't keep the day of the week for dumping garbage appeared.
I think so. Yup.
Everything works.

270 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/04(金) 14:10:30.89 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is hungry.
M-1 qualifying defeat EXIT Kanechika, "Tsubu Comedy candid advice to the audience pros and cons"
free of losing to comedy fans are gathered "speak the voice of the generous". I saw the article.
It's boring, so it can't be helped. Even if you're close to anti-anti, you have to make people laugh because you're a professional.
There is no excuse for a professional baseball batter to say, "I couldn't hit because the pitcher told me I couldn't hit."
So he doesn't want to laugh, he wants to laugh at everything he does, that is, to collect laughing Jesusmen to become kings and make money.
That's fine, so you can do it in religion.
Kanechika religion.
Maybe you can make money with Pompon?
I am writing in the private room of the toilet. I have to come back soon.
Everything works.

271 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/05(土) 04:42:33.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Watabe.
I will post the members of Ken Watabe of Unjash when I caught the log in the past because there was a congratulatory note.
A press conference was held by Ken Watabe members yesterday or the day before yesterday.
It's not easy to recover from unfaithful acts.
It seems that he appeared in the special program "No Laughing Series" at the end of the year,
so I wonder if he suddenly held a press conference. If I opened it immediately when the problem was discovered,
it wouldn't have happened like this, but I ran away.
It is unique to a popular man that he can flirt and have an affair.
I'm not really serious, right? So I can't flirt. It seems to be ED with age, and the hair is gray and thin.
Long live the disparity society. Everything works.

272 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/06(日) 04:10:17.47 ID:???0.net
You can lose something as soon as you get something.
Last one day, to have met to work compete for Series 1, 2, Uhhyoー it was not, teeth were missing a little while ago.
Well, since it was originally a tooth that was eroded by cavities, I wasn't surprised or shocked, but it was still shaky.
It moves when you touch it with your finger. In addition to early treatment because bad smell quite ne a troublesome.
The odor is so strong that even that purple listerine does not work.
To put it the other way around, the odor will disappear because the chemical solution will permeate directly as much as it is missing.
I'm just grateful for the work! To the performers and the shooting staff.
Great and beautiful. I want to make it a heirloom. For that reason I do my best to.
Everything works.

273 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/07(月) 00:43:13.15 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 100 million.
Heartbreak mega big Finally,
1.2 billion yen came out! Domestic lottery highest ever amount of sports promotion lottery Japan spoke to operate the (soccer lottery)
Tsu Promotion Center (JSC) is 6 days, according to the computer in February this year of the purchase of the random expected result
"big" started to sell At the 1210th edition of "Mega Big",
it was announced that one prize of 1.2 billion yen was won for the first time.
Dividing the public competition-out, the highest ever amount in a lottery that has been sold in Japan.
Past the top is expensive, "10 of the special times that raised the winning amount of money big in billion 2015 yen",
eleven 15-17 years a total of four times.
JSC for the first time after the "sale, 1.2 billion yen 1 and the like was born. In the future to enjoy the lottery to many of our customers,
products and sales aims to increase sales by devising such as sales methods, to its revenue efficiently by and effective assistance in carrying out the,
spot of Japan will continue to contribute to over Tsu promotion "and announced the comment.
Megabig a total of 12 games such as J1 is subject both Ji of each match the total goals number of over-time "1 point or less", "2", "3", "4 over"select from the. You can purchase from 300 yen per unit.
End of quote
I will. It's good. I haven't bought it, so I can't be thrilled or excited.
It's good. Hit Yue in a quiet area you want to! Would you like to buy it again? If you win,
I want to help those who have taken care of me. Create an Ayabe company.
Everyone want to die fun doing just meeting drink worked suitable to the members.
Everything works.

274 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/08(火) 22:58:17.72 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Nostalgic.
's been a few years since I put on this nasty poem, but I started saving screenshots of old writings.
And then Is the coming various remember, the island fell another long ago
was the work to find a resident thread was Tsu. I will introduce it as soon as I discover it.
Today is Hase Station's thread. I'm not sure, but I
was addicted to Hase Station's world. It was still peaceful.
Everything works.

275 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/10(木) 16:56:30.40 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Botamochi from the shelf.
I noticed that I couldn't organize the etch days, and when I looked at it,
I was surprised that there were many programs that were recorded arbitrarily by Omakase Recording.
What I wondered about was TV Asahi's "Jun Walk", and which search word did you get caught in?
When I looked it up, it was "beach volleyball". Hmm, let's play it.
Broadcast on November 18, Higashi-Ogishima in Kawasaki City is the location. It wasn't a big deal for beach volleyball.
I think it's about the practice area and the introduction of the players. It wasn't a uniform appearance. what.
When I fast-forwarded, it became a mail-order corner, and Chiharu Niiyama, who appeared there, had plenty of bust and sat down.
Washable electric blanket.
There is a feeling of stuffing, but suck it, no, it's an estimated F cup.
Did you do this every day? It's okay to tell me.
Jun walk is also included in the search word.
But I wonder, I care I'm become obsolete and rather. It's a regulation, or the guard is hard. For the time being,
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Jun walk.
Everything works.

276 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/11(金) 12:38:49.19 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mudo.
Former talent and monk Mudo Oda has passed away. 68 years old.
Following Mr. Hachiro Taku, who announced that he had died the other day,
there is no more strange person, which may be rude, that I saw when I was a kid.
That's right, the large amount of VHS in Marta's house will be valuable.
Probably because the variety of Heisei is recorded.
I haven't dubbed yet! Because I can't find the power cord for the D-VHS deck.
Everything works.

277 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/12(土) 03:28:01.75 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's boss.
Masao Komatsu, the boss of Komatsu, who is familiar with Hijiriki Hokkyo, has passed away. At the age of 78, it was the 7th of this month.
I'm in the real-time generation free Masao Komatsu comedian in the re-broadcast of Iga drift LOL had been I see.
I guess is the criminal role of the partner that it is drama.
I remember that he was a tailor made to order men's clothing.
Generation of the above I laugh at a lot more Komatsu's I guess was Tsu. Jealous. I wish I was born sooner.
Everything works.

278 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/13(日) 00:16:21.85 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
An earthquake struck off the coast of Iwate Prefecture at around 4:19 pm yesterday.
The depth is about 50km and the magnitude of the earthquake is estimated to be 5.5.
There is no need to worry about the tsunami caused by this earthquake.
The area where the shaking was large was a seismic intensity of less than 5 in Hashikami Town, Sannohe District, Aomori Prefecture.
Almost a year ago, there was a similar earthquake on December 19, 2019, and even then,
the seismic intensity of 5 lower was recorded in Hashikami Town.
In my area, I only have one seismic intensity of 5 or higher.
Moreover, it was at 2011.3.11. People in Hashikami Town
Hashikami Town has been around at least twice.
Let's check the preparation again . Everything works.

279 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/14(月) 06:31:50.82 ID:???0.net
Ayabe FiNK.
Is it around the beginning of this year? On TV Asahi's mini-program, Fink 1 minute fit was broadcast.
The new corona of influence or, will be imperceptibly become a meal main, is no longer seen but had, until then is, or was yoga, boxasize or was,
entertainers and sometimes along with the instructor also Doraemon was challenge.
The instructor's uniform was good, and I mourned that I had lost the regrettable program. (Lie)
But one day, TV Asahi Chan of CS out when I look at the panel "FiNK 3 minutes fit" as the program he was met! Wow!
However, even if I look at the program guide, I can't find the program name, and even if I want to record it,
I can't meet it. Among them such a thing had I forget, what, the end of the year New Year's Eve,
"Fink is being scheduled to be made 3 minutes fit once broadcast" is a squid! Great. From 6:50 to 8:00. Don't forget.
Everything works.

280 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/15(火) 03:48:13.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Condolences.
Mitsuyo Asaka dies. 92 years old.
I learned about it in the confrontation with Sachiyo Nomura, "Mitchie Satchie Uproar." That was 21 years ago.
Does that mean Asaka was 71 years old? It was powerful.
I was still a teenager. How nostalgic.
I thought he was fine, but everyone will come to an end.
Maybe, Guess the radio program I barking soul of Gokuraku Tombo I think that was collected by appearances. Hearing in Yu Yu wide after Yuri Osawa I had be had. Dodoitsu.
Atasha Hey, it is Na listen longer have. Gassho.
Everything works.

281 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/16(水) 19:36:14.26 ID:???0.net
Ayabe flower.
"Terraha" Hana Kimura commits suicide.
A man in his twenties in Osaka Prefecture who wrote something like "When will you die?"
Is sent to the document inspection.
Metropolitan Police Department has appeared on the program "terrace house" of Fuji TV.
Hana Kimura female wrestler was (then 22 years old) is Nakuna problem was Tsu, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is close,
slander a Kimura on Twitter as was, 20-year-old Osaka He has decided to send documents to his teenager on suspicion of insulting.
Anonymous slander (slander) medium to Kimura Although the wound amounted to review hundreds Among them,
this guy is a particularly vicious post because it was repeated, need to ask whether the raids to punish determines that there is a did.
■ more than once, the contents malicious ...
the Metropolitan Police Department investigation function
According to the engagement party, around the man mid-May, of Kimura's Twitter for the post, "living I guess valuable're" "when to die?",
Such as a plurality of times Suspected of insulting Mr. Kimura in public by repeatedly writing replies.
He admitted to the investigation and stated that he "disliked watching the program and wanted to hurt his heart."
The quote ends. Hana didn't die because of such scraps (which is also slanderous).
Very It's a waste. A person who was far more needed than a slanderer.
The slanderer and I are not needed by Japan, society, or anyone. Everything works.

282 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/17(木) 01:10:06.80 ID:???0.net
Ayabe promotion.
Two clubs promoted to J1 were decided in the 41st section of the J2 league last night.
Tokushima Vortis and Avispa Fukuoka. Congrats.
It's been seven years since 2014 in Tokushima, and five years since 2016 in Fukuoka.
Looking at the history of Tokushima, it was called Otsuka Pharmaceutical and Vortis Tokushima.
Fukuoka is amazing. He changed his name to Chuo Crime Prevention, Fujieda Blux, and Fukuoka Blux. BLUX seems to be an acronym, but I forgot.
Certainly cartoonist of Mikiya Mochizuki students Named to feel like I only do not remember too that long ago.
There will be 4 clubs to be demoted next season. It's very tough, but do your best.
Everything works.

283 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/18(金) 20:23:23.50 ID:???0.net
Ayabe ranking.
I think it would be a good idea to rank sweet girls,
but here is the earthquake information.
There was an earthquake in the sea &#8203;&#8203;near Izu Oshima at about 18:09. Magnitude 5.1, very shallow depth.
Seismic intensity 5 lower, Rishima Village, Tokyo. No worries about tsunami.
We will announce the favorite order of the
drama "Mixed bath open-air bath continuous murder" that is broadcast every day on Channel NECO.
But I haven't seen all of them yet, but for now,
the bottom is #2. Because her hairstyle is scrubbing brush.
Then it is a high-ranking announcement.
Is the 1st place #10 and the 2nd place #11
These two works are wonderful because they have a chest-only do-up scene.
After that, I still have to scrutinize it carefully, so I will come back later.
Everything works.

284 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/21(月) 15:38:18.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe ranking.
It seems that the entire J1 schedule has ended. Hey. concern?
Ranking, first place Kawasaki, second place G Osaka, third place Nagoya, 4 C Osaka, 5 deer Island, 6 of F Tokyo,
7th Kashiwa, 8th Hiroshima, 9 Yokohama FM, 10 of Urawa, 11 Oita, 12 of Sapporo,
13 of Tosu, 14 god door, 15th Yokohama FC, 16 of Shimizu, 17 of Sendai, 18th Xiang
In the regular season, Sendai and Shonan were demoted and Shimizu was supposed to be in the playoffs, but it was helpful.
Strange seeds It was down. Everything works.

Ayabe ranking.
It seems that the entire J2 schedule has ended. Hey. concern?
The rankings are 1st Tokushima, 2nd Fukuoka, 3rd Nagasaki, 4th Kofu, 5th Kitakyushu,
6th Iwata, 7th Yamagata,
8th Kyoto, 9th Mito, 10th Tochigi, 11th Niigata, 12th Tokyo. V,
13th Matsumoto, 14th Chiba, 15th Omiya, 16th Ryukyu, 17th Okayama,
18th Sho Kanazawa, 19th Machida, 20th Gunma, 21st Ehime, 22nd Yamaguchi.
Also, from J3, Sagamihara will be J2 next season. Congratulations.
And are you tired. Everything works.

285 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/21(月) 22:36:48.79 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
There was an earthquake around 2:23.
The epicenter is off the eastern coast of Aomori Prefecture.
The magnitude, which indicates the magnitude of the earthquake, is 6.5 and the depth is about 40 km.
We are observing a seismic intensity of less than 5 in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture.
Some of the sea there a surface change, but so there is no worry of tsunami.
Well, the earthquake in the middle of the night is scary.
It's scary again that Morioka, where the strong shaking area broke the dream of J3 Nagano.
Wasn't Nagano a batch bee with Matsumoto?
Joking aside, there have been some medium-scale earthquakes these days.
It's cold, it's corona, and I don't like shelters. It's dangerous.
It will be repeated every time, but let's check the preparation again.
Everything works.

286 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/22(火) 00:05:39.49 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Charan
Rakugoka Kompei Hayashiya dies. 77 years old.
In what country is "Charzer Village" that Kompei sometimes greets with a laughing point?
I was embarrassed when I found out that it was Chiyazawa Village, Kariwa District, Niigata Prefecture.
Sad followed by a softening obituary pedicle. Gassho.
Everything works.

287 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/23(水) 01:04:24.76 ID:???0.net
Ayabe superhuman girl.
I saw a superhuman girl-like program that was broadcast on TV Asahi at midnight a long time ago.
If the name saying the "Supoteina JAPAN" go.
Well, somehow conscious older sisters compete in various missions. Push-ups and pull-ups.
I'm there is also a replacement game of the minor league, there is published in ABEMA! Because. Ah, yeah.
That's right. I don't see that.
Lastly, the next notice was issued, but except for some areas, it will be 0:20 midnight on January 25th (Monday) next year.
One question.
Does it mean that 00:00 on Monday is 0:20 on Monday immediately after the 24th (Sun)?
Or is it 0:20 when the 26th (Tuesday) is treated as the 25th? It's hard to understand.
If it is the former, you can leave it as it is, but if it is the latter,
I wonder if it will be written as 24:20 on the 25th (Monday).
Well, if you really want to see it, you 'll make a reservation right away, so it's probably extra care.
Everything works.

288 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/24(木) 12:31:21.87 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Eve Kashige.
Christmas eve. How do you all spend your time? I think happy people will have fun with their families, lovers and friends,
but be careful because the coronavirus is also sick!
By the way, I have no plans as usual. However, this year is different than usual. Did you write it before?
Yes, I went to the matchmaking shrine. God is different, but the thoughts are the same.
I quite passed from going to pray, finally today, that you mean the day has come to be able to realize the benefits.
Thank you. Its not out the name of the shrine is, or could lead to the obstruction of business.
Don't write on the premise of losing battle. Well, even if you look at it for a long time, if nothing is achieved within a year ,
it will not be effective, or maybe you lacked devotion, even if you have the power of the ultimate god, my non-motes did not stand up.
Is that what you mean?
Anyway, it was a fun day for the first time in a long time.
Don't get in the way. I'll ask.
Everything works.

289 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/25(金) 01:00:29.29 ID:???0.net
Ayabe oil shock.
Arashi VS Arashi is over. Final episode.
I was watching sports.
The Empress's Cup All Japan Women's Soccer Championship Semifinal, Urawa vs. Niigata.
The player's breath seemed white and cold. Please take care of yourself.
The match is settled remains 1-1 Tsukazu, wins negative in the PK war. Keep silent for those who don't know the result yet.
It seems that Nippon TV Tokyo Verdy Bella and Sendai,
which started earlier than this match, also had a live broadcast.
Look forward to seeing the results here as well.
The final of Urawa vs. NTV will also be broadcast live, so take a look.
Everything works.

290 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/26(土) 08:28:32.36 ID:???0.net
Ayabe one after another.
Japan record in Taishi Nakamura death 81-year-old, "cheers", "Kitasakaba" won over de Grand Prize.
Lyricist & Naoki writer, Rei's death Nakanishi removed by 82-year-old "Kitasakaba", "Banka Ishikari" was supported by the music industry of Showa.
I was surprised that Mr. Nakamura left on the 20th and Mr. Nakashi on the 23rd, even though he was old.
Does Takashi Hosokawa appear red and white? I want you to sing the Kitasakaba.
Gassho. Everything works.

291 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/27(日) 01:03:39.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's schedule.
Busy end of the year. Recording is busy every year.
Fight against the remaining amount of HDD.
I have about 7 hours so far, but Warattehaikenai, it's 6 hours, right?
The Zeninsyugo special is a whopping 14 hours from 20:00 on the 31st to 10:00 on the 1st.
This alone requires 20 hours of remaining capacity. You can record more than the remaining amount, but it's still not enough. Furthermore, there will be a spring high school volleyball early in the new year, right? So just be open sky Keru. capture.
Secure. Well, let's aim for 40 hours. After that, I'll chew on the 31st and pay it out.
How many days can you put up with 2021?
Abstinent life from January 1st. It's easy to understand.
Thankfully, there are a lot of stories. There are so many that I get lost.
After that, I cleaned the room a little and finished.
I'm thinking of changing the look. But I haven't received what I asked for yet.
I transferred the money. After all, I'm busy with various things.
Please help someone!
Everything works.

292 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/28(月) 01:33:20.64 ID:???0.net
From that.
Is it three years today? I didn't know at this point yet.
Now, I feel like I slept while thinking about what to do at work. And come to work energetically! Oh at the entrance of the time card room come across to the Aao-chan.
I still don't know at this point. And if to have a pause to enter the smoking area by pressing the time card,
also from O, who had already begun dose cormorant, "quit at K's today are told that do."
I pretended to be calm, "Did you find it next?",
But I was definitely upset. Barre're not that it has been asked even once that thing I think I have.
Well, Mr. O is natural. Then, on that day,
the baldness of the boss and the glasses argue loudly even though the work was done.
I do it etc. 's not around.
Probably I will finish my work in the morning, so if I can't meet by then, it will really end.
I was wondering what to do. The time passed mercilessly, and I ended up going home.
I couldn't even ask for contact information, and even thank you for your hard work.
It's been three years since that day. I wonder what it's like,
but that's it. Everything works.

293 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/29(火) 01:57:15.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 2020.
There are only 3 days left. Looking back, it was a strange year.
Anyway, it was a year when I was swayed by COVID-19. Shimura friend special broadcast last night. So, Shimura only do san had gone. Easy.
Thankfully, I'm not infected with myself or my surroundings, but I don't know when and where I 'll get it.
What rationale is also no Ikedo sleep before the green tea barrier are in.
After that, I was able to meet a wonderful group of works.
I wonder if this was the only thankful event. I met after going to the matchmaking shrine,
so I wonder if this is the edge. I really appreciate it.
I want to have a good dream while seeing the artistic appearance of the performers.
Then I returned the barber to the store I used to favor. It was the first time since the renewal,
and when I opened the entrance door, I was surprised to find the neck of the cut mannequin.
Is it about this? how is it? It ’s a fulfilling year, right?
Everything works.

294 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/30(水) 02:19:58.50 ID:???0.net
Make the Ayabe demon laugh.
Until recently, the world was devilish and noisy, but I decided to make the demon laugh.
Can laugh How Once the demon Will Ru? An old man taught me. Speaking of next year, the demon will laugh. Is it next year?
It's a distant future. I have to spend another two days this year.
By the way, next year I will change this tired personality. Continuation is power. In what you are planning.
A fulfilling and personal project. Fortune-telling on TV, recorded the day before and totaled all at the end of next year,
announced in 2021 which constellation was the luckiest.
I think you'll get averaged results commercially. It feels good if all the constellations are evenly ranked first.
If you are really occupying, there will be variations.
I also next year yourself to fortune by yourself it's free time was waiting.
After that, let's put an image on it. Daily image.
Everything works.

295 :ナナシマさん:2020/12/31(木) 01:50:59.18 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is over.
The remaining amount of HDD which we announced during 37 minutes for 8 hours at 401
yacht, which has been restored in.
Last night the value of SaikiKusuonosainan from 21:00 because of Netflix delivery has been broadcast on Animax, was the recording.
Well, this is da in the tying immediately Kanketsuhen're not such a setback because the results in Bing.
However, the goal because far from the 20 hours of, such the editing work from morning today I must.
Fink 3 minutes fit mower early in the morning to Ru.
It was yesterday's university women's relay road race that was saved.
It is also of course but I was recording N, uniforms of Juntendo University is because it was my favorite,
follow the editing Once Jundai is not crazy reflection he found not stick.
Lonely but only great about a cut was not likely scene.
So I was able to cut the other scenes perfectly and vigorously.
It's hard if this seems to be reflected in detail.
Well, do you want to tighten it? What did the new Corona bring to me?
It was more isolated than usual. What was not remote.
Have a nice year. Everything works.

296 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/01(金) 01:10:26.31 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 2021.
It's 2021 (3rd year of Reiwa).
I was able to welcome you safely. Was good.
What was i doing? Speaking of which, it's 8 o'clock! I was watching all the members.
It is broadcast on TBS channel 2 continuously for 14 hours from 20:00.
Well, I'm still muttering while watching the broadcast.
Drifter's national language, math, science, and social studies.
It will continue until 10 o'clock in the morning.
We are broadcasting around 1980. The baby born at that time is now a real nuisance.
This means that the children in the vicinity of the 50-year-old venue carded. Great.
The fight against Corona will continue this year, but let's overcome it while getting along well.“Syomonraifuku”
Everything works.
image link

297 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/02(土) 03:48:38.65 ID:???0.net
Don't do it.
I saw Downtown's No Laughing Series GOTO Las Vegas. Content aside, it was felt, the bus and that the running sound was quiet,
though a studio viewing without, laughter
that voice and cheers, applause happened.
That's about it. Even their own I have seen with patience so as not to laugh, but a laugh at all was bought.
Perhaps I didn't laugh at Hama-chan's one-man ET.
If you have a full version, look forward to it. I wonder if Watanabe members can't broadcast even there.
After all, was the era of Ghasu black glow good? I want to be awesome!
Everything works.

298 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/03(日) 17:24:54.71 ID:???0.net
Ayabe bread.
I didn't have bread yesterday, so I went to a convenience store to buy it.
Skip the bicycle and go to Seven-Eleven, which is not the closest to you.
Then there was a clerk in the back like Tchan and I remembered it.
The way to put the hair together is the same. It feels like my long hair is tied up behind me.
This makes me nervous, so when I was waiting for the cashier, I aimed for a time when there was only a clerk who was not that person.
However, while I was sluggish, please wait , and the clerk arrived at the vacant cash register.
I present nanaco with my face bright red.
How? If this is rounded off, it's the behavior of 40 men, right?
Everything goes well, kid.

299 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/04(月) 06:11:45.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe late.
The latest Pokemon game at home is Pokemon Picross.
Delivered to the 2015-year start. It's a good way to kill time when you're free or when you can't sleep.
I've cleared all the steps, so now I'm doing what I've already solved. This in my clear of the work of is that the Pikuroito in 9999.
It may be easy if you charge, but you can get 15 picroites by doing the tasks that you can do once a day.
I'm steadily accumulating it. And today I have accumulated 5004 picroites. It's about half. Another 4995 picroite is good.
What if you divide this 4995 picroite by 15? 333 days left.
It will end this year. This fact shifted the watch of 3DS body does do it because Mendoi but there is also a way to also challenge many times with.
I wish I had lived for another 333 days. Let's live for this too.
Everything works.

300 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/05(火) 00:22:18.02 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Valley.
All Japan Volleyball High School Championships today or the first 73 times it kicks off, et al.
As usual, it will be broadcast live and recorded on Fuji TV 739.
Check Ayabe-chan! The high school to watch in this tournament is Takata High School, the representative of Iwate Prefecture.
Why? That is because it is the same Takata as Japanet Takata, the big sponsor of this tournament.
Suddenly your easy because it appeared in the first game of D coat to the stain.
By the way, D Court is a recording, so let's wait till night.
I'm lonely because there are no spectators, but it was good that it was held.
Ah, but another notable school, Nagano Prefecture's representative city, Shiojiri, is treated as Fuji TV NEXT,
so I can't see it at home.
Everything works.

301 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/06(水) 00:16:39.19 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Valley.
I saw the 73rd tournament.
I mean, I'm still broadcasting the match between Tsusho and Hiroshima Sakuragaoka . It's a live recording. Somehow the venue is dark.
Probably because there is no audience, so there is no need to light the audience seats.
My favorite school, Takada High School, has lost. Sorry. Another
favorite, Tokyo City University Shiojiri, won and
there will be a broadcast on today's D Court . But will it be tomorrow? Besides, Osaka
International Takii in Osaka Prefecture was also good. Hitachi Daini in Ibaraki Prefecture is
doing something extra . Hmm? I don't know what it is. Purely
you're just cheering! That's right. Must be so! Gamba
rate. Everything works.

302 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/06(水) 08:34:17.84 ID:???0.net
A long time ago, there was a vertical water cooler in a department store,
and when you stepped on the lever with my foot, it was puffed from above.
But when I try to remember where it was installed in the store, I can only think of places that are impossible for some reason.
It 's the entrance to the toilet, the landing of the stairs, and hygiene and safety are taken into consideration.
I don't put it in such a place because it's deaf, so where did I drink it?
I don't even remember drinking next to people coming and going, and I feel sick and disappointed.

303 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/07(木) 00:36:34.04 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Valley.
I saw high school volleyball yesterday as well. Or even now.
Among them, the one that was wonderful was Obihiro Minami Commercial. You've become a fan at once.
The other, Kinrankai the phase change strong.
I wonder if the Tokyo people have become only mutual prosperity.
Today is the third round and the quarterfinals, and the 8th is closed. 9 days of the semi-finals, their to 10 days is final.
I don't know what will happen to the state of emergency to Tokyo,
but I hope it will be completed safely.
There is a tow. Everything works.

304 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/07(木) 23:03:35.15 ID:???0.net
pure or unadulterated.
excerpt or extract.
punishment or retribution.
criticize or laud.
scarcity or shortage.
examimation or inspection.
young-looking or youthful.

305 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/08(金) 01:12:35.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Declaration.
The state of emergency has been issued in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama prefectures.
It's been a month from today to February 7th. Please be careful if you are in the area.
Well, Valley but ball, sad and defeated the city of favor large Shiojiri.
Is it useless if I support you? But almost every day, it should be all okay because I declare that
“everything goes well”.
Maybe it only works for me. Hmm? Did it work for you? It doesn't work yet.
The downtown deluxe broadcast last night announced the ranking of the strongest luck of the year.
Is it Tokai OnAir? I hesitated to find out what to do because (read as tonhe on air) came out.
This ranking is a comprehensive fortune that adds the constellations and blood types .
The constellations and blood types, not my Ophiuchus, didn't make it into the top 10,
but they were more than half (48 ways).
I'm sorry for the power outage in the Tohoku Electric Power jurisdiction.
Some of those difficult people may have won first place in the fortune-telling. That's why I don't like fortune-telling.
Everything works.

306 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/09(土) 09:42:18.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe prohibited.
Is it 9 days already this year? early. In other words, the ona ban is also the 9th day.
It seems to be surprisingly okay. I hope it doesn't degenerate. It has become a mere
convenient urination goods.
By the way, the story changed,
and what I was doing wide in the evening was the news that a person whose private car was damaged was indignant at the criminal reflected in the security camera.
This is certainly bad for the person who hurt it, but the tone of the owner of the car is also something,
but it seems to be a loud caste, illegal muffler modification, idle idling, doors and hatchbacks.
At the end of the phrase, it's noisy to start talking in a loud voice outside. I got the impression.
The part "If you have any complaints, I'll ask you, directly" was a pinch.
It's not the line of someone who doesn't really remember anything. Is it a nuisance to the neighborhood?
It feels like there's a smell. However, the wounds are not good, so if there was a specialist who could solve such problems in the neighborhood,
the person who injured would not have been hurt.
Everything works.

307 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/13(水) 22:36:15.82 ID:???0.net
Ayabe connection error.
For circuit malfunction or maintenance, overtake connected to the mackerel can not. Please wait. Nuko development thread (be)? ??
Although I much more this state this Saturday from noon, throat overtake I did chat cow.
A duckling that is hard to see even though I see it on a smartphone demo. Well, the flow is bad.
I wonder if I will return to the end of the Golden Week holidays. Let's wait patiently.
High school volleyball also went down at once because the city of Shiojiri was gone.
That shouldn't be the case. The final is being broadcast now.
Reality is leading, but it's going up and down. Spring is coming! Is written large.
Do you watch the broadcast with full concentration for a while? Don't sleep.
Everything works.

308 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/13(水) 22:39:36.57 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Muramura.
Yesterday, the 10th day of abstinence, I finally got some sexual desire back.
Not a Well moyamoya of the tele east from 21:00.
When I look at the program I, Hitomi Tanaka Anna wrote a letter in the ass though, Uhyo! It has become.
After that, the scene of eating natural yam dishes also stared at the mouth.
Ayabe's Ayabe is finally back. However, I
cannot lose in such a place.
Let's do our best until the end of the year. No, it's impossible!
Pako feel Ting fidgeting? Do you understand? Looking for a stimulus it so that.
Any woman in a hurry in the city looks cute. It's an emergency! So I will stay home as much as possible.
Then copy the sutras to gain enlightenment and go to the point where you lose interest in profane things.
Exceed your limits. I want to see what lies ahead. Is it a new daily life without sexual desire? Not bad.
Everything works.

309 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/13(水) 22:43:24.57 ID:???0.net
Ayabe hard.
In the name field! ken:1 Does the prefecture name appear when you enter?
!omikuji and I knew if it was !dama.
Only also, it becomes or different representation changing the number after the colon.
Is the displayed prefecture name random? Like a fortune teller.
Well, what will come out? I'm looking forward to it.
Everything works.

Ayabe Fortune-telling.
Report on the fortune-telling of Mezashi TV, which was completed last week.
Survey date January 4th to 9th.
Scorpio was the best on average, although it didn't win first place. First place, I had won the second place on average the most was bad to have a Gemini.
First place the Aries did not earn, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, mountain sheep seat, at 6 constellation of Pisces,
and among them, Libra is not even 4 or higher position and has a start hardship that.
So what good is this? I do not know. But Nde there is no way a free time at leisure
to. Everything works.

310 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/15(金) 00:01:15.56 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is back.
Last night, Nuko was finally back. Was good. This also can be read comfortably.
By the way, the area of &#8203;&#8203;the state of emergency has increased.
Newly targeted prefectures are Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Aichi, Gifu, Fukuoka and Tochigi.
People in the area should be careful.
It's kind of sad to hear that Katsuhiko Watabiki will die. Brightness even a little but I want to offer my idiot talk not,
I very much do not I'm. In such a case, you should scream. Uo! What?
Everything works.

311 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/15(金) 00:28:42.08 ID:???0.net
Detective Ayabe.
It seems that there are some recommended times for the drama “Abunai Deka”, which is being broadcast on TVK.
That's #17 and #21. Since it is broadcast every Wednesday,
#17 will be broadcast on February 17th and #21 will be broadcast on March 17th if it is successfully digested.
Somehow, there seems to be a sexy scene. That said, I don't want to see flirting scenes or rape scenes, for example.
I'm not good at it. They are exactly the section not in the Sea. Dundee Takayama, sexy Oshita.
Look young everyone. There is also an evaluation that Kondo is cute.
There is also an evaluation that it is good to be able to see old Yokohama.
Raku's stain. Everything works.

312 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/16(土) 16:09:28.86 ID:???0.net
Ayabe sleep.
I was so warm and cheerful that I became sleepy. I'm fighting now.
Sleep while watching Ageo vs. PFU in the 2020-21 V league.
No, I won't lose. I never sleep. Ayabe, a man who never sleeps.
ZZZ... Everything works.

313 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/17(日) 13:26:55.32 ID:???0.net
It has been 26 years since the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake occurred. Silent prayer.
Everything goes well again.

314 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/18(月) 00:34:16.29 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Psycho Pass.
I saw the drama "Heaven and Hell ~ Psycho Two People ~". BS Fuji's Dorifu laughter was an irregular time last night,
and it was broadcast 30 minutes late. So I watched the Drifters until 21:30, and when I returned to the ground,
the drama was playing.
Issei Takahashi and Haruka Ayase fell down the stairs while looking at the dishes while cleaning up.
Apparently the contents have been replacedd.
What would I do if I replaced Haruka Ayase ?
Yes. I had a delusion that I wasn't honest . You will definitely massage your breasts. no doubt.
I'm not a man if I don't do that. I get naked and take pictures. And, its remains, try to eat licking the giant cone.
A man is really stupid. On the contrary, what would a woman want to do if she replaced a man?
Is it standing? There is not much merit.
Is there relief from menstrual cramps?
You don't want to mess around with it, and you don't want to see it.
Familiar to hear a woman's regrettable that there are no child.
Well, it can't be helped. n/a. Everything works.

315 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/19(火) 01:42:43.10 ID:???0.net
Ayabe prohibited.
Did you enter the 19th day of the ona ban? I'll do it. Still, I am afraid of degeneration, so I renewed Taika Reform.
I'll do my best until just before ejaculation. Stop there and wait for a while. And restart again. Bottom.
Well, it feels good every day. Dopyu is the and ends up, I'll be waiting a wise man mode.
Since I am not a junior high school student, it takes time to restore libido.
In that respect, this Azuke method is good because it does not have a peak, but it can be perfect.
Do not ejaculate, do not let, do not forgive.
I have more than 300 days left, but I won't lose. But I can't really lose. Ranran.
Everything works.

316 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/19(火) 12:37:51.95 ID:???0.net
La teta y la luna.

317 :La teta y la luna.:2021/01/20(水) 01:11:35.72 ID:???0.net
Ayabe addiction.
Los Ingobernables de Hapon. Tranquilo! Mediation!
I'm happy to look for videos every day. Video addiction. I'm worried if I don't watch new videos all the time.
Anxiety, small anxiety. So it's not unnecessary, but you end up watching an unurgent video and use unnecessary traffic.
And again, the communication speed will decrease at the end of the month. Well that's fine too.
I don't see the popular YouTuber. I haven't seen Egashira 2:50 's video lately. aiueo700 the account to had been bet deleted.
What? So what kind of video is Ayabe watching? It GLAY official in the shin. Really? It's true. that's all? No. Other than that, is it a work that appears when you search for BOOBIES?
The rest is a nostalgic family computer play video. The section manager Arino level person is more interesting than the good person sees.
I want to give myself someday. Everything works.

318 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/21(木) 04:40:32.57 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Uchaka.
Dawn Yuji Tanaka laughter problem (56) is 20 days, prior to aortic dissection by, subarachnoid hemorrhage,
that is ambulance a stroke min was bought. Originating in the official website of the agency "Titan" was represented.
Mitsuyo Ohta, the wife of his partner, Hikari Ota, and the president of the office, responded to a telephone interview with Daily Sports,
saying, "There is no need for surgery so
far. I have been talking since the morning."
He explained that there was, "Doctors have told me that there will be no aftereffects ."

319 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/22(金) 00:16:57.15 ID:???0.net
Ayabe preparation.
Neta had been prepared before the Uchaka conveyance,
his Yukipoyo's boyfriends? Yukipoyo's house blows bubbles, and the cause is cocaine,
and Loveli is suspicious of forced obscenity? So I was told that women are scared too. But it doesn't matter.
Explosion in the smile problem Tanaka, Yuji Mr. matter.
According to Ota, who sympathy, but apparently does not change from the usual,
live on television and radio on Sunday I will try to check because there is a broadcast.
Tuesday's JUNK, laughter problem Carboy will be called a pinch hitter again?
Mr. Ota who seems to be lonely again.
Everything works.

320 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/23(土) 16:43:17.18 ID:???0.net
Ayabe rain.
A toad standing wet in the rain. cold rain. On a day like this, it's a good idea to wear a belly band to keep your stomach cool.
It's good for your body. Then, how about it,
it warms up to the end so that you don't even need heating.
Please give it a try. Everything works.

321 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/24(日) 00:16:45.62 ID:???0.net
Tamao Ayabe.
Yesterday, when I was watching a CS program, I became a mail-order commercial and saw the talent Tamao Sato for the first time in a while.
I was saying what the money luck wallet was like. I don't remember because I wasn't interested in the product at all,
but it seems that there are various things depending on the year of birth.
And what year was the seller, Ms. Sato ? I asked. Ms. Sato replied, "It's rude to ask a woman about her age!",
And I hahaha...
With a bitter smile. "In 1973 in the state no choice confessed and be Stink!".
48 years old this year. That's punpun, isn't it? That Tamao-chan is 48 years old! Incredible!
However, I think that whether you are 50 or 80, you should continue to scream.
The guys on the net will get in the way,
but Kazuyoshi Miura still got a contract and I should do what I want to do as long as I have a chance. It must pose a threat to people. Everything works.

322 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/25(月) 02:41:09.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Daiei wins.
Daieisho Hayato, who was in front of the flat curtain,
won the championship yesterday by winning the first place of sumo wrestling with 13 wins and 2 losses.
I don't usually watch sumo at all, but when I was playing with entertainment / sports boards,
the thread title said that it was the first victory for Saitama wrestlers.
Ayabe-chan, a Kanto person, also responded to that.
In the long history of sumo wrestling, are there any prefectures where local wrestlers have not yet won?
I thought about it. As a result, our Kanto region won the championship in Saitama prefecture.
Miyagi Prefecture, Fukui Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Shiga Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture,
Wakayama Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, Tokushima Prefecture, Miyazaki Prefecture,
and Okinawa Prefecture of 11 prefectures is not out yet won wrestlers not.
If five regions win their first victory in the remaining five places this year,
there is a chance that they will win the national championship next year.
It's more possible than the summer high school baseball championship in all prefectures.
Live or be seen within? Hmmm, is it tough? However, Nagano Prefecture,
since seems to have decided to first win since the beginning of even decrees sum Kumamoto Prefecture,
year wait. Everything works.

323 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/26(火) 00:27:44.83 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Ryota Yamasato.
This person is a liar. Is it CS Fuji TV 739 on Sunday?
So, it was a really cool rebroadcast, and a plan to make Motokatsu Sannaka clear was broadcast.
Love comes to the three, but all fail. There are other boyfriends and they are scammed.
And return to the studio, mountain village is "Mote no man say Nante Ne'm would be fooled. Seen seen!" Was. Huh?
Really Mote no man "I something to talk Kaketeku should be wary I fraud anyway Nante Ru woman wonder sale" but what.
That's why I'm not popular. Yamazato said that it is a man who is not popular to try to argue with the woman,
but that is the behavior of those who have been popular.
I'm going to marry an actress later, but I
think it's a serious crime to hear such a big lie.
I'm the only one in the world who can call himself an unpopular man. Now, saying the "Ne'm not myself Mote" in the world
men and women are Tsu is Mora said,
"Well? Not see it!" I'm stupid and Kama' of just want to have.
I'm not saying that those who have been dating even once will never be popular.
anger! Everything works.

324 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/27(水) 00:14:56.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe DIGA.
By the way, let's sleep early because the JUNK / LOL problem carboy will be broadcast on Tuesday.
What is this if you are playing with DIGA? There is an editing item about the program that I brought out,
hey! let's try it! I was messing around with it. Then, it was transferred to the SD card,
so I pulled out the one inserted in the smartphone and transferred it to that card.
And back in again smartphone to. Throb. No, I can't play it.
Why? I thought, I changed the end of the file name to mp4. What is the extension? I'm not sure. In, it Why do not you tap, the media selection!
Oops! ?? Can it be played? did it! Hugh!
I experimented with free material without copyright,
so this time I transferred the one of terrestrial digital broadcasting. And I tried to play it in the same way as before.
It doesn't work. The memory of time was just fluttering.
It can't be helped. However, if it was recorded with old VHS, if you dubb it to DIGA and then take it out and make it into a program,
you can watch it on your smartphone, right? Yeah, ok. that Legend of the program, seen the "Gilgamesh Night" at any time
you try to so that.
It's a hassle to look for. I wish I had 25 hours a day. Everything works.

325 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/28(木) 00:06:02.48 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anniversary.
It's been three years and a month since it was early.
Of course, I don't have any chance. Wishes and prayers Even if they are empty, they will not give up.
That's the only hope of living.
Everything works.

326 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/29(金) 00:33:37.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe DIGA.
Other day of the take-out program, was also tap I try to see, et al.
The video does not play. Out with, was confirmed in the file, et al.
It was supposed to 0B (bytes). Nanu?
Hurry search Once over, everywhere uninstall the DIGA, logout program that was brought out to remove the out or the registration of the device,
will be deleted, you will not be able to play. Was written. Hmm?
I don't say difficult things. In the first place, I haven't installed anything called Diga anywhere. It can not be helped.
Delete the file. that? Cannot be deleted!
And go out. It's a curse file! Dragon Quest does not remove curse equipped, with deleted as not come.
That music of the familiar curse echoes in my heart!
Derodero derodero derodero derodededede.
I inserted SD into DIGA and deleted the curse file. Ho Tsu. Scary scary.
Then, once again, transfer the take-out program and return it to the smartphone. And after changing to mp4 again,
this time I moved the video to the internal storage. For now, the video can be viewed normally.
So this is the correct answer. Everything works.

327 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/29(金) 00:39:00.46 ID:???0.net

328 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/30(土) 00:51:54.85 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 0.9.
0.9GB in the remaining 2 days including today. I'm doing my best to save money.
I'm addicted to video, so if I don't watch the video, I'm sad and lonely, and I feel
left alone.
Solitude and isolation.
February irregular 28 days because it is between, made the calculation that can be used 0.714GB per day.
So I think we can hustle next month.
Is it the 18th? next month. The Mars exploration ship will arrive on Mars,
so I would love to see a video related to it.
In the Perseverance experiment, I'm worried about making oxygen from carbon dioxide on Mars. Is oxygen locally procured?
It's amazing. Also, I want to be impressed by the wonderfulness of the work by watching a slightly lascivious video.
You must be crying with tears.
Oh no. I didn't pay for my mobile phone. It was a hassle to go to an ATM. Transfer paper Come early. Everything works.

329 :ナナシマさん:2021/01/31(日) 00:29:43.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe ☆ Paradise.
This link is from March 2, 2017, but the day before, from March 1st, V ☆ PARADISE can no longer be seen at home.
Or assistant so runaway the image video No that. It is not immediately what was sold in the DVD or the like,
but release is sent. That's why it was useful, but my parents changed the contract and I couldn't see it anymore.
There are, however, came a month, I huh tomorrow, it resurrected from.
Uhyo! CHhyo! Uhyoi-san.
About the start of broadcasting of "V ☆ PARADISE".
February 1 (Monday) before 6:00, J: COM scan the broadcast of "V ☆ Paradise" (505ch) in standard will start.
Isn't it written? I'm tired of waiting. For me, it's V ☆ PARADISE for the first time in 1,434 days. good for you.
After that, I hope that the rebroadcast of "Puru-n" that was broadcast on MONDO TV
and the "Ken Shimura's OK" that was broadcast at the Family Theater will be revived.
Everything works.

330 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/01(月) 01:59:16.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Kisaragi.
Early! It's already February!
But yesterday, IQOS broke down. The heat blade is broken. I didn't mess with it.
Is not certainly futzing with a cotton swab when previously damaged but was Paquin within that,
this time refers to the heat stick red flashing. Once you have the charge because not turn to. It's terrible.
Now we must go to day buying. Bothersome. I'll use it because au pay is close to 20,000 yen.
How Ya me if you say? Is it okay to use "au pay" normally? Then you should show the QR, right? Well I do not know.
Sebun'irebu embarrassed in your application.
What if you accidentally press a strange place and an erotic image is displayed?
Also, it is troublesome to display the QR.
You have to enter your PIN to open it. Wow, it's really troublesome. Already, embed a tip in me, read me.
Everything works.

331 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/02(火) 00:34:03.31 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's sigh.
I really want to write a bright, fun, happy and unpleasant poem, "Kimopo" for short,
but I was unhappy yesterday,
no, it's not that someone else died, but it's personal and can be seen by others only wonder never I Bado etc.
there is no odd drop. Sigh. Moreover, it smells.
Why's what. If you don't know the cause, you can't deal with it. Shin Lai to leave it was because had been betrayed.
By the time I realized it was no good. What should I do? The Akira Date (3 days) also can not be helped with anxiety I'm going to be taken care of.
Today is a rare setsubun so I have to sow beans. We will wish! Everything works.

332 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/04(木) 00:23:21.90 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Urgent.
State of emergency, extension of 10 prefectures. It's until March 7th.
It seems that only Tochigi Prefecture has been released.
The Japan Professional Football League for soccer will open later this month,
but what about the clubs that belong to those 10 prefectures?
Applicable clubs are Urawa, Omiya, Chiba, Kashiwa, F.C Tokyo, Tokyo Verdy, Machida,
Kawasaki, Yokohama F-Marinos, Yokohama FC, YS Yokohama, Shonan, Sagamihara,
Nagoya, Gifu, Kyoto, Gamba Osaka, Cerezo Osaka, Kobe, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu.
There are many.
It can't be helped because everyone is a big city.
It's hard for a chairman to have no spectators or a maximum of 5000 people.
Everything works.

333 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/05(金) 00:44:16.92 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 12 years ago.
"Teach study" and visit home Kanagawa assaults 6 small girls.
This was a devilish incident that happened in 2009, and I wondered what happened after that, so I searched for it.
The name of the suspect at that time was also mentioned, so search further by that name.
Then what about, that had been elected to do one of the sweepstakes.
Probably the person himself because the name is unusual. The house is also the same. Incident of whether Hawaka happened but was found not, I I do not win a prize from such a person,
it's useless even doing what the real.
I sent a lot of postcards and emails last year, but I have never returned any products.
Moreover ponta or capacity (most of the au Dejiraapuri at the end of each month never hit also high 50GB) gifts.
Even though I haven't beaten the girl. Ijuin tournament cull of light midnight of brute force brute force never card also hit other battle.
I'm grateful that I just found out that the sweepstakes have nothing to do with my daily routine.
Everything works.

334 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/06(土) 20:40:27.06 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Paradise.
At my house, I was watching an image video of a station called V☆PARADISE, which was revived from February 1st.
I once thought that it was as usual. That is where the hands of the staff who touch the model come out. It's fool!
Why are you guys touching and getting money, and this one (the person who bought the DVD) can't touch it even if you pay for it .
Still, situation such as aesthetic I say if you're a massage in the woman's hand in down.
The problem is the man's hand. Craggy dirty hands or hit the model's hunt. Creepy.
Seems such a look at the work on their own, et al.
I wonder prayer? Pseudo experience? Then I
'll see a lewd metamorphosis sex work even if it's not an image work.
That's not the case. It feels like you're making a fool of yourself.
Like saying laughter as laughter. I'm looking for healing, but what do I do when I'm frustrated? It's like that.
Everything works.

335 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/07(日) 00:42:00.60 ID:???0.net
Ayabe regulation.
Although it is CS, it is regulated.
Of course, male and female genitalia, which violate the broadcasting law, cannot be broadcast. I don't want to see it.
The problem is how to treat the woman's breasts.
For example, boobs that are treated violently in V-cinema works are safe, but it is out of the moderator to throw out milk or to take a hot spring with bare milk.
I don't know this difference. I used to do that on MONDO and travel channels.
All of them are now regulated, and there is a hot spring travel program on Fuji TV ONE,
but it's just the end of the hip. why? Yoppodo than V Cinema Jan throat healthy.
I don't know which organization is driving the regulation,
but I want to know why Gilgame-like boobs are bad. Everything works.

336 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/08(月) 22:40:51.74 ID:???0.net
Ayabe WebP.
There is a moving banner ad in my collection. The one that is often erotic manga.
Yeah rough, still Deco look at the laughter entertainer GIF banner advertisement of the time that has been popular is,
collecting became wanna Me. Like Yoshio Tamura and Yakkun Sakurazuka who has passed away.
There were many, but for some reason I lost them all. I couldn't help it because I wasn't in control of myself, but I was disappointed. Then start over.
In're not so much recently also. So I decided to collect FANZA's moving advertisements and saved them.
Well, do you want to see it? Hmm? There? It doesn't work.
Why does it move 2 or 3 frames on the net?
If you look at the details of the image, webp. a. What is this?
An extension that seems to be read as Webpy. file format. Is this a bad QuickPic? Disappointed.
This hobby has come to an end. Everything works.

337 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/09(火) 01:15:43.58 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Speaking boobs.
Prime Minister Morimoto made some annoying remarks and was entwined in various ways, but it was a mess of sexual prejudice.
The date should be paid by the man. A short man is not seen as the opposite sex. Even though he is a man. Is it with Kintama?
In JOCX, a camera is set in the toilet of a man's comedian, or is it a mint in his underwear? It is broadcast that menthol ingredients are attached and stimulation is
given to the crotch,
and swimsuits melt, which is impossible if the gender is reversed. It is wide voice of protest by way of shelf wants, because. strange thing.
That was seen in the JOCX is whether the traffic trouble in Zama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Men are beaten in the helmet unconscious is.
It's a scary case, but is it a condition that the neighbors are interviewed and don't show their faces?
My chest was up. Because it was a woman of the people bulge of course the screen Whoa
is speaking is displayed on the pie.
Such may I wrote before Iga, this, I wonder if not offend from feces Femi.
I'm worried. Everything works.

338 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/11(木) 00:15:36.51 ID:???0.net
Ayabe PlayStation 2.
PlayStation 2. This is the latest version of the Sony PlayStation in my home. Great!
I found a dusty guy for the purpose of playing DVDs easily, not wanting to play games.
The main body, controller, power plug, and D terminal were all aligned and switched on. Oh, it works.
Perhaps you feel that you do not move about 10 years. And set the DVD. A work by Nene Ogawa. Playback. Hmm?
There will be block noise. Stop. Jump. There are no scratches on the disc? why?
Is it a lens? Nya!
I have no choice but to open the chapter list. What? The cursor moves to the left without permission. Will it not stop?
After all it is not good to leave it. I have to move it once in a while.
I wonder if the controller can be disassembled and cleaned.
I can't use a lens. I don't think it can be fixed by just a lens cleaner.
Do you buy a new one? Isn't it a waste?
Everything works.

339 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/11(木) 00:34:15.77 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Hon-Atsugi.
The area around Hon-Atsugi Station was selected as the city I would like to rent and live in.
Almost in the middle of Kanagawa prefecture. Speaking of Kanagawa prefecture,
I thought that Yokohama city and Kawasaki city were popular, but it was taken by one uncle that Atsugi city in the inland area was selected.
The sea is for sale in the Kanagawa area.
Hakone is more of a place to go than to live.
Atsugi City transport links good rather, Kenou Atsugi Interchange of Kenou Expressway and, there is also a Atsugi interchange of the Tomei Expressway.
Maybe it's popular. Kanagawa's one-man win will continue.
Everything works.

340 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/12(金) 00:20:06.75 ID:???0.net
Ayabe chair man.
Yoshiro Mori, Chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games,
has resigned. Mr. Saburo Kawabuchi will succeed him. Kawabuchi is the first chairman of the J League. 1936-year or 85-year-old Re So this year? amazing.
Was he 57 years old when J opened in 1993?
Still, I'm surprised because I'm older than I am now. Where does that power come from?
Roughly one of the elderly and the other limp is rude, the I say, er door, I'm calm.
Image of drinking tea while reading the newspaper at home.
However, Mr. Kawabuchi is still motivated. I just need to let you live quietly. I can't imagine myself in my 80s because I'm giving up my life as a bonus for the rest, and I think it's more likely that I won't reach that point.
It's really harmful. I'm middle-aged, but I'm gerontocracy.
So, after getting some sickness, I would like to try something in Korea. I haven't decided anything. Go for it.
Everything works.

341 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/13(土) 00:28:31.12 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Binbogami.
When I declared yesterday that I would do my best under the influence of Mr. Kawabuchi,
I suddenly made a blank slate. Downpenis Ayabe that will ruin everything you support.
However, I just have to support the team that I want to lose to the wrong side.
Yes, I support the Yomiuri Giants.
This year we will deliver plenty of Giants games.
I don't know if it's impossible at the bottom, but at least I'll defeat it at the climax.
I won't let you go into Japan. Fight! Yomiuri Giants! With a fighting spirit.
What will happen now? Everything works.

342 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/14(日) 00:57:30.89 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Earthquake Early Warning.
An earthquake occurred off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture at around 23:08 last night.
The magnitude is 7.1 and the depth is about 60km.
I was surprised. I also had some Blu-ray discs dropped. My parents were making a lot of noise.
The area where the shaking was great. I usually leave a little less than 5 or more, but since there are too many, I will make it a little less than 6 this time.
Seismic intensity 6 Strong: Miyagi Prefecture Katta-gun Zao Town,
Fukushima Prefecture Date-gun Kunimi Town, Soma City, Soma-gun Shinchi Town.
Seismic intensity 6 lower: Miyagi Prefecture Iwanuma City, Shibata-gun Kawasaki Town, Watari-gun Watari Tomn,
Yamamoto Town, Tome City, Ishinomaki City,
Fukushima Prefecture, Fukushima City, Koriyama City, Sukagawa City, Date City, MotomiyaCity,
Date-gun Kori Town, Kawamata Town, Iwase-gun Tenei Village, Minamisoma City, Futaba-gun Hirono Town, Naraha Town, Namie Town
Town, Kawauchi Village, Okuma Town, Futaba Town, Namie Town.
In addition, large-scale power outages occur over a wide area.
Especially in Tochigi and Kanagawa prefectures. Thank you for my place as usual.
Please be careful about aftershocks. Revised the equipped with.
Everything works.

343 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/15(月) 00:34:31.01 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
The magnitude of the earthquake on the 13th has been revised to 7.3 and a depth of about 55km.
Fukushima Prefecture is still experiencing felt earthquakes, so caution is still needed.
Fortunately, no one has died. So let's stop playing around today. I'm really sorry for cleaning up.
Or fall down grave is in the news video, car ulcers was or is. In the shelter tent is set for the prevention of infectious diseases had been kicked.
I was just preparing. Wow! Everything works.

344 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/16(火) 00:26:09.60 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Pay.
I tried using the accumulated au PAY. It's
a waste to keep it asleep.
However, I hesitated to tell the clerk "At AUPEI"
because of the personality that I do not want to speak and the dead odor caused by periodontal disease that the doctor throws out when I open my mouth.
It's also troublesome to open the screen. 20,000 yen near But because there was, in the mouth washed with Listerine purple,
engage the gum only assault.
"I need your help by Eyupei." And presents a screen Then,
wrong will press the Home button, waiting tits of Nao Oikawa of the image had been displayed.
Nothing happened, and I had him read the QR on the screen, and although it was pyrroline, a sound was heard and the smartphone vibrated.
It's like this. A usage statement was sent by email.
I wonder what the era is like. Is it still evolving? My uncle can't keep up.
Everything works.

345 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/17(水) 00:56:19.08 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Dragon Quest.
Dragon Quest at home.
Three works 1, 2, and 3 are available in 3 different models.
Family computer, Super Nintendo, and Game Boy.
I thought I should take a picture of the last bosses on all models and compare them. So, I immediately started playing FC Dragon Quest 1.
Ah, it's a hassle to earn experience points and money.
Moreover, the cave can't be seen without Remyra, and it's a torch on foot. I managed to reach the last boss, Ryuou, and snapped.
Hmm? If you look closely, the Dragon King is cute!
Especially the one-shaped mouth. SFC and GB have scary faces.
Next is 2 Hargon. Is Hargon also cute? I'm looking forward.
Everything works.

346 :doesn't mean foever.:2021/02/18(木) 01:13:58.59 ID:???0.net
Detective Ayabe.
In "Abunai Deka", which was broadcast on TV Kanagawa last night in a nostalgic drama frame,
there was a scene in which the escaped criminal was in a women's bath and her naked sister was in trouble.
Wasn't this offended by the viewers at that time? I'm definitely discriminating against men, but I'm on the side of girls.
Such of the, I'm not, but you try to expose the breast in woman is a public place blame.
It's a tolerant group. It's not just for men. Of course, there are people who don't want to put it out, so that's free.
In some countries, other than the eyes are exposed. Don't tie up girls anymore.
It is a women's liberation movement. Don't do ladie's day at the store!
Are you trying to get a woman to buy it? It's not good! Say it! Give freedom to your imprisoned boobs.
Everything works.

347 :Doesn't mean forever.:2021/02/19(金) 00:45:44.10 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mars.
Well, maybe soon? Perseverance arrives on Mars, which was not false. What the video is sent I'm looking forward to what comes is.
I'm curious about other terrestrial planets, not scientific, but delusional.
Of course, living humans cannot step on the land of Mars.
I don't care about that. While looking at the image of the NASA announcement, here in self-built a house of minutes only,
or plowing the soil with a hoe, fertilizer and Standing piss or to,
everyone shout the Seven Dirty Words so no, I of you want to last on the list.
While watching the drama and naughty works brought from the earth, I drank alcohol and fell asleep before I knew it.
Hmm? It is also on Earth I think you have. You can go to the countryside of Chiba or Saitama even if you are nearby.
That's not the case. The other planets are important.
It may be even more so because it is the Dragon Ball generation. It's exciting.
Everything works.

348 :So remember your love:2021/02/20(土) 19:04:46.88 ID:???0.net
Ayabe watching sports.
Since I was free, I fell asleep when I saw the FUJI XEROX SUPER CUP 2021 that the commentary said,
such as announcing the opening of the event.
The warm and cheerfulness also invites drowsiness. When I wake up, is it a penalty shootout as it is in the state of 2-2?
When I thought, the person from Kawasaki decided and won 3-2.
That's it. I immediately changed the channel to BS and watched the V League semi-final.
I liked the yellow-green JT Uni.
I'm very happy when there are more sports like this.
You can sleep soundly. Your free time on Saturdays and Sundays will be fulfilled.
Everything works.

349 :one more say I love you.:2021/02/21(日) 00:45:30.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is back.
Yuji Tanaka, one of the members of the Bakusho Mondai issue,
will return on "Sunday Japon" (JORX-DTV) broadcast today.
How many days has it been? It's been about a month since the Bakusyomondai Carboy broadcast on January 20th was the last.
It seems that it is said that you should not raise your blood pressure, so it will be a broadcast that does not force you too much.
Will it appear on "Nichiyou Sunday" (JOKR) after that? If that happens, live broadcasting will continue.
Because we are the upper person of Small Men CLUB (SM CLUB), a small men 's association. The top is Minoru Shiraki.
Everything works.

350 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/22(月) 19:24:54.35 ID:???0.net
Ayabe smells good.
Do you sleep because it is warm? I sneeze. It smells like spit. Do I have to go to the dentist?
Well, I think the doctor will give up. The periodontal disease level was over the upper limit because it was too tattered when I had it examined before.
I don't get the numbers. It's finished. So after that, sterilize and disinfect with purple listerine so that the bacteria do not enter the bone.
I've left it for a long time. Please introduce someone to a good doctor. I want to avoid bone metastases, if not perfect.
Everything works.

351 :Oh my God.:2021/02/23(火) 00:49:25.57 ID:???0.net
Ayabe No talent.
There are many boards and threads in these 5 channels. I often write in various places,
but I'm glad that there is a lesson. I'm
not very good at fanning and provoking.
The mood even with a less so because harm. Even though I'm offended by others.
I invite Les with a writing that makes people laugh. Almost the performing arts and sports are challenging in over star of the plate.
Already, there are many cases where no one responds even if you rotate the missing brain fully and write "Doya!",
But what I wrote casually is buzzing with grass warota w etc.
Sometimes double digits. It's strange. As expected, three digits do not go. It's about 30 less at the maximum.
I posted it on a radio program, but it was the last time I read an email on Kinya Aikawa's program.
It's about 2003 because it was before the construction of the tower of TBS Radio Toda Transmission Station started.
A program that was broadcast once a month on Sunday midnight.
It hasn't been read since then. Is it a little better if I read a book? This unpleasant poem too.
Everything works.

352 :I know you've been taken afraid to hurt again.:2021/02/24(水) 01:23:26.97 ID:???0.net
Ayabe noise.
I visited a thread called a person who is suffering from noise even though it is a house.
Everyone was hurt by various sound damages. But some people are nervous.
I Do not hate, noise which I think is, shut the car door large person of sound Ru, the voice of the big man, cleared his throat,
that's playing of musical instruments.
I can forgive the voice of a child. Roasted sweet potato shop and Bon festival dance are also okay.
You need a little more attention and kindness.
Whenever I close the shutter, I always hold my hand and close it.
Don't make the sound of the shutters colliding with each other. I also try to make flatulence as quiet as possible.
Sue. If you make too loud a sound, it will
fly in the sky with momentum.
Everything works.

353 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/24(水) 09:27:12.35 ID:???0.net
Good morning.Perhaps it's my line break method?
With my smartphone, if you force a line break of 26 characters per line, the characters will be completely filled in the screen like the screenshot above.
Of course, I'm also sick of noise.
If you don't write something appropriate to eliminate the anxiety and irritation, you will feel uncomfortable.
It is also perfectly received written with the base denial only stop also does not have any objections.
Through you say of the people there Ride.
I don't know if I was struck by the noise. But don't bother the thread.
I regret that. The reason why Japanese is strange is
that it is translated into English once and then translated into Japanese.
Let's call it a reimport. Until no noise at home and apologize for the inconvenience but we doing to watch to see if generous
Saitama Chiba Kanagawa

354 :ナナシマさん:2021/02/25(木) 07:59:37.56 ID:???0.net
A forest fire broke out on the 21st near the summit of Mt.Ryogai in Nishinomiya-cho, Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture.
It's still burning. The hands of fire are
approaching houses, and evacuation advisories have been issued to local residents.
Since there is no fire, it is possible that the mismanagement of cigarettes at the rest area of &#8203;&#8203;the hiking course may be the cause of the fire.
If so, it would be a big nuisance. Don't you know what would happen if you smoked in such a place?
Why do you smoke when you come to enjoy nature in the first place?
If there is an installation of the ashtray its resting place to be, but it is not these days.
Is that littering? Sigh.Everything works.

355 :Watching you.:2021/02/26(金) 01:20:12.91 ID:???0.net
Ayabe mountain fire.
Continued in Tochigi Prefecture Ashikaga, Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, a mountain in Ibaraki Prefecture, Sakuragawa City forest fire There has occurred.
What's going on in the northern Kanto region. In Gunma prefecture, it turned out that the cause was a bonfire by an old man.
Well, it's burning nearby, so it doesn't burn, isn't it?
Moreover, the elderly who have a lot of life experience. What a hell.
I don't think that's the case, but as I get older, I wonder if there are more things I can't do.
Will not listen to the young people of opinion, its still Mashi If you lonely death in isolation in.
Multiplied by the trouble elsewhere like only to be derided Rogai. I don't want to be that old.
I want to have a lively, lively and lively old age. A few years later, I'm reading this screenshot back,
am I stupid looking here ? I don't know if you think it or that's right, but don't bother me because I'm asking you.
Follow your child when you are old. Everything works.

356 :Loving you.:2021/02/27(土) 07:27:48.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe opening J.
Soccer J League Division 1 started yesterday. Kawasaki 2-0 Yokohama M.
I wanted to see the opening game. NHK instead of DAZN. Even the opening game tape I'm there is no demand in the real Toka not be broadcast in Levi.
In that respect, professional baseball is wonderful. In CS, the state of the camp is broadcast live every day.
A match day out to see every game every day as possible.
Especially in terrestrial digital broadcasting, tvk is doing its best.
If you press the d button during the BayStars broadcast, you can save stars on the special page.
Such ingenuity is also wonderful. This is I'm proof that professional baseball is loved in the television station.
Not in J. Probably not everyone in the world is interested.
What do you do now? I do not know! In J-League opening of such 29 year it was. Everything works.

357 :memory forever.:2021/02/28(日) 02:29:04.83 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anniversary.
It's been 3 years and 2 months since it was early. I haven't given up yet.
Everything works.

358 :name of love.:2021/03/01(月) 00:56:03.26 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's March.
It's March. The long-awaited professional baseball pennant race will start on March 26th.
Declaration Street this year, Yomiuri Giants to support. Let's put in the fighting spirit.
Pacific League is still I wonder if Softbank. Rakuten is also excited by the return of Masahiro Tanaka.
The after 1 frame Saitama-Seibu, Chiba-Lotte and likely will be three teams contend large melee of Nippon Ham premonition.
Well, the Japan Series is controlled by the Yomiuri Giants. After that, is it an interleague game?
Let's expect this to be the Yomiuri Giants victory. In other words, you can enjoy the delight four times in the interleague game ,
league, climax, and Japan Championship series. It's amazing.
Attention player is Cromartie player.
Everything works.

359 :Not only but also.:2021/03/02(火) 20:37:49.94 ID:???0.net
Ayabe service end notice.
Thank you for using Apuapu. In circumstances or we will terminate the service with a more March 15 be.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your cooperation. 2021/02/25.
Or the end quote you. What a hell!
Is it a Galapagos mobile phone or a feature phone? A image of a considerable amount as an image storage from the era very severe because it is uploaded.
All images must be downloaded again. It
doesn't go up to 1,000 images, but I've uploaded close to that.
It's a hassle. However, there are nostalgic and valuable images, so there is no choice but to do it.
Certainly, I don't feel like seeing it because it's full of advertisements. Standing buy the ads that come down from above annoying.
I thought I was tapping the image, but it seemed that I was tapping the ad, and I could only tell the link to hate. Goodbye.
Everything works.

360 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/03(水) 23:06:46.50 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Incomplete combustion.
It's really luxurious, but the video I'm watching isn't enough.
I mean, the angle isn't the angle I want to see, the zoom, the approach to the subject.
I wondered if this was a little more. Then
you should supervise yourself and turn the camera to shoot?
I can't be Mr. Muranishi. So it's luxurious.
If it's VR, you can see it 360 degrees, right?
Well, it can't be helped.
Don't forget your gratitude. Thank you to the performers.
Everything works.

361 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/04(木) 23:18:46.52 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Leisure.
Free time to notice such is also in daily or past the time the brain to want a stimulus I'll start to a strange thing.
It's Dragon Quest 3, but I'm really into it. So far it's normal. Even if there is a feeling of renewal now.
People who have done it will know, but there is a "!" Square in the middle. If you stop at this square, the parameters will change.
From 1 is power, 2 is quick, 3 is toughness, 4 is intelligence, 5 is lucky, and 6 is maximum HP.
And then how many of those parameter values &#8203;&#8203;will change. This is the number of the dice. If the end is 1,2,3, it goes down, and if it is 4,5,6, it goes up.
If you stick with this square, you can make the strongest parameter character. Yup.
The strongest is boring, so I came up with the idea of &#8203;&#8203;making the worst. You're free, right?
First, a rise of MP choose a warrior or Monk not. Monk is quite parameters high was in warrior in Ino.
Warriors are good at strength and physical strength, but they are not quick, clever, and lucky, so they are easy to lower.
And after setting the level to 99, go to the amazing place! That's right.
We will do it at the first rug in the northern part of Romalia and the southern part of Kazab.
When 6 comes out first, you will reach the forest trout.
There is a "!" Square 6 squares ahead of that square.
Do it patiently. Mumumu. Troublesome.
However, it managed to wisdom and good luck to it to 0 and Gong.
Complete with 2 more times also quickness If you're 12 So luck now Ryo.
The problem is strength, physical strength, maximum HP.
There are about 200, 200, and 400, respectively.
I hope I can lower even 6 points a day. Everything works.

362 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/06(土) 17:40:14.58 ID:???0.net
Ayabe cause.
I have a habit of scratching my scalp while I'm sleeping, or I'm sick.
Cause of it is still shampoo and treat members That's door.
When I tried washing it with hot water, it didn't itch so much, and when I treated it with shampoo again the next day,
it became more itchy than usual. Gassagasa.
Furthermore, both ears became itchy, and there was nothing I could do about it. But even if I didn't treat with shampoo for just one day,
it became sticky and it was also unpleasant. I don't like itching and I don't like
This is a selfish problem, isn't it?
Everything works.

363 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/06(土) 22:47:11.96 ID:???0.net
Date leaving work. There was nothing in particular.
However, he is still alive today.
It's interesting to search for "feeling sloppy", so if you look at it, the day will pass in no time.
Then, when it's time for dinner, I take a bath and regret the wasted day, and I feel like I'm sick. Sigh.
Everything works.

364 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/08(月) 23:24:40.34 ID:???0.net
Ayabe sloth.
I had an empty day today. Are you happy to be safe? Of course, you don't have to have an accident or get sick,
but I wonder if there is anything interesting like this.
On Sunday, well, now I have a corona pot, but as usual, I got up late, brunched, listened to the radio, and took a nap.
This means that I'm not, et al.
What should i do? Indeed, feeling was apathetic to the Ji.
Everything works.

365 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/09(火) 00:44:06.06 ID:???0.net
Ayabe wandering.
Today I went to a cake shop to buy a cake. The usual cake shop is closed on Mondays, so I headed to a major chain store in front of the station.
What? The shutter closes. Is this also a holiday? I think, when you see on the shutter, Rogo shop clause had been peeled off.
It was closed before I knew it. There's Ayabe chan, but can not be helped.
Always shop, if I tried to go I think that might be open Once lend.
After all it is a regular holiday. I don't know anymore. After a little distant, but the arrangement near the Futon'ya but it was Tsu.
Ah, but it's troublesome. Well, should I look for it on my smartphone? And search. One hit nearby.
It's near the business supermarket.
Has finally arrived was its location, previous, just Nakayo a little was the first floor of the woman's apartment was I am Ku allowed.
Cormorant Wow, here or. Nostalgic. You used to be a bakery, right?
I wonder if that person is fine. Is it about 53 years old now? At that time the elder sister it was a Mr., rude talk me.
Press went several times to play Did doing hands. I sincerely hope that you are happy.
Everything works.

366 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/12(金) 19:35:15.42 ID:???0.net
Forgot Ayabe.
Did you forget the 10th? Surely NG word has been set me think that I think we've written even,
Nante foul language was not a regret regret would I've written a but he,
because flew numbering is not, simply forget the It was just.
Does that mean that the future- less anchor for dangerous detectives will be off by one day? It seems that life will not go well with
running development of insect acid that the thing scheduled to be attached on the 17th will be attached on the 18th.
Everything works.

367 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/14(日) 19:21:57.90 ID:???0.net
Ayabe bullying.
The "violence too", sexual harassment accusations and exercise "Me too,"
the sum multiplied by the "violence", celebrities have conducted a student accusing the dimethyl act movement.
(Omitted) However, there is sympathy for such sanctions as "Isn't it overkill?"
And false accusations are rampant because of the size of the sanctions and the fall of talent.
(Omitted) also Terry Ito, "tricks and bullying ability people, of course, is not I'm.
Differences remember that at the time because I do not want the cormorant their own, do not you come to the entertainment industry?" "
Myself that Susan comes from I do not want to the entertainment world, where once again Gamba funnel. past the throw.
so to have doing it desperately, for such as pulling the past, I think the rule violation and I am ",
bully He also commented that he had a bad intention to change himself. The quote ends. I'm really thinking only about myself.
Being involved in performing arts is mainly about exposing public places. I became a popular person! I'm making money too! This is my Misogi! Sorry!
Ehya Hyahya. Unsurprisingly, this is the usual idea of &#8203;&#8203;humans in the entertainment world It is. It's a little old saying, "If you don't like it, don't look."
Yes, I don't see it. It will be a trap. I feel sorry for being used as a stepping stone.
Everything works.

368 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/15(月) 00:44:02.72 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Earthquake Delay Report.
There was an earthquake at about 0:26 earlier. The epicenter is Wakayama Prefecture
magnitude M4.6,
depth is about 10km,and there is no worry about tsunami.
Seismic intensity 5 lower: Yuasa Town, Arida District, Wakayama Prefecture.
I'm afraid of the strong shaking when I'm about to fall asleep. I'm thrilled for a while and can't sleep.
Be prepared again. Everything works.

369 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/16(火) 22:34:02.87 ID:???0.net
Ayabe yellow sand.
Like Mars? Yellow sand field of vision not of the "worst in 10 years" in Beijing good,
even air pollution serious. The shadow of the strong sandstorm from northern China 15 days morning covered in the atmosphere is thick with sand sound,
few hundred meters in the Beijing city view about not foresee even destination has dropped sharply.
According to the China Environmental Observation Center,
the most severe yellow sand in 10 years has caused serious air pollution. Beijing authorities the activities of the outdoors to each school asked to refrain from,
people who are elderly and chronic disease Sugosuyo indoors has called cormorant.
According to the Central Meteorological Observatory,
as of 11:00 am in Beijing, 714 micrograms of fine particulate matter PM2.5 per cubic meter
(the daily average of Japanese environmental standards is 35 micrograms) was observed. During the morning commute,
traffic jams occurred due to poor visibility. In recent years,
Beijing, although the day is often spread the blue sky and improve the air pollution, the whole city is yellow in a state that took Imoya,
the breathlessness be in the mask enough to learn.
A 36-year-old male office worker in the city said, "I haven't had such a bad air pollution in 12 years. I don't want to go anywhere today.
"A spacecraft aiming to land on Mars last month in China"Tianwen-1" has succeeded in entering the orbit of Mars,
and a female office worker (26) was surprised that
"Beijing today is like the ground scenery of Mars ." The quote ends.
If you think your face is itchy, that's what it is. I'm in trouble. (Crying.)
Everything works.

370 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/18(木) 19:35:53.80 ID:???0.net
Ayabe OMG.
Ken-chan's Oh My God! It will be broadcast at the Family Theater on Sunday, 21st, but surely the bust top came out, right?
There are two types, one is Ryuhei Ueshima hiding in a tub and invading the women's bathroom, and the other is a swimsuit girl who is almost naked at the seaside house.
After that, it seems that Yumi Morio received intense sexual harassment from Mr. Shimura.
It feels like Grandma Shimura, who dressed as a masseuse, rubbed Morio's hip.
Well before the broadcast recording is where the know, such whether you but are you when it is let's prayer is also seen.
I was also surprised at the scene where Akiko Wada hit Akihiro Yoshimura with a bag and bleeding.
Next Sunday, 10:55-, so take a look if you're curious.
Everything works.

371 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/19(金) 20:39:18.04 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Oink Oink.
The person who tried to direct the Olympics by replacing the talent Naomi Watanabe with a pig resigned. Sigh.
Why can we say that with weapons? I had some people hit that leaked, as me, its feeling that I want to know whether people are down on what do is.
If you're the type of person you don't like, you can avoid that person.
That person also their hate type of person that without that I think every time uncomfortable because of me avoided between I'm that. Win-Win.
In that respect, the untouchable glasses, Hidetsugu Shibata, are easy to understand. In program called Shimura friends,
and when Mr. Masanori Ishii of the ants to grasshoppers look at the old controller may be out of you.
Mr. Masanori Ishii is petite, but every time Mr. Masanori Ishii appears, Hidetsugu Shibata says "Wow, small!" in the wipe.
This is safe.
Everything works.

372 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/20(土) 19:22:30.34 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Earthquake Early Warning.
Around 18:09, there was an earthquake off the coast of Miyagi prefecture.
The magnitude is 7.2 and the depth is about 60km.
I was surprised. I also shook unpleasantly after making a noise.
The shaking was similar to that of the 2004 Chuetsu earthquake.
And since there is a tsunami warning on the coast of Miyagi prefecture, people in the vicinity should definitely not go to see the situation.
It is an area with strong shaking.
Magnitude 5+ : Miyagi Prefecture Tome, Osaki, Toda-gun wakuya, Misato, Iwanuma, Katta-gun, Zao-machi, Sendai miyagino-ku, Ishinomaki City, Dongsong
Island City, Matsushima-machi, Miyagi-gun. Seismic intensity 5-: Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture,
Sumita Town, Kesennuma County, Ichiseki City, Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, Kurihara City,
Minamisanriku Town, Motoyoshi County, Natori City, Kakuda City, Okawara Town, Shibata County,
Shibata Town, Kawasaki Town, Igu County marumori, Watari-gun Watari-cho, Yamamoto-cho, Aoba-ku, Sendai,
Wakabayashi-ku, Izumi-ku, Miyagi-gun rifu, Kurokawa-gun Osato-cho, Ohira village,
Fukushima Prefecture Tamura City, Date-gun, Kunimi-machi, Soma City, South Soma City, Okuma Town,
Futaba County , Futaba Town, Namie Town, Shinchi Town, Soma County, Iitate Village.
Please be careful . Everything works.

373 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/21(日) 18:54:54.59 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Urgent.
The magnitude of yesterday's earthquake was revised to 6.9, and the depth was revised to about 59km.
The live thread was showing excitement in the "fried shrimp" of the local people who appeared on the phone on NHK.
Everyone was relieved by the word fried shrimp in tension.
By the way, the state of emergency in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba and Saitama prefectures has been lifted today.
Unfortunately it was raining, but especially in Chiba prefecture, it's the day of the governor's election, so what will happen to the turnout?
I think that the attention was high as it was because it was a variety of faces.
Anyway, let's look forward. Laughter.
Everything works.
Above under before the next 1 new book

374 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/22(月) 23:11:07.59 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Chiba.
Mr. Kumagai won the prefectural governor's election in Chiba. Another young governor was born.
Is it from April? Congratulations.
Mr. Kumagai is the mayor of Chiba, and when he is called the mayor of Kumagaya, he is thought to be the mayor of Kumagaya.
Isn't there Chiba in cities all over the country?
It would have been interesting if the mayor of Kumagaya was Mr. Chiba. I feel also free to investigate I have.
Everything works.

375 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/23(火) 18:49:20.79 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Saitama www.
Official land price. Commercial areas in Kanagawa and Chiba have risen, but Saitama has fallen.
In the commentary of NHK, it was said that the decrease in foreign tourists led to the decline,
but Kanagawa and Chiba, which are popular with foreigners, are rising, but Saitama, which is not even looked at by foreigners, has fallen.
You're saying something strange though. I
often wonder why the license fee is used for such commentators.
Everything works.

376 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/24(水) 04:56:09.32 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Appraisal Team.
I watched the “Kaiun nandemo kanteidan”.
One day, a corner for appraising the treasures of the general public began, and a certain woman came out.
The person in his fifties said he was looking for a boyfriend, and the moderator asked,
"What type of man do you like?" And answered, "A fair and tall person."
This is a big bashing if a man answers "a fair and thick person", isn't it?
Lookism! Look inside! What do you think of a woman? And so on.
It seems that he has enjoyed the bubble era in terms of age, but the bubble in his heart hasn't burst yet.
Messy and skin and color because al-assembly Yara person generations that have utilized,
can not see the person only in Seikakko, that is, the man, you probably think the brand-name products.
It's one of my belongings.
By the way, speaking of entertainers, he said that he was Koji Imada.
Everything works.

377 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/25(木) 01:49:24.19 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Bulletin.
Judo Toshihiko Koga (53) dies Gold at the Barcelona Olympics.
Everything works.

378 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/26(金) 23:42:46.28 ID:???0.net
Ayabe opening!
Professional baseball interleague play starts at the same time! Yaho! As long as I'm happy.
Attention is the Yomiuri Giants. What happened to the result?
The result is 8-7 victory! 9th dramatic goodbye win! It's wonderful. It's this drama at the beginning, so every game will be amazing.
Everything works.

379 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/27(土) 02:01:21.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe organized.
Yesterday I spent about 11 hours organizing the videos.
I bought a new large capacity micro SD card, so I worked on migrating to it.
First of all, the videos that were distributed and stored in 32GB SD are imported to the smartphone body.
When the smartphone is full, replace the SD card and export to a new SD.
This is repeated.
What I struggled with unexpectedly was that if I moved multiple times, I would fail
So I moved it one by one.
It would have been easy with a personal computer, but I was able to achieve it safely.
Moreover, there is still excess capacity.
So please give me a wonderful video.
Everything works.

380 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/28(日) 00:08:18.31 ID:???0.net
Ayabe From that.
The earliest is 3 years and 3 months.
Of course there is nothing.
I'm sad but I have no choice but to live.
Quickly legalize euthanasia.
Everything works.

381 :Portuguesa:2021/03/28(日) 03:31:19.09 ID:???0.net
Prestes a definir seu futuro, Thonny Anderson diz: 'O que mais desejo e jogar novamente'

Tendo recebido recentemente propostas do Urawa Red Diamonds, do Japao, e do Sport Recife,
o meia-atacante Thonny Anderson espera ter o seu futuro definido ate o inicio do mes de abril. Em conversas constantes com seu empresario Alaece Dias,
o atleta tem se mostrado bastante animado com a proximidade do acerto com seu futuro clube.

382 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/29(月) 01:01:04.15 ID:???0.net
Ayabe back.
Ken Shimura's first anniversary.
The world is still a shadow of the new coronavirus is in the sound under.
It's spring! Drifters! Everyone gathered and all gathered!
It was broadcast on Fuji TV last night, but it can't be helped, but I couldn't deny the half-hearted feeling because it hit me in a strange place.
Mr.Ikariya was also fine. There was also the figure of Mitsuko Mori's, but the declaration of the DVD I had entered the den.
And, chief retainer role of the fool lord, faith is Kuwano colon cancer I have also been announced.
Please take good care of yourself.
Everything works.

383 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/30(火) 00:39:39.83 ID:???0.net
Ayabe spring drama.
It's April soon. Let's introduce the featured works in the new spring drama.
I'm pushing Fuji TV's "Ichikei no Karasu".
It's the so-called 9th drama on Monday at 21:00.
why? The shooting scenery was introduced in a program called the FNS Drama Opposition Treasure Video Award last night,
but when the starring Haru Kuroki got stuck in the dialogue, the shooting staff called out "Kenchana".
In the telop, it was written in parentheses under the Kenchana that it was okay, but when I looked it up, it was in Korean.
In other words, Korean is spoken on a daily basis at the recording site.
Speaking of which, Fuji TV drama provoked various Japanese people such as tsunami lucky. The dots are connected.
I'll record the first episode. I'm just looking forward to the staff roll.
Everything works.

384 :ナナシマさん:2021/03/31(水) 02:30:50.26 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 14.
FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Asian 2nd qualifying Mongolia vs Japan was held at Fukuda Electronic Arena.
Although it is in Chiba prefecture, it was treated as a Mongolian home.
The score is 0-14. Japan won a big victory.
One game 14 score, a do and Japan representative new record. He added 4 to the previous 10 goals.
But bad in the story of favorite professional baseball, one professional baseball yesterday probably 11 of Seibu Saitama I entered the No. score?
Did you enter more than that! I was listening to it in sub channel,
but guests Tanaka Marcus Tulio and Asashoryu commented remotely from their respective home countries.
In particular, I wanted to let people of all nationalities hear the words
"I want to give back to Japan for their help" by Mr. Dorgorslengin Dagwadolji.
After, what's What Roland? Isn't it an anchan who is familiar with various things? It seems that he was not Rowland Kirishima.
And Jon Kabira's player name reading like PES. Game of the edit, the memories that the had to blast a Van Bronckhorst I was.
Everything works.

385 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/01(木) 00:57:54.01 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 500 yen.
I bought a mint set of Reiwa 3rd year coins from the Japan Mint Bureau of the Ministry of Finance.
This is because the design of the 500-yen coin will change from this year.
When I changed before, I didn't know the existence of the mint set, so I don't have a clean one.
I wonder if it was 2000.
The Reiwa 3rd year coin mint set has arrived! Change in what felt kana divided by the? I'm looking forward to it. Opened! Hmm? that? It hasn't changed.
It hasn't changed from the previous design. Hey! Search in a hurry
Once you extend the time issue under the influence of the new coronavirus infection
was written with the sake.
What a hell. I was looking forward to it.
Why does it get in the way when I enter? Saki Datte yesterday or the influence of yellow sand I thought trying to photograph the cherry tree, which boasts-out?
I gave up because the color of the sky was bad. It doesn't go well.
Everything works.

386 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/03(土) 02:03:18.13 ID:???0.net
From Ayabe's land.
Mr.Kunie Tanaka, I'm younger than Hidetaka Yoshioka, who plays the role of Jun, so I don't know much about the series from the northern country.
But Tanaka of you is a radio program that Kosakin wonder man adrenaline, Kosakai One machine's knows so often had a mimicry of Tanaka's had.
I used to do various things like "Hey Jun!" And "Drink before eating!"
Are you 88 years old?
I remembered on the radio a long time ago that the radio of Masaru Miyakawa, which was broadcast on New Year's Day in 1995,
was a program that was not good, and Mr. Tmura, the father of a tofu shop living in Chiba prefecture, came out.
He called me because he wanted to talk to a girl in the studio.
At first, he called himself 17 years old in the baseball club of Narashino High School and was in his second year of high school.
Certainly what I was saying was like my father. There was also a word called Nakayama Racecourse.
Mr.Tmura, who was born in 1942, was born in 1942 in the Christian era. I am 79 years old this year.
At the time of the broadcast, I was 53 years old, and I'm sure I'm approaching that age.
I'm still 53 years old for more than 10 years But everyone will definitely get older.
Every time I see or hear the news, I feel that there is no eternity.
So even if I swear before going to sleep to cherish the day, I forget it when I wake up in the morning.
Everything works.

387 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/04(日) 05:55:23.75 ID:???0.net
Ayabe It's a dirty story.
I danced with WET DREAM.
The first person refused to ride on the way and the place changed and the next person accepted it favorably,
but it's no good.
The Takarazuka person in Shomuni's uniform, who was across from the last desk, came out.
It's dirty. Disgusting. I don't like to mess with the tissue, but it's great when it comes out.
It's as if an earthworm pops out.
Everything works.

388 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/05(月) 17:34:44.55 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Bulletin.
Screenwriter Sugako Hashida died, 95 years old.
I de work Hashida is Lama without having seen too much, regulation of good laugh knew ramen bar.
Its was the 1998 to 2001 UNA. Was he already in his 70s at that time?
Healthy Obaachi Yandana, I was impressed me. Let's see the crossing world. Gassho.
Everything works.

389 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/06(火) 23:00:30.75 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Hashida-san.
When Ms.Hashida's story was older, he said, "Oshin is better than that." Oshin.
I've heard of it. Is it a morning serial TV novel?
Of course I have never seen it. But, I don't have a chance to see it.
When I checked that it was rebroadcast, it seems that it had been broadcast for a long time.
If you're a demon, it's sometimes broadcast on CS's TBS channel.
Is it NHK Archives? on-demand? I don't know, but there may be some way to do it,
so I wonder if I'll see it someday when I have free time.
Gassho. Everything works.

390 :change your dream.:2021/04/07(水) 20:23:25.44 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is in the middle.
"Well, it's in the middle of the show, but it's Hikari Ota."
Tuesday Junk LOL Problem At the beginning of the carboy,
I was surprised to hear something like this, Chiyoko Shimakura. It was said that Yuji Tanaka was absent due to sinusitis.
Wow again!
Avoid recording due to high fever. The recording of the secret Kenmin Show pole is also closed.
Uchaka tattered. I came to Westland for help and I was so bored that I fell asleep before I knew it.
After all, I want you to cure slowly and surely.
I'll ask Moechan. Everything works.

391 :crotbh:2021/04/08(木) 14:27:30.85 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Fire Prevention Demon.
I was ordered to check the indoor fire prevention water and came to see it.
I see. Black objects are up and down in the water. This is dirty. Hurry up and replace the contents.
While pinching my nose. It made me feel bad because I was slimy.
Well, it's good because I can skip it. It's a cigarette room, so I smoke IQOS.
Who is the person responsible for the fire?
Well good.
For the time being, I put 1,250 ml in the tank.
Because it is two, 2,500 ml. Of course, this is pray that does not come the day to use the Re, but without Forewarned is forearmed.
Everything works. The claim ends!

392 :crotch:2021/04/09(金) 22:58:16.46 ID:???0.net
Ayabe testimony.
Is Marie's testimony true? If it is unrooted, it will be difficult to disseminate it , so I will not write it in detail,
but it is the story of Shinsuke Shimada, who was a former performing arts activity. scared.
I wonder if there are people who are crying and falling asleep regardless of gender. In the news this morning, Akihiro Hamabe was arrested on suspicion of obscene acts against his subordinates.
Position the pole using a malicious act. Improve the damage consultation desk.
Everything works. The claim ends!

393 :apologize:2021/04/10(土) 22:43:29.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Onsen.
A wonderful program was broadcast on TV TOKYO only with the title
"In search of a superb view of spring! Hot spring towel collecting trip".
What does the title mean? The travelers were Kayoko Okubo of Oashizu and Emiko Kawamura of Tanpopo.
Who gets it. On the way, there were only a few bathing scenes with idols who decorate gravure, but these two are almost.
At least Sayaka Isoyama and Akiko Hinagata would have different ratings.
It's a waste.
However, there seems to be demand.
There was also a note that Kawamura was better when I looked into the commentary board.
It's different for each person. It's interesting because everyone is different.
Everything works. The claim ends!

394 :not only cat but also dog.:2021/04/11(日) 20:36:13.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Onsen.
I saw another hot spring. Hey, photographer! Firmly please to shoot.
I'm disappointed with the content that makes me want to say.
They also cause wasting gigabytes, once again Recessed into the red had me. Let's save tomorrow.
Do not mess with as much as possible.
When you return the story, the model's angle of the subject, I wonder if I say, the face becomes the up,
wonderful that I did not worship the body has.
Because it's such an image work, isn't it a good idea to have a well-maintained body on a daily basis?
I know I'm confident in my face, but the old men in the world still want to see their bodies.
Look at your body and judge that it seems that you will give birth to a strong baby.
This idea is unpleasant. Someone actually said it,
so I quoted it, but if it's found by Femi, it'll be hit.
Everything works. The claim ends!

395 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/12(月) 00:21:14.25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe carelessly.
He said that he neglected to deposit money into the designated bank account and his mobile phone stopped.
I wonder if it will stop today because it is due on the 12th.
Right now, the date has changed on the 12th.
If payment cannot be confirmed on the 12th, will it stop on the 13th? do not know.
I'm afraid that it will stop suddenly, so try not to use it as much as possible.
I can't pay a little today.
There is no problem on the 13th. Ah, I want to get rich soon. Money anxiety is really painful.
I feel like I'm always cornered. It's not a debt, but the reminder of pensions and taxes is scary.
Such can't also what challenges. Yes, you won't even be able to rebuild your life.
Everything works. The claim ends!

396 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/12(月) 05:33:53.22 ID:???0.net
Do (Doe) &#8211; a deer a female deer
Re (Ray) &#8211; a drop of golden sun
Mi (Me) &#8211; a name I call myself
Fa (Far) &#8211; a long long way to run
So (Sew) &#8211; a needle pulling thread
La (La) &#8211; a note to follow So
Ti (Tea) &#8211; a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do
Oh Oh Oh

397 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/14(水) 19:02:34.49 ID:???0.net
Ayabe payment.
I paid the fee. I didn't know when to stop after all.
You're probably wondering what the mobile phone company is.
The poor can not be helped because it is depleted. I have no choice but to work on it.
I want you to understand the effort. So do taxes and pensions.
I want you to use the money that the poor people's sweat, blood, and blood are soaked in carefully and effectively.
The amount may be just a number, but there
is a drama for each yen. So is the death toll of COVID-19.
Why would Moso. Are you disrespecting it? I want to be rich.
Everything works. The claim ends!

398 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/15(木) 21:03:44.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 12 people.
Knowledge of Dragon Quest 3 again. The NES version.
It's useless knowledge that you don't need much, but it's Unnecessary.
Now, got off to a tavern Ruida, many people can register I fellow I wonder if, and I thought suddenly wondered.
The reason why I am here now is because I found a secret trick to increase the number of important items in Basilura.
By the way, Ms. Luida, how many people can be registered?
The answer is 11 people. 12 people including heroes.
Except for the brave, they are listed in the order of registration. And shredding passes the registration of someone.
If you make a new member to erase, where is the deletion new members are listed up to.
Well, now you can manage your list nicely.
It can be in the order of AIUEO or by occupation.
But, de advanced to some extent it's impossible because there is no bear to kill it's over data.
From the beginning thing that useless knowledge for people.
Well, it's dinner. Everything works. The claim ends!

399 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/16(金) 20:58:25.56 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mileura.
Item multiplication yesterday is easy.
Immediately after getting the following items, just fly the character with the item with Basilura and repeat the acquisition work once more. It's easy.
What are the corresponding items?
Ai memories, Ken king, cage Halcon, Gaia sword, vase of thirst, the key of the last moment, the world Juno,
stone of sun, purple orbs, blanking Ruobu, Hengenotsue, magic key,
ruby dream over, the fairy flute, Kagami of error, 16 Red Orb's type.
It seems that this can be done with the late shipping rom, so please try it.
Everything works. The claim ends!

400 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/17(土) 03:00:48.55 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Alzheimer's disease.
I got what I already have.
Volume 6 of a certain work, 6 volumes even though I had it.
Properly examined or to do I, et al. I have consumed it in vain. Sorry.
Is it Alzheimer's dementia?
You have to list how many volumes you have. Make a note properly.
Everything works. The claim ends!

401 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/18(日) 00:46:45.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe isn't here.
A wonderful Saturday playing with Dragon Quest 3 item breeding.
Moreover, Detective Conan has been broadcasting on Nittele Plus for a long time, so while watching it.
It seems to be broadcast all the time today.
In addition to the 16 items the other day, an independent survey revealed that yellow orbs and awakening powder can also be propagated.
Orb is in growth and devoted to quickly six locations with the same orb so wear it tried to revive the phoenix Ramia,
the same orb stand nothing happened even if to put on the seat.
What's boring. Everything works. The claim ends!

402 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/19(月) 23:10:41.48 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Kimo Koi.
"I want to have a good love!" Was broadcast on CTC (Chiba Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.)
from 19:00 today in a nostalgic drama frame.
I like old-fashioned dora so I took a look. Then suddenly it became a scene like a nudist beach and I was very surprised.
When I looked it up, it said that it was broadcast in 1990 (Heisei 2).
What an era. Somehow everyone is floating and Bubbly.
Everything works. The claim ends!

403 :adolescence:2021/04/20(火) 20:37:13.12 ID:???0.net
Ayabe-yaki Saka.
I'm watching both professional baseball and soccer, but I can have happy days with 143 professional baseball games and 34 J1 league games.
However, J1 doesn't like to get sick for a week if they lose.
With professional baseball, you can revenge the next day.
How much is it worth when converted to the number of professional baseball games by winning one in the J1 league?
Since the number of games played in professional baseball is 4.2 times higher, the number of wins and losses should be 4.2 times higher.
If Kawasaki Frontale, who won the championship last year, has 26 wins, 3 losses and 5 draws, and this year's magnification is 4.2,
it will be 109 wins, 12 losses and 21 drows.
Awesome. I thought, but the value of winning soccer was different because I got 3 winning points in 1 win,
and I couldn't understand why.
In short, it would be nice if you win? Win. That's right, Norabou greens.
Everything works. The claim ends!

404 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/21(水) 09:31:06.00 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Emergency Oh.
My left abdomen hurts from the morning and I'm down! It's been a long time since I had this pain.
I'm lying a little calm now . Nausea mower
is, standby in front of or to the toilet vomiting reverse.
Oh, but nothing comes out.
Isn't it refreshing to put this out? Like anything.
However, nothing comes out, so only the sound is ringing. So I got out of the bathroom and wrote this in bed.
Did you eat something bad? I can think of the leftovers from the 18th that I ate on the 19th.
This is quite suspiciously not. It hurt a little yesterday, but I didn't care because it healed quickly.
It feels like your intestines are pinched by pliers.
Let's drink something warm and rest for a while.
Everything works. The claim ends!

405 :Ms. herself:2021/04/22(木) 04:50:44.12 ID:???0.net
Ayabe news and good news.
Charlie Hama of Yoshimoto Shinkigeki dies 78 years old "...
Then, why don't you?" Gag and other booms. Charlie Hama dies Yoshimoto Shinkigeki member Charlie Hama
(real name: Masao Nishioka) died on April 18 at a hospital in Osaka City due to respiratory failure and aspiration pneumonia.
78 years old.
Funeral already took only next of kin have been made. Charlie Hama joined Yoshimoto Shinkigeki in 1962.
Focusing on the new comedy, he was also active in TV commercials and theatrical performances.
The representative gag "... Well, why don't you?"
Became a boom after appearing on TV CM, and was selected as the annual grand prize of the 1991 "New Words and Popular Words Awards".
"Up your smile in 1992 has been awarded the Gold Award have".
Yoshimoto Kogyo is "to everyone is, late
along with the thank you deeply for your your kindness that we look forward to before life,
We would like to inform Nde" and have commented. Quote end. Divide. Gassho.
The good news is abdominal pain somehow calm or was.
Has been suffering from morning yesterday, the pain is caught around noon but, in this relapse to about 23:00,
up to and about three o'clock I was Baka.
Stay alert and eat digestible foods.
Everything works. The claim ends!

406 :opportunity:2021/04/23(金) 03:46:18.04 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mars.
Announcement from the atmosphere of Mars and success to oxygen artificial generation
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration is 21 days,
Mars rover "Pashibiara use the laboratory equipment mounted on the Nsu",
the oxygen from the atmosphere of Mars and for the first time succeeded in creating Announced.
Space flight is that it's the amount that workers can breathe for 10 minutes,
in a future manned period and can be applied to technology to produce the oxygen needed for Mars exploration have been waiting.
NASA is 21 days, to Mars in February this year was mounted on the rover landed "Per severe lance",
experimental machine using the device, the oxygen from the carbon dioxide contained in the atmosphere of Mars announced that it has succeeded in creating Did.
The fruit of more than three hours in the test, in the amount of produced oxygen is about 5.4 grams,
which is astronaut 1 person for 10 minutes, that corresponds to the amount to be breathing thing.
Although the atmosphere of Mars is carbon dioxide is 96%, this time the equipment that was used in the experiment,
the 800 degrees of high fever addition to carbon dioxide and then decomposed into forte carbon monoxide and oxygen.
NASA in the future, Yes in human Mars exploration, about the spacecraft to return to Earth and fuel 7 tons,
and now estimates that we need of 25 tons oxygen
However, it is difficult to carry that much from the earth, and it is "economical and practical" to produce it on Mars.
Experiments to produce oxygen are scheduled to be repeated during this exploration period,
and if the technology is demonstrated, it is expected to be applied to future manned exploration. The quote ends.
I'm looking forward to this. Everything works. The claim ends!

407 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/24(土) 01:14:23.14 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 8.
All night e! I'm here while watching season8.
Before I knew it, it was 8. I don't mean to miss it because it's always the time of Goripara memoirs or my depon,
but I remember up to around 5, but I don't remember 6 and 7. There was also 4.5.
Well it can't be helped. There are frequent reruns, so don't worry if you miss it.
However, I was tired of seeing the performer's girl calling "Yabai, Yabai".
May I feel my age. I thought that I wasn't the age of the game anymore, and I wasn't the age of being involved with girls.
That's sad.
So Gamecenter CX it's settle down and have a look at the prace.
Whereabouts's therewas Tsu. Everything works. The claim ends!

408 :ナナシマさん:2021/04/25(日) 16:00:11.42 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Matakayo.
On the 23rd, the Japanese government decided to issue a state of emergency to the four prefectures of
Tokyo, Osaka, Hyogo, and Kyoto from the 25th to the 11th of next month as a countermeasure against the infection of the new coronavirus.
Tokyo Olympic starts from July 23, after about three months are scheduled.
This is the third state of emergency in Japan since the outbreak of a pandemic. The quoteends.
Burikaesu declared as cold, release, declaration, solution removal, and also declaration.
I already, is really care will Resona mad
I Udayo. What is it? It's annoying.
In not come. It's not obvious. There is no way to hit it with a blockade in all directions.
It seems that the vaccine I asked for has died after inoculation,
so I have no choice but to be depressed.
Neighbors and soccer boys make noise as if ridiculing me.
Disappear all together. Everything works. The claim is over!

409 :feign:2021/04/26(月) 08:08:38.65 ID:???0.net
Doraemon is being rebroadcast every day on the TVasahi channel 2 of the communication satellite broadcast at the midnight.
Works broadcast from 1995 to 1996. At the time, Ayabe-kun yet graduated from the animation because the teen did not come.
Still, I don't remember even one story.
To put it the other way around, you can see everything as if it were a new work. It's Nobuyo Oyama's Doraemon, so I miss it.
However, since it is from 0:30 am, I fall asleep before I know it.
Moreover, it falls faster than usual. That may mean that Doraemon's voice is reassuring.
I wonder if I should record it instead of a lullaby.
Everything works. The claim is over!

410 :xenon:2021/04/27(火) 02:08:07.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe DIGA.
Since the recorded program came it jams the menstrual leave of HDD after a long time
have gotten,
repeatedly dubbing the partial erase or Blu-ray only no was remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes times up to 15 hours and 35 minutes was restored.
If you count the number of programs, there are 519 programs.
Why is there so much? This is because when dubbing to Blu-ray, I try to move it when I have one.
If it is a 30-minute program, the CM will be deleted and it will be about 25 minutes.
The capacity is about 2,500MB. Since the capacity of one Blu-ray disc is 22,454MB, it can fit 8 times.
In other words, it is calculated that it will be one in 8 weeks.
That's why it accumulates. It's okay if it's halfway, so I'm moving it. I'm a TV kid.
Already, I remembered Noriyuki Makihara's blockbuster song, and there is a song that says I'm not in love anymore,
but the lyrics of Sabi never say
"I'm not in love anymore".
Or such of, absolutely I do not say anymore "Nante love".
Such the one, do not know yet.
Would you like to organize it while listening?
Anyway, it seems that he wants to reduce the number of programs and increase the remaining amount.
Everything works. The claim ends!

411 :Go for it!:2021/04/28(水) 01:44:09.51 ID:???0.net
Ayabe From that.
It's been 3 years and 4 months at the earliest.
There is no chance like a lie . Why did this happen?
Everything works. The claim ends...

412 :requiem:2021/04/29(木) 05:46:26.16 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Showa Day.
As a person with a history of Showa, I can take a rest on this day.
However, Saturdays, Sundays,
and public holidays are also very depressing as soccer school students and coaches kick the ball against the concrete on the residential side.
Some people hit me on weekdays too. However, "rain" is such an ally who blows away such melancholy.
It is not suitable for going out, but later the rain soccer school is canceled if today.
You can spend a quiet time. Rain is God. It's raining. I want it to rain every Saturday and Sunday.
Everything works. The claim ends!

413 :Irish:2021/04/30(金) 20:05:27.84 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 35.
I feel like I didn't feel like I saw in the news a few days ago that a 35-pronged scammer was arrested.
No, don't be scammed, but wasn't the deceived person fooling himself into that man?
I'm talking about that. Because non-interest have men will not do anymore partner?
It may not be a complete scam at the time of dealing with it.
In other words, the negligence ratio is not 10: 0.
There are men who are not popular but do not think about fraudulent acts, but women who are willing to accept only the specs are also women.
So my referee is 8: 2. Everything works. The claim ends!

414 :differential:2021/05/01(土) 01:33:49.22 ID:???0.net
Ayabe May disease.
The DIGA project came to an end yesterday.The end of the world.
What happened? I don't know! I didn't reach my goal.
The number of programs is 591 to 356, which is -235.
The remaining amount (DR) is from 2:47 to 51:57, which is +49:10.
I'm very tierd, are not you. I want to say thank you to DIGA.
Eventually initialization from all erasure . However, I recorded so much.
Photo I command was the athlete featured sports. RIKAKO IKEE election hands and Mai
Murakami players were many.
The rest is news and memorial programs that convey Ken Shimura's obituary. This has also been dubbed.
There are also some drama works in detail.What to do if the final episode is less than one Blu-ray disc?
It's smoldering like that. Although centralized deleted once completed,
the oil does not cross, but I let more and more removed in a lucky day.
Everything works. The claim ends!

415 :unnecessary:2021/05/02(日) 00:32:10.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Earthquake Delay Report.
At around 10:27 yesterday, when I was watching TV, the Earthquake Early Warning rang.
My place of residence was out of scope. But you'll be surprised.
The epicenter off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture, magnitude 6.8 show the scale of the earthquake depth in over de about 50km. Seismic intensity 5+:Miyagi Prefecture, Osaki City, Tota-Gun Wakuya Town, Ishinomaki City.
Seismic intensity 5 lower: Aomori Prefecture Sannohe-gun Hashikami Town.
Iwate Prefecture Kamaishi City, Ichinoseki City.
Miyagi Prefecture Kesennuma City, Tome City, Kurihara City, Tota-gun, Misato town, Motoyoshi-gun Minamisanriku Town, Sendai City Miyagino-ku,
Izumi-ku, Higashimatsushima City, Oshika gun Onagawa City, Iwanuma City, Katta-gun, Zao Town,
Shibata-gun, Kawasaki town. Kunimi Town, Date District.
Fukushima Prefecture, Soma City, Minamisoma City.
I was not worried about the tsunami.
Check the fire prevention water in the room to prepare again. It was rotten so I replaced it.
Everything works. The claim ends!

416 :flogging:2021/05/03(月) 16:07:33.51 ID:???0.net
Ayabe After a long time.
This morning, Aao-chan came out in a dream just before waking up.
He said that he would confess at the end by setting the date of retirement.
Boys are lined up in a row like a school, and they come closer to me.
Naturally, I thought I would come to my place, but for some reason I took Yoshiaki-kun,
who was lined up in front of me, to a distant place.
Yoshiaki is a classmate in elementary and junior high school, but he probably doesn't have any acquaintance with Aao-chan.
I am watching over the situation. Hang in there!
Seemed to be cheering. What a dream!
But more than that that was sad, the face of the Aao-chan cry can play well it was Tsu.
That's how much time has passed. It's not pocope, but let's go back in time.
Ah, I wish I hadn't had time.
Everything works. The claim ends!

417 :missing word:2021/05/04(火) 08:14:52.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe ranking.
What's also What I say that high school did not barely go but,
5 F run Toka with such rank also be seen on the channel it was not much hurt liking.
However, I'm sorry for being lascivious from the morning, but I'm ranking the boobs that appear in the project to massage the boobs with the Magic Mirror.
Other than that, it's fun. S rank is great, A rank is good, B rank is not enough. I don't need D rank.
It's about A rank. My evaluation is sweet. S rank also occurs frequently.
After all, I just like the female body.
But when it comes to cup size, it's the opposite, so it's complicated.
I evaluated it as hundreds of pieces in terms of size, shape, and color.

Great Golden Week!
Everything works. The claim ends!

418 :pornographic:2021/05/05(水) 01:26:02.42 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Kanagawa.
Once again only dull in the story of the television program Terebikko and Nentte.
tvk (TV Kanagawa) has been re-broadcast from 19 pm yesterday in the 3 episode of the popular drama "A Series strange story",
Takuya Kimura is there was a work of starring N. The title is a room without words.
It was being broadcast normally. Is there something wrong?
Don't you forgive Johnny's not letting you rebroadcast?
Kimutaku times of "lieutenant Furuhata Ninzaburo" in its evidence is skipped. This is definitely Johnny's regulation, isn't it?
So I was very surprised at tvk (TV Kanagawa) last night. Does tvk (TV Kanagawa) have the right to rebroadcast Johnny's?
tvk (TV Kanagawa) appointed Lieutenant FURUHATA at Once you have that it I guess can be seen the Kimutaku times if re-broadcast Saburo?
I do not is after Johnny, skipped also Morio Kazama times, I want to also look at the work. That was an interesting memory.
Everything works. The claim ends!

419 :adolescence:2021/05/06(木) 02:29:59.59 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Golden Week holidays.
Golden Week is over.
Is there still 4 days for those who took a break on Thursday and Friday? I didn't meet anyone after all.
I didn't refuse because of an invitation. Simply it did not have demand. Clean the room and you're done.
Rating of lewd work after Placing. And time between watching the once broadcast of the brave Yoshihiko asleep or in, such 2021 Golden Week.
It wouldn't have changed without COVID-19. Deepened isolation. Shit.
You climbed a mountain four years ago. That is the last Golden Week outing. Cheeky
of us happily work of everyone is the handing out to the souvenir I was also happy.
Such Golden Week will not return anymore.Eternally.
However, at the end of the sentence, I write "everything goes well" every day,
so Kotodama will be activated.
So I'm optimistic. I have about 20 years left, so I'll do my best.
Everything works. The claim ends!

420 :budget:2021/05/07(金) 00:37:35.28 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Maybe.
My throat and nose have been sick since the day before yesterday. Oh? I'm suspicious.
Is it a COVID-19 infection? Wow.
I thought, now I grabbed my flatulence and released it in front of my nose. Yeah, it smells.
No olfactory abnormalities were observed. Body temperature is 36.5℃. Normal heat.
It was hot yesterday, so I turned on the air conditioner for the first time this year,
but since the day before that, it was like this, so it seems that it is not due to the mold scattered from the air conditioner.
Then what is it? By the way, my parents probably got it with a cough and runny nose. Parents were instructed by the workplace to undergo a PCR test just in case.
Even if it is, and if positive, I also forced to take a fashion finally what disappears. What a hell.
I'm not young either. So maybe there is a possibility of goodbye, so why not dispose of a large number of lewd works now?
But if nothing happens, I regret it.
Ah, if she or wife, I didn't need such a lewd work.
Everything works. The claim ends!

421 :regret of wind:2021/05/08(土) 03:57:18.56 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Return to the future.
The movie "BACK TO THE FUTURE" series was broadcast all at once, and I found it during zapping,
so it ended up in the middle. Hey Co., Ltd. Nippon TV before but it has been broadcast on 3 consecutive weeks in a broadcast network.
Yesterday, 3 works were broadcast continuously. I forgot which station it was.
And it was captioned, blowing was uncomfortable to the voice of Marty and Doc, which was accustomed to come sort.
Even though it's a local voice. Without subtitles, it is where you can enjoy without dubbing I'm glad to see. I thought, and searched the English study site.
Then I wrote that difficult If you do not learn in up to 10-year-old!
Oh was year? Rounded off to 40-year-old Ayabe. It's impossible.
It's true that I've been sleeping with AFN for more than 10 years, but I still don't know what I'm saying.
Well, the song is the main station, but you can listen to the talk in the ABC News section.
Still, I can't hear anything. It's late.
The state of emergency has been extended until the end of the month with the addition of Aichi and Fukuoka prefectures,
so I wonder if I will try it in earnest. Useless.
Everything works. The claim ends!

422 :What's up!:2021/05/09(日) 03:17:13.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe State of Emergency.
Pocochin is not well. Run of lascivious works that tell the other day at the click with,
no reaction even look at the work you gave the A rank. that? that's strange. I can't help it, so I give it a stimulus.

No reaction. that? that's strange. Has it finally become impossible?
Maybe I just got used to it, so I wanted a brand new S-rank work.
Brand new work. Do-up of parts. I think my chest is more cute than Man-san, so it's my chest.
The areola is large and thick, and the color is salmon pink. It's a bowl-shaped, upward rocket boobs.
I used to imagine that, but now it's gone.
Where have you gone? What is my erection power? Let's go on a journey to find.
Seriously in the penis is not healthy convex Maran'yo. Girls don't understand. I mean hand-held Busata,
while does not have. I used to play with Pocochin if I had free time.
Something I was a junior high school student sends the blood flow to the full, try applying a ruler or, or try to play a girl across the thighs, the joint poke or play with Tsu.
No more now. I'm lonely and sad. but, Let's revive it somehow.
I'm sure I'm leaning towards unnecessary now because of lamarckism. I need pocochin. Come back yet! Everything works. The claim ends!

423 :Do not eat.:2021/05/10(月) 22:44:21.92 ID:???0.net
Ayabe PASMO.
Walk to the nearest station to make PASMO.
Make PASMO at the ticket vending machine. 1,000 yen charge. It was hurt.
Then I took the train to the next station, got off immediately and walked home from there.
It was a little walking. To the house after the arrival,
after a while Google Maps from the timeline in,
and to check the movement history, from the home nearest station departure until 16 minutes,
from the next station arrival to my home a result that 24 minutes was out.
Subtracting such as a train of latency, the nearest station or it's about in 12 minutes.
It's nice to know this because you can calculate the time to leave home. I don't get on the train so much so I didn't know how long it would take.
I only write that much, but if you have a lot of events, it's a day you forget about this story.
It was a lifetime memory for me.
Everything works. The claim ends!

424 :done.:2021/05/11(火) 19:34:44.45 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Heritage.
Amami Oshima in Kagoshima Prefecture as a World Natural Heritage Site Metropolitan Tokunoshima Island,
off the coast of Okinawa Prefecture Toka expected to Iriomote Island and the rope main island north is registered.
Splendor rice. The locals protected it well. It's amazing.
Of course, my area is a concrete jungle, so I can only feel nature in the distance, Mt. Fuji. So very cormorant urayamashii.
I want to go alone someday. However, if you are a metropolitan citizen, you might be thrown a stone if you get caught.
I wonder if there is anything nearby. Thousand remember me cave that looks to the leaves of the heart?
How about that? Because it's the Kantou Plain. There is nothing.
I wonder if I can do something naturally.It's impossible.
But there 's it, unknown place if plants yet.
Isn't there anything in the Okutama Chichibu area? Underground. Kanagawa mosquitoes can be great depending on volcanic activity I think there is potential.
After all, Kyushu and Okinawa are wonderful.
Everything works. The claim ends!

425 :known.:2021/05/12(水) 01:20:37.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Appraisal Team.
Good luck a few weeks ago! At the business trip appraisal corner of the appraisal team,
the general participants talked about episodes related to treasure. And then in the treasure of the people of the wife home,
I encounter with the wife had told potatoes.
They met in joint party, but as it is estranged from the name is, happens to the people on the plane,
which rode on a business trip of work and ride though, Toka began to mingle feel fate.
Then, di expensive treasure that Sun, I'm Tsu people that all successful
Do not, and I thought. What words did the person put his spirit into every day?
I write with spirit every day, "Everything goes well."
Evidence is also in this thread. However, for now, the noise in the neighborhood hasn't stopped,
and I haven't reunited with Aao-chan. After all, fate is decided, and if it works, it will work no matter what,
and if it doesn't work, it won't work. Where to line Aao-chan does not have even me.
Even walking down the street, waiting for the train Aao-chan does not have to Tsu Station home.
To give up or will not Ka. I don't know. It's sad, is not it.
Everything works. The claim ends!

426 :begun.:2021/05/13(木) 03:59:43.12 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anxiety.
Night, until sleep came to the futon to watch smartphone,
casual thing there that or heart palpitations and dizziness is wrapped in anxiety occurs at the moment.
The first thing that happened was the summer vacation in the third year of junior high school,
and I was thrilled and stuffy, and I couldn't help but feel anxious and anxious.
I forgot how I got over it, but I heard that I was able to get up safely in the morning and go to the tutor's house energetically.
Since then, that has disappeared.
However, it was last year that it suddenly revived.
Under the influence of the new coronavirus infection, and the world to the anxiety I thought that it would be world becomes somehow fall,
this also was healed after a few minutes became scared.
And even now, that anxiety has begun to strike. It's been two years in a row. I wonder if it feels like it.
Problems pixels are having now or Usaseru of. I have no choice but to laugh. I wonder if something interesting has happened recently.
There isn't. Then do you distract yourself by writing stupid things? Pocochin! Don't get an erection.
I was worried again. Tale Tete Tete. Oh, help me.
Everything works. The claim ends!

427 :choice or select:2021/05/14(金) 20:09:24.32 ID:???0.net
Ayabe disease is a concern.
I have anxiety that makes me feel like that, but when I tried various things to heal with lewd works,
I found a work of a pretty wonderful performer, so when I tried to watch streaming.
It was written as 1.5GB. Why? I want to see I want to see I want to see!
Rocket boobs that grow wonderfully.
Other performers are not bad either. No one appeared I don't know what doth yourself, in only the person's long enough too!
About 600MB is just right. Seen from 600MB, it's 2.5 times! 2.5 times.
But I don't want to waste this encounter, so I want to make sure it is a thing.
Everything works. The claim ends!

428 :look or see or watch:2021/05/15(土) 20:00:05.74 ID:???0.net
Ayabe opening.
Twenty-eight years ago, the J-League started today with a match between Verdy Kawasaki and Yokohama Marinos.
On such a day, Yokohama FC won their first victory in the 14th game of the season.
The Yokohama are you belong to the FC is,its Kazuyoshi Miura players that participated in the opening round of the 28-year-old. It's amazing.
26 years old at that time. At the start, the popularity of boys in the class was divided into Verdy and Marinos, but I didn't like either of them.
I first out Kazushi Kimura election in the J-League chips is I remember was the hand. At first, the card was wrapped in paper material, so it could be seen through.
Even if I didn't know the player, I knew whether it was a hit or not.
Eventually, a countermeasure was taken and it was wrapped in gray vinyl, and fluoroscopy technology was no longer valid.
I still got it, but I'm still at home without replacing it.
Winning card for Nagoya Grampus Eight. There is a cut line on the edge of the card and send it. What did you get? Will you still exchange it?
Impossible but I wax.
There is a department store five stations away from the nearest station, and there is a category one specializing in J.League goods, which is a friend's I went with him.
Kashima Antlers guy I S at the fan, Kashima of the pen case, with the ball of the mascot have been such a memory bought a sharp pencil or pen's.
Bosom or pedicle. Everything works. The claim ends!

429 :hear or listen:2021/05/16(日) 01:38:26.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Wide FM.
Now, JOLF, FM of Nippon Broadcasting System complement broadcast (93.0MHz) are listening to All Night Nippon of Audrey.
However, there is a feeling of discomfort. Time also is containing the noise, it was harsh and queuing queuing.
News or become a mono and stereo broadcasting is interrupted, again it was bad feelings and or become beauty stereo.
However, today, there is no noise and I can listen to it stably in stereo broadcasting.
Why? I didn't mess with the antenna. I don't have that kind of technology.
A simple handmade antenna made by winding a copper wire around a radio rod antenna. Because those humble, Roh will contain the size. It can't be helped.
In fact, last year's Takashi Okamura 's All Night Nippon recording was full of noise
It's a time of apology for sexual customs remarks. What happened?
No, that's fine. If I didn't solve the noise problem, it means that the radio station has improved, right?
The FM complementary broadcast is sent from Skytree, but did you increase the output? 7kw remains unchanged.
What? What was the obstacle to the house removed? There is nothing in particular. What is that. Happens to hit the beat of something,
A direction of the antenna has become the best position of Nippon Broadcasting wonder such because.
Is that okay? I'm happy, happy and happy.
Everything works. The claim ends!

430 :apology or sorry:2021/05/17(月) 23:05:10.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe call sign.
TV stations and of After what call sign JO radio station JO
I wonder what that is. I knew that J was JAPAN,
but I didn't know O. O. King player.
Soon understand, you and news.
TV has a lot of X at the end. NTV is AX, TV Asahi is EX, TBS is RX, TV Tokyo is TX, Fuji TV is CX, and TOKYO MX is MX.
The most famous one is Fuji TV's CX. Tunnels, especially Mr. Ishibashi, often called it CX.
Especially because I didn't call other stations with the call sign.
There was momentum in Fuji TV at that time . I also want a call sign.
Can't you get it? Should I have a broadcasting station? Once upon a time the epidemic is said to have.
Why do not amateur radio? If there feel likely get call sign is.
I wonder if I will study since I was in elementary school.
After all not be able to keep up with the classes in mathematics of elementary school five years
efforts of because it is clever brains of about has become easy matter would not be taken price.
Actually, I don't have any qualifications.
Then stop it? I was convinced. If I do the cash register,
I will give a lot of change I'm going to do it. It's better than less. Many minute
to not complain to.
Stupid people struggle all year round. This is true.
Everything works. The claim ends!

431 :female or lady or woman:2021/05/18(火) 02:01:43.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe The spirit of words.
"Everything goes well" Is the effect gradually appearing?
So you you may think. Thanks. After that humble feeling to continue not forget the land,
work hard to Tamao-chan properly reunion of the final target will.
I'm looking forward. You can continue because you are looking forward to it.
Whose words are "continuation is power" Let's believe this.
It can't be helped even if you make an effort.
Efforts that are not communicated to the other party cannot be evaluated well.
So I have no choice but to entrust it to this mysterious Kotodama.
Everything works. The claim ends!

432 :talk or speak:2021/05/19(水) 01:32:07.00 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Ninzaburo.
It was revealed on the 18th that Masakazu Tamura,
an actor known for popular drama series such as "Nemuri Kyoshiro" and "Furuhata Ninzaburo",
died of heart failure at a hospital in Tokyo on April 3. 77 years old.
For the past few years, Mr. Tamura has withdrawn from the public actor business.
When he was interviewed by the women's weekly magazine two years ago, he also revealed that he had had heart surgery.
The last work was "Nemuri Kyoshiro The Final" by Fuji TV in 18th year.
At the time of the interview on TV Asahi's "Revenge Court" in 2015,
he said, "This may be the last work. I've been doing it with the same feeling for the last few years."
Physical condition man- in, which is also not a whole, and do our best to 1 installment of the front of the eye had been told I say.
Quote Tomorrow will continue. surprised. If palm.
Everything works. The claim ends!

433 :together or with:2021/05/20(木) 00:27:40.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe continues.
Mr. Tamura, from serious historical drama,TBS system "Papa ha news caster" comical home drama,
such as Fuji adult love story such as a television-based "New York love story",
who appeared in the works of various genres.
Any work was elegant and dandy, and fascinated the viewer.
The Fuji TV series "Furuhata Ninzaburo", written by Koki Mitani, which started in 1994,
was loved for its unique characters such as its unique narrative tone, gestures, and sharp observation eyes.
Tamura's father is a popular nickname of Bantsuma active over the Showa from Taisho Osaka Higashitsuma Saburo's was Tsu.
Known for the second piece, the children also inherited the DNA.
Tamura's eldest brother is Takahiro Tamura , who died in 2006, and his younger brother is Ryo Tamura.
All three had neat faces reminiscent of their father, and were popular as the three Tamura brothers.
Or the end quote you. The memorial broadcast for Furuhata Ninzaburo has been decided.
Ichiro's times and Nanako Matsushima's times. Don't forget to make a recording reservation.
Also, congratulations to Gen Hoshino and Yui Aragaki.
Everything works. The claim ends

434 :to get her.:2021/05/21(金) 01:49:33.65 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Furuhata.
I saw a memorial broadcast, Furuhata Ninzaburo. This is the first part of Ichiro.
I remember seeing it, but I forgot some parts, so I enjoyed it.
After a few minutes, the breaking news sounds, what is it?
And I think, was a new type of corona positive number of people Announcement of Tokyo.
Do you put this out every day? You don't need it.
If you are interested, you can see it online.
That's what Fuji TV is all about.
Do you also have other TV stations? I wonder if I'm doing it.
It may not come out if it is CS.
I'm sure you'll be surprised again when you see this recording again when you forget it.

Converge quickly!

Everything works. The claim ends!

435 :modest:2021/05/23(日) 13:37:27.36 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Dojo.
It was announced that manga artist Ichiro Tominaga had died. 96 years old.
Interesting in the comedy manga dojo interact with Suzuki I think was bought.
Tominaga's in ending of the Nazi salute to remember that had been listed at an angle the arm rather. lonely, right.
Gassho. Everything works. The claim ends!

436 :knitted:2021/05/23(日) 23:34:08.39 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Beach.
Free Sunday.
Sunday as usual. So I was zapping TV channels while flatulent.
Then, I came across a video of a girl in a swimsuit playing volleyball on the beach and recorded it in a hurry.
She has a very healthy body and I honestly thought it was wonderful.
It's time to clean up on the way, so I haven't seen it until the end.
Is this a boy playing in such a uniform?
If so, it would be a valuable resource for studying the difference in meat quality between men and women's buttocks.
Is this a writing that does not discriminate between men and women?
Everything works. The claim ends!

437 :So remember your love doesn't mean forever.:2021/05/27(木) 03:22:14.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe respect.
It is sexual liberation.
What I thought when "Nuko" wasn't working well and it was hard to get to this thread was that men other than me are popular in the world.
First of all, Mr. Ikuhiro Kiyota, who belonged to Chiba Lotte Marines, has an affair and has a false report of an affair.
Mr. Kiyota has canceled the contract. I'm free, so maybe I'm looking for a new girl again? Is enviable.
And "Hypmai" voice actor Wataru Komada suspects affair! Weekly magazine that the broadcasted. Hypnosis seems to be a work called Hypnosismic.
Yeah, I can't keep up. It's wonderful to be popular! Please take good care of her. Don't throw it away, but make it happy responsibly.
And finally, this is an unforgivable mote. The body of the woman in Saitama Prefecture, Kawaguchi city eateries as touched, Saitama prefectural police Kawaguchi station is 25 days,
Keirin players Ebine Keita suspect (43 = Chiba Hanamigawa-ku), et al. Two men forced dwarf the in theory suspicion I was arrested.
Do not touch the body of a woman in her twenties inside a restaurant in Kawaguchi City at around 0:35 am on the 24th.
Suspicion of doing any obscene act. The quote ends.
It's a devilish and sneaky crime, but since the victim is an acquaintance, I envy just having a girl who will come if I invite him to such a drinking party.
From my point of view, it's a popular person. Even though everyone has so much interaction, I have nothing.
Will the light shine on me, who is the least popular in the world?
I wonder if there was Abek who saw the total lunar eclipse last night as if it was flirting.
I said Gununu. Loneliness will continue forever.
Everything works. The claim ends!

438 :quiet or silent:2021/05/28(金) 00:54:15.55 ID:???0.net
Ayabe From that.
It's been 3 years and 5 months at the earliest.
In such a world, I hope you can live safely and happily!
Everything works. The claim ends...

439 :pure or unadulterated.:2021/05/29(土) 16:23:00.55 ID:???0.net
Ayabe financial difficulties.
What to cut down financially.
As a loser in a capitalist country, the result of considering a small amount of brain miso is simple and clear.
Stop IQOS. It costs 550 yen per box. This is no I'm not quit I have is known that it is spoiled.
I have a weak will. So take a break until you get rich. Get rich if you want to smoke. So telling myself.
The biggest fear is midnight. Take a rest and sleep, right? Its been dominated by anxiety in about 30 minutes of Usuruto thing,
"and I bye! Dead will! What should I do? What should I do !!"
I come to mind. This is pretty fear, provisional happens to you were this is further high dependence on illegal drugs to wonder,
as much I think painful.
To fill it up, look at sexual images and videos and feel at ease.
I'm the sample, but for now this is the only way. So I'll put a naked photo of the woman on the bed. Can't you see it in the dark?
Tits A shopping Great Satan Remember me Ai-chan, also have to keep a long bedside intends less add.
However, that is also expensive, isn't it? About 30,000 yen?
There are 7 remaining at the moment. I pray that you can overcome it safely.
Everything works. The claim ends!

440 :cute or pretty.:2021/05/30(日) 02:04:31.86 ID:???0.net
Ayabe has a weak will.
Yeah, it's halfway to quit IQOS now, so let's finish it on the last day of May,
today and tomorrow, yes.
Such of the, if you can greet safely morning will go to the two boxes buying.
Easy and is one of the calculations after many days if not suck at all from June 1,
it entertains! I don't know why I don't notice such a simple thing.
The last heat stick was over at 23:35 last night.
From there, I was worried that there was no more, so I searched for the lower part of the bed.
Dull my feelings. Isn't it? It was the time when I was about to give up.
Yes, there is a "Ploom S" I got in a previous free Flip Yanaika! Start the main unit immediately. Wow, it's not charged.
Charge it and look for the Muscat Green of "Camel Menthol" that I got for free.
It came out soon! What 's the point? There were 5 left!
Wait intently until the charging end, killing was laid Innovation.
Two more bottles are consumed at 0 o'clock and 1 o'clock. Huh.
Everything works. The claim ends!

441 :keep or remain.:2021/05/31(月) 20:41:40.41 ID:???0.net
Ayabe launch!
The end of semen production that will be discarded in this waste that will come someday.
I want to get old and rely on medicine forever!
I have no idea. I'll leave everything to nature. There.
Even though it's waning now, I'm still worried about recording the process of erection and ejaculation in a video.
Isn't it unpleasant to think normally? Why my masturbate the coercive you do not have to exist.
However, there is no partner for sexual activity, and no one can let me take a picture of it.
After the penis is over, but because it want to be a nostalgic feeling things only. Ah, I was young.
The person who cleans my room, which died lonely, found it, wow, small! dirty!
I hope you will be surprised. It was a lonely life.
Everything works. The claim ends!

442 :kind or sort.:2021/06/01(火) 01:13:41.22 ID:???0.net
Ayabe June.
It's the last month of the first half of 2021 (Reiwa 3rd year)! I was very, very surprised.
So I reviewed the schedule.
It will be renewed based on the progress, like the decommissioning process of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
Then, what was supposed to take until next year, it will be completed on December 19th this year. Worked hard.
Of course, I can't stand up to such difficulties with my own strength. It was because of everyone's cooperation that it was ahead of schedule.
I really appreciate it. Just looking at this happy calendar makes me happy and excited.
I wonder if it will be completed soon. I have a plan to spare, so it may be earlier when I review it at the end of this month.
Everything works. The claim ends!

443 :beginning or origin:2021/06/02(水) 20:28:00.95 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is lonely.
I'm kind of lonely.
Is to Leave reservation of DIGA, program is hooked me "every day vigorously" of NHK-E television.
Is to me, what was caught in what the word aside, saw did try.
There was also a breastfeeding scene for moms in the form of teachers answering their concerns about breastfeeding.
I felt lonely in the scene while thinking that it was difficult.
I was breastfeeding while hiding it indoors, perhaps in my room, with a cloth like a poncho.
Yeah, it's a consideration. Only seen etc. Is the, I think once upon a time was I as Chupa. Don't hide it.
Its in the country of mama's viewers it does not you relieved?
What do I need to hide when I'm not sexually chupa!
I erased it immediately. Been able wall in this way we intend Kundaro. Honne and tatemae. In the table, I was justice and muttered a terrible thing to the child actor,
saying that I should stop slander.
What an idiot might be born.
Everything works. The claim ends!

444 :feel or perceive:2021/06/04(金) 02:39:29.78 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 007.
Genzo Wakayama died on the 18th of last month.
It was announced on the 1st. 88 years old. Background of TBS radio or rather to have been listening to de music,
occurred late on Sunday had been heard from in with leave of the radio when was this turn I was the voice of Wakayama's set. It was a bitter voice.
More recently, it I was felt like I heard your voice in the radio CM. Gassho.
Everything works. The claim ends...

445 :motionless or still:2021/06/05(土) 17:24:48.92 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's evaluation.
The flow does not improve easily in June. My favorite work evaluation of the product series this month three works all the lowest C.
It's my own evaluation, and it's a rude story to the performers, but it's less than unsatisfactory.
As I say every time, the performer is not bad. Shooting staff too.
The worst evil is the editor. I often put this out in the world.
Performers of, if that is not me but where I have been struck.
However, it can't be helped to complain about past works. Expectations for the future.
But the expectation is large in only, disappointed feeling is not odd.
Certainly in a time of thumbnail little wonder if Allais in point? I thought. So is the next work.
There is also a thumbnail, but it's too big to watch. So I'm grateful if I can see it.
Everything works. The claim ends!

446 :ナナシマさん:2021/06/05(土) 20:27:59.64 ID:???0.net
Celtic have agreed a compensation fee with Yokohama F. Marinos for their boss Ange Postecoglou.

447 :always or forever.:2021/06/06(日) 13:08:10.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Cleaning Demon.
Asami's move, hammer punch! And the cleaning of the room from looking at the oath in the toilet about to start,
return to the room finished the use, or not a from the garbage of the resident area Poipoi Poipo Poi Poi poppy throw and to the trash.
Then, he lay on his back on the bed saying that he had forgotten to write Ayabe, and wrote this.
In other words, the desire to clean has disappeared. Early too leakage! It's been a long time since Sunday,
but it's over without doing anything. No, no! I will do it. Let me scream.
To that video have also been up to the last evaluation B, this momentum somehow persist benefits the physician.
Somehow I got sleepy.
Everything works. The claim ends!

448 :child or kid.:2021/06/07(月) 20:22:03.44 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Nagisa.
Had been the only cut editing Nagisa Watanabe announcer place, scene there of June 1 broadcast of at a partial erase problem was year.
This is a corner where announcer Nagisa Watanabe interviews Koichi Domoto of Kinkikids.
Nagisa Watanabe announcer where over was a temporary stop at the scene appearing alone, what?, there was a hickey just below the nape of the jaw. lol.
Is it Chupa! Fresh. I wanted you to hide it with a dark foundation like Grace Sofina .
Of course, it wasn't just the nape of the neck that was chupa, right? Poop!
I don't know.
June but the flow had been thought that bad, HatsuPPa whether it was out of nothing like this.
Evil spirits disperse! Gochiso-san Taisan!
Is there any way to change the flow? Anyone can do it, and I want to chupa because it can be anywhere.
Is it even a baby bottle? At least it's a pacifier. I didn't like both of them. Or it's not Oh way. I gave up. It's early. It's corona.
Everything works. The claim ends!

449 :attractive or beautiful.:2021/06/08(火) 22:53:04.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe clock.
It wasn't cracked, but the wall clock stopped.
The cause is usually just the end of battery life. I replaced it normally, dusted it normally, and returned it to its original place normally.
The battery was marked with the date of the last replacement, which was 2018.10.20 last time.
Hmm. Then, if you read the diary of that day, is there a date when you replaced it last time?
I turned the page. And then, Oh wrote 2015.11.17 was.
Let's take a look at the diary of the day.
Then, as an obituary, it was written that Mr. Kai Ato died suddenly.
Clock, start moving and take away your sorrow. Such a song played in my heart.
Everything works. The claim ends!

450 :die or expire.:2021/06/09(水) 01:53:31.97 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Shibaoma.
"Please wait." When I open the thread link, the above display appears.
I'm looking forward to it today, so I'm in trouble.
This is because there is a second round of the 101st Emperor's Cup JFA All Japan Soccer Championship.
With the appearance of the J1 team from this second round,
it is expected that the clubs in the lower category will win the clubs in the upper category, so-called giant killing.
J1 is the top category in Japan.
Yokohama F. Marinos vs. Honda FC will be broadcast live on NHK 's BS.
No matter how much the gatekeeper Honda, F. Marinos will win properly.
Other J1-to-lower category, Fukuoka vs. Kagoshima, Kawasaki vs. Nagano, Nagoya vs. Mitsubishi Motors Mizushima,
FC Tokyo vs. Juntendo University, Sapporo versus Sony Sendai,
Kashiwa vs.Tochigi City, C Osaka vs. Tottori,
Shimizu vs. Fukuyama City, Tokushima vs. Kochi, Oita vs. Honda Rock,
Shonan vs. FC Osaka, Urawa vs. Toyama, Sendai vs. Morioka, Tosu vs. Kumamoto.
Juntendo University and Morioka are likely to win if I am an amateur.
That's how it felt. J1 is a matter of course to win, so if you lose, you'll be laughed at or ridiculed.
I wonder. It's hard, but it's the top. No excuses.
Everything works. The claim ends!

451 :best or top.:2021/06/10(木) 07:48:50.06 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Emperor's Cup.
Last night of J1 there is defeated in the lower category some games the Emperor's Cup if there either case,
I surprised contain a game that was expected.
FC Tokyo 1ex2 Juntendo University, Yokohama FM 2 (3PK5) 2 Honda FC, Sendai 0-1 Morioka.
(This Iwate Grulla Morioka that I'm, media of notation is made in Iwate not'm Morioka
that's the result display of Google Morioka. Which of wonder.)
Other, J2 clubs in several subcategories over that which was left the tournament.
Yokohama F &#183; Marinos vs. Honda FC I saw, opened the scoring point of the Honda is an amazing score by goalkeeper.
I decided a penalty kick. And Yokohama's Hayano commentary when the FM has caught up to tie it,
"Yacchae Nissan after said ", commercial platform on NHK lyrics are dangerous and saying immediately
"doing once you Marinos" what I thought was recast I'm laughed.
The game will be extended. Wins Yue to break the horizontal FM Suga, tie in the break that Honda including through stride!
And to the PK battle. Even I, an amateur soccer player, was thrilled. Suddenly horizontal FM failed,
Honda was all successful. Hero interview is preemptive Kusumoto who showed fine save several times.
I was worried about Mike several times. And Okazaki who scored a tie goal for the extension of the value.
Both players both elevation and the "Emperor's Cup victory target"
to me, was great. The third round is Jubilo Iwata.
Yacchae Honda. Everything works. The claim ends!

452 :Knight raider:2021/06/10(木) 12:27:12.36 ID:???0.net
A lone crusader in the dangerous world.

453 :ナナシマさん:2021/06/10(木) 12:28:34.83 ID:???0.net
knight rider.

454 :danger or hazard or jeopardy or peril or risk.:2021/06/11(金) 22:37:45.58 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Alcohol.
I drank beer for the first time in a long time. Since December 10, 2020.
One can of 500 ml. Use tuna and kappa rolls as snacks. Was very delicious. It's happiness.
Good because after a long time I'm drinking. This is no longer happy also feel that every day I wonder.
The movie version of GTO was being broadcast, so it's youth while watching it. Norika Fujiwara was running and her chest was shaking.
Everyone is young. It is a work of 1999.
Everything works. The claim ends!

455 :anomaly or freak.:2021/06/12(土) 11:18:30.43 ID:???0.net
Forgot Ayabe.
75th Gymnastics All-Japan events Championships consisting of a monthly television program guide men and women qualifying program is 9 days,
women's finals and the trampoline in 10 days, had to check that it is broadcasting the men's final in 11 days,
but I, completely forgot. I also made a note. I noticed by looking at the memo. I wanted to see it.
If you hurry to check the homepage of the broadcasting station, it will be broadcast again on July 15th and 18th. Was saved.
Set-top box as remember a week before it is displayed in the program table and whether or not there also will repeat the same mistakes.
Reservations can be made on the 8th and 11th. Do you stick it on the display with paper?
Everything works. The claim is over!

456 :ナナシマさん:2021/06/13(日) 02:32:15.06 ID:???0.net
Following the medical emergency involving Denmark's player Christian Eriksen, a crisis meeting has taken place with both teams and match officials and further information will be communicated at 19:45 CET.

The player has been transferred to the hospital and has been stabilised.

457 :heart or ticker.:2021/06/13(日) 03:06:46.35 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Soccer.
Denmark MF Christian Eriksen is, 12 of EURO2020 &#183; Group B Section 1 was done in days
in Finland against falling to suddenly pitch.
Do the situation of the game interruption was Tsu. UEFA later announced the suspension of the match.
Erikusen down is when receiving a throw-in in the left side in 43 minutes of the first half late,
it fell dramatically suddenly where there is no contact.
Immediately Chimumei door is rushed, but he called the medical team, consciousness did not return seemed,
on the pitch it had been also carried out heart massage.
The stadium, which was lively with supporters, turned into a tense atmosphere.
The stand so as to surround Eriksen to the players of Denmark aligned Chi tears while praying the recovery were some things that float.
The quote ends. According to the current information, he was taken to the hospital and his condition was stable.
It seems that it was saved. Was good.
Everything works. The claim ends!

458 :STAY STRONG CHRISTIAN.:2021/06/14(月) 03:43:47.00 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Dream Story.
Sleep Nocturnal Emission Syndrome? A nasty dream appeared even during yesterday's sleep,
and it was an attempted "dream puppy". Is it a junior high school student?
The only thing that has changed is that I took ornithine before I went to sleep.
It is unknown if it worked.
However, I have been drinking sports drinks for about 3 days as a measure against heat stroke,
and the sports drink contains ornithine. I decided for that reason alone.
The rest is a dream memo. Immediately wake up, eyes that I before you forget had advance.
I forgot to save it here. I'll paste it as it is on the day.
5/31 A strange dream I had.
Have a dinner at a hotel somewhere. Do not say the jokes in Ishikawa Rika,
see consideration as not to. Stay alone as it is. wake up.
When I smoked in the smoking area, Rika Ishikawa and two other men and women came and had a conversation.
I tried to take another break, but it was time, so I moved to stop.
Recorded at a restaurant somewhere. It looks like a Hinamatsuri regular or a guest.
Ichiro plays the guitar, Hiroshi Fujioka plays the guitar with his head,
and it's a mess.
Was written. The more of it is also non-Memoru but I Ino, I'm was very interesting on the day seen.
Everything works. The claim ends!

459 :I'm proud.:2021/06/15(火) 04:35:36.92 ID:???0.net
Music composer Asei Kobayashi dies. "North of the inn from" known for, such as in the composer is,
familiarity also starring drama "Kantaro Terauchi family"
Kobayashi Asei's is May 30, died of heart failure it was found 14 days. 88 years old. Born in Tokyo. The quote ends.
When I looked it up, all the songs were familiar.
What impressed me was the one and a half minutes of boiled fish in the microwave.
Drama is a real-time I was not able to look, in the program to introduce the old program,
or turned over a low dining table, Tokkumi of the Hideki Saijo remember the scene or folded Xicheng's bone at each other.
Go song. Everything works. The claim ends

460 :amend or revise.:2021/06/16(水) 01:45:17.21 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Announcement?
Before this, Mitsuharu Misawa's memorial memorial broadcast on Nippon Television G+ by doing re-broadcast of,
to everyone one by one ring of guest raised, but he speaks to Misawa's photos,
Marufuji players to comment, the age of its own There is something to say,
and I thought it would be a hint as to when it was broadcast,
so I searched for it with Marufuji.
Then, it is written with the born September 26, 1979, against and, it was found that it's broadcast in 2015.
By the way it because Yoshihiro Takayama players were also come out in the guest.
The next day, dinner because it was said to be delayed to put the switch of at Bathing, co- looking at the control panel, have been displayed afternoon 9:26 was.
You can see this as an announcement.
Should I buy 9-2-6 for public gambling, etc. ?
Do you have a connection with someone born on September 26th?
Watch out for the car with license plate 926?
Les number 926? I don't know, but I would like to keep an eye on it.
Everything works. The claim is over!

461 :Boy, I'm gonna try so hard.:2021/06/17(木) 01:10:05.46 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Emperor's Cup Soccer.
Once again J1 is at a high to a lower category in the Emperor's Cup that took place yesterday I was.
J1 Yokohama FC is 1-2 to J3 Vanraure Hachinohe.
Similarly, J1 Sanfrecce Hiroshima lost 1-5 Okoshiyasu Kyoto, which is the first division of the Kansai Soccer League.
Kansai Football League Division One part of J1, J2, J3, And JFL, because it is under the JFL of considerable 5 parts. What a hell!
This game was broadcast on the CS station, so I was watching it too.
What's this funny name? Yellow 2nd uniform had been uplifting.
Sure enough, the Hiroshima thread was filled with customers.
The romanization of this is easy, and it is "ococias".
Softening it's cool.
The third round will be played against JFL's Verspah Oita. It's superior again.
Probably this game will be broadcast on NHK BS1.
Everything works. The claim ends!

462 :attention or awareness.:2021/06/18(金) 19:05:28.76 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Standing up.
What happened to the standing up in Omiya Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture.
I do not understand.
It's been a whole day since the outbreak, and you're worried about the victim's physical condition, right?
What is the criminal's request? I don't know.
I was surprised that there was such a group of buildings in Saitama prefecture.
Generally people, answered that nothing have spread fields in the Saitama Prefecture area but intends understand,
has changed the thought that it was just ignorance.
I just pray that it will be resolved by tomorrow's writing.
Everything works. The claim ends.

463 :boyish or mannish.:2021/06/19(土) 22:30:56.19 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Omiya.
Omiya's standing up was finally resolved 32 hours after the outbreak.
Arrested unemployed Kazutaka Hayashi (40). The internet was filled with posts such as "Is it unemployed again?"
and "I can't help during the ice age."
Big injury to women's clerk of the hostage is no's transfer.
I think I was scared. I'm sorry.
Everyone is dissatisfied with the world. But don't bother others.
Neighbors don't know what they're dissatisfied with, but they close the doors in their cars and homes with a loud noise,
which may make you feel better, but it also makes you feel like the
people around you.
Please give me. I think.
There are many really strange people.
Including myself. Everything works. The claim is over.

464 :nuke or zap.:2021/06/20(日) 23:06:36.91 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Line.
The Yamanote Line is not driving.
Trouble with the substation. Not only Tokyo but also Kanagawa, Chiba and Saitama will be affected.
Of course, the nearest station to my house also leads to the Yamanote line.
It's a popular route that you can go without changing trains.
Well, I'm glad it wasn't a weekday. That let us know in about 18 o'clock input was time to return home direct hit if on weekdays because I come I.
I hope for a quick recovery.
Well, the other day of the siege prisoners, happened robbery events in Yokohama Toka he criminal and fingerprint of the matter is matched. It's scary.
Is that wandering around? Don't leave it alone.
Everything works. The claim ends!

465 :Mrs. or Miss or Ms.:2021/06/21(月) 01:22:11.87 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Miss.
What is "Yamanoteken"? Mistake.
Actually "Yamanote Line” did not reviewers to wanted to write I do not for, had written as it is.
It's a little sloppy, isn't it?
What is the worst mistake? Place the bag in the basket of the bicycle entered the home leave had, spend it one day.
In the morning, go out when, looking all over the house "It's no! There is no bag!"
I was in the car Once you exit the front door so would be late.
Naturally purse also in the bag, and fearfully to check the contents, and the earth had entered a Nyan.
It's cheap. After that, I noticed at the entrance with the key inserted in the locker of the company,
returned to the company, and went home again. It was good that my workplace was close.
I dropped my smartphone and caused trouble to the police and those who picked it up, and it's really out of focus.
However, this is not the worst yet. The worst episode to the over-de-too embarrassed,
If anyone remember if, I'm Miss enough will know who I am. An unprecedented mistake.
Both my parents and my homeroom teacher got angry. Moreover, it is twice a year.
Just remembering it makes my face red. I want to scream. Stupid me.
Everything works. The claim ends!

466 :banish or dispel.:2021/06/22(火) 01:56:01.05 ID:???0.net
Ayabe I'm afraid to notice.
The rest of GB (Gigabyte, not Game Boy.) is tough at the end of every month.
Moreover, last Saturday, there was a problem with the download for the first time in a while and it failed.
I fell into a state where the remaining amount was thrown away. It's a 20GB contract, so it can't be helped.
Yes, let's change the plan. Go to the au site! Wow! is it an all-you-can-use Giga plan? This is fine. Yeah! Delight. Ayabe who dances.
Moreover, it will be cheaper than the current monthly fee. I hope and come true!
After completing the procedure immediately,
a PDF that asked for consent appeared at the end.
"While the contract the following fees plan, communication identification function (for communication during your use, Sir communicating destination and use function of identifying the screw)
will be applied." And it is written, All-you-can-use MAX was the target.
That is, my and spree to communicate to your favorite site, My Dirty Little is Barre
whether that Ru?
That's a problem. I don't want anyone to know.
So I gave up early and saved gigabytes again. shit!
Everything works. The claim ends!

467 :nap or sleep.:2021/06/23(水) 12:40:20.68 ID:???0.net
Ayabe noon.
It's free to take a lunch break and finish lunch.
I'm in an environment where I can be alone, so I decided to watch a naughty video. However, since there are few gigabytes, I watch videos with a small capacity.
Then, I realize that the video that I thought that the image is dirty and not a big deal until now is a wonderful work.
Moreover, it has a low capacity. It was packed with my favorite elements.
Image quality or few bad, surprised on the contents of the plethora makes up for it Ayabe-chan.
Still, it is an excellent one with about 300 megabytes for one viewing.
Let's burn it into my eyes and use it for my afternoon vitality.
I was shaking and muttered "excellent" unintentionally. Thank you for such a wonderful work.
Boobs floating on the smartphone, my only memories, I want also wrapped forever.
Everything works. The claim is over!

468 :give or offer.:2021/06/24(木) 17:39:54.85 ID:???0.net
Ayabe air conditioner.
When you return to the room, you first turn on the air conditioner with the remote control of the air conditioner.
My room is set to 26℃, but when I return to the room after finishing the work,
the thermometer in the room shows 28.9°C.
Finally? I'm getting sick.
The set temperature is not reached. Is it still in the middle of cooling?
I thought, but the air cooling was stopped.
Isn't it because the air conditioner recognizes that the set temperature has been reached?
Or maybe the set temperature is out of order because it is not a genuine remote control. I'm stunned.
Certainly the way of because they passed also 24 years since it made 1997.
Is it new? I have no money. And because the room is dirty,
the trader also pulls. There is nothing we can do about it, so we have to devise ways to overcome the heat.
Is it an ice pillow or a handy fan?
Everything works. The claim is over!

469 :clean or wash.:2021/06/25(金) 22:55:03.81 ID:???0.net
Ayabe moving!
Moving! moving! moveing quickly! I'll do it! I miss the noisy aunt. Is it Nara prefecture? It's been 16 years ago. Hey.
The noise around me is also terrible. Especially since last year it has become worse.
Of course, I think I'm making a sound, but it's more than that.
It's an infringement of the right to life. But don't try to hurt your neighbor, go out if you don't like it.
That is the answer on the side that makes noise. It is certainly so.
Neighbors just have a big footstep and door closing sound. Night comes sounded among others. The car is also a hatchback.
And in nearby public facilities, there are people who kick a soccer ball against a wall.
I notified the administrator of this, but ignored it. Completely through. That's horrible.
In other words, this area is not suitable for me. Certainly, Net right wing tells the left wing who complains about Japan and foreigners living in Japan,
"If you don't like it, go out." When applied to this neighborhood, the noise owner is the conservative right wing,
and I, who dislikes noise, is the left wing.
That's because public facilities maintained the noise. If you don't like it, go out. Okay, I will do so. You have to earn money quickly.
I`ll stick it. Squid made'll earn even using the means. Of course there is no crime.
Everything works. The claim ends!

470 :boobs or tits:2021/06/26(土) 22:50:13.20 ID:???0.net
Ayabe fortune-telling.
It's scary because it will be true only on the days when I was unlucky fortune-telling in the morning information program.
I forgot one day, but my constellation is 12th, so let's spend the day at height. I'm short.
When I opened the door of my room to spend my time carefully, how! There was a pet poop there. Smell.
Cover the T-shirt to the nose. OMG.
And I got up late so I brunched. Pour boiling water into the cup yakisoba and wait for 3 minutes. It's a kitchen timer. It's a hot water drain! Jobobobobobo.
When I was rushing out, hot water came out from the side and I got a burn on my left finger. heat.
You can think that it was enough, but even on the first day of fortune-telling, there is no such petit lucky.
So, even on the 12th day, there shouldn't be such a petite lucky.
Neighbors and public facilities are noisy all year round and that alone is unlucky.
I wonder if this can't be helped anymore. Probably fate. It's an unpleasant fate.
I listen even Beethoven. But I like moonlight better than fate.
Everything works. The claim is over!

471 :palpable or tangible.:2021/06/28(月) 07:46:38.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Ken.
In pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, he died at the age of 70 in March last year and completed comedian-Ken Shimura's bronze statue that became rather,
26th, unveiling ceremony was held in Tokyo Higashimurayama hometown.
Bronze statue of the pose, Shimura's classic gag "Ain" is motif of off.
Shimura's arrange the hometown of the folk song "Higashimurayama Ondo" praised the achievements that spread the name of the city in a gag that is,
1997, three of the zelkova tree that was planted in the Seibu Line Higashi-Murayama Station east exit to "Shimura only near the do of the tree."
Was installed in. The quote ends. I wanted you to make a stupid Bakatonojyo.
However, maintenance costs are not stupid, and Izawa-san and Fuji TV will say no.
Japanese after one hundred years will think what to look at this statue.
If I live hard until I'm nearly 140 years old, I'll know the answer. 140 years old is twice the age of Mr. Shimura's death,
right? Double. Is it impossible? I want to live at least 70 years old and mutter here again.
It's not such a distant future, but it's almost doubled, so I'll try to make people smile.
I want to be an interesting grandfather.
Everything works. The claim ends.

472 :nothing or zilch.:2021/06/28(月) 07:52:49.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe From that.
It's been 3 years and 6 months at the earliest.
There is nothing by chance, and I feel that it is a little too long for a trial from God.
Everything works. The claim ends

473 :drive or operate.:2021/06/29(火) 19:40:10.02 ID:???0.net
Ayabe driver.
A truck accident in Yachimata City, Chiba Prefecture. It's miserable.
I feel sorry for the victims, their parents, and the people involved.
Alcohol was detected in the suspect's breath.
I know a lot of truck drivers, but they say that they are driving with greater care than others.
Surprisingly, there are many cases where commercial green number transport trucks are fueled.
Because the opponent knows that he will not fight back. Also through the alcohol breath test and should not be,
is also the mechanism to track the key does not come out Datte'm. This time it's a white number.
Such dry along with because truck drivers. Because there is also a bar's painful and have seen a hit in Kuta.
In addition, suspects of belonging have people to attack that company's name and close the company is also sad.
What would you do if it was different? I wonder if I don't think about it.
If you can't think of it, it's the same thought as this suspect.
I can't think of the future. The school route is also an idea. Sidewalk without, rough luck from the usual there is also information that the track of the rolling had come and go.
It doesn't work until something happens.I've seen a lot of that Right. It's never too safe.
I think there are many people, including myself, who think that they will not cause an accident,
but let's try to drive carefully again.
I can't drive because I don't have a license.
Everything works. The claim ends.

474 :crack or pop.:2021/07/01(木) 01:55:15.97 ID:???0.net
Ayabe first half summary.
Time goes by while I am surprised at the indescribable speed that half of 2021 will be over.
What a stiff greeting, the Nuko server went down on the last day of June, and it is extremely difficult to come here.
Beds were purchased at the end of last year in January I did not settle the arrangement of the de.
In February, V ☆ PARADISE is back on cable TV. I also went to the barber shop.
There was a strong earthquake off the coast of Fukushima prefecture. Ashikaga forest fire.
There was also a strong earthquake off the coast of Miyagi prefecture in March. There were many entertainers' obituaries in April.
I also went to the barber shop. There was
a strong earthquake off the coast of Miyagi prefecture in May as well. I went to make PASMO.
It was announced that Masakazu Tamura had died in April.
June was an accident in which a drinking truck in Yachimata killed a child. Unsurprisingly,
I haven't seen anyone in private for the last six months.
Splendor is my not popular enough yet, but I'm good still. As long as that girl comes.
Who the hell are you? Give your real name! I hate it.
Everything works. The claim ends!

475 :hip or pelvis.:2021/07/01(木) 02:02:37.54 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Second Ape.
Sorry. I was lying.
I wrote that IQOS will be stopped at the end of May,
but I couldn't completely suck up one box at the end of May, and I ended up sucking slowly in June.
I apologize to you. But, this time, in June at the end is a box to brilliantly 23 at 59 minutes was calculated as ending at the end,
no longer suck from July 1. Today is the first day.
This will give you 5,500 yen for 10 days. On the 20th, 11,000 yen will come up!
This is amazing on the 30th! It will float up to 16,500 yen.
Also floating 200,750 yen was one year.
You look amazing. I'm lonely so I want to suck a small nipple instead. It's a joke,
and I'm going to roll candy, gum, and gummy supplements from UEFA Mikakuto in my mouth.
Among them, the brain strays, "Oh, Mr.Ayabe, you don't have enough nicotine?"
I don't like that.
Especially when I woke up a while after I fell asleep, I felt scared and scared because of that anxiety.
I have to fight that horror, so give me a great piece sometimes.
Everything works. The claim ends!

476 :jam or stuff.:2021/07/02(金) 02:21:24.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Rainy season giga festival.
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms have already begun to appear.
I fell asleep a while ago and immediately felt anxious. Tell them that it's okay, okay.
Its not sleep anymore impossible if there was Ui'. Asleep the moment name the anxiety because of suicide.
Then what should I do for this long night?
So, let's use giga as I wrote in the title at the beginning.
Talk. The breakdown is 2GB, 2GB, 2GB, 2GB, totaling 8GB.
It's a wonderful project that about half of the moon flies in 4 days.
I'll adjust it later. Because it's a 4K work. Small quantity it is 2GB in videos for less than or four minutes? Uhyaihoowa.
Well, certainly image quality but is super clean, Duration is thing insufficient yet.
Now it's more quantity than quality. I like the work in which many girls appear even in the same 2GB.
10 people 20 tits 1 hour special to want to enjoy slowly if there Toka turbocharger Lumpur, blow off even anxiety. Maybe.
Everything works. The claim ends!

477 :chance or opportunity.:2021/07/03(土) 03:13:24.10 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Nicotine.
The second day after cutting off nicotine.
Yesterday, I couldn't control my drowsiness. It's still out.
However, even if I fall asleep, I wake up in about 15 minutes. Strange thing.
The rest is sad and I wonder what it is.
I don't feel like I'm breathing. Does it feel like there is no breathing response? Not enough.
There is a feeling of strangeness in the upper part of the throat and collarbone. I can't keep my concentration.
I'll get over it. Everything works. The claim ends!

478 :ナナシマさん:2021/07/04(日) 00:15:47.83 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Atami.
A landslide occurred in Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and the whereabouts of about 20 people are unknown.
Debris flow. Mountain tsunami.Is it okay to blame only nature?
Something, this Once you have or there is a large-scale development in the vicinity of the mountain,
of the facility but it is better to be investigated. For example, a few years ago a flood of Kinugawa of
Te do, place in water yelling flow shaved for the solar panel
but it was also a theory that. Nature is pitiful if it is shaved and blamed
on it. I pray for the safety of the victims
. Everything works. The claim ends.

479 :cave or grotto.:2021/07/05(月) 02:22:01.56 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Metropolitan Assembly election.
Has the number of seats in your supporting party increased?
The Liberal Democratic Party has returned to the first party.
Well, it doesn't matter to me.
Once upon a time, the middle wonder if I was a science third grade, voted in because determine the class chairman has been carried out.
Most of the votes are for smart guys and bright and popular guys. I didn't have both of them,
and there was an idiot who voted for me, and my name was written and I laughed.
I'm still crazy. I know the culprit. Atopy child.
There are rumors that he is now a national civil servant and lives happily with his wife and children in the 23 wards,
but it doesn't matter.
All it because before had branded the ringleader that of me. Then, when I tried to finish it with a fight,
the teacher told me to stop because Atopy loses his eyesight when he receives a strong shock.
It's scary. Did you get the orthodontic braces? I'm getting sad.
Would you like to come to a drinking party once? You or impossible because busy. Then don't come back to your hometown again.
See you.
Everything works. The claim ends!

480 :manner or style.:2021/07/06(火) 00:06:25.98 ID:???0.net
Ayabe suffering.
It's quite painful. I want nicotine in my body! I want nicotine! I continue to appeal. The brain wants it.
If you smoke, it will heal. Let's taste only one deeply and stop it.
I'm satisfied with that. It's a good idea. Let's go buy today. I put up with, well I matter.
Which flavor should I use? I'm looking forward to it.
So it is, it shall be kept and also whether the check has been charged rice.
Only one is fine. You can quit right away. Early try to sleep. Everything works. The claim ends!

481 :ナナシマさん:2021/07/08(木) 01:05:56.16 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Tanabata. &Yesterday was Tanabata. The san and Hikoboshi's Orihime meeting did example. It is that there is because it is separate from the normal day-to-day I will not know Tami. By the way, pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka of Saitama Seibu Lions has announced that he will retire only this season. I'm lonely . Are you 41 years old? So if you round it up, you can say that 40-year-old Ayabe is also the Matsuzaka generation. Will you throw it somewhere at the end ? It may not be possible because it seems to be numb. Retired cell Let's take a look at if it is delivered because I think I do Lemony. Tired like. Everything works. The claim ends!

482 :ナナシマさん:2021/07/08(木) 01:05:56.16 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Tanabata. &Yesterday was Tanabata. The san and Hikoboshi's Orihime meeting did example. It is that there is because it is separate from the normal day-to-day I will not know Tami. By the way, pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka of Saitama Seibu Lions has announced that he will retire only this season. I'm lonely . Are you 41 years old? So if you round it up, you can say that 40-year-old Ayabe is also the Matsuzaka generation. Will you throw it somewhere at the end ? It may not be possible because it seems to be numb. Retired cell Let's take a look at if it is delivered because I think I do Lemony. Tired like. Everything works. The claim ends!

483 :hurler or pitcher.:2021/07/08(木) 01:09:54.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Tanabata.
Yesterday was Tanabata. The san and Hikoboshi's Orihime meeting did example.
It is that there is because it is separate from the normal day-to-day I will not know Tami.
By the way, pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka of Saitama Seibu Lions has announced that he will retire only this season.
I'm lonely. Are you 41 years old? So if you round it up, you can say that 40-year-old Ayabe is also the Matsuzaka generation.
Will you throw it somewhere at the end? It may not be possible because it seems to be numb.
Retired cell Let's take a look at if it is delivered because I think I do Lemony.
Tired like.
Everything works. The claim ends!

484 :acute or urgent.:2021/07/09(金) 00:12:29.32 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Urgent.
Declared an emergency in Tokyo. It's the fourth time.
Capital of neighboring prefectures, per day, has issued a 100 to 300 people a positive person,
specifications I'm felt today, that there is no person.
Because really, Ibaraki, Tochigi Prefecture, three prefectures by adding the positive persons also'm not even 100 go of the Gunma Prefecture of.
What about Tokyo? I'm told.
Everything works. The claim ends!

485 :above or over.:2021/07/10(土) 13:03:25.04 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Prefectural Qualify.
The 103rd National High School Baseball Championship Kanagawa Tournament,
which started without an opening ceremony at Thirty Four Hodogaya Stadium.
I saw Yokohama Tateno vs. Kanagawa Prefectural Commerce and Industry High School.
As a prefectural qualifying enthusiast, I was waiting for this day to come. The match goes on.
What? Something is missing. Something is missing in the tvk relay.
No way? I don't want to admit it, but I can't deny it 100%.
Did I ever watch this broadcast for Chia's daughter? No! no! no!
Even though I shook my head in my heart, I felt like I was eating cup ramen without powdered or liquid soup.
That's right. The other party is still a minor child.
What did you think when you saw such a cheerleading? Really.
Do you want me to be supported too? Support is something and while it's do.
"Ayabe-san, do your best!" Then it's already "Uo!"
Does it smell like money if it's probably the support of an older woman in vain?
However, the girls who support the ball children are purely supporting them, so they have a good impression.
This is an unforgivable category of what the new Corona has stolen.
Everything works. The claim ends!

486 :cheerful or happy.:2021/07/11(日) 01:40:30.93 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 1992.
Around 1992, I had my room remodeled and I fell asleep alone.
I punched out the closet and made it a bedroom.
Small got to buy Do TV and the world radio, just like a secret base was like.
Saturday night, it will be Sunday after dawn,
but I was watching Gilgamesh Night from 1:15 while listening to Kosakin Kaiketsu Adrenaline from 0 o'clock.
I knew the guy I knew at school at the time.
The time I was writing this was my golden time. It's nothing fun now. I'm writing while listening to Audrey's All Night Nippon,
but I can't get into the show.
I'm jealous of myself 29 years ago. Interesting all the things new and fun and there was a lot of potential and pounding you are jealous.
Down to the treasure Strain half the erotic book picked up the Mr.Miyano.
I couldn't see it until night and when I first opened the page I had difficulty breathing.
Now even the lower body doesn't react.
Dead. It's jammed. Finished. Do not the age to become of those words got me.
There are a lot of people who suddenly think that it’s okay. It was.
Everything works. The claim ends!

487 :even or yet.:2021/07/12(月) 23:31:31.02 ID:???0.net
Light on Ayabe.
The boring days and the sensitive boy Ayabe until 1999 AD.
The same 24 hours a day like things every day about not think at all that there is no sex appeal like being in a monochrome television.
No matter what you do, the age barrier is closed.
My body isn't moving well anymore, my head is slowing down, I'm lethargic, and I'm impressed.
What did you think about and spend fulfilling days in a sensitive era?
Was immersed in some time ago of summer vacation is, at that time,
certain SONY Corporation with NightShot to Handycam product there is a product I'll be shooting at night with infrared say,
daytime and sheer garments and the shooting in the night shot mode impressionable I say Had exciting news.
And I bought a cheap video camera that I don't know which manufacturer it was, and experimented with it.
Of course, sheer make it exits did not, but by erotic book seen through the black part was.
After all, the driving force is erotic. I'm sexual desire. That's why I have no motivation to die.
Although not a love age Son neither feel like. I'm here. Do you take zinc and maca again?
Everything works. The claim ends!

488 :break or smash.:2021/07/13(火) 20:35:51.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe recollection.
When I remember when I was young, I often went to karaoke. Morning Musume. And its derivatives unit epidemic Te Ttei, era, such as accounting for requests higher.
Man friend noisily It's making noise with us.
I changed the lyrics to "almost a boyfriend in my head" to "almost a female body in my head" and laughed Guerlain.
You may be fine.
Still shooting photo booth also only man Let 's try to change face with a man three people since it was possible that,
and thinks Ya one person to have a guy of gorilla face wearing braces only,
you'll What's! And this also laughs Guerlain Guerlain. Nostalgic.
Now karaoke is or doing attention to the boss be performed Nante, obscene modified the lyrics to that there is no sing to, I'm unsatisfactory.
That crappy karaoke was also a valuable experience. I think it's bleak. Also I want to go with the guys someday.
I'm out of touch. my mother.
Everything works. The claim is over!

489 :cost or fetch.:2021/07/14(水) 00:46:51.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe recollection.
Speaking of karaoke, yesterday's gorilla friend introduced me to a lot of people who were very sociable.
However, I am the introverted in, did not become friends with people who came brought by the.
I went to karaoke with those strangers, gorillas and me.
There were some girls, and I remember that the girl who added "sa" to the end was a little cute.
Even though he set up such a place, I didn't speak a word, I didn't sing a single song,
and I made the place messed up.
I'm really sorry.
Of course, I haven't been invited to karaoke with them since then, but I think that 's the best.
Another story about gorillas. This time, a gorilla friend, Kurata-kun, got acquainted with a girl who was an apprentice nurse,
and in the middle of the night she called her near the dormitory where the nurse was
and decided to talk a little. Kurata-kun was a little forgiving,
so he started talking, and Kurata-kun introduced me to an interesting guy and his girl.
The hurdle has risen.
Sure enough, I couldn't speak at all in the shyness mode,
and I made the gorilla worry again, "You can go back to the car."
So From Les become estranged both gorilla,
a few years later eaves reunited for the first time in the worst outcome that is taken is 70,000 yen is waiting.
He is one of the gorillas I wish I hadn't met.
Everything works. The claim is over.

490 :manner or way.:2021/07/15(木) 00:26:33.84 ID:???0.net
Ayabe song program.
This month, a special summer song festival program was broadcast several times.
I saw TV TOKYO, NTV, and Fuji TV,
but NTV and Fuji TV used Korea and Harami-chan heavily.
TV Tokyo is Ikima in progress around the past video was.
I'm not saying that Korea shouldn't do it, but there are many countries and regions around the world.
Anyway, I want to know music groups from various countries and regions. No matter what I say to NTV and Fuji TV,
it's useless, so I'd like to make sure that "Don't watch if you don't like it" and "yes, don't watch ".
Since there is an item "Send viewing information" after pressing the d button on the remote control, I selected Yes.
Channels are not tuned to NTV and Fuji TV.
The TV in the living room is connected to the internet. If the parent sees either of them,
change it immediately. I wonder if I can match it with TOKYO MX.

Goodbye 4ch and 8ch.

Everything works. The claim ends!

491 :issue or matter.:2021/07/16(金) 22:41:01.18 ID:???0.net
Ayabe mistake.
Mr. Keigo Oyamada apologizes for boasting of past bullying.
White in no way ever apologized to us because involving Olympics but did not seek care you can. You can see that.
I can't help doing what I've done, but of course there are people who hit it.
It also specification no one.
The content of the bullying was also terrible. It's natural that my chest is getting worse.
It was Kanechika who waited for that trend.
Past that forever over pom not to be him! Yaba Valley Garden! In summary, it's like that.
Kanechika, how about that? I think.
You're the ones who chose to go public, so don't just cheer and hit them, amateurs.
It doesn't work. Perpetrators that restart to overcome the incident also happened victims have large favor.
However, the victim has a big handicap.
I always wonder if I'll meet the same thing again.
What to Runimoda.
One of the perpetrators is for the annoying family! You can have a good talk with. Even if you do ordinary things,
you will be evaluated as doing your best.
I write in straight I did not come to study the human rights issues, do not good'm the victim first?
Is it only the perpetrator? If you don't like it, don't look at it.
The gap with people in culture is only deepening. I won't buy a lottery ticket near Kanechika.
Everything works. The claim is over.

492 :develop or grow.:2021/07/17(土) 01:18:49.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Giga in.
St.GIGA. I'm suffering from a lack of gigabytes every month.
Then, ask God. I pray strongly and strongly, "Please give me Gigabytes!"
Then my wish came true. You look amazing. I didn't get a gigabyte, but when I replaced the microSD on my smartphone, the SIM card came out on the tray,
but I lost it at that time. I can't connect to the internet. In other words, it cannot consume gigabytes.
The result was savings and
some of the gigabyte shortages were resolved. It was lost at noon on the 15th, and
it came out at noon on the 16th. Giga from 15 days found if you take a look at the byte usage, only 100 megabytes.
I decided to use 600MB a day, so I saved 500MB.
It's still a minus in total, but let's overcome it in this condition.
Everything works. The claim ends!

493 :indestructible or unbreakable.:2021/07/18(日) 00:39:28.57 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 9.
All night e! I'm here while watching season9.
Before I knew it, it was 9. It was always the time of Goripara memoirs or Wareme de Pon, but tonight is midnight on Saturday,
and it will be broadcast on Sunday after dawn.
It was no check, but why this when I press Pochipochi become want to take a look at the program table do suddenly there was a program.
We expect to live unique happening that. I've done it 9 times before I knew it.
I remember up to 4.5 and 5, but I don't remember 6 and 7.
I think there was also to be. Well it can't be helped.
There rebroadcast also often overlooked in also do not mind. But do it there, the woman of performers child is "dangerous, dangerous"
Uncle to see that to cheer the tired. May I feel my age. I thought that I wasn't the age of the game anymore,
and I wasn't the age of being involved with girls.
That's sad. That's why I feel calm when I look at Game Center CX . You were there.
Everything works. The claim ends!

494 :argue or contend.:2021/07/19(月) 19:59:13.16 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Tomobe.
I also really interesting things together penis and Tomobe-chan, and saying be lying if example.
I've been to the Tomobe service area about once. When I got a friend's truck driver to help me with my work.
That's why my favorite video site seems to have withdrawn, and I can't connect at all.
It was the cornerstone of the only heart, but, or Tama was whereabouts were gone.
Even though he resigned, it is a big difference from Mr. Oyamada,
who may be surrounded by many friends.
I have to find a new site again. Was it because it is my hobby transformation it.
Anna site two have first would not Omenikakara and degrees. Why did you quit?
Or is it under maintenance and will be back tomorrow?
I don't know, but wait for the fruit to sleep. You have to believe it.
Everything works. Ends argue!

495 :glorious or illustrious.:2021/07/20(火) 12:37:05.90 ID:???0.net
Ayabe lunch break.
I came here after eating the noodles at the convenience store.
Well, the site was pleased to announce yesterday successfully resurrected to your, it was immediately 1 works look amazing.
I gave it a B rating. S is the best and A is good, B is not enough and C is not good.
The performers were good, but I wanted Camera to be closer. That's B, isn't it? Expect next.
I was really impatient. It doesn't connect at all. I wonder what it was. Well no.
How many more works should I see? It seems that no new works have been added,
so if you count the works that have not been watched in the existing lineup,
there are 53 more works in this series alone.
If you flirt with other series, there are more. It surely exceeds 100 works. Happy!
That's the guy I not scream. 53 works? There are at least 2 boobs per work,
so 106 boobs are still on hold. It's amazing. It's a boobs paradise. Boobs hell? Which one?
Everything works. The claim ends!

496 :hurt or injure.:2021/07/21(水) 00:30:55.50 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Olympic Pick.
Now, from today, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. From suddenly morning or there is a relay of Japan versus Australia's softball qualifying shin.
There were so many things, but let's look forward to sportsman's hip. And Kamattechan in on whether it is a strange banner or it banners but it seems there is also a critically ill country,
Dongfeng according to the that person, et al.
I because it is not to become a fool to et al.
The Rising Sun Flag is always fluttering in my heart. No anti-Japanese.
I don't know the relay schedule because there isn't much left on the hard disk.
It's only about 3 hours. It's a hassle, erasing work.
Do only the name has. I'm aiming for a gold medal in the competition of organizing hard disks.
Is it okay to have a silver medal? The bronze medal is also hard to throw away.
Place in, or was not a copper without's bronze I copper?
Isn't bronze bronze? English is difficult.
Everything works. The claim ends!

497 :always or forever.:2021/07/22(木) 01:50:20.86 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Olympics, etc.
Softball in the preceding competition, Japan wins! You did it.
Australian player is too abundant and grass.
And line Chiba Prefecture qualifying finals of Koshien cracking, Senshu University Matsudo high school is the Kisarazu comprehensive high school won by 10-6 after extra tie-break,
the second time six years decided to Koshien tournament of.
And last, goodbye bases loaded because homerun.
Thank you for your hard work in the hot weather.
In this Ayabe's corner, we will support two schools in Tokyo,
representative schools in Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama prefectures, so please support us.
Everything works. The claim ends!

498 :dirty or grimy.:2021/07/23(金) 00:41:58.54 ID:???0.net
Ayabe It's hot.
The soccer men's and softball won Japan. Congratulations!
What is the hot broadcast on the 23rd? What will happen to the opening ceremony? That's about it.
It's hot, so I went to a nearby pharmacy and bought an exceptional PET bottle for 300 yen for 4 bottles.
It's not refrigerated, so you can't drink it until it's chilled.
How hot is it? It's usually hot until early October.
It's hot because it's hot and hot.
About 9 years ago, when I went to Hakusan Super Forest Road on a trip to Ishikawa prefecture,
I was shooting a video, but on October 2nd, the photographer, I, shuddered, "It's cold!”
It's different from this one. I want to taste it again.
Everything works. The claim ends!

499 :beam or smile.:2021/07/24(土) 00:28:34.25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe opening.
The opening ceremony broadcast has just ended.
We, the legendary class of baseball fans, Shigeo Nagashima, Sadaharu Oh, and Hideki Matsui were connected to the final torch relay.
The last is Naomi Osaka.
Is it before that? Gekidan Hitori's when was the graffiti of "Henohenomoheji" is a channel change will Eyo I thought, but put up with.
I managed to endure it.
By the way, what is the hottest competition today?
It is Japan vs Czech for beach volleyball women's.
It will be broadcast from 9 am on E-Tele,
so if you are a beach volleyball fan, please check it out.
There is also a water polo women's on BS1 at midnight, so this is a recorded broadcast, but I'll take a look.
Everything works. The claim ends!

500 :Can't count the hours, blame the miles.:2021/07/25(日) 17:16:50.90 ID:???0.net
Mayumi Itsuwa.
It seems that Japan was a bye because of the Czech player's COVID-19 positive in beach volleyball yesterday.
Word in front of the TV re-broadcast of the opening ceremony to have been wakuwaku is had begun. Check it out.
And then had a look at the Japan versus England soccer women's, et al.
Channel river over there as of here station will be I do not know the state not gone I was spit.
And, the water polo women of Japan versus the United States.
This is a rag loss. Like Rei's flops. No eggplant.
When I tried to see the gymnastics girls, this time it was replaced by Naomi Osaka's game and I could not see it again.
It seems that the broadcast time changed late at night. Hmm.
Everything works. The claim ends!

501 :And say they keep me from your smile.:2021/07/26(月) 22:41:07.84 ID:???0.net
Ayabe gold lush.
Do you just call it table tennis mixed doubles?
That's why the Mizutani-Ito pair won the gold medal. congratulation!
Japan is amazing! I'm amazing! (it's irony to anti-Japanese!)
Besides, Nishiya, a skateboarder, is also gold.
Are you looking for gold? Yes. Athletes have been training every day for gold.
Thank you very much.
Everything works. The claim ends!

502 :For you are here, no oceans lie.:2021/07/27(火) 23:10:15.03 ID:???0.net
Ayabe softball.
No, I've seen it up to 7 times in the softball final.
Japan vs USA. Japan wins 2-0 and wins the gold medal! congratulation!
Japan is amazing! I'm amazing! (It seems to be tedious, but I don't like anti-Japanese.)
I'm glad that Mr.Utsugi, the commentator, was a snack mom today as well.
As expected of the United States. There are many big players, is it an abbott pitcher? Isn't it about 190 cm tall?
Son ball comes flying from the players. I won't hit you.
Japanese pitcher Ueno is also a great pitcher. I changed once, but I re-pitched in the final round. I suppressed it brilliantly.Thank you for your hard work.
Besides, you saw the women's 10m dive that was setting up the recording.
The underwater image was amazing.
Gymnastics and women's football are about to be regenerated.
Everything works. The claim ends!

503 :Between my lover's arms and I.:2021/07/28(水) 04:34:27.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe From that.
It's been 3 years and 7 months at the earliest.
Is it more accurate? It's been over when today is over, isn't it?
Everything works. The claim ends.

504 :I see your smile but where are you.:2021/07/29(木) 01:04:47.98 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Supo-shi.
Yesterday was full of sports.
Supo-shi of the title is, I looked out of the sports section of the newspaper wrote by hand on the back of the test paper not a misprint because this title.
It's a Supo-shi sports.
In the high school baseball Kanagawa tournament final, Yokohama defeated Yokohama Sogakukan 17-3 and decided to participate for the 19th time in three years. Congratulations.
Saitama defeated 10-4 the Shohei is Urawagakuin, the first time in three years 14 degrees decided to participate in the eyes. In an interview with the winning coach, Osamu Mori, who is known as Urawa Gakuin,
announced that he will retire from the coaching business at the end of this tournament. Director Mori's last summer.
And it's Olympic baseball.
Japan vs. Dominican Republic, but a goodbye win 4-3.
You were leading 1-3 in the 9th inning, right? I was scared and trembling.
When Dominican hits, he dances on the base. It's cheerful.
Everything works. The claim is over!

505 :Why won't you dare to need me too.:2021/07/30(金) 01:49:47.59 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Urgent.
From Monday, the 2nd of next month, a state of emergency will be declared in Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, and Osaka prefectures.
Causal relationship between vaccination, but I do not know,
professional baseball, Chunichi Dragons of Yusuke Kinoshita election hand is in serious condition after vaccination,
currently also an in treatment.
I pray for recovery.
Nothing changes when you look down, but it's dented.
In addition to such news, a neighbor made a loud noise outside at around 23:00 last night.
That happened in May of last year.
Because it seems went out for a while, in the worst case,
the null while fuss as much from now to 4 A.M.
Will not come me? That's very painful.
I want you to stop. I came back while writing.
The situation is unpredictable for a while.
I would like to leave evidence of noise firmly, so please support me.
Everything works. The claim ends...

506 :I would bring you joy to light the way.:2021/08/01(日) 23:03:53.56 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's social phobia.
I think I love my prefecture and city. I intended, but it wasn't loved by the community.
Nearby to the noise of the Abe's house there is no sign of still fits, even more, now
but I've been around the neighborhood to distribute the municipality of public relations in duty,
the place that had a little Motatsui at T's house, your mother with children As soon as he saw me, he began to take actions to protect his children.
This can't be helped. There are various incidents happening.
But it shouldn't be a face I don't see. Also it not from the area probably is thought to a thin person.
Sigh. Kimiko Date-Krumm is I would be angry to do.
And finally, Mr. F's house.
Do husband or When you try to put the mailbox, created outside so were industry, Do What's also not to say hello,
and I think, in the near multiplying the Harukazu and voice.
Then, a disgusting reply, "Yes? Do you need something?"
I was afraid of this and stuttered, "Please publicize this."
"Huh?" Is returned and the public relations is handed over with a trembling hand.
Nothing was said about the hardships, and I realized again that I am a person who does not need from the area.
Oh It's funny. Do you dislike it because you look bad?
Even though I don't know what kind of person I am.
Ah, I hope the next world will be born to good-looking men.
It's not new to be hated from the first meeting.
Everything works. The claim ends!

507 :A ray of sun to thaw your days.:2021/08/01(日) 23:08:30.31 ID:???0.net
Ayabe restriction.
Will be hit by Giga limit I thought to write this, this book took a considerable amount of time to load a tree-inclusive page.
It's a limit today, so it's August 1st tomorrow, so it's okay to release it immediately.
Tokyo 4058 people are positive?
So what can you do during this gig limit? What was that?
A house with ponzu soy sauce. Ponzu soy sauce is Kikkoman. That's right!
Always tough to notice come play button like a mer smartphone click.
Please update the app. I know me I'm Senan, Shimao-Mate doing this.
First of all, update from the application with less capacity. It took a few minutes even though it was a single digit megabyte at most.
But there's nothing I can't do. A chromatic name far from, for example up the Chrome and Google dating.
It's about 60 megabytes. It's long.
Now I have 4 minutes left. From around certainly 16 hours 40 minutes down it's loaded.
Does it take more than 40 minutes? Previously I think hate is, but would be nice if allowed to stand Well.
Good luck smartphone! Everything works. The claim ends!

508 :Please let me through.:2021/08/02(月) 00:51:05.46 ID:???0.net
Ayabe area.
By the way, everyone in the K district before moving was smiling.
The current I district is useless. Certainly there are many new homes.
It sounds such ignore when you are without the Toka greeting not stand even I think there Toka not.
You don't have to lend or borrow soy sauce .
This I district is not suitable. It's not compatible.
Let's run away. But I don't want to be hated everywhere I go.
It's in the mountains. Is it okay with Okutama or Chichibu?
Everyone I quickly this land.
because of that I think do I get out from the area, as you wish
I'll disappear. Then the people in this I district and I are happy.
Everything works. The claim ends

509 :I don't ask much, but the slightest touch.:2021/08/03(火) 00:26:01.46 ID:???0.net
You can do it if you do it.
By the way, more than a month has passed since I quit IQOS.
I will write honestly. I still want to smoke.
I'm still breathing and I'm not satisfied. There is no poison even if you breathe in the air.
However, it was simply a savings of 550 yen x 30 days. Great seems.
However, the retreat of the outskirts has not stopped, and the penis has not regained its energy.
So nicotine is not the cause. Aging. Aging. Sigh.
Will it become more and more unfriendly to anyone? I haven't been popular since
I was young,
so I have no choice but to despair.
Sometimes tears flow unintentionally. When I close my eyes to sleep, it overflows from the side.
It doesn't seem to be suitable for life.
Everything works. The claim ends.

510 :Of Japanese blue, I beg of you.:2021/08/04(水) 00:40:23.24 ID:???0.net
Forgot Ayabe.
By the way, the combination of Koshien was decided, but I forgot to inform you of the result of the final of the city tournamentt.
To this I'm sorry also my expected. This is the only Japanese who can apologize.
In the final of the East Tokyo Tournament, Nishogakusha defeated Kanto Daiichi 5-1 to make his fourth appearance in three years. West Tokyo tournament TokaiUniversity Sugao Kokugakuio Kugayama is 8-3, his fourth of out 4 years decided to field. Ome.
The result of the combination will be goodbye until we meet again someday.
Everything works. The claim ends

511 :My life is such.:2021/08/05(木) 00:22:24.02 ID:???0.net
Victory in Olympic baseball Korea. Is the silver medal or higher confirmed? How nice.
I was watching wrestling yesterday. Yukako Kawai's gold medal on NTV. Congratulations.
I have accumulated anger!
But TV Tokyo, Oh wrote me high school dive in the newspaper I'm a do What is not broadcast to Ru.
To check the recording et al land and basketball, etc. I was not contain?
Also NHK! Stop the sub-channel. I get a duplicate reservation.
It was good that BS synchronized swimming was recorded well. I wonder what kind of competition should be noted.
I'm going to get rid of the busy recording.
DIGA seems to be in trouble too. Burnt stones in hot water. I wonder if it will be managed.
Everything works. The claim ends!

512 :ナナシマさん:2021/08/07(土) 01:09:08.57 ID:???0.net
Forgot Ayabe.
Dangerous! I almost forgot to leave today's date. Because there is no DIGA left.
I recorded 40 hours (DR) just for the Olympics. It's out of control.
A great metamorphosis. So I will return to work.
Simplistic and partial erase the my hart.
Everything works. The claim ends!

513 :Of Japanese blue, I beg of you.:2021/08/07(土) 23:44:03.69 ID:???0.net
Ayabe baseball gold.
The baseball competition final of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 was held,
and Japan defeated the United States 2-0 and won the first gold medal! Congratulations.
In addition, I won two wrestling and gold rush today. Japan is amazing.
I'm amazing! (I sarcasm to the anti-Japanese.)
So know what sleep with excitement state or line drawing, you sleep because you leave the date that the time being today.
Everything works. The claim ends!

514 :It needs a touch of Japanese blue.:2021/08/08(日) 19:06:33.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Rhythmic Gymnastics.
The closing ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 has finally arrived.
Finally, I saw rhythmic gymnastics. At Fuji Television.
Yesterday, has been to the relay in the Nippon Television Network, in a slow replay was condemned across the one by one one by one commercial,
in the Fuji Television Network will flow properly be slow replay because it was, it was a win of Fuji Television Network.
Nihon Television broadcasting network it's a too sell flatter in the sponsors.
Once upon a time or. I may be doing each station now, but the sudden shift to commercials without notice is due to the origin of the Nippon Television Network.
By discriminating against the Ainu and giving preferential treatment to Korea,
the current NTV network has become a sad broadcasting station.
Everything works. The claim ends.

515 :I see that life has taken toll.:2021/08/09(月) 01:30:58.44 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is closed.
The Tokyo Olympics, which was a year late and had various restrictions on the audience, ended safely.
What happened to the number of medals in Japan?
There are 27 gold medals, 14 silver medals, and 17 bronze medals,
for a total of 58 medals. It's wonderful just to be able to participate.
What impressed me? Gold medal in the sisters of women's wrestling wonder if Lumpur. Well, Do not need to edit what was recorded from now on no et al.
Koshien has started and the busy days are still going on.
Ah, it's over, the Tokyo Olympics. Next time is Paris 2024.
Everything works. The claim ends!

516 :Your shattered dreams I can't make whole.:2021/08/10(火) 22:34:50.41 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Oba Q.
By the way, is it during the Olympics? Stings events in the Odakyu line the train there is a matter,
talking about me man of Kawasaki City has been arrested.
The victim did not die, but he seems to have stated that he wanted to stab him when he saw a happy woman.
From the specs of the suspect, it doesn't look like it has any complex with girls, but I don't know.
Somehow, I'm short stature, low education, low income, and thinning hair is progressing recently, right?
You'll be disgusted. Due to the reopening of the weak, I gave up dating girls.
I'm not convinced, and I'm in tears, but I can't help it. Because I'm bad.
Wasn't the suspect so divisible? It seems that he was calling himself a "first-class pick-up teacher".
It seems that he was going on a date.
Hey, I've never dated here! I wonder if there was something that wasn't satisfied. Well I do not know.
Everything works. The claim ends!

517 :But let me through and i will stay.:2021/08/11(水) 23:53:59.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Sho.
Sho Nakata of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters is suspended due to violence against his juniors.
I wonder why I did that. With the body. The victim was also a Nippon-Ham player and had a concussion. It's scary.
Everything works. The claim is over.

518 :Close by your side to comfort you:2021/08/12(木) 23:21:13.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe medal.
It seems that the medal bitten by the mayor of Nagoya, Takashi Kawamura, can be exchanged.
I want Miu Goto to like it. I don't like tooth profile and spills.
Everything works. The claim is over!

519 :degree or level.:2021/08/13(金) 06:17:49.51 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 2.6.
Yesterday's lowest temperature was 2.6℃ in Numakawa, Wakkanai City, Hokkaido.
It's been 128 years. I'm honestly envious.
I'm not good at hot weather.
Play with your smartphone while wrapped in a warm futon. It's good.
The Kanto region is hot and hot. Before this, it was 39 degrees Celsius in Hachioji city, right?
The lowest temperature in Chiba prefecture was 27 degrees Celsius.
But Tatebayashi City and Kumagaya City, which are famous for their hot weather, haven't been able to demonstrate their abilities yet. It's hotter in Nerima Ward.
Anyway, be careful of heat stroke and stay calm as much as possible because it is frustrating when it is hot and survive the summer.
Cold morning Korea! Oh.
Everything works. The claim is over!
Above under before the next 1 new book function

520 :notice or observe.:2021/08/14(土) 13:44:31.22 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mental.
"Rescue cat if there is money to eat to life protection. Ho DaiGo life of Seamless is good, even if, to it the way some people not to smell not.
Myself not life need to" Bobo flames remarks that.
And I apologized, but is it a new commercial law? I'm skeptical. Welfare.
I wonder if I wouldn't think about the feelings of those who had no choice but to receive welfare protection,
except for those who received it illegally, or who would end up receiving it and abandon their efforts to get out of it.
Indeed, towards the left-handed is such enough for the adequate protection intended claim, I'm sure I made the opportunity to be beaten.
I don't know when I will be taken care of.
I don't know if it's a big miscalculation because it seems that you earn your annual income in one day.
With Furuichi said, what is also no longer stay from the world I leave put on the list I do not think also. Also Mr. Oyamada.
Everything works. The claim ends!

521 :elderly or old.:2021/08/15(日) 20:49:50.63 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is old.
Old people, I have to write honestly for those who are getting older.
Everyone is old when you might want to commit suicide! If you think about it, it might be a little easier.
First, the hair may become thinner, it has turned gray, sorrel, and gritty.The finger passage is dry and the smoothness is lost.
And it comes out without being fully extended. Even if it grows, it will swell like pubic hair and become split ends.
It is inevitable. The area under the eyes will sag and the color will become pale.
It is a bear state all year round. Cheek is also slackening, nasolabial will be deeply, and smell the finger after you massage the nasolabial,
Qi emits a smell like rotten's. It smells the same as when you rub the back of your ear.
And imperceptibly no longer reduce body weight is, the more easily about 10 kilograms a year.
Ochinchin like in quiet as if does not exist, pee will close as this. Up until now,
clothes have been dressed in their own way no matter what they wear, but their old faces and clothes are mismatched.
It's still the age of masks, so there's no sense of discomfort. Hmm.
The skin also becomes dry and itchy. Moreover, healing is slow.
Even if doing role-playing games, city and Dungeon will not do it imperceptibly becomes Mendokusa is down.
What's the rest? You can't keep up with what youth do, or you can't understand.
As we were thought by older generations.
It's more calming to listen to the music when I was younger than the new songs.
I don't want to get old. Everything works. The claim ends!

522 :ナナシマさん:2021/08/16(月) 23:26:23.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Nuko.
Suddenly the Nuko server wasn't connected. why.
Certainly, depending on the board, I was asked what to do with the cache due to an error, but I thought it was Kimagure Orange Road.
And it has not recovered as of 18:00.
Well, that's fine. No good. This is not good.
Well without tearfully tearfully no. I hope it will be fixed soon. In seconds. Hey.
Everything works. The claim ends

523 :note or write.:2021/08/17(火) 17:52:02.84 ID:???0.net
Ayabe L-shaped trope.
Right now, about 14:45 on Fuji TV?
You're rebroadcasting the drama "HERO" that was broadcast in 2001.
I have a recording reservation for it. I'm looking at it later, but I'm looking at it now.
Then, like yesterday, there will be an L-shaped promotion after the commercial.
What appeared there was Kanechika, who I hate. Somehow the countdown starts, but I don't see it because it feels bad.
As much as possible Mr.Ushimaru of was watching you. (Mr. Takuzo kadono)
Also put the heart I write several times that over again instead of great things.
However, the fact that the victim has been created will not disappear forever.
Consideration for the victim and those who have suffered similar damage should be given top priority.
The house was also the victim of theft. Even though it was painful, the neighbors said,
"It 's stupid to be a thief in this house .Ahahaha!"
You can step on it, kick it, or be beaten.
A man who committed the same kind of sin led to the same kind of unhappy with the inner so can not be recognized only as the man's. It's been over 10 years ago,
but I'm still sad. That screaming neighbor is already a parent made to use without permission occasionally homecoming and is becoming monthly parking lot,
I go back home, leaving cleared his throat, my Do I lose a do, think and I do not happy.
Everything works. The claim ends

524 :tendency or trend.:2021/08/18(水) 22:46:37.55 ID:???0.net
Ayabe signal.
Do you want the lead vehicle, which was stopped at a red light when you were walking for my health, to succeed in stealing?
I was spreading the lead that made me think.
Since it is a three-way road, the other road will eventually turn green and stop.
I'm impatient. You should hurry.
Hiroshi here did not have to be in the story if you wait signal as to the communication to was.
Everything works. The claim ends

525 :poor or poverty.:2021/08/19(木) 23:40:57.01 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Good morning.
Good morning. August 19th. Too dark orange
, but took a picture because it was di sunrise,
the Orange has been deleted because the color did not come out in the photo. disappointing.
By the way, is August 19th a motorcycle day? I did not know. I used to buy a motorcycle magazine for a while.
That said, I'm not interested in motorcycles, because the picture of the motorcycle showed a naked blonde sister for some reason.
When I was in junior high school and high school, the magazine was a nude photo that I could buy proudly.
I forgot what the magazine name was, but I remember it was thin. Check it out.
Is August 19 also Haiku Day? really. In it's difficult Kigo season word also.
Will it be senryu without season words? I'm not sure, but it's my good point to leave it unclear. Let's write a phrase here.
Kimo Poem Forget it in a hurry.
This is Ayabe-chan's yabe who is impatient when she notices it at 23:00!
Cry write I I I I think that it is the highest masterpiece was Me. Do it sleep a little.
Everything works. The claim ends!

526 :object or thing:2021/08/21(土) 23:18:55.65 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 24 hours TV.
I have also done this year, 24-hour TV of the Nippon Television Network.
Only at this time will we respect the weak. Since it was written as 44, is it the 44th time (44th year)?
This project has such a history, but I wonder why love hasn't reached me yet. Is it the turn?
Is it useless without some kind of obstacle? Ah, I'm sick without a lover. It's a disease that no one can approach, so feature it on 24-hour TV and cure it.
Everything works. The claim ends.

527 :short or small.:2021/08/22(日) 23:13:00.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's Sunday.
Was Mr.Yamanaka decided to elect the mayor of Yokohama?
Sure enough, the thread is strangely exciting in the Constitutional Democratic system.
What about IR? It's another city, but it's a city that you can easily reach, so it's a place to be worried about.
Everything works. The claim ends

528 :A secret makes a woman woman.:2021/08/23(月) 20:44:08.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Monday.
Monday with nothing. I had a wasted day as usual.
Yesterday, I received a LINE notification after a long time, so when I looked at it, it was my acquaintance's birthday, so let's celebrate.
I flew a balloon . Previously, in Ayabe's setting, August 22nd as my birthday, but I didn't set it because I couldn't tell it was my true birthday.
It's a hassle.
I'm not sure why it was that day. I wonder if it is appropriate. Ah, I want to be a suitable person even when I'm old.
At the same time, I want to be a sharp person. The image of a so-called grandfather is slow.
That's not the case, I want to be a sharp jijii.
I reply while the other person is still talking.
I can do that for now, but when will I not be able to keep up?
I wonder if the movements will gradually become lighter in the 40s and 50s.
Everything works. The claim ends

529 :democracy or self-government.:2021/08/24(火) 23:28:59.14 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's Tuesday.
After 9 pm on the 24th, a man sprinkled sulfuric acid on a man and escaped at Tokyo Metro Shirokane Takanawa Station in Minato-ku, Tokyo.
The man has a burn on his face. 9 o'clock pm, Tokyo main premises of Toro platinum Takanawa Station,
a man or a liquid to men in their 20s only, we fled.
According to people familiar with the matter, the liquid is sulfuric acid, and the man who was struck has a burn on his face.
It means that men are conscious. Also, a woman who slipped on the sprinkled sulfuric acid and fell down also had a burn on her leg.
Men are complaining that they can't open their eyes. According to our witnesses, a man escalator is that multiplied by the liquid toward the men over.
The man who escaped was in his 40s and 50s, wearing a black polo shirt and a white mask.
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is more we examine the correct situation. The quote ends.
That's horrible. The men were to encounter harm will pray that will head for the better.
Everything works. The claim ends.

530 :choose or select.:2021/08/25(水) 19:07:48.11 ID:???0.net
Wednesday Campanella of Ayabe.
It's because of the sulfuric acid incident on the day the Paralympics started.
That's horrible. It was announced that the victim had no other life, but what would happen to his vision?
It would be inconvenient if you were still in your early twenties and were blind.
Attachment much more near as long as she's than is present I think I want you to raise me.
Where did the criminal escape? A coward. In the thread related to the case, I may be an acquaintance or a younger brother.
I'm sad because there is a note about fishing.
What I know what fun to do. No, if true, provide information to the police as soon as possible.
Everything works. The claim ends

531 :caution or care.:2021/08/26(木) 20:43:52.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Thursday.
There is nothing to say. usually.
Before this, I muttered while going to the supermarket and hiding it with a mask to meet the person I wanted to meet,
but instead of not being able to meet the person I wanted to meet, I encountered a strange person.
A man coughing while riding a bicycle.
Do you know the current situation? I felt like it was a no-mask, but it was near the entrance of the supermarket,
so I went inside quickly.
Hmmm, Kotodama doesn't work well. strange.
Everything works. The claim ends

532 :cave or grotto.:2021/08/27(金) 20:52:02.16 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Friday.
The Paralympics are exciting every day.
Whether you blind participation has been, great hardships in Some people are blindness is in I think that there has been,
Matas is a place that does not give at all feel it lexical.
I think I would give up going out.
Everything works. The claim ends

533 :flat or level.:2021/08/29(日) 17:37:00.92 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Koshien Final.
High School Baseball Final Chiben 9-2 Chiben. Chiben wins the summer Koshien!!!
The third time in 21 years! Win the Chiben showdown!!!
Chiben Derby match but not became a switch but really Chiben Wakayama defeated Chiben Gakuen garden he.
Familiar uniform. Same for both schools.
I don't know which is which.
I may have been disgusted. Congratulations.
Wakayama and Nara. I'm sure the talent Sanma Akashiya was born in Wakayama and raised in Nara, right???
Everything works. The claim ends

534 :shake or vibrate.:2021/09/01(水) 23:02:08.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe No learning ability.
Communication speed limit again! Slowly. Kayo Noro.
However, A update of the pre-was almost complete.
Google took the longest time.
Even if you update it, please update it immediately. You will be notified.
Too often.
Everything works. The claim ends!

Ayabe Closed in August.
It was hot, but I posted the handouts to each household on duty at the neighborhood association.
The post is hot. Involuntarily hot! I said that.
Its and of tobacco in front of the gate and back to the house butts it is had been discarded.
Yanikasu white irresponsible.
Wet in the water picked up from unavoidable Is the I was treated as a house of garbage wrapped from the mask,
Jani dregs's a true and Ichiri no than it is worth.
It may have a strange virus attached and it's dirty. The discarded guy is not Mosei
Everything works. The claim ends!

535 :sway or swing.:2021/09/01(水) 23:08:18.54 ID:???0.net
Ayabe September Love.
I miss IZAM's vocalist SHAZNA.
Now also still wonder if are you that looking? No, I'm not at all mind such Iga,
it would have a person hit many things are in.
In the study lack, it is but I only know look at September Love, I think let's look for the album of IZAM secondhand shop.
Because I'm bored.
Everything works. The claim ends.

536 :above or over.:2021/09/02(木) 20:27:23.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Ikebukuro.
Prison sentence of Iizuka defendant to prison five years of Higashi-Ikebukuro runaway casualties accident is under was.
What is imprisonment?
It's a detention sentence without prison work.
People in prison work, but people in prison don't.
I go to jail but do nothing. I want to work! It seems that I can say that.
However, Iizuka is already 90 years old.
Maybe there is some consideration for 5 years?
No way, the end of my life would be like this. If I had just died, I might have been happy.
I should have given up driving in the first place. Didn't the family stop?
Above I wonder around was also hard to say because the class of people.
wife and child look at the husband's conference was to lose the san is really a firm
have been,
the thought that it is a strong person. I would throw my emotions away.
Because humans aren't made.
Please be at ease. Everything works. End the claim.

537 :different or dissimilar.:2021/09/03(金) 05:43:36.51 ID:???0.net
I don't have girlfriends every years old.
Because, I tall is very very short.
This is very sad. But I don't it suicide.
Because, I am bad smell. I'm crap. It is still felt today.
Everything good. I took finished.

538 :sort or type.:2021/09/04(土) 22:28:42.36 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Cabinet.
Prime Minister Suga will quit. good work. I Kang, hut the more I wonder I wanted to do.
That's why Garsu and the devilish story slipped.
Mr. Kakuei Tanaka would have laughed.
Everything works. The claim ends

539 :fasten or join.:2021/09/05(日) 22:46:09.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is closed.
The Paralympics are also over. Thank you to all the players.
Now the number of medals?
There were a total of 51. 13 gold medals, 15 silver medals, and 23 bronze medals.

Very! Japan is amazing! I'm amazing too!
Everything works. The claim ends!

540 :demand or request.:2021/09/06(月) 22:49:56.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe rainman.
I wonder if I can become a professional rain maker.
You have to visit two homes to deliver the circulation board.
Upon exiting to the outside rain is small Yasushi state.
I'll train I'll train. Just now! Run the bicycle.
Immediately after crossing the road to go to the next house after posting to Mr. F's house!
A heavy rain wets me. Wow.
Hurry up and put the circulation board in the mailbox of the next house and go home.
Incidentally Unfortunately it abandoned because it was thinking of going for shopping.
Pinpoint rain as if you were aiming. After all I am hated.
Everything works. The claim ends.

541 :delay or detain.:2021/09/07(火) 01:02:59.06 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 2016.
The morning Dorifu Daibakusho started again from the first broadcast.
From 1995 to 1977. Everyone who rejuvenated 18 years.
Both Mr.Ikariya and Mr.Shimura are fine.
I want to come back in 2016, right? This is a famous story. Only 5 years ago.
But 5 years ago. You felt what you were destined for in late September five years ago.
To life for the first time.
Ah, I was proud of the fact that this pattern was included. Are you next to me five years later?
The question was, et al.
I'm sorry, but no one, and have to say in my five years ago shall. It's cruel but true, so I have to tell it.
Everything works. The claim ends.

542 :global or worldwide.:2021/09/10(金) 00:07:04.57 ID:???0.net
Ayabe dimension.
It turned out that Kiyoshi Kobayashi (88),
who played the role of Daisuke Jigen of Lupine III, dropped the role of Daisuke Jigen.
I can only say that this is really thank you.
Dimension large from before I was born amazing because it was through.
Words remaining in the impression in the Lupine III is,
it's "Do not you divide the courage from bouncing a chip".
Everything works. The claim ends.

Ayabe 9.
A figure 9 shaped like a desk in the schoolyard.
Speaking of 9th light in baseball, people who are not very good at regular games.
Some people say that 9.9 is a painful 9, but I like 9.
Well, my grandmother died on the 9th, and my pet died on the 9th, but it's still 9.
Jikkyo Powerful Proyakyuu and Winning Eleven when you make your own alter ego in Leavenworth is sure to put a uniform number 9.
“Goal! player number nine!”
A month is Kimetsuke selfishly it's my lucky monthly since that.
Everything works. The claim ends.

543 :aspiration or hope.:2021/09/10(金) 04:56:01.68 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's 10 years.
[MB phobia] Let's laugh at Sakai's (net) past log 7
I miss the days when I was fishing with the above thread.
I was just thinking about what I should defend too much to catch. Or young those days was Tsu.
Now everything is annoying and I'm looking for a piece of motivation.
Jigsaw puzzle attracted pick up the past of writing When completed in combination as,
return to sensibility, such as the previous wonder is.
Maybe I can meet me who can laugh at something silly again. I'm a little excited.
Everything works. The claim ends

544 :attack or strike.:2021/09/11(土) 17:05:51.96 ID:???0.net
Ayabe September Eleven.
It has been 20 years since the terrorist attacks on the United States. It was Tuesday at that time.
Downtown Hama-chan of the program look Tamoris jungle TV from of the TV let me know came in.
Immediately after
that, I feel like I changed the channel to NHK.
After that, the Bakusyomondai carboy also took a break from broadcasting and became a special news program.
Toka there is a possibility that Japan also targeted allies, no, te
Russian organizations Toka have respect for kamikaze commandos of Japan had been talking about experts,
whether the manner anxiety the night of one person Kochitora was Tsu.
I have no choice but to pray that it will never happen again. Silent pray again.
Everything works. The claim ends.

545 :lady or woman.:2021/09/12(日) 22:33:48.34 ID:???0.net
Ayabe .WE League.
The Japan Women's Professional Soccer League (.WE League.) has begun. History started today.
I watched the NTV Tokyo Verdy Bereza VS Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Urawa Reds Ladies' match that was broadcast live on NTV.
Along the way floating in Pachinco slot writer of terminal cancer of The nonfiction I was mind,
the game Tokyo 1-2 Urawa.
Other games should be commemorated for the time being, so should I leave the results?
INAC Kobe Leonessa 5-0 Omiya Ardija VENTUS,
Mainabi Sendai Ladies 0-0 Nojima Stella Kanagawa Sagamihara,
Chifure AS Elfen Saitama 0-3 Sanfrecce Hiroshima Regina,
Albirex Niigata Ladies 1-3 AC Nagano Paruseiro ladies.
Rest is JEF United Ichihara Chiba Lady over the nest.
Congratulations to the club for their first memorable victory.
Everything works. The claim ends!

546 :completely or quite.:2021/09/13(月) 22:47:06.36 ID:???0.net
I can only become Ayabe.
Looking at the river flowing nearby, I know the days when I will never return.
People will die eventually. You cannot escape from fate.
The one who works no matter what he does works, and the one who doesn't work no matter what he does doesn't work.
I especially remember the day after my 2007 birthday. I wonder why Nakagawa's idiot came with me only on that day.
If not even guy, cormorants to might have went sow. Get in the way.
With still four years to crying in front of it.
I have no choice but to think that I cannot be destined to escape from such days. All right?
Everything works. The claim ends.

547 :doe or female.:2021/09/14(火) 01:47:13.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Drifters.
When the drift have seen LOL, deceased person is co-in appearance cheerful I have been a servant.
Mr.Ikariya, Mr.Shimura, Mr.Masao Komatsu, Ms.Yoshiko Tanaka, Mr.Tonpei Hidari, Mr.Keijirou Yamashita,
Mr. Hiroshi Uchiyamada, Ms.Ai Iijima, Ms. Shinobu Horie,
Ms.Minako Honda, who is song only.
That's sad. Ahh.
The other returned a not.

Everything works. The claim ends.

548 :pure or unadulterated.:2021/09/15(水) 05:49:08.48 ID:???0.net
Ayabe weakend.
I woke up at this time, and when I watched TV, the Western Police was broadcasting.
Yes, Mr.Tetsuya Watari, who plays the role of Daimon, is no longer there.
It's been over a year since I died. If you are alive, you will be 80 years old this year. Sanjyu. As long as I'm lonely.
Around the western part of the police's how old Did? It was written that it started in 1979,
so was Mr.Watari, who was born in 1941, 38 years old? Astringent.
Mr.Watari is more dignified even though he is the same age as I am now.
I seem to be weak and unreliable, and there is an aura that no one can approach.
Why island this happens probably was. Maybe it's because I don't like conflict.
In the spirit, but of winning lose if it intended to become a fight,
it evil or've apologized even without clause.
So name to put Ola little if Re I might become popular among so. It impossible.
Everything works. The claim ends

549 :agency or business.:2021/09/16(木) 08:03:58.76 ID:???0.net
Ayabe screenshot.
FC / SFC is 1157 x 1080.
GB is 1200 x 1080.
PH is 1421 x 1080.
Black on both sides in this but it had part is eliminated.
As a method, take a screenshot by turning the image sideways with automatic rotation and matching the image to the screen.
At this time, make sure that the toolbar etc. is not reflected.
So you and Build the PNG of 1920 × 1080.
However, this in QuickPic because the black part in the Leda and both sides remain image editing. Sai was in the type of the image at a resolution customize OK to FIG be selected from the above.
If you don't like PNG, edit it with an album. Round Aiko is written of plus or minus
tap down.
Anything is fine, so for example, if you set the exposure value to 0, you can save it. When saved with this, it becomes JPG.
What? FC is Famicom, SFC is Super Nintendo,
GB is Game Boy, but what does PH stand for?
Those who understand will understand. It's not what was once called "pH".
Everything works. The claim ends

550 :basic or secondary.:2021/09/17(金) 01:54:15.15 ID:???0.net
Ayabe shaking.
There was an earthquake in the Noto region of Ishikawa prefecture around 18:42 last night.
M5.1, depth about 10km.
A seismic intensity of 5 lower was observed in Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
Japan sank TBS TV start to drama, just wish Street TBS, Japan is suffering I got in.
Sad and regrettable.
Everyone in Ishikawa is having an uneasy night. Let's check the preparation again.
Everything works. The claim ends

551 :jest or joke.:2021/09/18(土) 07:08:04.59 ID:???0.net
Ayabe natural disaster.
What will happen now? I do not understand!
Typhoon No.14. I'm not good at hot weather, so it's depressing to confirm that the temperature will rise due to a typhoon.
You can't beat nature.
The day before yesterday's Noto earthquake reminded me of the Yase Cliff when I went to Ishikawa prefecture on a trip to 2012 nine years ago.
I remember that the sign there said that a part of it collapsed due to the 2007 Noto Peninsula earthquake on March 25, 2007.
The maximum seismic intensity of 6 or higher was recorded in this earthquake.
Furthermore, the size even in 1993 there is a Do earthquake, it can be seen that occurs every 14 years.
Let's be careful.Everything works.The claim ends

552 :fasten or join.:2021/09/19(日) 14:03:49.76 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Sunny.
After the typhoon passed, the temperature rose eel from the morning.
It's hot and I get up.
It's been a long time since there was no cloud. Looking in the mirror, I was reminded that my hair was thinning due to the brilliant sunlight.
The soccer school is still inactive as it is still under a state of emergency, but next month it will probably be lifted,
and the sound of the ball and the screams will cause extra hair to fall out.
Everything works. The claim ends

553 :back or rear.:2021/09/20(月) 12:54:49.70 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Monster.
Yesterday of Asahi Kasei Presents, Mirai monster of the Nanami Yamanaka player (16) Korea Produce group INI is yearning.
But, of course I only know, Wow this is also seen all the Korean people it cool to want!
A few hours after I felt like I was thinking, I'll write this INI, sorry, and annoying smell on Mezamashi TV this morning.
But you're out on the entertainment topics of the other Mezamashi.
Is it a coincidence that you see Inui for two days in a row?
Or is it your favorite stemmer? Pushing? Something Is the over, commercial TV stations, including the stations is the NHK,
Is the have sings SDGs,
"no one, taken to one of the left not" I've got a,
are doing you how it is, I'm leaving someone behind by making a favor frame.
Its Do'm still Fuji TV was complicit in Re, a sigh.
And that breath is absorbed by the mask and smells intensely.
Everything works. The claim ends

554 :ナナシマさん:2021/09/20(月) 13:38:24.37 ID:???0.net
urinary bladder
labium minor
labium major

555 :close or nearby.:2021/09/21(火) 08:23:42.39 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Morning Report.
When I look at various bulletin boards, there are boards that display pictograms and boards that do not.
How about here? I put a microphone emoji on the right side of the morning report in today's title.
&# Is it a sequence? Will it be a question mark? I'm looking forward.
By the way, pictograms were displayed on the table tennis board.
And to say would you go also variant character and foreign language. Jealous beast I'm in the mirror.
Everything works. The claim ends

556 :chuckle or laugh.:2021/09/23(木) 02:04:58.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Space Travel.
It seems that the first private space trip was successful. Splendor not.
Of course, he didn't land on another terrestrial planet, he was lost in outer space.
A long time ago, I thought there was a Mars One migration plan called the Mars One plan, but what happened? Terraforming.
What would you like to do if you lived in?
Thinking about it, I can sleep immediately.
Large movement in the space suit That's strange likely. You're smart because you don't have any scientific knowledge.
I can imagine that.
First of all, secure a place of residence with something like a dragon ball whipoi capsule.
The room is set to be the same as the normal temperature and pressure of the earth.
Of course, it also cuts radiation and ultraviolet rays.
A perchlorate removal room is set up at the entrance to enter the room.
It's a device that blows with air and sucks.
Oxygen is produced from carbon dioxide.
When you're calm, dig a hole.
Throw away leftover food and stool there. Water filters and reuses urine. Grow food on a large indoor farm.
The rest is free, so do you spend time on a drive? I don't have an ordinary driver's license, but it's good.
There is no one. It ’s good to dig up with a cultivator...
It's my favorite time to inflate my delusions with an amateur idea.
Everything works. The claim ends

557 :danger or peril.:2021/09/24(金) 14:56:43.44 ID:???0.net
Please show me Ayabe's lunch.
Late lunch. I think the break at 15:00 is closer.
Cup natto, broccoli sprouts containing vegetable salad, its tomato juice and. It's too healthy.
After all, middle - aged people can't stop gaining weight. It can't be helped.
This month, it exceeded 70 kg for the first time.
As of July 8, 2018, it weighs 53.8 kg. Youthful body age is 30 years old.
However, he is now 48 years old with a body age of 70.55 kg.
This is a would be danger. I can't help but reduce my favorite noodles.
Chilled sesame seeds at convenience stores are tempted by Sansho ramen. Patience patience.
I don't want to lose weight like Tsurutaro Kataoka, so it's moderate.
My best body I hope if you know the weight. I'm small, so maybe even 53kg is obese. You really don't lose weight in middle age .
If you think it has decreased, it may be terminal cancer.
What an age. I don't like it.
I don't want to be old. Everything works. The claim ends

558 :object or thing.:2021/09/25(土) 00:24:11.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Get.
I have too much free time, so I decided to make a monster pictorial book for Dragon Quest.
I wonder if I should pick up images on such a net. Well don't say that.
I'm such from Dragon Quest 1, family computer version, the Super Nintendo version, the device is,
that arranged to screen shooting the three types of Game Boy version has become a maniac specification.
Is it Nintendo 64? It is reminiscent of it but there was a game I Pokemon Snap.
I used a smartphone camera more than to shoot the cherry blossoms in spring's come.
Stay home...
Since it is originally an indoor school, there are plenty of ways to kill time. But that is not understood by others.
Everything works. The claim ends

559 :foregoing or previous.:2021/09/26(日) 01:25:52.60 ID:???0.net
Ayabe happy birthday.
Congratulations on my loved one's birthday today.
I wonder if I'm 30 years old when I round it up. Congratulations too much anyway.
But it doesn't reach the person himself. For 4 years.
Three years on the stone. I hope you will meet again positively. Such better is YYY and nylon was written on the site.
Believe it honestly and write positively.
I'm a Kotodama believer. I should be able to meet again.
Is he still a single mom? Are you already happy with your loved ones? I do not understand.
However, in Habikino City, Osaka, a man killed his child by abusive death.
Yes, I will complain again.
Though even was needed from someone in this man,
I'm a murderer more than lower. I'm there is no remote demand. I write it every time, but I'm sad every time.
Do you look like such a villainous human being?
Vinegar from the mob in the split there is no Kauto?
Is it because it's petite? Because the fight is weak.
If it looks like that, can't it be helped?
I thought it didn't look like it, but it looks.
Also saw the suspect of the Habikino things you do not want the eyes close. Kazuho Ishibashi It was a defendant system.
Horrible The good news is that it looks less than that, right?
I don't think it's a mirror, but I think it's being corrected in my brain.
It's actually a wrinkled devil face.
Noriyuki Makihara's song is likely to be played as a monster under the eaves.
I'm heterosexual. Everything works. The claim ends

560 :heart or ticker.:2021/09/27(月) 00:25:28.91 ID:???0.net
Ayabe wet dream.
I don't want to pollute the sacred day of September 26th,
so I confess now, but I'm embarrassed to be middle-aged, and I tried to dream on the morning of the 25th.
I think every time, it's a junior high school student!
Did not have to contaminate the underwear.
But Is the, feeling like I wanted to ejaculate vigorously if anyway, complex middle-aged heart.
Somehow, it was a dream that I was constantly pistoning, but the other party is unknown.
Dreams and sense in the dream was the solution.
The dinner on the 24th is eel.
Supplements are zinc and maca.
Maybe the eel worked. I was a little surprised because I was completely sick, but I was able to have expectations for a resurrection.
Everything works. The claim ends

561 :negative or pessimistic.:2021/09/28(火) 00:12:47.92 ID:???0.net
Ayabe From that.
The earliest is 3 years and 9 months. I'm sad every month, but I can't go against my destiny.
I keep walking. So, I find always giving the appearance is out. It's positive thinking.
Everything works. The claim ends

562 :collision or impact.:2021/10/01(金) 20:00:30.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe A shocking event.
The impact of 14 and 58 is amazing. It's a nice scream, but honestly, I'm surprised at what I thought wouldn't be a big deal.
Feeling like a yakuza picking up trash on the roadside? I'm not good at explaining.
The restaurant with one star rating was delicious. Is it like that?
These works are still buried without looking at the light of day I wonder he is, and Mottainaku I think because early want to Rcomplete!
I'll do it! I'll do it! Please look forward to it.
Everything works. The claim ends

563 :collision or crash.:2021/10/01(金) 20:05:00.52 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Chaos.
There were various things this week.
First of all, Arashi's Sakurai and Aiba announced their marriage. Congratulations.
And Fumio Kishida is the president of the Liberal Democratic Party. Win the final vote with Mr.Kono.
Today, the state of emergency is lifted and Typhoon No.16 approaches Kanto. It's messed up!
But I'm happy to be able to write. I have no choice but to thank you. But I hope it's full of fun and interesting things.
After all, I'm currently limiting the communication speed. From the 28th.
It will be released today. That's why I updated it.
Everything works. The claim ends

564 :crash or hit.:2021/10/01(金) 20:09:07.28 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Drifters.
On September 26th, the laughing entertainers imitated Drifters under the guise of challenging Drifters laughter.
Three members of Drifters also participated. Mr. Takagi, Mr. Nakamoto, and Mr. Kato.
I can't believe the three grandpas because I'm always watching the old days at the Family Theater.
After all, I have to be a member of Drifters. I think the laughing entertainer did a lot, but that Snow Man also participated in the war urgently.
No one is asking. But not a Ueki's Crazy Cats such a and not. As soon as I started to dance, I changed the channel.
The viewing information is set to be sent to the station, so please understand.
What you don't need is Snow Man and Mr. Kanning Takeyama.
Everything works. The claim ends

565 :hit or strike.:2021/10/02(土) 03:10:59.24 ID:???0.net
Ayabe double speed.
By the way, it seems to be hot in the typhoon family today,
and the release of the state of emergency will lift the ban on nearby public facilities,
and I was troubled because it was a depressing decision that the soccer school's ball kicking sound, coaches and students' screams would echo. Thing.
What's more? Such a night woofer like a bass or car stereo from anywhere in the listening No come over. It's annoying.
I wish it disappeared all at once.
So it was established as a day to manage and edit lewd works.
I want to edit a copyright-free work in a way that suits me. Keep the original as it is and make a new Ayabe-chan's cut version (like a director's cut version).
First of all, this may be rude, but I'll delete the actor, that is, the boy as much as possible.
There is no help for the scene that is reflected by all means. After that, do you slow down?
With my playback tool, you can choose from 0.25x to 4x speed. Well, I don't know what I'm doing four times, so it's not an option.
We are considering a direction slower than normal speed. This is to enjoy the shaking of the boobs. If you try it at 0.25 times, it's too late and it's attractive.
It decreased by three quarters. If the swaying breast does not have a certain speed, it will lose its freshness.
So the lower limit is 0.5 times. So far, I felt that 0.75 times is just right. Shaking feelings.
However, the problem is that the voice becomes thick. That's what it means to slow down, right?
Listening as men are gasping I guess the more than? Uho. Homoda Homoo-chan isn't.
I miss Kyoko Kishida. I wonder if it will be rebroadcast.
Everything works. The claim ends

566 :bang or strike.:2021/10/03(日) 01:11:15.62 ID:???0.net
As a result of the demonstration experiment yesterday, half speed, that is, 0.5 times speed is good, isn't it?
To explain how I came to the conclusion, first of all, my heart is shaken.
If it is normal playback, it will bounce.
Next, I tried 1/4 speed, but it feels too light.
So it feels like I took the middle.
Now you can edit from 1 again. There are about 200 works at most, so I think I can afford it.
I finished 6 works immediately.
Since the title is also different depending on the work, we will unify the title so that the work will start in the 7th second until 6.9999 seconds.
The thumbnail is one second after the title starts.
Previously, the spent nuclear fuel of Fukushima TEPCO first nuclear power plant pool but had been announced progress every day when moving from,
its let's Memo following the paper.
Let's make a rule that one work is completed when moving to DIGA.
Also, the total number of works has not been finalized yet,
so if you don't count it again, you won't be able to see the progress. Wow it's hard but I'm looking forward to it.
Actress is your fatigue is like. Thanks.
Everything works. The claim ends

567 :bang or thud.:2021/10/04(月) 12:22:10.94 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 1/2.
The etch video deceleration plan of the other day is not good.
When playing with DIGA, it stops for a moment or slow motion.
We had lunch at the lack of sleep because you were working until midnight.
I had created 10 works, so they all became water bubbles. Disappointed.
Moreover, since the normal playback version has been erased accordingly, it is necessary to create a normal playback version from 1 again.
Certainly, even in normal playback, when viewed in DIGA, it sometimes becomes slow motion without permission,
and I have been forced to redo it each time.
Still, it wasn't so frequent. Not such a place to play in the smartphone is, cause that I DIGA is can be seen in the amateur. Of course, since the main is a hard disk and Blu-ray, it can't be helped,
but you can sell it after checking if it plays properly.
Don't just spend money on Panasonic Wild Knights.
Everything works. The claim ends

568 :clunk or thud.:2021/10/05(火) 05:38:20.49 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 7.
Seven-Eleven feels good.
When I went to, the payment at the cash register changed. The change to bring the goods to the cash register but I do not do,
out payment method on the LCD screen in a variety of icon current.
In my case, it's nanaco, so touch nanaco.
Then, it glows as usual, so hold up nanaco. I'm feeling that the sound is coming out of the receipt ringing.
The elderly person who was at the cash register in front of me was taking a lot of trouble.
If you take the time, the lines will get stuck, so you'll be more impatient. It's difficult for middle-aged and older.
And we will inform you that the double speed of the video project has been decided. It's three-quarters faster, 0.75x. I don't realize it's too late.
A level that I have to say. This is the decision.
Make a note of your progress every day. It will be completed in the next year sea urchin.
Everything works. The claim ends

569 :failure or lapse.:2021/10/06(水) 19:36:45.36 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Earthquake and confidence.
There was an earthquake around 2:46 today. The epicenter is off the coast of Iwate prefecture,
and the magnitude indicating the magnitude of the earthquake is 5.9, and the depth of the epicenter is about 60 km.
There was no tsunami, but it's scary in the middle of the night.
The area where the shaking was strong was Hashikami Town, Sannohe District, Aomori Prefecture, with a seismic intensity of 5 or higher.
Seismic intensity 5 lower is Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, Nambu Town, Sannohe District. Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture. Be prepared again.
Well, last night the Akihabara massacre, Kato Tomohiro I watched broadcast. He and I are not good at people, but he is more popular and capable,
so I wonder if he caused such an incident ? His self-deprecating is Mora to say "I do not do that!"
I think it was a meaning fishing there for it hurts.
So maybe I didn't like being ignored or denied. His misfortune Zhou'm such because Rino, and. In my case, I'm all bad, so I can't blame society.
So there is no revenge on society. Although he is a loser, he can afford it.
For example, every day the same auto sales
I have gotten a morning coffee in the sales machine,
but someone we do not also put the voice. I heard on the radio before that a man who was also buying from a vending machine confessed to a stranger And.
It island gone tomorrow If you listen, but seems to have surprised Toka he confessed because it may Ukamo. Hmm.
Good-looking guys have that kind of thing. very. If Kato was listening to this radio , why wouldn't anyone confess to me?
I wonder what it will be. In my case, of course, I can make the first choice of thinking that no one will come near me,
so I'm less learned than him, but I think I'm smart.
Everything works. The claim ends

570 :failure or nonfulfillment.:2021/10/07(木) 19:03:03.54 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Dragon Quest.
Mr. Koichi Sugiyama dies. 90 years old. I'm sad because I'm a generation who was completely into Dragon Quest. Antii Japanese towards the over's is a terrible writing but a shame.
When I was in elementary school, the admission march that was played at school events was changed from a sports show march to the opening theme of Doragon Quest,
which was a sign of popularity.
I remember that Mr.Masaki proposed and adopted it.
I want to be able to chant Zaoriku. Gassho. Everything works. The claim ends

571 :doubtless or probably.:2021/10/08(金) 00:41:49.64 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
There was an earthquake around 22:41 last night.
The epicenter is in the northwestern part of Chiba prefecture, and the magnitude indicating the magnitude of the earthquake is 6.1,
and the depth of the epicenter is about 80km. There was no tsunami, but it's scary in the middle of the night.
The areas with strong shaking were Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture, Miyashiro Town, Minamisaitama District,
and Adachi Ward, Tokyo, with a seismic intensity of 5 upper.
Many local governments have observed seismic intensity 5 lower. It wasn't a big deal because I had a seismic intensity of 3,
but it was interesting that the shaking time was long, the eerie sound, and the earthquake early warning started to sound after the shaking subsided.
Mr. Kishida is very busy. You had a press conference at the Prime Minister's Office.
Also, is it Meguro Ward? Water was overflowing on the road.
Besides, it seems that there were many people who couldn't return to the station because the train was suspended.
What were you doing? I was writing my own calendar. I named this Super Calendar. It
was done until June 4th next year.
Isn't it amazing?
I have no plans. So is the earthquake. It was empty because no one was worried and I couldn't worry about anyone.
Gradually, this mask called Ayabe will take longer to control me, even for myself.
You're starting to feel it. No matter what I think, I feel like I 'm looking at it from a naive point of view.
Even if it is hijacked as it is, I think it will be different. Everything works. The claim ends

572 :young or youthful.:2021/10/09(土) 11:37:59.05 ID:???0.net
Ayabe inversely proportional.
The magnitude of the earthquake on the 7th was revised to 5.9, and the depth was revised to 75km.
Ichihara's Yoro River water pipe rupture was unscrupulous and I thought it was beautiful. What if I light it up? Think about the production.
It is an old video producer who devises and directs a few techniques. As the image becomes clearer,
there is nothing you want to see. The same is true for lewd works. For works with terrible image quality,
devise angles to compensate for inferior equipment.
But now I feel the same no matter what I look at. In fact, a long time ago, the works of the time of 4:3 had many S-rank and A-rank evaluations,
while the works of the 16:9 era had the B-rank as the main evaluation.
I had to put the video I wanted to show to the customer in 4:3, so the technology would improve.
When I look at old works, I often wonder if the image quality is good. So don't forget to take a picture as much as possible.
Everything works. The claim ends

573 :pure or unadulterated.:2021/10/10(日) 13:31:51.31 ID:???0.net
Ayabe A class that I haven't taken.
In the lesson you want last night of receiving the world, prefectural attractiveness of ranking it was announced.
The ranking doesn't matter. The problem was that an entertainer from a lower prefecture was in the studio as a guest.
I don't feel like looking down. And how do you escape from the bottom?
Also of follow-up without the real or such of that a program that you want to show to the children in?
And honest impression. Because I'm doing such a thing, the children in the lower prefectures may think that the parent gacha has failed.
It's dung Nihon television.
I support Ibaraki prefecture at the bottom and Saga prefecture of booby. fight!!!
Everything works. The claim ends

574 :excerpt or extract.:2021/10/11(月) 18:56:22.27 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Ibaraki support.
I'm tired on Monday. And it's hot. The temperature in the room was 36.7 degrees Celsius. Pya!
This Bikkuri-donkey feeling Hitachinaka Showa-dori store. It came out immediately! Ibaraki Prefecture support project.
Good luck, good luck.
So I have no appetite. However, if you add dried umeboshi to natto in Ibaraki prefecture and mix it,
it feels like a Bikkuri-donkey Mito No.50 bypass shop!
I think so let's do it. Ibaraki Prefecture is the best! Those who say bad things are Mr.Chiba.
Everything works. The claim ends

575 :last or rearmost.:2021/10/12(火) 19:32:22.98 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Ibaraki Prefecture.
Ibaraki Prefecture support today as well. Today, I would like to introduce 31 cities, 10 towns, and 2 villages in Ibaraki prefecture.
Ishioka City, Itako City, Inashiki City, Ushiku City,
Omitama City, Kasama City, Kashima City, Kasumigaura City,
Kamisu City, Kitaibaraki City, Koga City, Sakuragawa City,
Shimotsuma City, Joso City, Takahagi City, Chikusei City,
Tsukuba City, Tsukubamirai City, Tsuchiura City,
Toride City, Naka City, Namegata City, Bando City,
Hitachiota City, Hitachiomiya City, Hitachi City,
Hitachinaka City, Hokota City, Mito City, Moriya City,
Yuki City, Ami Town, Ibaraki Town, Oarai Town,
Kawachi Town, Goka Town, Sakai Town, Shirosato Town,
Daigo Town, Tone Town, Yachiyo Town, Tokai Village, Miho village.
All the cities, towns and villages have attractive sights and specialties, so I definitely want to travel.
Everything works. The claim ends

576 :ill or sick.:2021/10/13(水) 23:35:10.91 ID:???0.net
Ayabe >>449.
It seems that he missed the Central League victory when he supported the Yomiuri Giants.
↑ As you can see by stepping on the above 449, it is better than Aki Higashihara, but it is a considerable negative tweet.
What a hell. So if you have a team you want to lose, ask me. I support 100%, so the team loses.
Supported in descending order of amount. How about such a business? Don't get sick. Of course it is.
Everything works. The claim ends

577 :beauty or belle.:2021/10/14(木) 00:43:25.51 ID:???0.net
Ayabe fate.
Murder in Ehime. Three people in the family die. Suspect arrested. It's miserable.
I don't know if it's due to grudges, but you don't have to kill it. What a fate!
It would have been regrettable that the result of becoming would be such a last.
Was it connected even with the black thread of fate? If you don't know if there is a red thread,
the opposite is also true.
I couldn't write anything without knowing the details, but I wondered if I could go against my destiny.
Everything works. The claim ends

578 :crawl or creep.:2021/10/15(金) 02:16:22.36 ID:???0.net
Ayabe PlayStation 2.
Good evening at this time. It's an idiot Ayabe.
I just saw Game Center CX. The ban on the new hardware, PlayStation 2, has been lifted from today.
I captured a work called THE Earth Defense Force. Kate teacher of mini-corner in the middle of the uppermost end times.
And at the end of the program, a memorial message to the musiccomposer Koichi Sugiyama,
who passed away the other day, was projected. I wonder what. I'm lonely. Crawl with a huge ant. But I'm feeling bad coming out, et al.
I think in the PlayStation 2 was out is, Morning Musume. There was a game of Certainly Space Venus or something like that.
Of live or be able to see 360° images, knitted videos to my own or can collection. DANCE surunoda! Is it a song? Members is I've got to pause at the moment to raise the leg central illumination of the light specifications that do not see anything I.
I want to do it again.
It was released on January 11, 2001. Wow.
How old were each member? If I have time, I will check it and post it. Maybe.
Everything works. The claim ends

579 :compact or tight.:2021/10/16(土) 23:49:49.79 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Why.
On Friday, I rode a bicycle to a nearby supermarket to buy curry roux and ingredients.
First of all, if you chose in the meat corner, Jijii cleared his throat behind him. Oisaki short of what the Son do wonder what are impatient. I went away.
Then, on the way back, a car ignoring the pause came in! Avoid in a hurry and be safe.
This driver was also sick and ran away without looking at me at all.
I could avoid this because I have good reflexes, but it was dangerous if the person was different, right?
I had no choice but to laugh. Such I what do I mean, everyone, himself is not only protect yourself is.
There are many stranger people than you think. I also its might, but careful not to be the case.
Everything works. The claim ends

580 :ナナシマさん:2021/10/17(日) 01:07:04.52 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Venus.
Let's inform you of the age of the members of Space Venus recording as of 2001 at full age.
For this year's age, add 20 to that age. And 20. It's amazing.
Yuko Nakazawa (28), Kei Yasuda (21), Kaori Iida, Natsumi Abe (20), Mari Yaguchi (18),
Ishikawa Rika, Hitomi Yoshizawa, Maki Goto (16),
Nozomi Tsuji (14), Ai Kago (13).
Some people get a terrible age when they add 20, but I'm glad that they are still in their thirties.
But when you think about it, it's amazing that you still have what you were when you were young.
I got rid of my graduation album, and I don't have any friends or girlfriends, so the only photos I took when I was young were for my resume.
It every birthday from around the beginning of the 30s in that I lonely.
I was doing how will change by photographing the face I have I lost my microSD card that contains the the image, to see the other I can't do it. A disappointing person, right? We do
all is dropped every day the word I go well rely on, et al. Kotodama
I'm. Even so, I was almost run over. Such
Is there a girl who is run over by me? I don't know
. Everything works. The claim ends

581 :author or writer.:2021/10/18(月) 23:13:54.54 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's skin head.
Body composition analyzer. At last, my body age is 50 years old.
It has to theory actual age is not a 50-year-old, not even close to the 50-year-old. This is I do not even know no good.
Hair loss is also short of just Sea to clinging to the tree, but tired.
Don't be bald! It can't be helped if Yoko-san tells me.
I'm in trouble. It's embarrassing to walk outside.
Especially when the wind blows, the hairline is exposed, isn't it? The future of the season clause north wind will be stronger.
Pettanko and take off even wearing a hat would?
What should i do? If you such a hard time I'll get even think Katsura. All you have to do is shave and wear it.
Its easier is better of. In the priest's and also in the training of it or monk if also,
I would think I'm rounding the head, and.
Everything works. The claim ends

582 :deep or cavernous.:2021/10/19(火) 23:47:31.05 ID:???0.net
Ayabe barely.
I remembered writing the last Tuesday.
I'm still not dementia.
Speaking of which, you were the last-minute girls, right?
I'm not sure what it was at the last minute.
Well good. Because I was able to leave a note of today, which will never come again.
Everything works. The claim ends

583 :hurler or pitcher.:2021/10/20(水) 02:43:03.15 ID:???0.net
Daisuke Ayabe.
Saitama Seibu Lions pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka (41) retired last night. The last is a walk. Thank you for your hard work.
Earlier date, the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters of the handkerchief Prince (33) but it was pitched as well retire.
Better of Daisuke Matsuzaka pitcher feelings there.
Because I kept a written diary in the year when Pitcher Matsuzaka achieved a no-hitter no-run in the Koshien final.
This is because it was 1998, 23 years ago.
Or retired from the writing I did not think to continue with.
The characters are dirty without any progress.
There were a lot of pains, but it's like someone's lyrics, but I'm grateful that I've been able to spend it safely until today.
Everything works. The claim ends

584 :I'm not in love anymore.:2021/10/21(木) 19:52:52.69 ID:???0.net
Ayabe au.
I can no longer change the IP of au manually. Self-Starter.
I was able to do it until yesterday morning.
The only way to change it was to turn the power on again, restart it, and then use airplane mode.
I think you changed the IP mainly to change the ID.
Some sites limit the download of naughty videos to one download of the same IP per day.
If you want to download multiple works, change the IP and download different works. I can't do that. Such a person would be inconvenient. I wonder why I couldn't change it suddenly.
If you think about it, the IDs in the morning and evening have changed, so it may have changed at some point. Strange thing. I'm going to sleep while watching the world gymnastics.
Everything works. The claim ends

585 :ghost or specter.:2021/10/22(金) 01:11:54.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe eruption.
I thought I'd write it and forgot about it, the eruption of Mt.Aso.
The eruption started around 11:43 on the 20th. It's already22 days. Ouch.
Nature is wonderful and nature is scary.
There are no volcanoes in the city where I live.
Or rather, there aren't even mountains. I found out that there is a mountain with an altitude of about 100m. Hmm.
It's a small tits. As an aside, in the location of hot springs, etc., Bathtowel bubble from the valley when the girl wound Le was immersed in hot water I was out,
I decided to call me any, "Painara".
Natural disaster's frightening, but at the time to put in their own familiar land sometimes I wish really.
I wonder if all the vast fields of the country road that I always walk on become lakes.
What? It feels good to walk. The field is in front of a certain factory, and I hope that the lake will reach the point where I crossed the highway.
Run fast if so be the car of the driver that, I It would seem the do a good scenery.
Then I made it a lake town like Koshigaya in Saitama,
and I don't know if it's Aeon, but I asked them to open a store on the shore of the lake.
However, there are many stupid people who throw away trash on that road.
Throw away the entire plastic bag Cigarette butts are scattered around.
The degree of people is low. You don't want those guys to pollute the lake.
It's the most fun when I have such a delusion.
Everything works. The claim ends

586 :normally or usually.:2021/10/23(土) 09:57:28.00 ID:???0.net
Ayabe vending machine.
Decades ago, when we were still in junior high school, we were curious about naughty videos. It ’s good to be young.
At that time in the way back of the school is imposing automatic sales of lewd video had been selling machine placed.
There is no trace now, but it is a house and a monthly parking lot.
I wonder if there were about three cars in front of a store run by an old couple named Mr. Matsuzaki.
Front of the store across the street, nothing units before certainly Pearl dry me an old signboard of the shop.
While buying sweets at Mr. Matsuzaki, I visited the vending machine. There's a film that's hard to see,
but it's not that you can't see it. Eventually, I'm talking about buying it,
but I don't want to be seen by my classmates who are out of school, and I wonder if my parents are hungry on holidays.
A junior high school boy who was worried. Write again. I'm young.
Yes, developing a school not absolute classmate if stuck in. It became a story.
However, permission is not given for three people to leave early. It can't be helped, I escaped without permission.
Always of extremely evil should be the way back I feel that it has. It's a bad thing. And Mr. Matsuzaki Arrive at and choose a suitable one.
Is it a little old work because it was cheap? I feel that it was "wet female leopards".
If you put in 2000 yen and press the button, it will be dogon! There was a falling noise. Wow, when I looked back, my older sister in her 20s was laughing. We ran and ran away.
After that, I had an appreciation party at my house, and as expected, I was angry about leaving early without permission,
but of course I didn't say the reason. I could not say. That laughing older sister is now an aunt.
Morning Musume the other day. It seems that if you write down your age, the memories of the old days will come back to life and it will be interesting.
Everything works. The claim ends

587 :cause or reason.:2021/10/24(日) 01:07:47.61 ID:???0.net
Ayabe remembers.
I don't have any fun every day, so I remember today. Nostalgic grandfather.
I honestly don't have a girlfriend. It's a category that isn't popular at all, but there were times when it was still a little popular.
At first, when I was playing in elementary school with three people who went to buy the naughty video I wrote the other day,
a boy in 5th or 6th grade approached me and asked, "What's your name?" why? He answered,
"I was told by a girl to ask me." However, since I was a high school student, it's possible that I was too young to be seen in the same age group.
So it can't be said that it was popular. There was no sound as it was.
The next thing that seemed to be popular was that the aunt of the part-time job said , "Oh my god, is it popular with your younger girls? "
Of course I was surprised because I didn't have such an idea. I wondered which girl he was, and left the office without any idea.
After that, there are two one-point concentrated eyes.
When I was working in the line end of the cosmetics company, the head of the woman of the girl is looking at me later.
But there is a passage through the glass behind, so are you looking there?
Thinking behind looking back, there is no one. And when I look forward, I'm still looking. The reason is unknown. So it may not be popular.
Its huh last December 1, 2017 to. When I was commuting in the morning and tried to put my bicycle in the bicycle storage area,
the girl was looking at me, and when I stood up the bicycle stand, pulled out the key, and looked back,
I was still looking at this. I didn't confirm that, and I still don't know what it was.
Was able misunderstanding it is this wonder if much is. It was unexpected. It's not a magic lantern,
but it seems interesting to write down the times when it never returns.
Everything works. The claim ends

588 :narrow or small.:2021/10/25(月) 07:36:58.76 ID:???0.net
Ayabe lingerie.
The other day, a 50-year-old cook, K, was arrested by the Gyotoku Police Station in Chiba Prefecture for stealing women's underwear.
Side by side on top of the blue sheet he was underwear has been projected, but a think that at all wanted was bought.
It seems that you stole it from a coin laundry, etc., do you want me to do that?
Feeling bad just steal things of person but I Ino,
or what you want to with the people? Even if the NES software and music CDs are used, the previous owner hasn't used them without taking their skin off,
so it's okay, but I don't have any underwear.
Well, I don't know how the criminal man used it, but I think it was worth it.
I'm not uninterested in girls. As I tell you every day, I have quite a few lewd videos, and girls in underwear are also cool. But I can't love it so much that I want to steal my underwear. So isn't it popular? I don't want to feel bad.
In the negative of yesterday's story, Kinoshita kept telling me, "Don't approach me because I feel uncomfortable"
when I was in junior high school. Huh? I
'm not interested in a feces woman who looks like a clay figurine like you,
and I don't want to approach her.
When I thought, but I ignored it because I thought he was an honest woman. I don't feel bad about it, so I don't hate people.
If you don't like people, you don't have to be popular.
Everything works. The claim ends

589 :haste or hurry.:2021/10/26(火) 00:12:03.78 ID:???0.net
Ayabe vote.
I went to vote before the deadline.
Hey, I don't know if I have something to do on Sunday after a long absence. Write the address, name, date of birth and reason on the back.
Admission ticket. The rest is the same as usual.
The people in line were all elderly, and I
looked the youngest in middle age.
After that, if I was lined up at a convenience store, aged woman wouldn't line up and left the basket at the cash register, and the young cash register girl was in trouble.
I wasn't in a hurry, so if I was feeling good, a veteran clerk opened the closed cash register and asked me to come, which was helpful.
Well, it doesn't matter. I'm a very gentle man who was said to be a Buddha.
There is no point in yelling and yelling at you. Get lost. I'm sure the young man at the cash register would have thought,
"What an inclusive man. He's a little old and short, but he's married." Lie.
It's just a customer who doesn't have any impression. I know that.
It's a delusion because I know it. The world of delusions is very cozy and reduces the pain of everyday life.
Please try it out. Very rarely, it may be reflected in dreams, so it may be effective when you want to have a slightly lascivious dream.
A world of delusions that is fun every day. Enjoy it.
Everything works. The claim ends

590 :charge or rate.:2021/10/27(水) 02:16:43.16 ID:???0.net
Ayabe III.
First of all, the Yakult Swallows Central League victory was decided last night. Congrats. It's the 8th time in 6 years.
By the way, Lupine III. I'm not familiar with the 1st, but I'd like to see it rebroadcast from the 1st episode next month.
The broadcasting station is BS12 (TwellV),
and the broadcasting date and time is from 2:00 on the 5th (Friday).
When I was thinking about it, I saw 2nd on the rebroadcast of Nippon Television.
Furthermore, it was 2nd that was frequently broadcast on Animax, so I didn't have a chance to see it.
People who are a little older grew up in the 1st, so they can't stand the 2nd gag route.
I'm looking forward to it more and more. Is it the week before last?
I saw the first episode of the 1st episode broadcast on the Friday Road Show on Nippon Television Network.
It's definitely cool. Astringent. Let's record everything. There are 23 episodes in total, so it won't bother you.
Its to 2nd thereafter, 3rd and should continue. Until the 6th.
Everything works. The claim ends

591 :fact or reality.:2021/10/28(木) 01:11:08.49 ID:???0.net
Ayabe From that.
The earliest is 3 years and 10 months. It's sad every month, but it's fate.
However, if you give up, the match will end there...?
There is a saying, so I will continue walking.
Continue walking after five, ten, one hundred, one thousand, and one hundred million years.
I'll be alive ten years from now, but not a hundred years from now.
But the reincarnated me starts walking from scratch again.
Because I swore I wouldn't give up. It may work suddenly today, or it may not be possible without dying once.
So fate is terrifying. Something You may have to work in order to get the bur, the name Could be that effort even to be directed toward the turned away fate not.
So my effort not to give up hasn't come to fruition for 3 years and 10 months. What did you do to not give up?
I'm not doing anything. why? Because there is nothing.
Where do you live Electricity is story number? do not know anything. You can only do things that you don't give up.
I can't even make an effort. That is the power of fate.
Conversely, et al. Everything works. The claim ends

592 :optical or visual.:2021/11/01(月) 01:55:49.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe raised.
The phenomenon that it goes up even though it was a sage has appeared again. Why why why? Well it can't be helped.
Orix Buffaloes won the professional baseball Pacific League for the first time in 25 years.
Speaking of 25 years ago, you were sperms, didn't you? I lived normally. I feel like I was still a student.
Good age. I was in the K district before I moved. It was nice to be quiet.
The current I district is annoying and can't be helped!
The idiot of the K family became independent and became quite quiet, but the idiot of the A family still violated manners.
It's a long story even though it's a man to hang out outside in the middle of the night.
Then, I think of the toilet door and close the feces.
And tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, on Saturdays and Sundays, soccer school ahogaki and uncoach will kick the ball against the concrete wall on the residential side.
The so-called Soccer pig.
Certainly 2015 saddle began to use as a practice ground in a nearby public facility to the doctor but I'm, but please stop against several walls,
and let us know, but he is I am allowed to, it seems do not have ears to hear.
Transfer! Transfer! Move quickly! A gloomy holiday continues.
Everything works. The claim ends

593 :jam or stuff.:2021/11/02(火) 00:33:09.68 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is restricted.
Communication restrictions that are customary at the end of each month.
It's horribly slow. Ah, I hated it, ah, I was surprised.
Did it take about 5 hours to drop a video of less than 300MB? I started dropping it a little before 19:00, had dinner at 21:00, took a bath at 22:00,
and even when I returned to my room, I still downloaded it.
After all I laugh is 45 minutes at 23 was Ha ha ha.
But thanks to you, a wonderful work has joined the group. A coffee shop with big breasts. Let's do our best again today.
I have no choice but to thank you. Everything works. The claim ends

594 :even or yet.:2021/11/02(火) 00:37:14.68 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Nagisa's "...".
Fuji TV announcer Nagisa Watanabe said that there are some obscene comments on her net news. I can't forgive this.
I don't face justice, I don't face gentlemen, and I think girls' tits are cute rather than obscene.
Most guys will want to treat big tits obscenely.
That was the case when I was young. It's different now. I think it's just cute. All you have to do is look at it.
Yesterday morning, my smartphone is Fujite is also Nagisa announcer been cast I did not I'm earthquake early warning in Mezamashi of Levi flows?
The studio in Tokyo also shook, but isn't it a mistake in breaking news? I thought.
Nagisa announcer said that the king crab was "big!" At the Hokkaido fair, but it 's your tits that are really big!
Is it possible to write obscene comments such as? I can't forgive you.
Because of such a man, I have to choose clothes that make the chest inconspicuous.
The tits should be free. I'm a public place Even if I see a girl who is throwing out her tits,
I will not report it. It's normal and I'm used to it.
However, if a sexually sloppy man sees it and stimulates his sexual desire, it will be a problem,
so let's say that it is only in front of me that I can give out a breast. The bra seems to be itchy, so don't release it.
Everything works. The claim ends

595 :general or widespread.:2021/11/03(水) 02:37:48.24 ID:???0.net
Ayabe R.I.P.
Nippon Television "Syoten" duo magician "Napoleons" Aparthotel pebbles (Pal and-pebble real name pebble optimal Shisei Koishi) for Mr. of pneumonia,
death in 26 days last month that were removed Do you get it. 69 years old. Born in Gifu prefecture.
Announced that he developed acute lymphocytic leukemia in October 2019.
Relationship According to the person, the past few years, has been repeatedly hospitalized.
Senshudai Science Magic Bona Ueki (69) was a classmate of the club and the Combi formation.
Debuted in 1977 as "Magic Napoleons". Known for his stories such as "Head a guru Guru" and "Floating in the Air ", he has appeared in many performance corners of "Shoten".
Mr.Koishi onset of acute lymphocytic leukemia in October 2007. He was discharged from the hospital after remission in July last year,
but relapsed in August. He was transferred to another hospital for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in October and received a cord blood transplantation in December.
Now years shingles develop in June, emergency entrance of pneumonia on September 9,
had been hospital. The quote ends.
I also saw it at the shoten entertainment corner. I think he was kind to imagine from the tone.
Mr.Ikariya shows off a magic trick at the Kaminarisama cont of Drif's laughter.
After, say "I'm learned from this Napoleons"
I had been. Requiescat In Pace.
Everything works. The claim ends

596 :chance or opportunity.:2021/11/03(水) 02:46:49.48 ID:???0.net
Ayabe election.
As for the election special number, I saw TBS where Mr. Ota is the master of ceremony.
But I, Ota Mr.own not ask to talk to the end and I started talking about the minute,
for a limited time is the final in his story Ota would tears.
So I moved to Mr.Ikegami's TV Tokyo. Be and that, was just support the mother of New Komeito,
Special Features of the Soka Gakkai it.
Even though I was told that when the election was near, I would get used to it with a smile,
the women's club became my best friend! And so on. Well I do not know.
Please make the winners good Japan. Don't forgive the sly guys. It's time to say goodbye to those who made money from the post-war turmoil.
Everything works. The claim ends

597 :accident or mishap.:2021/11/04(木) 12:17:56.80 ID:???0.net
Ayabe sighting.
I saw the accident handling in the morning. Automobile and rotation at the bridge over the river wonder if car?
The windshield of the car was broken. The number was "wa", so it's a rental car or a shared car. Hmm.
By the way, there is no "he" number. And the passenger seat uncle was smoking casually.
Thanks to that, the surrounding area is congested. I'm on foot so it's okay, but those who are likely to be late would have been frustrated.
Let's be careful with each other.
Accidents are painful and annoying, and bother people around me.
Everything works. The claim ends

598 :illegal or unlawful.:2021/11/05(金) 01:51:00.68 ID:???0.net
Ayabe transfer.
Tobotobo? Teku Teku?
I like a girl who is walking a dog while walking. I wonder is a good woman clerk's gentleman Fukuya,
Casual clothing store's woman clerk (during cleaning) also Nante I hope I'll get you distracted.
Especially the female clerk at the last casual clothing store smells really good. Smell fly so that you dizzy and inhale it.
I don't know what to say, but I've never done it, but is an illegal drug like this? Perfume plus that person's pheromone. I want to smell it forever.
But I don't care about it at all. I'm not shopping, I'm just passing by.
Even a child walking a dog wouldn't be crazy about dogs and see the surroundings.
That's just right. Poorly are time-aligned to that person,
Nante think are Once the capital of nuisance prevention ordinance violation (haunted Su it because would be mistaken for a talker).
Then you will not be able to walk that way .
In addition, there will be no place to stay. So change the route and time as soon as you are suspicious.
Everything works. The claim ends

599 :flesh or muscle.:2021/11/06(土) 11:41:45.78 ID:???0.net
I'm looking for Ayabe.
Get lost! There is no microSD card. I replaced it and chased it somewhere.
I haven't seen it since then. The theme of the card is photo such as mainly landscapes and pets on whether conceptually speaking,
is a screen shot of a bad poem of individual feelings.
It is the same thing that was lost before,
there in quite a lot of when to replace the Mai eliminate again because it was contains the memories enter in a plastic bag with a zipper always zip lock had been to that is.
If you take a screenshot of the unpleasant poem in your smartphone's internal storage,
it's been left from the 2nd of this month . It turns out that as of the 1st, the screenshot of this unpleasant poem has been moved to the microSD.
Garbage that can be burned on the 2nd. Did you throw it away because of something? no.
I'm not good at cleaning, so I don't put out trash.
However, I haven't seen the trash can yet, so I fell into it. I saw under the bed. The dust is amazing.
Also, for example, it might have stuck to my arm or something, and then I moved somewhere and fell off. for now,
Even pornography was picked up because it is not at all, the evil of this feeling it because much has poem will be read.
I hate that too. So I'll spend a nice Saturday on the microSD.
Everything works. The claim ends

600 :remaining or residual.:2021/11/07(日) 01:11:19.92 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is old.
MicroSD, which has been missing since last Tuesday, was found and protected.
It was placed on the TV stand next to the bed. The card is black and the base is black, so I couldn't see it in the protective color.
Even so, it takes too much time. I think my eyesight is also weakened. So the discovery was delayed.
I'm old, I'm old. I would not want. I don't want to admit it.
Dirty stories, pee and poop sharpness also get worse. Poop that comes with toilet paper no matter how many times you wipe it with residual urine.
That wasn't the case just a few years ago. It can't be helped.
However, my heart decided to stay in the second year of junior high school. Mental age 14 years.
At that time, I hadn't kept a diary yet, so I don't know how I was spending my days.
Anyway, I didn't like school and I couldn't help it.
It's not that I don't like being tied up by adults like Mr. Ozaki, but I refuse to go to school if I'm not familiar with it.
It's not cool. I didn't belong to club activities and just played games at home.
Do you want to move the radio program you liked and listened to at that time to microSD? Cassette tape CD radio that can be recorded on an SD card because there what this or I'm up I have a habit,
so let's try it. Then you may feel uplifted and rejuvenated. Dementia old man, around the time the person was shining and placed under situations,
effective slow the progression of dementia I results heard Toka be expected. If you find it annoying, it's aging.
Everything works. The claim ends

601 :ナナシマさん:2021/11/08(月) 06:00:03.64 ID:???0.net

602 :Where Is The Love/The Black Eyed Peas:2021/11/08(月) 06:20:59.66 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Eternal sleep.
I can't sleep well until morning.
You know old people is an early riser, the island without permission woke up but I say in Tokyo, I'm not going on I wanted to happen.
I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning and was watching a lewd video as a young man. Of course, the lower body did not react.
I slept while watching Animax. I saw Detective Conan. Gegege no Kitaro has begun and it's out. So it was 2 o'clock and I fell asleep.
And you get up at 5 o'clock, right? I can only sleep for 3 hours. Can't you sleep because you don't have to sleep?
I have a little time to get up, so can I sleep again? I need hundreds of millions of sheep.
Everything works. The claim ends

603 :law or principal.:2021/11/09(火) 07:38:43.43 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Good morning.
Good morning, everyone. The early bird gets the worm. The sound of rain is comfortable.
I had a dream of smoking. With a very realistic feeling. It was a heating type.
It's been a little over three months since I stopped smoking,
but I still have such a dream. Always look at is de if anyway I'll want to see lewd videos of realistic dream.
I had a dream of smoking after I stopped smoking. Do you dream if you stop watching lewd videos?
What are you writing from the morning? Because it's unresponsive. What is it?
So I have no choice but to remember my junior high school days and force myself to think about lewd things all day long.
The time of day doesn't matter. Porn everywhere, whether at work or on public transport.
Of course, don't bother others.
Still it does not revive. "Zaoriku" and "Baikilt" are no good. It does not work.
The alarm clock rings at 8 o'clock so I'm going to sleep twice. I wonder if I can sleep for about 30 minutes. "Rariho".
Everything works. The claim ends

604 :search or seek.:2021/11/10(水) 22:44:02.75 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Zokuzoku.
Moo.Nenpei of work, look at the propaganda of the "Amaizo! Dango" old memory is thrilled revived.
I don't have a book, but it was serialized in CoroCoro Comic.
Because I read an early age I have not even remember the contents that character feel you can not remember likely to remember something and see the over to.
The book of "Tsurupika Hagemaru-kun" by Shinbo Nomura is so sweet! There was a promotion for Amaizo Dango, and I thought so when I saw it.
I wonder what this feeling is. I don't know. So I would like to read it if I have a chance.
And Kazuko Hosoki died. When I was young, I thought I was an aunt who often appeared on TV.
Fortune-telling is good but not in reference only to about soothing because do not know,
after from reading Nante there was something with Chiyoko Shimakura to, sad it now feels correct.
Let's get along with everyone. Everything works. The claim ends

605 :accident or mishap.:2021/11/11(木) 06:24:04.18 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Eleven.
11 lines that are ominous to me. November 11th.
Is it Pocky Day in the world? Pretz day? I don't know, but it's also called that way.
There is a product similar to Pocky called Pepero in a certain country, but Pocky's Glico sells it much earlier.
Shame on a certain company in a certain country.
Even though Glico had a hard time in the past, the so-called "Glico Morinaga Incident," I feel sorry for him.
Speaking of 11, it is 9/11 or 3/11. Moreover, the year 1999, which was said to be destroyed by the great prophecy of Nostradamus, is 1999.
The jersey number of the shit idiot who borrowed money from me is also 11. So let's be quiet today.
Everything works. The claim ends!

606 :spew or vomit.:2021/11/12(金) 23:53:55.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 11.
How was the 11th, which is incompatible with me? Match the answers.
Before that, it was announced that Jakucho Setouchi had died. She died 99 years old in 9 days.
It became a hot topic when people who were abolitionists of the death penalty said, "Idiots who want to kill" to those who want the death penalty.
Well, it was 11th, so I spent quietly. In the morning, Tsu city of vomiting. It started with the treatment of vomit.
This is bad. I thought, but nothing particularly unpleasant happened, good night!
And abdominal pain once sunk into the futon. Since it was 23:00, the pitfall of diarrhea was waiting at 11:00 pm. What a day!
Eleven days with a series of dirty stories.
Well, I'm glad I didn't die.
Everything works. The claim ends

607 :series or succession.:2021/11/13(土) 19:49:32.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe series.
Speaking of which, the dentures and the team that will advance to the Japan Championship series have been decided.
Swallows and Buffaloes. The Giants I was pushing this year were useless.
I'm looking forward. The expectation is 4 wins and 3 losses, which is the best Swallows in Japan.
It's been 19 years. The opponent at that time was Buffaloes. At that time, Kintetsu.
That's a long time ago. It's wonderful to be able to compete for the best in Japan in a year from the bottom. Dramatic professional baseball.
I can't deny the possibility that I, who is the lowest in the world right now, will be a popular man next year, right?
Isn't it? Those who are not tall enough. That's no good.
Everything works. The claim ends

608 :awe or wonder.:2021/11/14(日) 22:38:49.42 ID:???0.net
Ayabe soccer (laughs)
Sometimes the story of the soccer J League.
It was decided that Jubilo Iwata would defeat Mito HollyHock and return to the J1 League in the 39th section of the J2 League.
It is said that it is the 25th top league for the first time in 3 years.
Somehow, I heard that the area around the J3 relegation zone is hot.
What do you mean? I'm not sure, but it's a big battle. I will tell you later.
Everything works. The claim ends

609 :eccentric or unconventional.:2021/11/15(月) 12:41:03.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe dubbing.
The first Lupine period announced at 705. I have already digested two episodes.
Now,how much capacity is there per episode? When I looked it up, it was 2,415 megabytes per episode.
Maybe because it's BS, it's about 100 megabytes per minute.
Let's dubbing to Blu-ray disc? Then, 22,454 megabytes ÷ 2,415 megabytes equal to about 9 episodes. Is it all 23 episodes?
If so, the 2nd and 3rd discs will be mixed discs of the 1st and 2nd seasons.
I'm busy recording. The number of discs and ku to see in my spare time is increasing,
and I wonder if I can look back on everything in the rest of my life.
I became anxious. After that, it's not that much time.
It doesn't work well despite the limited habits, but everything works. The claim ends

610 :aware or conscious.:2021/11/16(火) 17:40:26.40 ID:???0.net
Ayabe single cell.
Thank you for your hard work.
The sound of closing the door of the toilet in the neighborhood is noisy,
so in retaliation for that sound, don the wall or window frame!
I have done it. It's a unicellular organism.
But, do you hit my house like the sound of the earth? I think it's an earthquake. bothersome! Get rid of it soon! I hope.
So congratulations to Masaki Suda and Komatsuna for their marriage!
Everything works. The claim is over.

611 :squanderer or waste.:2021/11/17(水) 00:47:47.61 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's treasure chest.
For the time being, I put my treasure in a can of rice crackers, although it is not the end of life in case of the end of illness or sudden death.
It doesn't contain much, but it's a treasure for me, so let's take good care of it. The mint set is a little worth it. This is a set of coins. A set of 1-yen coins to 500-yen coins is worth at least 666 yen.
In 1991, I bought 2 sets of the first year of Reiwa, 2 sets of the 3rd year of Reiwa, and 2 sets of proofs in the 3rd year of Reiwa.
A total of 6 sets, at least 666 yen x 6 sets, so how much? It's 3,996 yen. That's all for the gold.
Anyone with any questions? It doesn't seem to be there, so next.
The key to the previous house. The key to a house that has spent adolescence since childhood.
My grandparents lived there, but both of them died, so I demolished them. Only the key remained. I'm sorry. 0 yen.
And is there anything you hear that the house will be demolished? When I was looking for it, I found a telephone bond sale report.
It was October 20, 1971, so long before I wasn't born.
Even my grandparents were 42 years old. My father is 15 years old. Amount includes tax It costs 114,060 yen. It says transaction tax.
Is it the character of my grandfather? The name is written. This is a valuable item, but from the perspective of others, it is also 0 yen.
It will be thrown away as waste paper. Its
'm a grandparent everything does not go well that it can not be Kaomuke to have sent every day but will really to earn the forgive me or?
I couldn't even walk the so-called normal life that everyone has gained. You did something wrong.
No matter what I do now, it's too late. It's fate. I can't go against it. There is no place to stay. I'm sorry.
Everything works. The claim is over

612 :minus or without.:2021/11/18(木) 01:06:59.84 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Suddenly.
My favorite site is Not found. Umm.
I was fine because there was this site. Thank you really cormorant.
Around June of last year, I happened to find the site and thought that it might be a member or a scam,
but a conscientious site helped me.
I was happy because there was a work I wanted to see.
There were still many works I wanted to see.
It was a hope to live. You will be lonely. I wonder what to do. Crying has been forever.
Everything works. The claim is over

613 :also or too.:2021/11/19(金) 19:09:23.84 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is complete.
The example site seems to have completely withdrawn. Oh my God! it can not be helped.
I think the manager is already tired. got it.
So you won't run out of gigabytes anymore. It was a sad weekend.
Also in there is also a meeting award. Expect it.
Congratulations to Shohei Ohtani's MVP!
Everything works. The claim is over

614 :avoid or eschew.:2021/11/20(土) 00:24:22.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 11.
All night e! I'm here while watching season11.
Before I knew it, it was 11.
Also properly always Goripara Memoirs is not going to miss because it is split de Pont of time 6,7, 10 to remember but to per But 5 remember I do not have.
There was also 4.5. Well it can't be helped.
There are frequent reruns, so don't worry if you miss it.
But there Do it, girl of the performer is "dangerous, dangerous" not to cheer the
tired old man to see that that. It's May. The age-sensitive.
I thought that I wasn't the age of the game anymore, and I wasn't the age to be involved with girls. that's sad.
That's why looking at Game Center CX makes me feel calm. Kyojo office was there.
Everything works. The claim is over.

615 :component or element.:2021/11/21(日) 07:11:40.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe sports information.
Professional baseball, Japan Series, Orix Buffaloes wins first with dramatic victory.
And J1 will be demoted to J2 of Oita Trinita, Vegalta Sendai and Yokohama FC.
In one year it fell and the team to come back, J1 can not be creeping up quite wonder of what is the difference between the over-time. Jeff United Chiba and Tokyo Verdy have been in J2 for a long time.
Osorero arbitrariness. Because the further there is also a league below, fell far it's not easy to crawl up et al. If it's J3 next year, it will take at least three years to win the J1.
It's a terrifying league. In that respect, professional baseball is wonderful. Even if it is the lowest in the previous year,
it can compete for the best in Japan the following year. It will be the hope of those who are smoldering now.
So I don't think baseball's popularity will drop. From now on, forever.
Everything works. The claim is over

616 :glow or smolder.:2021/11/22(月) 23:16:32.57 ID:???0.net
Ayabe declined.
Shohei Ohtani declines the National Honor Award. So that's it.
I'm afraid I'd get it, but I think it's the difference between humans in the future and humans who have already finished.
Hah. The sigh is very stinky.
Such days have continued since I lost that site. lonely, right.
The sound of closing the toilet door of a neighboring house that echoes on such a night.
It sounds when you enter the room and when you leave the room, so you can see how much time you have to spend. Wow! Poop!
Or something. I wonder why I don't even notice that much.
Everything works. The claim is over

617 :modern or present-day.:2021/11/23(火) 01:46:11.48 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Shinjuku.
Construction of Shinjuku station will continue for another 26 years. 26 years later is 2047.
Mr.Tamori (born 1945) is 102 years old.
Junji Takada of you is 100 years old.
My parents are 91 years old.
I? I don't know.
If you think that all the characters may be in the other world, you have to take good care of each day.
Oh, God Buddha, ancestors, please give me a chance to do my best. Ask want to.
Everything works. The claim is over

618 :aspiration or hope.:2021/11/24(水) 00:35:54.06 ID:???0.net
Ayabe What you are looking for.
The cash card that finally came out.
Jibun Bank card.
If you don't put money in this, you will be told something like this.
If you cannot withdraw on November 25th, payment will be changed to "Payment Form" from next month.
Maximum 3,960yen / year (tax included) commission to be borne by it and becomes between you Please note. It's noisy.
Occasionally I went to Wako City. Tobu Tojo Line story.
Everything works. The claim is over

619 :candor or frankness.:2021/11/25(木) 01:36:13.44 ID:???0.net
Ayabe rest in peace.
J1 Shonan midfielder Riuler died suddenly on the 23rd. Was 23 years old.
According to the officials, this did not come on the same day of practice staff went to the home from the,
the players lying in bed discovered, that the death has been confirmed.
It has already been informed to coach Yamaguchi and the players.
Oliveira played an active part in Paranaense as a voluntary and CB, and was also elected to U-15 and U-17 in Brazil.
Of Kyushu league in 19 years and Miyazaki-filled, last to Shonan from year.
Last season he moved with the deadline to FC Osaka, whether this season to play in, et al Shonan, had played also two games in the league.
Ken there was no problem at all to Yasushi state. Or the end quote you.
I'm sorry I'm still young. The thread dealing with this obituary was occupied by the topic of vaccines.
What are those people? There are only 0 or 100. Both extremes. No flexibility.
I wish I hadn't read it.
There will be Shonan Bellmare vs. Tokushima Vortis on the 27th. We will remain silent in time for the kick-off.
Everything works. The claim is over

620 :cowl or hood.:2021/11/26(金) 20:10:08.28 ID:???0.net
Ayabe transfer.
Did you fall asleep? My neck hurts. I want to stay calm, but tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the soccer school will kick the ball against the wall.
I can't help being depressed.
Of course with vibration close Nearby toilet door roar neither be completely be improved, I want to choose the location Nante
probably was Terrible.
Get a new house soon! Let's go to a quiet city.
Everything goes well. The claim is over

621 :area or district.:2021/11/27(土) 17:25:31.45 ID:???0.net
Ayabe money money money.
When the noise of the soccer school went down, I finally went shopping. Why do I have to cry because my actions are restricted
Not only is it noisy, but it's also threatening by the coach.
Well it aside, you paid upon the shopping money, the payment, our fishing was some three thousand in the 5000 yen bill,
however, the bill is smell.
It's stinky and stinky! Hmm? What kind of oily is it?
The scent of a sweet perfume like an older sister in a Philippine pub.
Oh. I moved to other bills, so it's not a coin wash at Koami Shrine, but I can't help but wash the bills.
Then it became wrinkled. Only even if there is still smell want.
I don't know why it was flavored, but I hope you don't mark it as much as possible.
Everything works. The claim is over

622 :crucial or pivotal.:2021/11/29(月) 16:50:33.99 ID:???0.net
From that.
The earliest is 3 years and 11 months.
Memories are too far to follow.
While my daily life is getting worse, I am very sad.
Meanwhile, congratulations to Tokyo Yakult Swallows for being the best in Japan! It was. Overtime 12 times. This is the sixth time in 20 years.
Japan of the Central League's Yomiuri Giants since 2012.
Four years later she appeared at work. 2016 was a special year. It was the worst year for Kumamoto citizens,
but it was a miracle year for me. Every day was fun and happy.
However, there is nothing forever, and it will collapse at the end of 2017. I could hear the sound of the collapse, but I thought it wasn't the case and ignored it.
You can say that you ran away. I guess I was afraid to face the facts.
Is it four years soon? I have thinner hair, more wrinkles, and I'm definitely getting older.
The speed of aging is fast. Or stress caused by the noise it might be.
The last goal of my life is to try my best to get out of this noise hell.
Alright, let's go. Wait!
Everything works. The claim is over

623 :breakup or division.:2021/11/29(月) 23:00:42.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 2nd Army 3rd Army.
It seems that the lower league of the J League is interesting. By exchanging J2 and J3,
the lower two teams of Gunma, Kanazawa, Omiya, Sagamihara, and Kitakyushu will fall to J3, but only 19th place cannot be promoted due to license if Miyazaki of J3 is within 2nd place.
It seems that there are three frames for demotion and it remains. Then, Kitakyushu came in 19th place and was waiting for Miyazaki,
but even if he won the win, Sagamihara, who was just above him, had to lose, and moreover,
he was greatly separated by the number obtained by subtracting the goal from the score and the goal difference.
And because, I despair even as this happens. Simply, Sagamihara loses 0-5 and Kitakyushu wins 5-0.
Then, the rest is the frame as soon as Miyazaki introduced earlier. Omiya and Gunma face each other directly. Gunma can be a draw,
but Omiya falls to the frame as soon as Sagamihara wins in the draw. In other words, it became impossible to draw by sontaku.
Impatient Omiya the original Gunma many supporters that sink in seems sunny counter is expected he is.
I'm not sure, but there were many comments saying that Matsumoto and Omiya, who had already been demoted to J3, should drop.
This I wonder if there is something in the two teams.
And Miyazaki of J3 has no match in the final round. Since the number of league affiliations is odd,
the final section is closed. The season is over.
When Iwate and Kumamoto, who are aiming for promotion to J2, win both teams, Miyazaki falls to 3rd place and all the lower 4 teams of J2 are demoted.
It looks pretty interesting.
Everything works. The claim is over

624 :ナナシマさん:2021/11/30(火) 15:31:21.96 ID:???0.net
♪Just Like a Pill/P!nk

625 :feel or perceive.:2021/11/30(火) 23:46:42.79 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is early.
It's not a premature leak. November is over. Was it the December last month? Is coming.
I feel like I was muttering lonely every year.
Let's look back on the past 11/30 mutters.
It seems that he was chasing a woman's ass in 2017, and something was floating. Jealous!
2018 was full of sadness. Should I process VHS tapes? I was written, it does not have started yet.
2019 it seems launched what will become PP plan, but now because we are made to appropriate.
It is written that in 2020, enka singer Shoji Koganezawa was arrested for drunk driving. If you drink it, don't drink it.
And what should we write in 2021?
The incident in which Chihiro Onitsuka kicked an ambulance was suspected of using drugs,
but seemed to be negative and was released. This matter is probably Bakushomondai Car-boy be broadcast from now on I guess is the story in the stomach.
So I wonder if I can sleep quickly.
Everything works. The claim is over

626 :regret or rue.:2021/12/01(水) 00:24:24.66 ID:???0.net
Ayabe December.
Well, I wrote it earlier, but I will write it again.
December 1st is 2017, isn't it? It was Friday.
It's a bicycle storage case, isn't it? I won't go into details, but I still regret having missed that opportunity.
It's been four years. 365 days x 4 years = 1460 days, plus one day for a leap year, is 1461 days away, isn't it?
Whenever I wanted to cry, I was always laughing so that I wouldn't cry. It seems that there were lyrics.
I forgot who the song was, but it makes me look feminine.
If it was popular like Jun Utahiroba (Golden Bomber), I wouldn't have had such a problem. Jun Utahiroba may have fallen in love with 1461 people. wonderful.
Sadness blows through my heart. And again,
precious hair is blown away by the cold wind.
Ah, I like the song when I can't go back anymore. To download.
Everything works. The claim is over

627 :remedy or treatment.:2021/12/02(木) 23:16:31.88 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Shower.
What? Ayabe is a shower?
Anyway because things Ayabe, showering I say joke was staged If you have borrowed a thing spy of over chamber filtration?
It's different.
CM? Write a line with oil-based pen on the cheek-out, drop it only in the shower.
Or if the different manufacturers use from yesterday because there may be similar products parent bought it is.
Yes. In my case, I used an oil-based pen like a commercial to draw a line on my arm, hit the water stream in jet mode, and rub it with my finger. Fell easy.
What is this? Excellent.
That's it, my dirty scalp will be clean, and my hair will eventually regain the luster that I had when I was young. Wonderful.
Will split ends disappear? Yeah? One question here.
What about hair dyeing? Isn't this wonderful ultra-fine bubble infiltrating and returning the dyed hair to white hair?
To scalp dyed liquid with'm okay fell beautiful, The color of the hair that I want to remain,
for I wonder luxury in selfish.
Everything works. The claim is over

628 :doubtless or probably.:2021/12/03(金) 07:30:21.49 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
There was an earthquake around 6:37. The epicenter is Fuji Five Lakes in the eastern part of Yamanashi Prefecture.
The magnitude indicating the magnitude of the earthquake is 4.9, and the depth is about 20 km.
We are observing a seismic intensity of less than 5 in Otsuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture.
Is so there is no fear of the tsunami.
Well, the early morning earthquake is scary. It seems that Otsuki City was the only area where the shaking was great.
There was a similar earthquake at 2 o'clock, and I was surprised to see a telop of earthquake information when I was rebroadcasting Lupine the 3rd.
Speaking of Yamanashi prefecture, fruit cultivation is popular, but it does not face the sea,
but it is doing its best as a production center of tiger puffer.
It is cultivated in Fuefuki City. I want to eat it.
Everything works. The claim is over

629 :cavalier or knight.:2021/12/04(土) 01:57:16.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
There was an earthquake around 9:28 am yesterday.
The epicenter is Kii Suido in Wakayama Prefecture.
The magnitude indicating the magnitude of the earthquake is 5.4, and the depth is about 20 km.
We are observing a seismic intensity of less than 5 in Gobo City, Wakayama Prefecture.
There is no need to worry about the tsunami.
After all, I decided to stop recording the first period of Lupine the third. After all, I can't stand the characters.
So I erased everything. It's frustrating.
Everything works. The claim is over

630 :admission or confession.:2021/12/05(日) 20:09:04.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe tax.
The J-League has finished the whole schedule.
It is decided that SC Sagamihara will be demoted to J3 and Iwate Grulla Morioka and Roasso Kumamoto will be promoted to J2.
All that remains is the Emperor's Cup sponsored by the Japan Football Association.
Semi-final is Urawa Red Diamonds vs Cerezo Osaka, Kawasaki Frontale vs Oita Trinita on December 12, 2 game line break.
The final is December 19th. This is the end.
Everything works. The claim is over

631 :kill or murder.:2021/12/06(月) 23:31:38.54 ID:???0.net
Ayabe noise.
A day with nothing. As usual, I was a little frustrated with the noisy neighborhood.
I want you to disappear soon. The Legend of Zelda When I was working hard on the dreaming island,
the sound of the toilet door echoed in the residential area at night.
Speaking of popular words now, it's out of the neighborhood gacha.
Said even if feces brother that initially, which has moved seems to be the noise Lord also mean was a baby, it Dari noisy outside in the middle of the night soon,
a think so close abandon the car and indoor door.
Why is there such a waste in my neighborhood? I don't know.
I wonder if Japanese people are a house without tradition, so don't bother other people.
So if I could send you a letter, should I write it in English? Korean? Chinese? I hope you understand it, but you probably don't understand Japanese.
Because I can't even say hello. Of course here or ignored it was just let me over the al your voice.
Such a house. That's why I'm calm and noisy outside in the middle of the night, and the way to close the door is probably rough.
Die! I don't think so. Get away! How good is it?
I hope that there will be no more noise than people who care about it. Be quiet anyway!
Everything goes well. The claim is over

632 :hone or sharpen.:2021/12/07(火) 20:24:59.73 ID:???0.net
Ayaber Lupine III.
The first season of Lupine III, who gave up recording the other day on JOUS-DTV and TV Saitama Co., Ltd., will be rebroadcast.
Since we are subscribed to cable TV, JOMX-DTV, Tokyo Metropolitan Television Co., Ltd.(091ch),
JOKM-DTV, TV Kanagawa Co., Ltd.(031ch),
JOCL-DTV, Chiba Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.,(031ch)
and Saitama also he is in a great environment to be seen, Anime interested thin.
Meanwhile, the rebroadcast of Lupine III Season 2 on TV Saitama,
which I watched every week, has reached its final episode today, and from the next week,
I will send Lupine III Season 1.
There was a telop. Yes, there is a broadcast from the first episode as soon as I gave up due to the earthquake telop.
However, Saitama first to "brighten the room to notice in the Let's look to" enter, land of about seismic intensity 3 If there is an earthquake,
will telop from entering. So what should I do?
Everything works. The claim is over

633 :costly or expensive.:2021/12/08(水) 23:06:48.24 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Xmas present.
I was thinking of giving myself a Christmas present.
What do you like I don't need anything in particular, but Annecesary.
Then, because it's boring, should I buy back the game software I once had?
I remember as much as I can remember the works that I had bought or borrowed. List it and buy it from above.
Then, there are 10 titles just for those that I remembered.
Recently, the price of used software is rising, so it's a tough price.
I wonder if I can only buy about 3 titles even if I spend points. I'm poor.
You have to scrutinize the work you want to do in particular. Holy sword legend, SaGa2, SaGa3, Nemesis, Dracula legend.
Gameboy over and remember only crowded just. There seems to be more.
Everything works. The claim is over

634 :contentment or satisfaction.:2021/12/09(木) 12:43:07.21 ID:???0.net
Ayabe noon's news.
At around 11:05, there was an earthquake with the epicenter near the Tokara Islands.
Maximum seismic intensity is 5 strong, Magnitude shows the scale of earthquake 6.0 and a depth of about 20km. No tsunami.
The area where the shaking was strong was Toshima-mura, Kagoshima-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture, with a seismic intensity of 5 stoong.
Recently, earthquakes have occurred frequently in the Tokara Islands, and an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 4 occurred yesterday.
Seismic intensity 1 to 3 have occurred much trouble to count that.
Is it a sign of something? Will it fit in this?
You're no Forewarned is forearmed anyway. Residents should be careful.
Everything works. The claim is over

635 :firm or hard.:2021/12/10(金) 14:05:24.72 ID:???0.net
Ayabe HDD.
By the way, the year-end customary DIGA hard disk physiology is tidy.
Downtown's shouldn't laugh, but it's gone, so I haven't been cornered so much, but the remaining amount is about 3 hours in DR mode.
It's not enough if the programs you like overlap.
The recording of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 hasn't been touched at all.
The recording didn't go well when I went back and forth to the sub-channel in the example.
The problem is how to combine them into programs. Oh, I have to record the spring high school volleyball that starts at the beginning of the year.
Since the amount of recording for both men and women is enormous, let's record only the girls who cry. I'm sorry.
Moreover, only one of our set-top boxes can be recorded. Such because, the D coat recording relay of daytime A coat live coverage and night,
let's recorded while somehow make ends meet.
Will there be a Toshiacademy Shiojiri in the city? That high school is wonderful. Let's go home early.
Everything works. The claim is over

636 :narrow or small.:2021/12/11(土) 01:38:56.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe >>299.
The points of Pokemon Picross introduced in 299 have finally reached 9999 for today.
Since this writing is the 636th, it took 341 days.
I've sabotaged for a few days.
Now, what happened during that time was nothing in my life. There are people like this. I was disappointed.
Everything works. The claim is over

637 :final or last.:2021/12/12(日) 19:38:43.71 ID:???0.net
Ayabe soccer infection.
Since I was free, I tuned the frequency to NHK Radio 1 and found that a sports broadcast was being broadcast, so I didn't listen to it.
It was the semi-final of the 101st Emperor's Cup JFA All Japan Soccer Championship.
The match cards are Kawasaki Frontale and Oita Trinita. Commentary Kazushi Kimura is a quiet person.
Unfortunately, Oita will be competing in J2 next season with Kawasaki, the 2021 J1 league champion.
Even I, an amateur soccer player, thought that Kawasaki would win this. The match's still Kawasaki pace, but the key point at strategic points Oita goalkeeper good save.
In the end, it wasn't settled in 90 minutes and we went to an extended game.
Sudden death is gone.
Finally the second half of the extension! Kawasaki first goal!
I Do After all, with a smile floating.
In the latter half of the extension, additional time, Oita, will everything be absent?
I thought I was catching up! It's funny! It's interesting!..
The extension is over as it is, and the game is a penalty shootout.
It was Oita Trinita who won the penalty shootout! Once again, my expectations were disappointing. It's difficult.
Another is given under the Urawa is Cerezo Osaka advance finals to. Urawa vs. Oita will be fighting on the 19th.
This is I don't expect it because it will bother fans of both teams.
This year, if I support it, the result will be the opposite. That's a big nuisance.
It's a ridiculous annoyance to close the indoor doors in the neighborhood.
Because baseball is a big boss one color, the difference once in a while I say also good.
Everything works. The claim is over

638 :to or until.:2021/12/13(月) 23:47:16.29 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 60th birthday.
As for soccer, Kazuyoshi Miura wants to play until he is 60 years old!
Where does that motivation and passion come from?
It's amazing as I think. I still have time until I'm 60, but I have no hope or interest in the rest of my life.
So honestly I envy you and I want you to go as far as you can go.
Of course, I can understand the opinions of people who don't like it,
but I think it would be cool if the results could be silenced. Kazu dance!
Everything works. The claim is over

639 :prone or susceptible.:2021/12/14(火) 01:13:14.72 ID:???0.net
Ayabe In the middle of a dream.
I was watching a program called Goripara Memoirs. Fuji Television Network on Sunday re-broadcast in the fine ONE.
A trip to Shirakawa Suigen Water Manju in Kumamoto Prefecture.
On the second day, Thay stopped by a shrine. There is Hogihogi Shrine.
It is said that you will get fortune by chanting Hogihogi and grabbing the sky. I was casually watching.
Then I remembered something. About 20 years ago, a dreamy and incomprehensible word came up clearly as a message.
That is what is called "Hoogiho". what's this? I remember telling my friend,
and I think it's probably written in my diary.
Hogihogi is similar to Hogihogi, isn't it? The shrine was also built according to a dream.
Isn't this a dream of the chosen one? So I sleep once a day thinking that I want to come to Hogihogi.
Everything works. The claim is over

640 :endure or remain.:2021/12/16(木) 01:11:30.17 ID:???0.net
Ayabe left.
I don't want to work overtime or worry about the remaining amount, but I have no choice but to do it.
Ah troublesome. The number of programs and the remaining amount on the DIGA hard disk that I checked in the morning was 0:33 hours for 526 programs.
Do such thing as dangerous. Well, Mezamashi in the morning is also capacity 3 hours and 5 minutes strikeouts.
But I'm good if indelible this because it.
New Year New Year's Day, but to do this until the first day of since 2022 rises to 300 program declaration issued you.
You have to process 226 programs, isn't it? But I have no choice but to do my best. Because I have to record the 74th All Japan High School Volleyball Championship.
I'm more interested in high school volleyball than high school soccer than high school baseball.
The reason is, the local academic because there is that the school came to the national tournament.
It used to be reasonably strong. I don't ask the name anymore, but I've produced even Japanese national team players.
So I was interested. I don't have an audience this year, but I really like it because the TV camera doesn't show the audience seats.
Everything works. The claim is over

641 :injury or wound.:2021/12/17(金) 07:15:03.98 ID:???0.net
Ayabe wound.
I was increasing the DIGA balance. I was deciding on a theme,
and yesterday I erased the part that I didn't do my best to process the prefectural qualifying for the 101st National High School Baseball Championship.
And finally dubbing. It's going well. Smart with confidence and is futzing the phone, noise and "Gagga'". What is it?
I thought, but left it. Then, "I couldn't dubb because the disc was scratched." So start over.
There were no noticeable scratches on the disc. A lot of time was lost and a precious disc was wasted.
So yesterday ended there.
It doesn't make any progress. Cry also dismantling of bedding even more so had to the finish.
I wonder if I should revise my goal downwards.
Everything works. The claim is over
(536 programs / 3:15 remaining)

642 :sad or unhappy.:2021/12/18(土) 07:32:09.34 ID:???0.net
Arson in Kitashinchi, Osaka. Many dead people.
The incident that happened around 10 am yesterday. Twenty-seven people have stopped worrying.
It is seen as suspect man also critically ill that. Sigh. That's sad. What's repugnant minute not from, but I'm think I go alone.
Still young people were also damaged. But there is a lot of life unpleasant things, well then put the fire so, I idea I'm not.
What is your motive? However, it seems that I'm going to the other world, so I don't
I feel sorry for the victim and his bereaved family.
You can only put your hands together. I can't do it. Helpless. I'm sorry.
Everything works. The claim is over

643 :judge or justice.:2021/12/22(水) 23:50:44.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe sadness.
The chocolate cake I bought. The expiry date was until the 22nd, so when I looked closely to eat it, it said that it would be until 9am on the 22nd. Acha.
I didn't want to get hungry, so I gave up. Disappointing.
Why sooner care wonder there was no one. I won't come back forever.
So does Sayaka. It has become a bone. lonely, right. I wonder why someone needed me to die. It can't be helped.
There are still people who write sarcasm during this period. What kind of parents were raised?
Sigh. Everything works. The claim is over

644 :noisy or rowdy.:2021/12/23(木) 12:39:20.04 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Lunch time!
Lonely sips noodles with young men and women having lunch while frolicking.
When I finish eating, I have nowhere to go and I have no choice but to take a walk around.
It's still nice on a sunny day, but on a rainy or windy day, it scrapes the mind and body of a middle-aged uncle.
I can hear Mr.Yosui Inoue's song "If you have two lives".
Its I'm a role also. Do I had of people, here do one of opportunity. What do I Kurere expect people who had arrived in.
My place is not that the case, which began in now, ever since I was a nursery school so it can be said so have been left behind.
Everyone throws away slanderous injuries so as not to be such a middle-aged person,
and is kind to the people around them, crushing the strong and helping the weak.
Please become such a person. God ignores what he insists on in dirty words. If it is too terrible, it will be punished.
God is watching. I'm the only example of failure. Everyone should live a brilliant life.
Even if a dirty middle-aged person takes a walk next to him, he may be afraid instead of swearing or pointing his back finger.
Please pass through with a broad heart. The days to think about how to close the life that is running out.
Everything works. The claim is over

645 :honest or truthful.:2021/12/24(金) 08:16:37.10 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Sayaka-chan daddy.
Even though he is a professional, Sayaka Kanda's father, Masaki Kanda, will appear on the live broadcast on the 25th tomorrow.
ABC Asahi program called "It's morning! Is a raw journey salad" of broadcasting.
To be honest, I haven't seen it much, but it's probably a travel program. The 25th is a special feature on Korea. (Vomiting face).
I think it's difficult to switch feelings, but it's a professional. I think it can be divided. Amazing.
When I lost my pet in 2017, I was so depressed that it hindered my work. A strong person.
Everything works. The claim is over

646 :ナナシマさん:2022/01/02(日) 23:42:05.36 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 2022.
It's 2022 (4th year of Reiwa). I was able to welcome you safely . Was good. I'm going to have a delusion of the first sunrise.
This year's goal is to ban Dopyu. Start today. The rest is
to contain the noise from the toilet doors in the neighborhood . By any means. After
that, if you are healthy, I will not say luxury. Have a nice new year.
Everything works. The claim is over

647 :favor or service.:2022/01/02(日) 23:45:05.44 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 2022.
It's 2022 (4th year of Reiwa).
I was able to welcome you safely. Was good.
I'm going to have a delusion of the first sunrise.
This year's goal is to ban Dopyu. Start today.
The rest is to contain the noise from the toilet doors in the neighborhood. By any means.
After that, if you are healthy, I will not say luxury. Have a nice new year.
Everything works. The claim is over

648 :shortly or soon.:2022/01/02(日) 23:52:13.12 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is over.
I don't think you can believe that 2021 is about to end, even if I tell you earlier this year.
New Year's Eve is, Are spending while looking at the Game center CX. It's a work called Axelay.
Only here, I didn't meet anyone in private this year. Probably the first time in my life except when I was a baby.
How unpopular it is! It can not be helped.
That is also fate. Let's look back on this year.
I will read back the diary of the writer.
In January, I didn't like the position of the bed installed at the end of last year ,
so I changed to the current position on the 6th.
IQOS heat blade broke on 31st and purchased on February 1st.
Transcendental abdominal pain in April. I suffer for two days on the 21st and 22nd.
I stopped smoking at the end of June. How much did you save by calculating 550 yen per box a day?
In August, the public relations were distributed, but the husband of the Fukui family responded like "what?" And developed an interpersonal phobia.
The charging of my smartphone is strange, so when I went to the shop, I bought a strange attachment on the 10th.
I will buy a new pillow on September 15th.
This is my main event this year. Hey.
I didn't meet people them. I wonder if it will be useless next year like this.
Everything works. The claim is over

649 :guest or visitor.:2022/01/03(月) 00:00:35.24 ID:???0.net
Ayabe memo.
Well, let's write it down so as not to forget it. What?
This is the 12th edition of "All Night e" which will be broadcast on Fuji TV 739 from midnight on Saturday, 29th next month.
Anyway, if it's a live broadcast, it's okay to do it with a special program for New Year's Eve,
but it 's the end of next month.
If it's New Year's Eve, it may be permissible even if there is a sunny stage happening unique to New Year's Eve.
I don't want Bakarhythm and Daiki Hyodo to come.
If the viewer is set to look into Ramu's room, why is the boy in the room?
Because it will be a story. It's okay for a girls-only gathering.
Girls only a collection of girls I guess dripping fart by?
If you get together as a boy, the flatulence will hang down naturally, right?
You can make a sound and brag about it. Isn't the flatulence dripping even though it's only for girls?
I don't mind. It's hard to put up with it. Boo!
I want you to have a conversation like that, Kaori-chan, Kuseyo, even in this all-night e.
So I don't need the voice of heaven, and I don't need lotion. Why do you know Peperotion?
Because it will be a story.
Everything works. The claim is over

650 :acute or severe.:2022/01/03(月) 00:59:12.12 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Middle-aged and older.
I'm the sports king of Tonneruzu!! I saw. I'm aiming for golf, but the others were good.
What I was interested in was Takaaki Ishibashi's 60 age appeal. Is it such an age already?
When I looked it up, you were born in 1961 and was 61 years old this year, and Noritake Kinashi was born early in 1962 and was 60 years old this year.
Now, I listen to radio in and are Toshihiko Takamizawa of story that you are 68 years old.
Mr. Kosakai, a special program of Kosakin to be broadcast tonight, is 66 years old, and Mr. Sekine is 69 years old.
Everyone is fine. Great.
I want to be a youthful and cheerful elderly person like that. Can you be I want to be, but it's not enough.
Well, I'm definitely old, so don't worry, I'm crazy.
Everything works. The claim is over

651 :deflate or flatten.:2022/01/03(月) 01:05:33.39 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Kimotional.
You did SASUKE on the TBS series last night. saw?
I also Is the I saw, I kept writing to this destination, such'm Apart from fan Iyo? Isn't it FANZA?
No, but when it's Miki Ando's turn, the screen will switch to HIKAKINTAMA in the gallery one by one, right? Huh?
What is it? Ripe of Miki Ando not'm kind of do Toka want to see the ass was completely, simply mind feeling lasting bad screen switching Suchiko teacher.
Yoshi Ando HIKAKIN about four times I Ne counting the time of the princess movies of Ne Ja did?
TBS, which makes people hate people who do n't care about things like or hostility, is emotional to viewers.
Everything works. The claim is over

652 :beat or hit.:2022/01/04(火) 23:40:41.36 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Do your best.
74th All-Japan Volleyball High School Championships tomorrow because it is broadcast on Fuji TV 739 from the morning,
the remaining of the HDD I had been increased, if not, as I think, this time of the day or have been working in.
So far, less than 4 hours left. It is difficult to record the A coat alone for a considerable amount of time,
but there is another coat, the D coat.
8:55-21:10 is the scheduled time for A Court. Is there 12 hours? 24 hours when added to the D coat. It's impossible.
However, the long commercials between matches can be removed. There is no choice but to manage it well.
Talking changed, around this morning 9 minutes 6 o'clock, it was an earthquake to the epicenter of the Chichi-jima waters.
Approximately 80km in depth with a magnitude of 6.1.
Seismic intensity 5 upper is Ogasawara Village, Tokyo. One week will be careful to the same extent of the earthquake have.
There was a press conference.
Everything works. The claim is over

653 :evil or wicked.:2022/01/04(火) 23:46:24.55 ID:???0.net
Ayabe >>768.
Will it be four years at 768? It's fast. No way.
That it never occurs in reality, and not certainly took the day-to-day rather.
Compared to 2018, I'm less depressed.
Everything works. The claim is over

From that. It's been four years at the earliest.
I can't even dream about it anymore.
It 's not a dream. It's not in reality. I can't make a wish.
Everything works. The claim is over

654 :desire or wish.:2022/01/05(水) 19:03:41.07 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Volleyball.
Recording is still going on A coat. Roughly seen in chasing playback, et al.
Kendai Takasaki - city universe Shiojiri,
Hikami highschool - Furukawa Gakuen, Yamatominami - Nara Bunka of the good 1806 game was good. very. Let's save.
It? Et al., Of Qianshan Mr. Shukan Bunshun had been dating and Sayaka Kanda public the contents of the audio tape.
If it is true, Sayaka is screaming very sadly.
Maeyama Wikipedia has been devastated.
However, it is Japan that such a guy is popular. Not suitable for me.
Everything works. The claim is over

655 :prey or target.:2022/01/06(木) 01:25:12.77 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Volleyball.
The first round of D Court is still being broadcast.
Just Aomori west and has been targeting the players, always the players has become a downright favor switching that reflected on the screen that.
Maybe he is a representative player? Karin Sawano. I'll let you know the reason as soon as I understand it, so don't miss it.
Everything works. The claim is over

656 :heartthrob or idol.:2022/01/06(木) 04:36:22.22 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mr.Masaki Kanda.
I saw Mr.Kanda's morning program. Kaho Minami looked a little scarier.
Mr. Kanda has 30 years for this program next year!
However, Sayaka-san closed the curtain in 35 years.
Somehow, sadness began to rise, and I stopped playing there.
I will see the continuation when the time comes.
Everything works. The claim is over

Ayabe one piece.
Hayashiya Sanpei graduated from Shoten. There are always 0 d-button cushions, but today there are 70,000.
Very loes weight was a CM tie-up project for RIZAP. What is it?
Everything works. The claim is over

657 :festival or holiday.:2022/01/07(金) 06:43:07.40 ID:???0.net
Ayabe complains.
D coat is dark. Not enough lux. There is such a word.
"Rather than complaining that it's dark, let's light it up."
Let's get in to turn on the lighting switch! I won't do any nuisance that would interfere with the tournament management obvious.
Why did you choose a practice area near your house because of the noise of the soccer school on Saturdays and Sundays?
Rather than complaining, I should go out positively.
It was quiet in the days of youth baseball, it can not be helped. I'm sorry I chose such a place.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!
Above under before the next 1 new book function

658 :after or behind.:2022/01/08(土) 23:43:19.75 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mouth ulcer.
It does not become rarely Nante stomatitis, in the evening even became morning even though the owner of the mouth of enough to heal,
the time that is incurable, such not. Will it be the third day already?
After chewing a hard tooth with a tooth decay with a large hole, the gums of that tooth are swollen.
It's annoying, but it doesn't hurt.
However, every time I eat something, I feel that the swelling is getting worse, so I'm thinking of fasting tomorrow.
Of course, it's safe because it's sterilized with purple listerine. The armpits are also very itchy and somewhat spicy.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

659 :demand or request.:2022/01/09(日) 23:12:59.23 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's first laugh.
I shouldn't laugh at the end of last year,
so I played back what I used to record because I'm free.
Don't laugh at the 2009 broadcast Hotel Man 24:00. It's still 4:3, right?
I laughed at Hama-chan's wife's call for "Pico-chan". I'm sorry.
I also laughed at the celebrity's old bromide, which caused memory weakness.
The photos of Gajiro Sato, Naoko Ken, and Shiro Kishibe were outstandingly destructive.
What white you young.
Hama-chan and Matsu-chan are 46 years old.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

660 :heartthrob or idol.:2022/01/10(月) 22:45:13.04 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Today as well.
Don't laugh I saw you saw the 2010 Spy at 24:00.
As was the case in 2009 yesterday, some of the people who died were saddened.
Mr.Tatsuo Umemiya, Mr.Kai Ato, Mr.Katsuhiko Watabiki,
and Ms.Ryoko Sakaguchi. I'm lonely.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

661 :move or transfer.:2022/01/11(火) 23:49:08.66 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Kazu.
Kazuyoshi Miura transferred to Suzuka Point Getters for a limited time.
Kazu, who will turn 55 next month, has finally left the J-League.
Therefore, it will not be listed in the J-League player directory, which will probably be released early next month.
Suzuka Point Getters is JFL (Japan Football League) or belongs.
Only J3 will be listed in the directory.
Does that mean that the oldest person in J is Shunsuke Nakamura of Yokohama FC?
I wonder if I should look it up. Players older than me are precious. Good luck!
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

662 :comedy or humor.:2022/01/12(水) 00:25:18.75 ID:???0.net
Ayabe prohibited.
What is the ban on Dopyu? On the 4th, he broke that vow and was complacent. Why can't I put up with it? It's an eternal theme.
It is important to summarize what was wrong and avoid them as much as possible.
I remember that there was a scene where a female entertainer eats something in commercials,
but I paused and played when I had something in her mouth.
Tao Tsuchiya chews on the wiener sausage. Pause there. It showed a reaction at the junior high school level.
In the morning, I lost my energy.
Besides, even in the CM of menstrual goods, if the girl who is appearing is for night use,
she usually wears pajamas and is a thin cloth, so you can see the line of the buttocks.
That kind of thing also reacts.
No way I would be such a middle-aged feces erotic. It's good because I'm not dealing with an actual girl.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

663 :default or nonpayment.:2022/01/13(木) 00:31:39.60 ID:???0.net
Congratulations on Ayabe.
Our tvk (TV Kanagawa) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Opened on April 1, 1971.
Of course, he is older than me.
Announcers and weather forecasters are promoting the 50th anniversary in CM.
By the way, I remember that NTV GOGO had a campaign for the 55th anniversary of the opening of NTV a few years ago,
but when was it? Even in 2008. Before that!
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

664 :investment or speculation.:2022/01/14(金) 21:03:21.81 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Aroma.
Sometimes I sleep while playing the work of the aroma project.
The title of the work is "Boobs Pururun". Men only come with their hands, so it is recommended for people who do not want to see their beard.
For example, run on a treadmill, shake your chest with a blower, or cover with a stick.
How about instead of a lullaby?
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

665 :ape escape.:2022/01/15(土) 01:58:49.74 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Dream.
I fell asleep after seeing the Goripara memoirs earlier, but soon I had a clear dream.
Where is the venue? I don't know, but I'm.
There was something like a Buddhist altar, and I asked the Buddhist priest, "Can I have you move Ms.Aao?"
My mother's listening to her. I understand the Buddhist altar.
This is because I fell asleep immediately after seeing the Sasaguri Pilgrimage in the Goripara memoirs.
Oh, I don't know.
You should understand that you can't go back even if you scream. I've never forgotten it.
It makes me sad when I have such a dream. I hate everything.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

666 :duty or taxes.:2022/01/16(日) 13:57:40.48 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 1.2 billion yen.
The first prize of the mega big (soccer lottery) "1.2 billion yen" has not been received yet,
and the redemption deadline will be reached on February 9 (Keiko's birthday).
It seems to be. too good to waste! Send me! Is the fat Yokose doing well?
What would you do if 1.2 billion yen came down to me?
Of course, you will move to move away from the Yukio Abe family.
I greet the people around me, but I won't do it for the Yukio Abe family.
I hate it as much as I want to hit a raw egg at the entrance, but I have 1.2 billion yen,
so can afford to say goodbye. So ignore it. I hate the neighborhood because it's noisy, so I buy the surrounding land to keep a distance from the neighbors.
A radio-controlled car course will be created in the multipurpose warehouse, and movies, live images of favorite groups, naughty works, etc.
Will be displayed on the large screen. Karaoke will be introduced in the soundproof room. You can use it anytime you know. Oh, I didn't know.
However, even with this, I can't consume 100 million yen.
Because I want to live in the country. Probably still about 80 million yen. It's a waste if you don't use it up, right?
I'm a poor man so I can't think of a way to use it. I came up with it!
I want to cure cavities. I'm leaving the treatment at the end of 2017.
I want to resume treatment. Is it okay to leave the false phimosis as it is?
The car doesn't have a driver's license in the first place. Do you go to a driving school? I don't like it.
I'm on the list I don't want to go to again.
After all, if you leave it in the bank and withdraw it little by little,
it will disappear into your living expenses and you will die with a surplus of about 1.1 billion yen.
That's why I don't hit that. Money also chooses people.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

667 :teacher or tutor.:2022/01/17(月) 19:43:08.91 ID:???0.net
Ayabe prayer.
It has been 27 years since the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake that caused the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. 5:46. Silent prayer.
I was surprised at the tsunami information last night.
The TV program suddenly switched to a special news program, and tsunami information flowed.
This is a wave caused by a large-scale eruption in Tonga.
Is it an explosive event or shock wave rather than a crustal movement?
It seems that it was a change in the tide level due to a change in atmospheric pressure.
It's been a while since I heard a real emergency alert broadcast on the radio that wasn't a test. I was scared.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

668 :invoke or pray.:2022/01/18(火) 04:29:25.50 ID:???0.net
Ayabe wallet.
Money-up wallets may, right?
What I saw in the Yomiuri Shimbun was the Hogihogi Shrine prayed Umakuiku (successful) wallet.
This is exactly the last word of my Everyday Routine Poem.
There is such a thing. Order immediately! I don't do it.
Because it is the trader who makes a profit. We don't change anything.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

669 :big or large.:2022/01/19(水) 20:36:34.65 ID:???0.net
Ayabe very big boobs.
Because I was free, I saw a recording of a volleyball broadcast.
Then, why are all the female players and bust sizes so big? I wondered.
In other competitions, golf player and tennis players are also big.
I've been thinking about it for a long time, but what makes it bigger?
After repeated research to identify the movement, I discovered a movement common to golf, tennis, and volleyball.
It's the pose of the popular pirate "Dachuno".
A shape that brings the chest together with the arms. This shape is the basis for all three competitions.
Golf is swing, tennis and volleyball are receive.
So, if you take the "Dachuno" stance and turn your hips left and right, the bust size will increase.
Someone give it a try. I also do it with a cock.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

670 :female genitals or female genitals.:2022/01/20(木) 03:47:41.83 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Reflection.
What was yesterday's shameless writing?
It happened that a woman read this, and 80% of the man's head is occupied by boobs, isn't it?
It's a problem if you think that. What does it mean to talk about boobs in this sacred Pinoko thread?
So when I woke up at a strange time, I thought about my favorite boobs.
After all, I've always had a longing for F-cup, and I often bought or borrowed F-cup works.
The areola is rather large and swelling. Puffy nipple? The one called.
The nipple is small. The color is salmon pink and it is bowl-shaped.
Although it is a G cup, Sakura Miura's bust is close to the ideal.
However, each person has his or her own taste, so I don't deny the breasts of others.
Because boobs are justice. Cuter than female face.
On the contrary, boobs can be said to be devils. Captivate me.
I'm in agony when I was in junior high school.
It may be due to the Omicron strain. It doesn't take.
Speaking of which, does the Omicron strain have the effect of making the dick smaller?
There are many people who are scared but found a good excuse and were saved. It should be.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

671 :ナナシマさん:2022/01/20(木) 23:32:48.95 ID:???0.net
Use Hidden to grab a link and share it outside of the Imgur community.
Use Public to share with the Imgur community for comments upvotes, and reactions.

672 :invalid or valetudinarian.:2022/01/21(金) 02:09:52.64 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Go well!
There was an idiot running on the street in front of the house on a skateboard at midnight on a different date.
The trash that has been generated since the beginning of this year has made the noise of this dung trash several times.
It was an uneasy night that I might come back and forth again. It's unsafe.
The popularity of skateboarding reignites at the Olympics!
I had a bad feeling when it became a hot topic.
Still, I believed in the inhabitants of this city. I believed it, but I was betrayed.
It doesn't go well even though I write every day with a spirit in the words "it works".
Even the basic and important things in a person's life, sleep, don't go well.
Does Kotodama work on electronic documents?
No, the same wording is written in the written diary. That means that the effect may not appear unless you say it. I'm not saying for sure.
Let's say it ten times from today. It will come true in your mouth with ten.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

673 :evidence or proof.:2022/01/24(月) 05:49:31.37 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
Yesterday's earthquake information.
The epicenter is Hyuga-nada, the magnitude is 6.6, and the depth is about 50km.
Seismic intensity 5+: Oita Prefecture Oita City, Saiki City, Taketa City,
Miyazaki Prefecture Nobeoka City, Nishiusuki District Takachiho Town.
Seismic intensity 5-: Kochi Prefecture Sukumo City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Aso City, Aso District, Ubuyama Village, Takamori Town,
Usuki, Yufu City, Tsuno Town, Koyu County, Miyazaki Prefecture, Shiiba Village, Higashi Usuki County, Misato Town.
The time of occurrence is 1:08 am.
Last week was a tsunami warning due to the eruption of Tonga, and this week it will be a special program due to a large-scale earthquake.
Nature is scary again.
The house I live in now is originally a natural tree. I have to thank you for that too.
Neighbors close the door of the room like slamming it, but I think it will come back someday.
I think the trees also want to run away. It will collapse.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

674 :drag or medicine.:2022/01/24(月) 22:50:57.31 ID:???0.net
Ayabe medicine.
I finally got my hands on the medicine.
I didn't want to use it, but it was right in front of me, so I used it only once.
It is a medicated HAIR TONIC hair growth promoter (DHC).
Although it is a sample product, it is applied immediately after taking a bath. Knead the scalp.
I wonder what this smell is. It looks like a tree branch.
And dried. What will happen now? No, I'm that the M-shape is getting deeper, so I mainly massage there.
If the hair grows firmly with this, it's real.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

675 :favored or popular.:2022/01/25(火) 00:51:17.64 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is hard.
A popular man is hard. There is a word, but that is a lie, isn't it?
It's harder for a man who isn't popular.
The pain of a popular man does not fall within the pain.
Isn't it just a matter of sloppy hands in many directions and troublesome post-processing? Feces.
Suppose a man who isn't popular is talking to a man he just met and talks about a girl he's been dating in the past, right?
I haven't been dating at that time, so I can't answer.
Then, the other person thinks that this person is a secret person, and can't get along anymore.
And from a woman's point of view, a man who has never been dating feels uncomfortable (Karen Takizawa),
so I can't get along anymore.
Then loneliness will continue. It's a negative spiral.
It's pretty hopeless, isn't it? Isn't it too cruel, even if it's the result of becoming?
An angel doesn't come down to me who can't help it.
I'm afraid to get hurt again. Sigh.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

676 :delicacy or treat.:2022/01/26(水) 05:24:39.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Organized before life.
I haven't been sentenced to life expectancy, but I thought I should handle the VHS tapes piled up near the entrance of the room,
so I had to revive the VCR first.
It's Panasonic's NV-DHE20, which we are proud of.
This is a D-VHS compatible model. D seems to be D of Data. Well, I've always thought it was a Digital D.
So, it's wiring, but I don't know the basics of the basics, the power cord. It wouldn't be a story without a power source.
I have a lot of them, but I don't know which one is for this deck.
As you know, I'm a low-educated person, so I'm not familiar with the electrical system, so if I energize with a different cord,
it might break. I have anxiety.
If you have a high degree of education, you can easily choose. very.
For the time being, is it sure to choose the one with Panasonic stamped on the code? Or is it all right?
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

677 :awe or wonder.:2022/01/27(木) 05:29:47.07 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Video.
The story of NV-DHE20, when I connect the power cord, it makes a strange noise.
I pulled it out in a hurry because it crackled, but my fingers were numb.
I'm scared! Make it a different code. Success!
When I took out the tape that was in the deck, it was moldy.
I wonder if I have to remove the cover of the deck body and vacuum it.
I tried playing various tapes. At the beginning of the 1998 "Odoru! Sanma Goten !!" program, Sanma in a separate room was smoking while looking at the monitor.
There was an old man. However, as expected. It was beautiful because it was recorded as standard on S-VHS.
The next tape contained "Dorifu Daibakushou", but it was a 3x speed recording that seems to have overwritten a 60-minute adult video,
and there was noise at the bottom of the screen.
It's a lot of work to handle all this.
When moving the spent nuclear fuel from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station,
TEPCO announced the progress in number.
It's okay to be slow like that, so let's handle each one surely.
First of all, it is from grasping the total number. There won't be 100.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

678 :ナナシマさん:2022/01/27(木) 05:42:38.84 ID:???0.net
It won't be long now!
Please hang tight while your post finishes uploading, or browse while you wait.
We'll notify you when it's done.

679 :pinch or tweak.:2022/01/28(金) 00:26:08.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anniversary.
It's been four years and a month since it was early.
Of course, I don't have any chance.
Wishes, prayers, emptiness, but never give up. That's the only hope of living.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi

680 :absent or away.:2022/01/29(土) 00:28:59.50 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 12.
All night e! I'm here while watching season12. Before I knew it, it was 12.
I don't mean to miss it because it's always the time of Goripara memoirs or my depon,
but I remember up to around 5, but I don't remember 6, 7, and 10. There was also 4.5. Well it can't be helped.
There are frequent reruns, so don't worry if you miss it.
However, I was tired of seeing the performer's girl calling "Yabai, Yabai".
It's buzzy. Feel the age.
I thought that I wasn't the age of the game anymore, and I wasn't the age to be involved with girls. that's sad.
That's why looking at Game Center CX makes me feel calm.
The whereabouts I want to play a game with Tamao-chan someday.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

681 :normally or usually.:2022/01/30(日) 23:20:39.25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe straw.
I ate strawberries and planted seeds again.
It was sown on the 17th and has not come out yet as of today.
It's warm in the stove room.
Why? Why? I picked seeds again tonight, so I'd like to check before planting.
My fingers have become the scent of strawberries.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

682 :ghost or specter.:2022/01/31(月) 19:12:15.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Mutsuki.
January is over. What early. It's as fast as my thing. It's a sprint. You won't lose if you run 50m. Come on.
As the distance increases, it gets slower and slower.
Complete instantaneous muscle. I don't care about that.
Do you want to transfer January?
There is nothing else. I think it was fun to upload play with them.
You'll see the Views numbers, right? Only that is fun.
After all erotic grows. Others, such as animals, are about 100 Views, but a little naughty is seen about 4000 Views.
However, it's not a full-blown nipple, but a rather quiet GIF video, isn't it?
Erotic power is scary. I'm sorry I had such a wonderful January.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

683 :conservative or square.:2022/02/01(火) 19:15:55.89 ID:???0.net
Former Governor of Tokyo.
Shintaro Ishihara dies. 89 years old.
Before Mr.Inose and after Mr.Aoshima.
There is an image that blinking is crisp. Gassho.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

684 :affair or matter.:2022/02/02(水) 20:23:17.90 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Ehomaki.
The leaflet of the shop said, "How about a cock in Ehomaki?" What? Is it stupid to hold such a thing!
I thought, but if you look closely, it's a South Korean dish called gimbap. Hmm.
Gimbap is the origin of Japanese thick rolls! And?
So far, only that store sells such things.
It doesn't matter what you sell because it's a store you've never been to.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

685 :origin or source.:2022/02/03(木) 23:45:16.51 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Setsubun.
I eat a mezashi, but I didn't eat beans.
The demon is said to be outside, but there are some areas where the demon is not expelled.
Let's all live together. Does that mean?
Certainly, I don't like spending days with each other.
There are people who provoke me with unpleasant writing, but I don't know what to do.
Lgnoring is the best.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

686 :honest or truthful.:2022/02/04(金) 22:53:54.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Watabe.
It seems that Ken Watabe, a member of Unjash, will return on the Chiba Television Broadcasting program
"Black and White Unjash." What did you do to be discouraged?
I forgot, but if you search for multipurpose toilets, 10,000 yen, Roppongi, you will probably find them.
Girls may get rejection. Please report the people in Chiba.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

687 :deflate or flatten.:2022/02/06(日) 00:26:38.98 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's soliloquy.
2022 Winter Olympics Beijing opening yesterday? I don't know.
I'm not good at winter sports. You can only do it with snow and ice, right?
I'm not good at that kind of thing.
So what about ice baseball and snow baseball? It looks cold. Then I'll stop.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

688 :error or mistake.:2022/02/06(日) 02:10:46.87 ID:???0.net
Ayabe misunderstanding.
Masayasu Wakabayashi reported on the birth of his first child at Audrey's All Night Nippon. Congratulation!
Right now, I was talking about hitting a tennis ball on Wakabayashi wife's ass, but I imagined that it would be difficult,
but that day will never come.
But I was sad about what I. I want to fix this habit.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

689 :injury or wound.:2022/02/07(月) 23:58:49.64 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Snow.
Snow forecast in Tokyo.
The 10th and 11th are suspicious. Wow.
It was confused and was picked up by the evening news, and it was from the snowy country!
I wonder if it will be done. Be careful not to get injured!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

690 :fury or rage.:2022/02/11(金) 00:44:14.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe condolences.
It's been so short these days, my poem.
If GIF creation is too interesting and you do it all the time, you will be late to come here.
First, play VHS. It's a nostalgic, old-fashioned 8mm video dubbed to VHS! It is dubbing to DIGA via i.LINK.
After dubbing, select the program to take out from the submenu and transfer it to the SD card.
After transferring, insert the SD card into the smartphone and turn on the power.
When you start up, select the file and set the extension of the program you brought out. Change to mp4.
Then, create a GIF with the az screen recorder.
Isn't it annoying? But it's fun. When I was a kid, I miss the dynamic GIF. The cat I had was also reflected, and I was crying for some reason.
But it's a great time. The 8mm video at that time was rugged and heavy, and I could only shoot for 60 minutes,
and the audio was recorded in monaural.
Isn't it 4K shooting with a smartphone now? It's been about 30 years.
However, Iwanted. What became a hot topic about 25 years ago. Infrared The clothes are transparent.
Isn't it a smartphone app? There isn't.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

691 :author or writer.:2022/02/12(土) 23:39:05.50 ID:???0.net
Ayabe was soccer.
If I was cheerful and cheerful, I watched a soccer game called FUJI XEROX CUP live on the Nippon Television Network.
Kawasaki vs Urawa.
I don't know which one will win, I don't know.
Then I fell asleep when the red kick came in, and when I woke up, there were about three team mascots, and Marinos-kun was in first place.
Because. Oh yeah, is this match being held at the Yokohama International Stadium?
Good night again, and when I woke up, the same red person as in the first half was pleased.
Is this the end of this year's J-League?
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi

692 :allow or permit.:2022/02/13(日) 20:05:10.80 ID:???0.net
Ayabe No noise is allowed.
It's neither compulsory nor intimidating, but I think it's time to let you know because the door closing sound in the neighborhood is so loud.
I'll do it this year. It's coming soon!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

693 :prepare or produce.:2022/02/14(月) 23:45:18.15 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Snow.
When I woke up in the morning and opened the curtain, it wasn't. Normal weather. That's fine.
I want to show you the whiteness of the city where I was born. I had prepared a song,
but unfortunately it was wasted.
It's a song winter again.
It's still cold so everyone should be careful.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

694 :ナナシマさん:2022/02/14(月) 23:51:21.82 ID:???0.net
You must be an artist because I'm drawn to you!

695 :modern or present-day.:2022/02/15(火) 23:33:06.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe monochrome.
I saw JOCL's black and white unjash.
First, Mr.Kojima's apology and explanation of the process leading up to the broadcast.
Perhaps it's a habit, I heard a lot of mouth breathing. And Ken Watabe members appeared.
I bowed deeply, but my hair became weak probably because of my mind.
It must have been a famous story, but is there a place where Ken Watabe members look down on people?
Mr.Kojima couldn't to it. How will it change? People don't change.
One carelessness causes a breach. What is it again? I want you not to be surprised.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

696 :employee or worker.:2022/02/16(水) 23:05:44.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Human rights violations.
It was controversial that popular professional gamer Tanukana said on February 15,
2022 that he had no human rights to a man who was 170 centimeters or less in height during the distribution.
The quote ends.
Suddenly I lost human rights. I don't have a place anymore.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi

697 :sequence or succession.:2022/02/17(木) 19:17:23.90 ID:???0.net
Ayabe [].
When I look at various threads, I see a person who pastes the above sequence in the name field.
What is an IP address? I'm not sure, but what and how much can you understand from this sequence? Address, name, age, occupation, phone number?
Then it's no good. It would.
Do you know the number of experienced people? 0 will come out!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

698 :example or specimen.:2022/02/18(金) 14:23:50.43 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Laundering.
I'm currently working on moving from internal storage to an SD card to organize videos and images. While eating lunch.
Then, the date of the image that did not change in the import/export with the Quickpic app will be rewritten to the time when it was moved in the file app.
So, for example, if. Take some photos of your workplace and show them the images and dates.
Should I edit the movement history as if? Do you want to flirt that much? You stupid man.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

699 :ナナシマさん:2022/02/19(土) 15:05:36.24 ID:???0.net
In my heart no gut soon near to be touch tree touch,
have attack your so learn eight.

700 :close or nearby.:2022/02/19(土) 18:48:45.71 ID:???0.net
Ayabe A feeling of strangeness.
After eating strawberries, I felt something was wrong with my tongue, and when I looked at my tongue in the mirror,
I strawberry seeds stuck in my tongue.
What's this? I thought, I got a black blood that broke when I pulled it with my nails.
Yes, it was blood beans, not strawberry seeds. This is the first time that such a foreign substance has appeared on the tongue,
so is this the rumored Omicron? You will want to doubt.
I think I'm old, but I'm sending fear every day to this feeling of rattling around my body. Young is wonderful.
There is only despair for the rest of my life.
Neighbors are still noisy on the stairs.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

701 :careful or cautious.:2022/02/20(日) 00:56:21.59 ID:???0.net
Ayabe flow.
The flow is still not good. I don't feel like it will work no matter what I do.
It doesn't really work.
I finally checked the Olympics! Japan vs. England in the curling women's final.
Is there a match today? Of course, I support Japan.
I think Japan will lose if I support this plague god. But the silver medal is also wonderful.
I want to get rid of this bad flow somehow
, so I want to kick out the stones.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

702 :ナナシマさん:2022/02/20(日) 13:35:20.89 ID:???0.net
The image you are requesting does not exist or is no longer available.

703 :need or require.:2022/02/21(月) 19:50:35.23 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Obituary.
Teruhiko Saigo (75) died of prostate cancer.
He is active. His representative song is "Hoshino Flamenco".
The most advanced treatment in Australia.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi

704 :air or appearance.:2022/02/23(水) 07:20:00.46 ID:???0.net
"It's 8 o'clock! All-Member Assembly"
45 carefully selected tapes from the existing tapes out of all 803 times will be on air from the opening to the ending they were at the time of broadcasting.
From March 1st (Tuesday), the daily brewing broadcast will start on TBS Channel 2.
30 out of 45 are the first appearances on the TBS channel.
<Highlight> The legendary variety "8 o'clock! All-Member Assembly" is now available on TBS Channel!
A monster show by The Drifters who occupied the living room every Saturday night for 16 years!
The episodes carefully selected from the existing tapes out of all 803 times are on air from the opening to the ending as they were at the time of broadcasting!
A one-hour public live broadcast that was unfolded in a large-scale set set up on the stage at the venues such as civic centers and gymnasiums in each region!
A lot of gag that every child at the time of broadcasting imitated! Masterpieces and popular corners that are still handed down,
such as mustache dance and tongue twister!
Not only singing, but sometimes talented singers and popular idols who participated other gorgeous guests!
Day Let's re-experience the pinnacle of Showa's laughter variety show, which continued to bring laughter to the book!
The quote ends. Very fun.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

705 :cat or feline.:2022/02/23(水) 07:22:08.05 ID:???0.net
Ayabe cat.
Is it Cat's Day? Why? Is it a bark? Nyan. In English-speaking countries? What is meow?
That cannot be expressed in 2.
It's a day unique to Japan. I don't really hate cats, but forgive me.
Because everyone is alive.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

706 :behind or for.:2022/02/24(木) 23:01:32.51 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Spring Meet.
I would like to introduce one event that makes you feel the arrival of spring.
I sown strawberry seeds last month, and I am very happy to discover that they are sprouting yesterday.
When I was about to give up, I thought that peace was the best for the cute buds.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

707 :appeal or call.:2022/02/25(金) 02:44:45.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe amazed.
Koki Tanaka (36), a singer-songwriter and former member of the former idol group "KAT-TUN",
was arrested by the Aichi Prefectural Police on suspicion of violating the Stimulant Drug Control Law.
According to the Aichi Prefectural Police,
Tanaka is suspected of having about 0.164 grams of stimulant at a business hotel in Naka-ku, Nagoya on the 30th of last month.
He denies the charges, saying "I don't know," in response to police investigations.
Tanaka made his debut as a member formed in 2001. After leaving Johnny's office in 2013,
he has continued his musical activities, and yesterday he held a live concert in Nagoya.
The Aichi Prefectural Police is investigating in detail the routes for obtaining stimulants. The quote ends.
I wonder if there is nothing I can do about it.
What is the appeal of illegal drugs? You should consult with Professor Toshihiko Matsumoto of the Department of Psychiatry.
You can defend me.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

708 :ナナシマさん:2022/02/26(土) 19:00:37.44 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is back.
I decided to capture the NES software because I was afraid of my free time.
This time, Dragon Ball Daimaoufukkatsu.
Enjoy the horrifying BGM that became a hot topic. Finally go out to the field.
Let's set the level to MAX before the first destination. Easy to max level 14.
Encounter an enemy before arriving at your destination. It's a hassle.
If you defeat it properly, is it a battle point? Entered 5, and the display also came out as 5.
What? The level doesn't go up, but will the battle points be counted? Since the display is 0005, is it going to 9999?
This is the true MAX for 9999.
So I decided not to enter the first destination until I went to 9999.
You can get 5 battle points for light blue and 10 battle points for yellow-green from the enemy called ukulele that.
Since the level is already MAX, you cannot get battle .
You have to repeat the acquisition of 10 battle points 1000 times. That's big issue.
But I don't know what it is, but it's surprisingly crispy and I've
reached 4464 points as of yesterday. By the end of next week
It may be possible to achieve it. The capture starts from there.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

709 :fool or idiot.:2022/02/27(日) 23:07:56.58 ID:???0.net
Ayabe So-on.
As soon as I returned home after cleaning the neighborhood association's park,
I went out to distribute the circulation board and public relations.
Is it a person with a disability in the neighborhood when you finish it quickly while listening to the song and it fits perfectly in the room?
Vibration and noise echoed, probably because the door of the room was closed vigorously. It's terrible.
And this time, the skateboard idiot shows off his technique as if he was crazy. It ’s on a public road, right? It's jarring and jarring.
And at 17:00 at dusk, the soccer parent-child wall hitting show started. What a day!
Maybe I have to sprinkle it with salt.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

710 :minister or pastor.:2022/02/28(月) 00:39:14.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anniversary.
It's been four years and two months since it was early.
Of course, I don't have any chance. Wishes and prayers are empty.
In addition, a car that played a car stereo at a loud volume appeared earlier, and my heart was broken.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

711 :agree or concur.:2022/03/01(火) 01:41:44.76 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's March.
Now March. Graduation season. How are you doing with the octopus?
Graduation from this rule. March 11th will come again this year. 11 years? Early, huh. I can't keep up.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

712 :frugal or thrifty.:2022/03/02(水) 00:58:36.71 ID:???0.net
Ayabe from 1 again.
The Battle Point 9999 plan for the resurrection of the Great Demon King,
which was introduced at the 829th unpleasant poem on February 26, has been completed successfully.
Unfortunately, when it exceeds 9999, it will be counted from 1 again.
When I defeated the light blue ukulele in the state of 9999, it became 0004. What a mess.
So I decided to proceed normally. Wasted effort. Water bubbles. Sigh.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

713 :adviser or consultant.:2022/03/03(木) 12:28:32.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's lunch.
What did you eat for lunch?
Let me tell you for the girl who thinks.
It's cup ramen.
However, the temperature of the hot water is low. This water server. Is cold water the main thing?
It can not be helped. When you squeeze the noodles, it crackles. Well, Mandom.
That's it. Then just wait for the time to pass. As time goes by.
You look amazing. YMCA! Hideki! Crying.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

714 :stroll or wander.:2022/03/04(金) 20:02:39.58 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Leisure.
I can't help it because I have too much time! Isn't there something interesting? Yes?
It's 8 o'clock! I see everyone gathering every day, but other than that.
The increase in the remaining capacity of the HDD is not so tight.
That's right, do you expect professional baseball? On March 25th, both the Central League and the Pacific League will open.
Will Central be the Yomiuri Giants and Pacific be the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters? The Japan Series is the Yomiuri Giants with 4 wins and 2 losses. Topic is enough.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

715 :ナナシマさん:2022/03/05(土) 16:10:34.59 ID:???0.net
In Case You Missed It -February
From generous toy donations and 100lb Lego displays to a community-made mixtape and more,
there was a lot to love last month!

Catch up

716 :blithe or thoughtful.:2022/03/05(土) 19:24:28.62 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Ichiban.
From the morning, neighbors open and close the front door over and over again.
Open the hatchback and litter the trash or wake up terribly.
And since I went out with two cars, I wonder if I will go out even if I go out.
I thought I would come back at noon.

Weird people!

I wish I had blown away the house in the first spring.


Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

717 :dog or hound.:2022/03/06(日) 00:06:13.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 13.
All night e! I'm here while watching season13. Before I knew it, it was 13. It was always the time of Goripara memoirs or Weme de Pon,
but tonight is midnight on Saturday, and it will be broadcast on Sunday after dawn.
It was no check, but for some reason I suddenly wanted to see the program guide, and when I pressed it, I found this program. I'm looking forward to the happenings unique to live broadcasting. I've done it 13 times before I knew it. I remember up to around 5, but I don't remember 6 and 7.
4. There was also 5.
Well it can't be helped. There are frequent reruns, so don't worry if you miss it.
However, I was tired of seeing the performer's girl calling "Yabai, Yabai".
It's May. Feel the age.
I thought that I wasn't the age of the game anymore, and I wasn't the age to be involved with girls. That's sad. That's why looking at Game Center CX makes me feel calm. I was there.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

718 :humor or mood.:2022/03/07(月) 12:15:32.87 ID:???0.net
Ayabe pollen.
Sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose. It's painful. My eyes don't itch like that, but my nose is Villarreal.
When you blow your nose, you can see ocher
-colored lumps and blood that seems to be .
What is the cause? Is this a symptom of the rumored corona!?
I don't know, but it seems that if you put my finger in the nostril and push in the swollen part, it will pass a little better.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

719 :source or spa.:2022/03/08(火) 23:02:42.94 ID:???0.net
Ayabe sing, sing a song.
The lyrics of the song that I suddenly remembered.
In a woman's song, no becomes yes.
A song like that.
I haven't searched yet. If you search, you lose.
It's probably about 2000, so 22 years ago?
Oh My God. What did you think it was just recently?
I'll close it with an egg. Pork cutlet on rice.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

720 :melt or thaw.:2022/03/09(水) 03:26:28.47 ID:???0.net
Ayabe What is the answer?
I searched for the song I was worried about last night.
Then it was a song called "Can't forget your love" by Mai Kuraki.
Released on August 29, 2001. Is it 21 years ago? Settled.
By the way, March 9th is the day when the foreshock of the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake occurred.
Did the tsunami warning come out? I remember that the appearance of closing something like a floodgate was relayed.
Is it the same Wednesday as this year? That means Friday the 11th.
It's a chaotic world, but you pray for peace.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

721 :amalgamation or combine.:2022/03/10(木) 23:43:04.90 ID:???0.net
Ayabe COVID-19.
Mr. Hikaru Ijuin (54) saw an article about being infected with the new coronavirus.
What about the morning radio program near the final episode?
The idiot power at midnight is 14th (1:00 AM on the 15th), so it's no good.
What will happen? If it's a combination like Bakusho-san, it's okay to invite one person or a help pinch hitter to broadcast,
but in the case of Mr. Ijyuuin, that's not the case.
Please take good care of yourself.
If you write something like that, you won't be told. I won't say it because it will be said.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

722 :shake or sway.:2022/03/12(土) 23:03:54.72 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Room temperature.
It was hotter than warm today, wasn't it? The temperature was reading 28.6℃.
If you open the window, pollen will come out.
I couldn't help but turned the fan. Isn't there a good temperature?
It's very depressing because the noise maggots spring up when it gets warm.
If the spread prevention is lifted, the ban on public facilities will be lifted, and it will be noisy from the morning.
There is only despair. I can only sigh. Even semen.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

723 :♪Material Girl / Madonna:2022/03/13(日) 01:04:01.56 ID:???0.net
Ayabe secret tool.
Thinking about tools that Doraemon couldn't put out, my old memories suddenly revived.
He attended the same school, and he got his name from his nicknamed child and named.
And episode. The role of Nobita is taken from Miyano and Hideta-kun.
When Hideta-kun returns home from school, he asks his mom.
However, he was told to show the test, and if he reluctantly showed it, he was so terrible that he was said to be.
When I entered my room, there was a Bupeemon, and I urged him to take out the guy.
Bupeemon is in trouble.
However, when there was a perfect tool, I took out a "manure food converter".
With this tool, you can make whatever you want to eat or drink.
The material is manure, which is useful in outer space where resources are scarce.
Hideta-Kun immediately puts in pee, inputs waits for the completion.
The electronic sound of the glittering star sounds and is completed.
I didn't like it, but when I drank it, it turned out to be cola, which is amazing!
I want to try more.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

724 :disguise or impersonate.:2022/03/14(月) 01:06:00.01 ID:???0.net
Ayabe continued.
I wanted to try more, but I was thick and thick, but I was reluctant to excrete, so I thought I would get a heroine girl.
I forgot the name of the heroine girl, Shizuka-chan.
Hideta disguise himself and go to the girl's house and request to collect stool for inspection.
He got it easily, converted it to chocolate and McCol and tasted it.
The next day, at school, a heroine was told by a disgusting person to give me a stool test and a stool test,
and she said she submitted her dog because she was scared. end.
It's really silly, but it seems that it was fun at that time.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

725 :able or intelligence.:2022/03/15(火) 04:37:55.24 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Newcorona.
Monday JUNK Ijuin Hikaru's late-night idiot personality, is absent due to a new corona infection.
Suddenly, Kazuo Kono and his daughter (4 years old), a comedy duo called Saikyo Panders, appeared. What's this?
After that, voice actor Daisuke Ono exploded in a place where the appearance was likely to be an off-color humor.
Finally, the usual broadcast material is being broadcast now. Take care.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

726 :speak or talk.:2022/03/16(水) 02:16:52.05 ID:???0.net
Ayabe a little.
If there is a god to throw away, there is a god to pick up.
Since my favorite site was closed in mid-November last year, I had a hole in my heart.
However, an alternative site was finally found.
Most of the works are limited to paid premium members, but there is a possibility that they are fraudulent,
so it's okay to be free, so I will only get the works.
I immediately saw a nice work with thumbnails.
It's been a long time Suddenly S rank certification.
I'm just grateful for this. The performers are also cute and their bodies are beautiful.
No complaints. Whether you're a professional or not, you're still very conscious.
There were more works on the previous site than on the current site, but let's thank you without saying luxury.
Thank you for your happiness. amen.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

727 :delay or detain.:2022/03/17(木) 03:03:19.15 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Earthquake Delay Report.
Tsunami warnings are still being issued.
An earthquake occurred off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture at around 23:36 last night.
Maximum seismic intensity 6 upper was observed in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures.
More on that later. Did I keep a diary in bed.
Then it shook a little at first, oh, did it sway?
After a while, a large shake arrived. The stacked VHS falls, Blu-ray discs are also avalanches.
Even a little less than 5 is fine.
However, according to the announcement by the Japan Meteorological Agency, my place was seismic intensity class 4.
In Tohoku, windowpanes were broken and water leaked, and there was a power outage from Tohoku to Kanto.
It seems that something is wrong with the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company.
Please note that there is a possibility that a similar earthquake will occur in the next week.
Be prepared again.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

728 :happen or occur.:2022/03/18(金) 04:46:20.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Earthquake.
A memo of the earthquake that occurred off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture at midnight on the 16th.
Magnitude 7.4, depth about 60km. Tsunami warning issued (currently canceled).
Seismic intensity 6 upper is Zao Town, Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture.
Fukushima Prefecture is Kunimi Town, Soma City, and Minamisoma City.
Some people died.
It was a daily life that didn't change until the earthquake. That's horrible.
It's no good to say that I'm in a seismic intensity 4 area,
so it's light and calm without rushing.
It's a little over six. I can't blame you if a professional baseball helper,
a foreign player, wants to go home. Thank you. I think so. I swear so. But I'm happy .
I would run away on the same day. Cowardly!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

729 :ナナシマさん:2022/03/20(日) 04:05:26.31 ID:???0.net
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
DEPARTMENT of Environmental Protection

730 :melody or tune.:2022/03/20(日) 18:55:50.58 ID:???0.net
Edited by Ayabe.
I am grateful to be surrounded by many wonderful works, but at the same time, I often go back and forth about what is there.
So I've been working on editing for the last few days.
We will lower the image quality so that you can easily see it on my smartphone.
At that time, it is divided into general use and VIP use. Both are for myself.
For general use, it is treated like BGM, mainly while working.
For VIP, it is packed when you want to thoroughly appreciate the work.
All the scenes that I think are good are summarized.
So far, 12 works for general use and 1 work for VIP have not been completed yet.
I have decided that one work should be within 1 hour, so if you watch it for 12 hours in a row,
you will use it for half a day.
I'm really looking forward to it! So this soliloquy must.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

731 :abuse or misuse.:2022/03/21(月) 22:58:01.35 ID:???0.net
Ayabe I get drunk.
There are cases where a single mother's child is abused and the worst life is lost.
Every time I did that, I thought I would take good care of her and her child, and I wrote that in the case thread.
Then harsh words came back. "It's just that I'm drunk when I'm saying good things, and it will change if I actually have my own child."
I see. I didn't think so much. I felt like I was able to see through my inexperience.
In other words, it was an invisible it was not popular. Impractical proposition? pipe dream?
After all, that's the reasonwhy I. I wrote it with the thought that it was good, but I broke the counter brilliantly.
So I don't talk about justice lightly anymore.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

732 :quote or recite.:2022/03/22(火) 04:42:24.69 ID:???0.net
Three conditions of a popular man that Mai Oshima thinks have been announced.
Oshima insisted that "the first thing beautiful" and "the laughing face is refreshing and cute".
Regarding the first one, "People who try to pretend to be gentlemen say" I'll open the door "or" Ladies First "are exaggerated
, and I think they're crap."
When it's cold, it's important to be able to pass your knees naturally, and he said, "Don't flutter.
The point is to be casual. I wonder if it
feels like you're not aiming."
He explained that "cleanliness" is important for the appearance "The first thing that stands out is the upper body and the upper part.
People who are beautiful here feel that they are forgiven for some reason.
They have their beards trimmed." It is said that the impression changes depending on the "speaking style" of men.
He confessed that he was not good at"a person who speaks soothingly.
A person with a low voice who does not understand what he is saying" after saying "I like the feeling of having no ulterior motives".
In the past, she spoke to a man on the train just before the last train. He said he had been asked, "I'm saying,'Why don't you go drinking after this?
But (because it was a quiet voice) !? I thought people were really bad, "he said.
The quote ends. Even if you don't intend to do that, you may not be able to express your feelings well,
your face may look dirty if it is ugly, or even a smile may look lascivious, no matter how beautiful your face is.
If the gender is reversed, I think it is a case of gender discrimination. When I say that, the woman says:
That's why you're not popular. Hah. Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

733 :illumination or light.:2022/03/23(水) 20:03:11.81 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Aibo.
Tonight, the final episode of Mr. Takashi Sorimachi from the drama "Aibo". He was in charge for seven years.
Is it still going on? Then I'm wondering who the next partner will be.
Who would you like to see? Who wouldn't want to see it?
I would stop watching if it was Daiki Kanechika. It's not 99%, but it's possible that it's pushed hard,
and at other stations, this guy is dressed as a police officer, isn't he? It's scary.
The person who wants to see it is Mr.Goro Inagaki. I do not understand.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

734 :marriage or wedding.:2022/04/02(土) 10:35:48.64 ID:???0.net
Ayabe New Year.
So what? I think most people feel that, but anyway, the burden on the people will increase from today, so be prepared.
That is also a price increase This is also a price increase. I wonder if it can't be helped.
Strict for the poor. It's insignificant for a successful person like you.
There is no choice but to reduce something. What should i do?
Let's stop caviar, foie gras, truffles. Let's stop the domestic Wagyu A5 rank.
What should I do.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe Soccer.
There was a lot of noise about the combination of the 2022 FIFA World Cup,
but how strong are Spain and Germany, which are in the same group as Japan, in baseball?
Anyway, countries other than Japan can be in the same group as Japan, and I think I'm lucky to secure points, so I'd like to look back.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

735 :din or noise.:2022/04/03(日) 19:19:02.20 ID:???0.net
Ayabe clay powder.
It's the end of the year.
Those who have a brilliant new life should be happy to the extent that they are left behind, and look down on the losers and smile.
By the way, Senbatsu High School Baseball. Osaka Toin is too strong.
Even Kugayama-chan from Kokugakuin Kokugakuin is full-blown in the semi-finals
. And even in today's final,
Omi is full-blown. Mr. Yamada of Omi, how would you like if you weren't injured?
I wanted to throw it in perfect condition.
So I became Urawa Gakuin Anti.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe Bridge.
A little while ago.
"Yoko Oshita Wide! Scramble" was broadcast on March 22nd this year, featuring Turkey's longest suspension bridge in the world.
I pulled out the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge! Canakkale Bridge! I was proudly introducing it as if it were my credit.
What a victory for Korean companies! I was proud of it. So that's it.
I really like Korea and I can't help it. That's not a bad thing.
In fact, today's NTV is also Shuichi, following the JY Park special feature, and Nino-san loves Shin-Okubo's Korean special feature and Korea.
It's not unusual. I hope these two stations will serve as a bridge between Japan and South Korea.
However, since there are many countries and regions in the world, it is true that I wanted to know the cultures and trends of various countries and regions.
It's not new, but please.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

736 :storm or tempest.:2022/04/04(月) 19:55:32.30 ID:???0.net
Yesterday was Ken Shimura's third anniversary. It's been two years.
I watch it every day with Drifters and all the members.
I don't know if it's a weekly jitsuwa, such as a child's laughter, low level, cheating with laughter according to such a day,
but I saw such an online article. It was a big help.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe Island.
Let's buy a house in the place you admire.
A world travel variety that real estate guides recommend for long-awaited properties in Japan and overseas that you want to live someday.
Sou Takei, who is serious about, talks about his dream with a guest who dreams of moving to the world.
# 11 Let's buy a house in Korea.
Introducing properties in Jeju Island, South Korea. Jeju Island is surrounded by the beautiful sea and is also known as Hawaii in the Orient.
There will be a wide variety of attractive homes, such as fashionable luxury with floor heating called ondol.
The guest is YOU, who loves Korea.The quote ends.
TBS also loves Korea! Thank you for your hard work today, following yesterday's NTV and TV Asahi.
Of course I don't see it.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

737 :care or custody.:2022/04/05(火) 23:26:20.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Tuesday.
Because it's Tuesday. Looking at the Kayo Pops Channel, there is a program called a nostalgic music video.
Nostalgic songs and images calm the mind. Is there only one release year for that music video?
Since it is not displayed, I visited the homepage, wrote an opinion and a request form to that effect, and sent it.
Ignore for now. I still don't know how many years the work was released.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe rain.
It rained only in the morning.
I might have been laughed at because my hair was messed up without an umbrella.
It might have been like Knock Yokoyama. If he was alive, he was 90 years old.
Suddenly, I often remember the names of celebrities. Instead, I can't remember the current entertainer.
They all look the same. Especially Ms.Kamishiraishi.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

738 :suspense or tension.:2022/04/06(水) 22:58:47.62 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anniversary.
It's been four years and three months since it was early.
Of course, I don't have any chance. Wishes and prayers are empty.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

Ayabe Age.
Even though it was a sage again, it went up. It's Funny.
It is a big nuisance that this unpleasant daily poem goes up.
It makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable.
Especially Mr. Abe. Mr. Abe makes an unpleasant face just by greeting me.
I hate me and I can't help it.
The doors of cars and indoors are closed with a loud noise, and the music is also heard with a loud.
Mr. Abe, it was bad. I won't raise it anymore, so get in the mood.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

739 :eulogy or obituary.:2022/04/07(木) 20:14:29.20 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Kinoshita Dai Yarasu.
The scandals of Houka Kinoshita and the members are making a lot of noise, but if it is true, it's very sad.
In addition, it is written on the net as Kinoshita. Is there anyone else?
Ah, Takayuki Kinoshita member of TKO and Yukina Kinoshita member of Pabo.
Did Jaguar Yokota do something in Kinoshita? The amazing Kinoshita Group.
By the way, Kinoshita was also the feces woman who told me something unpleasant.
I remember being an academic society. Anyway, Kinoshita is painful. You shouldn't get involved.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe obituary.
Fujiko Fujio A died at home. According to the Kanagawa Prefectural Police,
Fujiko Fujio A (real name : Abiko Motoo), a cartoonist known for the popular manga "Obake no Q-Taro", "Ninja Hattori-kun", and "Laughing Salesman".
Was found dead 7th. He is 88 years old. Born in Toyama prefecture.
Created using the joint pen name of Fujiko F Fujio (real name: Hiroshi Fujimoto) and "Fujiko Fujio",
"Obake no Q- Taro", which started serialization in 1964, became a big hit.
Mr. Abiko worked on "Ninja Hattori -kun" and "Kaibutsu-kun",
and Mr. Fujimoto worked on and the two of them established a solid position as a popular manga artist.
The combination with Mr. Fujimoto disappeared in 1987.
He named himself Fujiko Fujio A and continued his creative activities.The quote ends.
I got you to buy the Famicom and the board game of Sugoroku.
Recently I watched the rebroadcast of Laughing Salesman.
It's interesting because human weakness comes out. After all, it will be useless. Gassho.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi

740 :ape or monkey.:2022/04/08(金) 01:52:39.97 ID:???0.net
Ayabe opening!
The long-awaited Japanese professional baseball has begun.
Isn't it even against Yakult on Fuji TV?
When I watched CS Fuji TV, I was playing a volleyball V-League game. Oh sorry.
It seems that every match was a good result. fun.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe is awesome Ishii.
I was really tired yesterday. No matter what I do, it's so heavy that the gravity of the earth has doubled.
I still can't sleep in spite of yawning.
So kill time here for a while.
Of course it's not New Corona. Perhaps.
I feel the fragrance of flatulence.
Is it the liver? I don't drink alcohol, so fatty liver? Somewhat obese, displayed on the Body Composition Analyzer.
Do you exercise? It's hard to exercise, even Seijo Ishii.
So please tell me the turmeric that works well.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

741 :during or throughout.:2022/04/12(火) 00:32:29.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe World Cup.
Japan has decided to participate in the 2022 FIFA World Cup IN Qatar. Congratulations.
Last night, he fought Australia and won 2-0 in the enemy territory. He has decided to participate in the 7th tournament for the 7th time in a row.
The 1998 France tournament participated for the first time.
I was still a teenager. Young is wonderful.
It will start in November. looking forward to.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe Nuko.
I was having a hard time because I wasn't feeling well.
It was a hassle to get here. Is this okay for a while again?
I want you to finish the maintenance perfectly like pitcher Roki Sasaki. Congratulations.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

742 :blind or sightless.:2022/04/12(火) 22:32:04.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe restriction.
Communication speed is limited as early as today. There are problems with various sites, but I also use such restrictions.
Gigabytes can't be reduced anymore, so you can use as much as you want.
I decided to drop the video because it was free. I tried downloading a 250MB video and it took about 4 hours.
Can I make one work while I'm sleeping? That's fine.
I'm busy finding new videos and picking them up, so goodbye.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

743 :factory or mill.:2022/04/13(水) 23:24:30.29 ID:???0.net
Ayabe It's hot.
As of today, I declare summer. Hot! hotter hotest!
I would like to inform you of the current room temperature, which is 31.1 ℃. Unpleasant heat.
Isn't it still early for the air conditioner? I don't like it.
Of course, I want to open the window, but I don't have it now, but in the morning I can't open it because of the screams of the soccer school,
the kicking sound of the ball, and the bounce of the wall.
It's an unpleasant season. It was a good time to prevent the spread. Be quiet.
I have a grudge against the soccer school from the bottom of my heart. Why did you choose here?
It's hard to understand why it makes a loud noise to call itself a hometown and makes people uncomfortable or anxious.
That's why I think the guy who plays soccer is also prejudiced. From 2015?
I've been worried since then. I also contacted public facilities, but it doesn't improve. You don't have a literary talent that touches your heart.
Well, what's wrong? I don't understand.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe soy sauce.
Kikkoman's Haruka Ayase CM costume is good. Fluffy.
I hate Fuwa. Change the channel.
Somehow, there are but do you turn the remote control around?
I do not understand.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

744 :daughter or girl.:2022/04/15(金) 05:19:00.71 ID:???0.net
Ayabe That?
Right now, I'm rebroadcasting the police officer Furuhata Ninzaburo on Fuji TV, a terrestrial digital broadcast,
but the plan says that it's a clan without a mess, but was there anything?
I can't sleep because I'm sick! !!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe's window.
Yesterday, when I went to the bathroom immediately after returning home, the zipper was fully opened.
My bazooka gun was in an attempted exposure.
Of course, I'll close it properly. The reason is that it will get off.
So I leave the house after confirming that it is closed.
Still, I get off on the way. Probably not enough.
Also, I have to walk the same way today, so the person who walks the same way yesterday is the sloppy guy. Do you think?
No, I don't see that much, the crotch of people who pass each other.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

745 :chance or fortune.:2022/04/16(土) 23:50:52.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe pattern.
After all, should I change the layout of the rooms? I often think that.
Now the pillow is Keiko Kitagawa, so-called North pillow.
East pillow and south pillow are difficult due to room constraints.
Then is there only a west pillow?
However, I failed to relocate on New Year's Eve 2020.
Then what are you going to do? Overloading that will not let you do anything.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

746 :doe or rabbit.:2022/04/17(日) 22:48:20.02 ID:???0.net
Ayabe perfect body.
Pitcher Sasaki, not a perfect game for two consecutive games. Complete up to 8 times.
There is a small record of my complete phimosis, but this is rare.
It's a pity that I wouldn't be able to see it while I was alive enough to win the lottery if I did a perfect game even though it wasn't a perfect game.
It can not be helped.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

747 :bunny or rabbit.:2022/04/18(月) 04:38:16.55 ID:???0.net
Ayabe mask.
I think you're wearing a mask, but it's itchy ears, right?
I scratched the back of my ears and scratched it, and it spread all over my ears and was soaked in water.
When it dries, itching increases and it becomes crunchy again.
So I packed the tissue in my ears to prevent the holes in my ears from being filled with water.
It's also because of the earphones.
I have a grudge against this neighborhood where I had to wear earphones! Stupid!
I'll definitely make a profit and move! UOo! The man is UOo!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

748 :magic or sorcery.:2022/04/18(月) 04:58:34.74 ID:???0.net
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749 :fantastic or marvelous.:2022/04/19(火) 06:33:45.45 ID:???0.net
Ayabe get up early!
It is said that getting up early is a virtue of Sanmon, but it is a story if you can use this time effectively.
If you spend it in vain, you just cut your sleep. Performance goes down. Then what should I do?
It's radio calisthenics. This is fantastic. The stagnant body fluid circulates wonderfully. Your body will be warm.
And check the state of the lower world on the network.
At this time, with the aroma of morning coffee. You can hear! Then wash your face. Remove bacteria in the mouth and have a little chilled coffee.
I wake up cleanly. Please give a chance to middle-aged men who are enthusiastic about watching erotic videos!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

750 :flow or run.:2022/04/20(水) 00:39:39.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake.
Yesterday morning was a strange morning.
First of all, it was unpleasant to hear the sound of the motorcycle blowing from about 1 to 2 km away at 5 or 6 in the morning
. I was worried.
I fell asleep, but at 8:16, there was an earthquake with the epicenter in Nakadori, Fukushima Prefecture.
The magnitude indicating the magnitude of the earthquake is 5.4 and the depth is about 90km.
The maximum seismic intensity is less than 5, and it is Shirosato-cho, Higashiibaraki-gun, Ibaraki Prefecture.
And when I finally fell asleep again, I overslept, and when I woke up, it was 10:12 ! What a hell!
Garbage was also collected and could not be put out.
The earthquake is a natural phenomenon, so it can't be helped, but the motorcycle blower should die.
I'm sorry to bother you.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

751 :float or hover.:2022/04/21(木) 01:14:29.58 ID:???0.net
Ayabe investigation.
You wash dishes and vacuum while humming.
It depends on the song, but when I repeat the chorus part at the end of the song,
I sometimes transpose it instead of the first scale, but I can't sing it well.
It's a romantic flight of Kome Kome Club, what should I do?
The store manager who cannot change the tone. Does it go up by a semitone? I don't even know that.
Of course, I don't know what key it went from. Education is important, isn't it?
It might have been different if I attended the piano classroom as a child.
Ah,but if I had perfect pitch, I might have been crazy about the noise around me, and I might have been a Suicide Sports Car,
so this ear is fine.
From now on, let's sing a humming song while forcibly transposing.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

752 :basic or elementary.:2022/04/22(金) 19:44:23.82 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is inherited as continuous cotton.
There was a player named Keio University in the Keio High School Baseball Club,
but that was exactly the name that should go to the Keio system.
His parents are probably from Keio. amazing.
It's too different to weigh and I'm afraid, but what about me?
When I looked it up, it was a high school graduate family. It is hereditary.
However, both my parents are civil servants, but I couldn't succeed.
In the first place, it was the beginning of the frustration that I couldn't keep up with my studies in elementary school,
and the second frustration that I didn't need from the bad group.
And, no matter how many times I went, I couldn't get a driver's license, and finally I refused to enter from the driving school.
If there is a god to throw away, there is a god to push . Every day of frustration. So I wondered if anything would work, and that's right.
That shouldn't be the case. So at the end of the sentence everything goes well.
I always put it in. You've been writing for hundreds of days.
Is it really going well? Hmm ...
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

753 :abort or halt.:2022/04/23(土) 00:14:09.03 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 14.
All night e! I'm here while watching season14. Before I knew it, it was 14.
I don't mean to miss it because it's always the time of Goripara memoirs or Wareme de Pong, but I remember up to around 5, but I don't remember 6, 7, and 10.
There was also 4.5. Well it can't be helped. There are frequent reruns, so don't worry if you miss it.
However, I was tired of seeing the performer's girl calling "Yabai, Yabai".
It's May. Feel the age. I thought that I wasn't the age of the game anymore, and I wasn't the age to be involved with girls.
That's sad. That's why looking at Game Center CX makes me feel calm.
The whereabouts I want to play a game with Ah someday.
Everything works. The claim is over. Hogihogi!

754 :demand or request.:2022/04/24(日) 00:20:26.89 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Hunter Chance.
Mr.Hiroshi Yagyu, an actor and moderator living in Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture, has passed away.
He was 85 years old. According to his sources, Mr.Yagyu died.
Mr.Yagyu from Ibaraki Prefecture is active as an actor and a TV program host.
He moved to the present Oizumi-cho, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture in 1976 while continuing his entertainment activities,
and in 1989 1) he founded and owned the gallery restaurant "Yatsugatake Club".
In the area where the "Yatsugatake Club" is located, Mr.Yagyu pruned the trees himself and maintained the promenade.
He continued to convey the charm of Yatsugatake's nature to a large number of people.
Mr.Yagyu's farewell ceremony will be held only by his relatives on the 20th, and a farewell party will be held at a later date. The quote ends.
I remember the "Million Yen Quiz Hunter
" and "Heisei Education Committee" that I saw during the summer vacation.
Hunter chance! I want to see it again.
His wife is Mrs.Nikaido, who plays the role of Fujiko Mine, the first generation.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi

755 :pimple or zit.:2022/04/25(月) 19:54:22 ID:???0.net
Ayabe longevity.
Ms.Kane Tanaka of Fukuoka City, who was recognized as the oldest person in the world by the world record, died on.
She was 119 years old.
Kane Tanaka was born on January 2, 1868 and was 119 years old, and she was recognized as the "oldest living in the world" by the Guinness World Records. The quote ends. A great word. She is 119 years old. Even if I live twice, I still can't catch up.
I'm a man, so I'm aiming for a men's world record. The 112-year-old is the oldest living man.
Okay, I'll do my best!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

756 :performance or show.:2022/04/27(水) 12:03:04.71 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Shiretoko Love Song.
The Shiretoko tour boat accident, some people are still missing, and the search is continuing.
I'm sorry. I was thinking, but in one news, "I bought a ring and proposed on board"
The father of a 22-year-old son, sad feelings... I saw a tragic drama-like report that a woman who was dating and was missing at once.
It has cooled down. I think it's a big chorus of "Zamaa" doesn't hit that much. It just turns white.
Even though they all have the same life, they were treated specially for the proposal.
If I was on board, would the press pick me up? Middle-aged single non-regular blue-collar missing, their last.
Is it such a headline? It's a big difference from the above couple.
There is a program called "Paradise of Life" on TV Asahi, but it's almost a story of a couple. Singles are sometimes taken up,
but only singles due to bereavement. You can have a good talk there as well.
Singles left behind by the SDGs. So I got cold.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

757 :grow or increase.:2022/04/27(水) 12:21:29.07 ID:???0.net
Ayabe dragonfly paradise.
It was revealed on March 31 that Kei Yamamoto, an actor, had died of pneumonia on March 31.
He is 81 years old.
Born in Osaka. His office announced on the 25th. The quote ends.
From lastnight, the rebroadcast of "Hitotsu Yane no Shita 2" will begin on CS Fuji TV 721.
Mr.Yamamoto appeared in the role of Uncle Hirose, a good understanding of the Kashiwagi family.
I'm lonely again. Gassho.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

758 :ascetic or austere.:2022/04/28(木) 00:23:22.17 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anniversary.
It's been four years and four months since it was early.
Of course, I don't have any chance. Wishes and prayers are empty.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi

759 :melancholy or sadness.:2022/04/29(金) 06:13:33.37 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Golden Week.
How many consecutive holidays from today? We hope you all have a happy holiday. Why did you limit it to "everyone"?
I do not understand! Lie.
Actually, I am afraid of holidays and holidays.
Of course, it's the sound of a ball kicking from a nearby soccer school.
It sounds pretty good. The last Sunday was ridiculous. Adult kick is "Dawn!""Dawn!" Reverberates for hours.
I can't sleep just thinking about it.
If you're not good at it, it's every day until May 8th, right? Melancholy.
Far from GW, I'm worried that the golden ball will shrink.
Isn't it over to call the police? There is also # 9110, but it doesn't seem to support holidays.
If it keeps raining, it will be canceled, so I have no choice but to beg for rain. It's cloudy for now.
The forecast is rain from the afternoon. Chit.
They're the ones who came later. I have no choice but to run away, but there is no escape. What should I do.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

760 :precipitation or rain.:2022/05/01(日) 15:50:58.31 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Sleep deprivation.
Originally it was a short sleeper, but at
around 7:30 in the morning, the soccer school people started preparing something and
shouted "Pull it".
Did you pull it even with a smally dick?
Then there was the sound of kicking the ball for a while.
Can not sleep. I slept twice and couldn't do it. Considerable stress.
I was saved by the rain from the afternoon, but will this continue every day from now on? I don't know, but it's pretty difficult.
Should I say it to the prefectural soccer association?
I have sent postcards and emails to the team and public facility managers, but there is no improvement.
In other words, it seems that both of them have decided that they can be ignored.
They may kick the ball as hard as they can to relieve stress, but local residents get stressed with each kick.
The holidays for peace are destroyed by their kicks. I'm in trouble.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

761 :enormous or huge.:2022/05/02(月) 23:33:06.25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Fortunately.
I was able. Thank you God, Buddha, ancestors.
However, there are also disturbing events. When I was watching "Quiz! Brain Bell SHOW" earlier, an earthquake early warning telop was displayed,
and an earthquake occurred. Seismic intensity 4 in Kameoka city.
Recently, there have been many earthquakes with the epicenter in the southern part of Kyoto prefecture, and I am worried.
It's okay because there is nothing in my area, but if a large-scale earthquake occurs in a tourist city like Kyoto,
the damage will be enormous.
There are also historic buildings. At best, the damage to me is such that the soccer school stops practicing or dissolves.
Ah, there is a certain motorway. If that crack occurs, NEXCO will repair it in a blink of an eye, so is it okay?
That's not the case in Kyoto. All over Japan is sad. So please calm down. Make your wish come true.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

762 :precious or valuable.:2022/05/02(月) 23:38:17.10 ID:???0.net
Ayabe The end of April.
It's a dirty story, but it's the end of the month when diarrhea doesn't go away.
The first shot in the morning was just after waking up, so I couldn't make it in time, so it's a Blu-ray disc spindle, right? Put that transparent case on your butt and squirm. Oh dangerous!
When I thought about it, it was also attached to my pants, shorts, and bed sheets. I'm off. I hurriedly peeled off the sheets to prevent them from seeping underneath. Nice judgment.
And after a while, I had flatulence and diarrhea.
Dirty the second piece of underwear. terrible.
The butt is noisy even though the soccer school is not so noisy.
Change your underwear again. The third time was done properly! It's natural.
What are adults doing? Proper stool is not formed for a while. What's wrong with my intestines? It doesn't hurt.
I've suffered so much that I'm not flatulent compared to that time. Just wipe the butt too much and it tingles.
I'll take a look at it for a while.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

763 :diarrhea or dysentery.:2022/05/03(火) 00:34:45 ID:???0.net
Ayabe three consecutive battles.
Now, from today, we will have three consecutive battles with the red devil, the soccer school.
It's Tuesday, 3rd, Wednesday, 4th, and Thursday, 5th.
The way to win or lose is that if the soccer school uses a public facility near my house, I lose.
If you don't use it, I will win.
It's a simple story.
Of course, three consecutive wins are good.
If you lose three games in a row, regular business on Saturday and Sunday will come after Friday.
I'm stressed from now on. Diarrhea again. Help me.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

764 :acclamation or applause.:2022/05/04(水) 00:35:51.60 ID:???0.net
Ayabe first match.
What happened to the first match of the three consecutive battles?
The result was a win! Applause!
I won, but I'm a big enemy. Remember to be grateful and make a strong wish that they will never appear again.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

765 :doubt or uncertainty.:2022/05/05(木) 00:09:37 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Round 2.
Well, was there a soccer school activity yesterday? There was a result.
So I lost...
Moreover, a light blue boy, whose color is different from the red devil, kicks the ball against the wall. What a hell.
I can hear the sound even in the farthest room. It's terrible.
There is a house, so don't kick towards it
. Don't you think?
There is a consideration that you can not stop at the parking lot such as a convenience store toward the housing side.
I don't see the parents who pay attention to their childhood, so I think they can kick it without any worries.
The kids aren't bad at all. I don't know that it's trapping people.
Then, what are the coaches doing? The coaches didn't have any doubts, and I was confused with my back.
The coach is shit. So it's a fight with the coach.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

766 :cathedral or church.:2022/05/06(金) 01:08:20.90 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Round 3
Yesterday, it started at 6 o'clock in the morning. What a day. But is it okay because it ended at 9:30?
The three consecutive battles ended with 1 win and 2 losses.
Another sad story. It was announced that actor Hiroyuki Watanabe had died. He is 66 years old.
One fight! There is a strong impression of "walking corpse" in commercials, dramas, and strange stories. Gassho.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

767 :omen or portent.:2022/05/07(土) 15:02:06.26 ID:???0.net
Ayabe JH Japan Highway Public Corporation Highway Radio.
This is NEXCO East Japan. We will inform you of the current road traffic information at 10:55 am.
First of all, it is information on closed roads for those heading toward Aomori.
It is snowing in the section from the Kitakami-Ezuriko Interchange on the Tohoku and the road is closed.
Next, it is information that needs to be non-slip for those heading toward Tokyo.
It is snowing on the section to the Kunimi
interchange, and non-slip is required.
Information on closed roads.
There was an accident in the section from the Ban-etsu Expressway Aizuwakamatsu Interchange and the road is closed. I told you
The quote ends. I was worried about 1620kHz, but I was broadcasting like this. Is it a roadside radio?
You can't listen to it at home and it won't be a BGM for a drive.
But I think it will be more efficient if I work while listening to this.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

768 :amid or among.:2022/05/08(日) 20:37:55.97 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 900.
Continuation is power. The numbering has reached 900.
Even though I hijacked this thread from the middle, I would like to praise myself as a free time person who continued to write silly things every day.
Moreover, it was boring.
I'm here while watching the program as a big challenge for Drifters, but I'm distracted by introducing that Snow Man will appear after the commercial.
I don't know why Johnny's is released. The dung Johnny's is doing the mustache dance of Kato-chan and Ken-chan that has just started.
I'm grateful because I'll cut it, so I'm stupid.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

769 :attend or visit.:2022/05/09(月) 01:14:55.87 ID:???0.net
Ayabe's Kizuna.
There was a broadcast of "Kizuna of golf" starring Mr.Hiroyuki Watanabe yesterday,
and a memorial message was played at the end of the program.
What will happen after next week? I didn't know from the program guide.
"Tuesday, May 3rd, Mr.Hiroyuki Watanabe, the performer of this program, has passed away . (66 years old)
Thank you for your contribution to the program so far, and we would like to express our deepest sympathies."
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

770 :location or position.:2022/05/10(火) 19:53:51.53 ID:???0.net
Ayabe rainman.
The rain forecast on the day he had to get on the train for the first time in a long time.
If you ride it once a year, you don't know the manners because it's more common.
What do you do with an umbrella? It wouldn't be nice if the water drops were dripping.
It's difficult. I have to find out. Umbrella manners in the train.
That's been true for a long time. Ameonna. It's a reverse weather man. It doesn't fall on the day I want it to fall.
For example, a marathon event that will be canceled if it rains.
And it will definitely fall on a difficult day.
The thin hair is also noticeable.
If it rains on Saturday, the soccer school will disappear and it will be quiet.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi

771 :appear or materialize.:2022/05/11(水) 09:16:08.47 ID:???0.net
Dachou Club Mr.Ryuhei Ueshima dies.
Mr.Ryuhei Ueshima (61), a member of the Dachou Club and a comedian, was found dead at home.
Around midnight on the 11th, a family member found and reported that Mr.Ueshima was hanging his neck at Mr.Ryuhei Ueshima's home in Nakano-ku, Tokyo.
Mr.Ueshima was taken to the hospital and confirmed dead. He is believed to have committed suicide.
Mr. Ueshima was active as a member of the Owarai Trio Dachou Club and appeared in variety shows on TV stations. The quote ends.
I just saw Drifters in a big challenge special, so why am I surprised?
I think that. I wonder if it was difficult to do the tricks due to compliance restrictions by BPO and some viewers.
I'm just sad. Gassho.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

772 :amazing or marvelous.:2022/05/12(木) 00:18:44.42 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Petit.
A slightly bright topic.
Fukuoka Softbank Hawks pitcher Nao Higashihama achieved a no-hitter no-run against Saitama Seibu Lions yesterday.
Congratulations. It's the 95th time in the history of Nippon Professional Baseball.
Let's spend our days cheerfully, cheerfully and happily. Yeah!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

773 :ecstatic or euphoric.:2022/05/13(金) 19:09:58.99 ID:???0.net
Ayabe along the private railway line.
I got on the train after a long time. I got on PASMO.
Before I knew it, the ticket-cutting station staff was gone. I remember his ticking.
I charged it at the ticket vending machine, but everyone has an LCD touch panel.
You can never drop a ticket by pressing the lit round button.
Although it wasn't at the local station, the platform door was cheekyly installed at the destination station, and it was lightly in the state of Urashima Taro.
It wasn't raining that much and it was saved.
After that, I decided to go to an acquaintance's yakitori restaurant, and when I checked the time,
I gave up because it was open at 16:00 today.
I had no choice but to buy it at the chain store I always buy, so I got off at one station and headed there, but it was a break from 13:00 to.
The rain was getting stronger, and it was a day when it was raining and yakitori.
Well good. You should go again.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

774 :compassionate or sympathetic.:2022/05/14(土) 23:13:16.33 ID:???0.net
Ayabe also.
I also want to run away. Only the escape is fast. Usain Bolt is also amazing. I will let you escape this time as well. Compassionate.
You can't lose to an elementary school student at a soccer school ...
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

775 :disassemble or dismantle.:2022/05/15(日) 00:37:28.77 ID:???0.net
Ayabe no Tomoshibi.
There used to be a refuge.
The house I spent until my late teens. My grandparents lived there, so I went out to play, and even after they were gone,
I regularly weeded and read manga and listened to the radio in my room.
It was also dismantled, and my whereabouts and memories were blown away.
And a troublesome soccer school is based nearby, and it makes a lot of noise.
What a hell. I have a stomachache yet. You won't be able to sleep.
It should be a refreshing Sunday. It was raining yesterday, so I canceled it.
It was a thankful morning. The ball kick will start.
I'm afraid I can't sleep and wake up again.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi...

776 :illegal or unlawful.:2022/05/16(月) 23:00:43.70 ID:???0.net
Ayabe gastrointestinal.
Gastrointestinal upset. She knows it's the effect of stress, but she's in trouble because she can't escape.
I have a stomachache from the morning and my butt trumpet sounds.
And the hair also comes off. What should I do?
I'm using a spray-type hair restorer, but it doesn't work !
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

777 :senior or superior.:2022/05/17(火) 23:46:18.64 ID:???0.net
Ayabe senior.
As I was walking around, the old man in the housing complex talked to me.
"Isn't it just Jiji Baba around here? I'm 80 years old."
When I moved to the housing complex, the old man's child seemed to be an elementary school student, and he was in his 50s.
When I walked again, a group that seemed to be walked while rattling my suitcase.
Well big big. Petite I'm sure they laughed at me.
I understood the feeling of laughing with my nose though the words were different.
The senior in life who appeared at the beginning also said.
They also can't. But it can't be helped. I didn't.
It may be confusing to say that you should protect it suddenly.
However, he doesn't even see the effort he is trying to do.
The housing complex that was lively 40 years ago is now like this.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

778 :payment or remittance.:2022/05/18(水) 19:15:29.18 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 4630.
Whereabouts of 46.3 million yen?
The mayor held a press conference in the case of incorrect remittance in Abu-cho, Abu-gun, Yamaguchi Prefecture.
The man on the remittance side who ended up having a pretty troublesome day. But obviously it's no good to get rid of strange money.
When I looked at my account at the time of my first salary at a part-time job at a printing factory, it was more than 10,000 yen more than my calculation,
so did I make a mistake? I tried to inquire.
But if you look closely at the details, it says 600 yen / day in the transportation expenses frame, and it's about 20 days, so 12,000 yen is right for you.
I was relieved. Why didn't he think about transportation costs?
It took less than 10 minutes to get to the factory by bicycle, so I thought I wouldn't pay for transportation.
Even though I was scared of such a small amount of money, I thought that the large amount of money of 46.3 million yen was my own money.
It's hard to return it, but I said I wanted to return it, but I didn't say that I would return it, so what would happen?
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

779 :mug or rob.:2022/05/19(木) 23:37:07.63 ID:???0.net
Ayabe after a long time.
It's been a long time since I talked to people other than my family and shops. On the phone.
I found out that it was the first time since December 10, 2020. Wow, how unpopular it is.
I was saved time. I was often depressed because of the dark news.
I was trying to keep things tidy in my own way, so I am grateful for the good news that can be an assist.
If things go well with this, I can say goodbye to the noisy Mr.Abe's house and soccer school.
It's never been this great. The dream (hope) that I cut in that order is still related to girls. This is probably not possible with the appearance of feces, and looking back on the path so far,
I haven't had any chance, so I'm sure it won't happen in the future.
I'm sad but I'll leave it. Instead, I decided to build.
It doesn't matter if it's worn out or inconvenient.
I am worried that it will be a lot of stress in my current house.
You want to go wild more and more. Now that my final goal has been decided, I will work hard toward it.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

780 :foregoing or previous.:2022/05/20(金) 19:29:17.21 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Freedom is crying.
She went to see someone who had taken care of her a long time ago.
It's been since I bought a used TV. He and his wife run a shop, and although it is a.
Of course, I am alone. I'm sorry. If she was her or his wife, she would have introduced me and said,
"Oh, Ayabe-kun, I'll do it. " She could have been proud. But I'm alone.
While I was waiting for the down train, I almost cried, but I waited.
Then there seems to be a problem at the previous station and it is.
I want to go back to my room and cry. Well, let's leave our funeral fee and be ready to die at any time.
It's the end of life.
How did this happen? I do not understand.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

781 :effect or result.:2022/05/21(土) 07:20:30.34 ID:???0.net
Ayabe It's dark.
Congratulations on this time as the poems that are somewhat insidious and unpleasant are continuing.
I don't feel like that.
Then I'll do it! Then I am! Then Ayabe will do it! Please do.
Oden is hot!
Never press! Kururinpa! I haven't heard! I will appeal!
Other people's gag was repeated, but was it a little brighter? make effort.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

782 :brake or rupture.:2022/05/22(日) 23:37:10 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake information.
Around 12:24, an Earthquake Early Warning was issued in Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures.
The epicenter is off the coast of Ibaraki prefecture, the magnitude is 6.0, and the depth is about 10km.
Seismic intensity 5 lower, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture.
You were impatient at noon.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

783 :jail or prison.:2022/05/23(月) 22:52:02.41 ID:???0.net
Death to Ayabe.
I'm sure I'll take various steps to make me die.
Is House Abe, who provokes with the sound of the door every day, the main culprit?
Furthermore, a soccer school that uses children to prevent counterattacks.
You know these guys absolutely. Otherwise, you should understand the inconvenience.
I try to do damage because I understand it
. You won't die for free.
Even if it is cornered, it will not fight back. Only endure. It's going to end someday, and I've been receiving those two big annoying noises for years.
It's hard. I'm about to lose.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

784 :omen or portent.:2022/05/26(木) 22:51:28.31 ID:???0.net
I don't know what to do. There is such a thing. It wasn't Styrofoam, it was closed in all directions. Dangerous.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

Ayabe exchange.
The interleague game of professional baseball had begun before I knew it.
The Central League won on the first day.
After all, I asked Softbank for the Pacific League. Good luck.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

Ayabe Purple.
I wrote the written diary with a purple ballpoint pen.
Then various things suddenly developed. what's this?
It's a coincidence. Recognize it as a color that will change things that have been stagnant.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

785 :ban or forbidden.:2022/05/27(金) 23:50:04.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe limit.
I was once again under the communication speed limit. I'm stunned.
It took about 5 minutes for this post form to come up. What a thing. It can't be helped.
It was about 7 giga until I didn't follow, but when I watched a strange video, it became less than 1 giga at a stretch, so I talked about using it for updating,
and it was safely 0 giga.
Well, Hyper-Kamiokande.
I wondered if that might be the case, and while flying in the sky with a flatulence, I looked down at the city, town, and village where I lived,
and peeed to make it rain. Then a rainbow will hang and guide me to a new world.
Naturally I go that way.
I hate this city! I hate this city! I'm go to Tokyo.
Everything works, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

786 :care or caution.:2022/05/29(日) 17:23:56.78 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Knock-on Teikyo Ball.
Since I am free, I will play the first rugby league one playoff final.
Tokyo Sungoliath, the 1st place in the regular season, and Saitama Panasonic Wild Knights, the 2nd place,
will face each other.
The result was 18-12 and Saitama won the championship.
So, I'm glad that there are lots of sports such as the B League Final 2021-2022 Round 2 and the Ryukyu Golden Kings vs. Utsunomiya Brooks.
I'm not very interested in professional baseball exchange games, so I'm free.
It's hot today, so please take care of yourself.
Well, I also picked up trash in the park from the morning, but it was dangerous because I was sweating even at 10 o'clock.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

787 :common or usual.:2022/05/30(月) 19:56:05.08 ID:???0.net
Ayabe unnecessary sounds.
I wonder who is the one who lives normally and does unnecessary acts.
Well, if it doesn't bother others, you can do it on your own, yes, and I'm complaining about House Abe,
but it still makes a loud noise and closes the door.
I don't know if it's crazy or intentional.
If you have common sense, you understand that it will be a nuisance to your neighborhood,
and even if you do not have common sense, you will receive attention from your family, right? The house is also damaged.
Is it a fool for the whole family that it continues?
It can't be helped by a deaf family, but I don't have it because I practice violin.
Therefore, the intentional line has become influential.
It seems that Family Abe has a common understanding of harassment by closing the door vigorously and making sounds and vibrations.
That's horrible.
Did you inform me of course? I did, but it's still the same today.
Maybe there is a possibility of domestic violence and abuse. Is it okay to make a report based only on the possibility?
In such a case, it is # 9110 dial.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

788 :unhappy or sad.:2022/05/31(火) 00:42:33.81 ID:???0.net
Ayabe May.
Samidare May should be good.
It's always sad, so let's have fun at the end of the month.
I think it was last Friday that I went to the shop of the person who took care of me at my first workplace.
Take the train to 3 stations away. Is it 20th? Certainly, on the 11th, Mr.Ryuhei Ueshima died, and I thought that humans wouldn't know when they would die,
so I thought I'd meet them when I could meet them.
I was happy to meet again safely.
I still have people I want to meet, but I give up because I don't know the contact information.
What's more, I wonder what it feels like now. It's just unnecessary.
Ah, it's getting dark again. Let's have fun.
There is nothing. Anything fun. I'll make it next month. Fortune comes to the laughing gate.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

789 :blend or mix.:2022/06/01(水) 23:27:05.75 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Fubuki June.
Now June. I haven't eaten lunch yet, but it's good.
I feel sick because of the change in temperature and the uncle next door for some reason.
From this month to next month, I will be working on Saturdays and Sundays.
There is no choice but to be enthusiastic and earn.
I want to get away from Yukio Abe family soon, so I'll do my best.
I cannot thank all the members of Family A for creating the opportunity.
I also thank the well-bred children who kicked the soccer ball and hit it against the concrete wall.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

790 :dare or venture.:2022/06/02(木) 23:08:57.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Thanks.
Thankfully, there was no noise today.
The concrete kick and the toilet door of Mr.Abe's house were quiet. What is it! You can do it.
The same is true for the Japan national football team.
I was watching the live broadcast of the Kirin Challenge Cup.
It was Paraguay, a South American powerhouse, who played against Japan.
I'm not a big fan of soccer, so I only know Jose Luis Chilavert, but I didn't have any. The result was 4-1 and Japan won.
You removed the PK, didn't you?
I'm an amateur, but I thought Wataru Endo was good.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

791 :procedure or process.:2022/06/03(金) 20:38:16.68 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 926.
Like this less number, 926 is a very wonderful number for me.
For example, if you look at the clock, it may be 9:26, or if you search for something, the resulting article may be September 26th.
When I searched for Mr.Naomichi Marufuji for some reason the other day, I was surprised that his date of birth was September 26, 1979.
I wonder what it is. It's a special number for me.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

792 :effective or virtual.:2022/06/04(土) 14:05:36.51 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is a de facto boy.
I'm still free, so he decided to run the "Virtual Boy" I bought in the summer of 1995.
What was the last move? I don't remember this. However, I haven't moved it for 10 years.
First, look for the main body. Great dust! Blow away with a stinky breath. Is it an eye shade?
The dust entwined with that is persistent. It can't be helped, so wash it with water. Then the thin skin was peeled off. Comb.
Is it okay because it can be used? Since the software is included in the main body, you can play it for the time being.
The title is V-Tetris.
Next is the controller. This is also terrible dust. Take out the screwdriver and disassemble. There are many screws.
Soak in a diluted neutral detergent. Then go cycling and wash when I come back.
It doesn't fall to yellow. I don't care, I don't care.
And even after assembling, the switch on the top of the controller does not work. Also disassemble and fit properly.
Come on, the last! What is the power supply?
You can use the same AC adapter as the NES and SNES. Insert the plug and switch on! yeah?
Does not start. What is the cause? I doubted the AC adapter, and this time Pull out the Super Nintendo and try to see if the AC adapter works.
This also does not start. So, I can't use it because this AC adapter is broken.
I remember buying one or having another one, so it's either.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

793 :fool or idiot.:2022/06/05(日) 01:29:59.58 ID:???0.net
Ayabe idiot.
There was an unpleasant event yesterday, but I can't bring it here.
So I'll write something fun even if I force it. Stupid thing.
Once upon a time, when you could still buy a drink vending machine for 100 yen, the monthly allowance at that time was 500 yen.
There are few. I can't help it because I'm a family of civil servants.
Then, I grabbed the 500-yen coin and went out to play with my friends.
I was supposed to buy juice from the vending machine installed in front of the greengrocer next to the pet shop,
so I bought it first.
I don't remember what I bought, but the button is still shining even though the item has fallen.
Uo! I bought a different product in a state of excitement, and I bought it again because it shines again, and when I repeated it,
I forgot to put in 500 yen and bought 5 bottles. I lost my monthly allowance to a moment.
The friend I was with would have thought that he was a fool.
He's a prefectural employee right now, so it's amazing.
I wonder if it had already been decided since then, my future and his future. smile.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

794 :custom or habit.:2022/06/06(月) 22:55:32.26 ID:???0.net
Ayabe rainy season.
It seems that the Kantou Koshin region has entered the rainy season. Because. Hmm.
I wonder why they are "plum" and "rain".
It is said that the origin of the Chinese character "ume" used in the rainy season is in China.
It is said that around the Yangtze River in China, the rainy season is when the ume fruits are ripe, and that is why the word "ume" has come to be used.
The quote ends.
I didn't know it came from China. So is syphilis. Isn't it? I would like to imagine eating dried plums and cure the habit of spit.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

795 :fondness or love.:2022/06/07(火) 00:53:10.62 ID:???0.net
Ayabe experiment.
I changed the trip a little. Recently, I often look down.
After spending some time with this, if you this is the decision. I'm looking forward to it.
I don't think it will change at all, but I believe in the power of words, so I'll think positively.
I don't like every day when I just sigh.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

796 :calm or serene.:2022/06/09(木) 00:45:22.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe remodeling.
I changed the layout of the room.
Probably the western. From the middle of 2017, I changed from the north pillow to the west pillow,
and at the end of the year, very shocking things happened in quick succession, and I changed it at the beginning of 2018.
I went west a little at the beginning of 2021, but I returned soon. I wasn't calm.
Again, the flow is bad, so I decided to change it.
You make your own place.
However, if it changes by that much, it wo
n't be a problem.
Let's take it easy.
Let's live leisurely.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

797 :clutter or junk.:2022/06/10(金) 23:37:33.46 ID:???0.net
Ayabe rain.
I want to be a professional rain maker.
I want to shake the rain on weekends and holidays.
It's raining, it's raining, it's raining more, and bring a quiet life. Thank you.
Gondo Gondo Ame Gondo. It's old.
I wonder why I have to worry about my holiday.
But can't I lose!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

798 :culture or literature.:2022/06/11(土) 23:38:37.01 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Sports.
Nippon Life Interleague Play 2022 won the Yakult Swallows. Congrats! What happened to the Pacific League!
I was told that there was a DH when the Pacific League was winning all the time, but it didn't seem to matter.
Hanshin is also ranked high.
I also watch the 106th Japan Championships in Athletics every day.
I was impressed by the girls' javelin throw today. Kitaguchi player.
I always think that it's scary if it sticks in my head. It seems to hurt. It seems to make a crisp sound.
Do you go to the hospital with the sting? I don't like it. So please put safety first.
And from next week, the broadcast of the 17th FINA World Championships in Budapest, Hungary will finally begin.
It is a CS Teleasa channel exclusive broadcast.
Attention is Moe Higa, a duet competition for synchronized swimming. She's 14 years old, so it's amazing.
Will Russia come out? If it does not appear, the absolute gold medal candidate will disappear.
I'm also looking forward to the diving competition. It 's amazing without a 10m not splash.
It's a live broadcast so don't just get hurt.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

799 :rather or somewhat.:2022/06/12(日) 23:09:55.72 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Moyamoya.
Somehow the internal organs are moody. It's emotionally broken.
I want this to help. I don't know what to do.
I have no appetite. I want to run away. I wonder if it will disappear soon.


Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

800 :threat or warning.:2022/06/13(月) 19:39:35 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is out of order.
Will it never go back? The great upset of this Reiwa.
Even now, my heart is heavy and I just sigh and it is painful. Moreover, it smells. I've been in the sun and looking at the nearby pond, but it doesn't make me feel better.
How can I really laugh again? The answer is to leave this land. Saturdays and Sundays will definitely come.
I'm going out for a change with my friends on Thursday, but when I get home I'll remember again. It's hard. I have to do it.
The more worried you are, the more boring you will be. There are lyrics, but I feel like I'm worried about women anyway.
I don't like noise!
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

801 :describe or report.:2022/06/14(火) 23:14:22.88 ID:???0.net
Ayabe she has big breasts.
Sometimes erotic Ayabe.
Our parents described a girl with a big breast as "boyne", but what is the origin?
When I happened to watch the video, a very big boobs girl was appearing, so I was surprised by Chiyoko Shimakura.
I looked it up. Boyne is a word that the moderator Mr.Kyosen Ohashi made fun of Mrs.Yukiji Asaoka Nippon Television in the latter half of the 1960s.
According to Mr.Kyosen, Mrs.Yukiji Asaoka's chest was big and "it felt like a boyfriend", so it is probably from the mimic word "Boin" used when a heavy and elastic object hits.
The quote ends.
Hmm. Was it Mrs.Asaoka?
Mrs.Asaoka's chest was tampered with on Kosakin's radio, and it was described as "Nan" in the program.
You had a really great thing to have two nicknames.
People with big breasts often say that her shoulders are stiff, but let's massage many young girls.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

802 :eulogy or obituary.:2022/06/15(水) 23:17:02.44 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Obituary.
Former partner of Yakkun Sakurazuka, voice actor Kosuke Takeuchi died at the age of 45 It was revealed on the 15th that voice actor Kosuke Takeuchi,
who is active in the role of Hikaru Amane in the anime "The Prince of Tennis",
died on the 8th... He was 45 years old. His office announced on the homepage.
On his homepage, he explained that he "sleeped asleep because of illness," and that his funeral farewell was held only by his.
Mr.Takeuchi has appeared in numerous works such as playing the role of Hikaru Amane in the anime "The Prince of Tennis".
He also did narration and radio work. He was active as a comedy combination
"Abare Nunchaku" until 2005 with the comedy talent Yakkun Sakurazuka (37 years old) who died in 2013. The quote ends.
A terrifying sudden death because I am close to my age. Maybe I'll visit now. Health is important.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

803 :curious or strange.:2022/06/16(木) 00:58:22.21 ID:???0.net
Ayabe was sukebe.
Make a bust video for about an hour and keep watching it.
At that time, I am imposing a promise that I should not laugh, that I should not get sexual stimulation.
It's already withered, so I'm not feeling well, but I wonder why I can't concentrate.
Fast forward is also strictly prohibited. Keep watching for an hour.
I want to get sexual stimulation. If you can't get it, stop.
I can't see it to the end like that. It's difficult. I'm making a second work right now,
but it looks like it's going to be a pretty good one, so I'm very worried if I can put up with it.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

804 :abandon or desert.:2022/06/17(金) 23:35:41.68 ID:???0.net
Ayabe I don't like it.
I hate it! I hate it! It can't be helped just to say it. It's just a selfishness.
How can I prevent the sounds of weekend soccer schools, wall kicks and bouncing?
I don't choice but to take measures. I'm very disappointed.
I decided to stick my own soundproofing material on the window. Let's make it from waste wood. Tomorrow, I will be absorbed in the work.
Can I lose? I swear to abandon my escape habits and become a new, super-aggressive idiot. Wow.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

805 :float or swim.:2022/06/18(土) 13:19:14.28 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Artistic Swimming.
Make a note of the broadcast schedule of the 19th FINA World Aquatics Championship 2022 Budapest Synchronized Swimming (which you are more familiar with).
It's an idiot to forget soon.
【Live broadcast】
June 18th (Sat), June 19th (Sun) 23:00-,
June 20th (Mon) 21:00-, 23:00-,
June 21st (Tue), June 22nd (Wed), June 23rd (Thu), June 24th (Fri) 23:00-
June 25th (Sat) 20:30-.
【Recorded broadcast】
June 27th (Mon)
Has the qualifying started yet?
There is no qualifying broadcast. Disappointing. I wonder if there is romance in qualifying.
I was surprised at the swimsuit of the representative of the Democratic People s Republic of Korea.
The image was pasted on 2channel at that time, but the important part was hidden by Mr.Kim's face.
It wasn't talked about at all, so the attention is low.
Well, let's enjoy it purely, not from that perspective.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

806 :embarrassment or humiliation.:2022/06/19(日) 02:37:00.35 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Artistic Swimming.
Yukiko Inui solo gold medal! Congratulations.
Because Russia wasn't there.
However, it was disappointing.
First of all, it was difficult to see the venue outdoors due to the amount of light. I only had one hour and it was over in no time.
There was no camera to follow the entrance, so it was a disappointing broadcast.
Also, pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto of professional baseball and Orix Buffaloes achieved a no-hitter no-run.
The opponent Seibu is the second humiliation this season.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi

807 :ナナシマさん:2022/06/20(月) 08:09:33.35 ID:???0.net
Ayabe >>550.
There was an earthquake in the Noto region of Ishikawa prefecture around 15:08 yesterday.
M5.2, depth about 10km.
Seismic intensity 6 lower was observed in Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and seismic intensity 5 lower was observed in Noto Town, Hosu District, Ishikawa Prefecture.
There was a large earthquake at the same epicenter on September 16th last year.
It's been 10 years since I traveled to Ishikawa prefecture.
At that time, I took a picture of a tourist spot with a home video camera, so why not take a look?
I remember the Yase Cliff that I went to on the first day and the Hakusan Super Forest Road on the way back.
A friend of mine quivered while shooting, and the sound came in. We was young.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

808 :quiver or tremble.:2022/06/21(火) 22:42:03.80 ID:???0.net
There was an earthquake in the Noto region of Ishikawa prefecture around 10:31 yesterday. M5.0, depth about 10km.
Seismic intensity 5 upper was observed in Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
There was a large earthquake at the same epicenter on September 16th last year.
It's been 10 years since I traveled to Ishikawa prefecture.
At that time, I took a picture of a tourist spot with a home video camera, so why not take a look?
I remember the Yase Cliff that I went to on the first day and the Hakusan Super Forest Road on the way back.
A friend of mine quivered while shooting, and the sound came in. We were young. I haven't contacted you anymore.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

809 :brave or courage.:2022/06/23(木) 19:23:23.20 ID:???0.net
By the 20th, it was revealed that cooking researcher Mr.Susumu Yuki, who had appeared on Fuji TV's "All Night Died. He was 81 years old.
Born in Lushun, Manchuria, Mr.Yuki grew up in Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture, and went on to Nihon University.
After he graduated, he spent three years at Nomura Securities as an office worker before he went on to cook.
After that, he opened a Japanese restaurant in Harajuku.
In the 1980s, he appeared in "All Night Fuji" "Midnight Cooking Class by Yuki-sensei" and "Dinner Banzai.
He became popular for his love for cooking, while he was wearing a kimono, short hair, and a rattling.
His wife is Jun Izumi and the two of them were running a restaurant "Yuki" in Harajuku, Tokyo. The quote ends.
I thought I was a scary uncle in my childhood. There is no such person right now. Gassho.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

810 :barely or easily.:2022/06/23(木) 22:59:56.97 ID:???0.net
Let's be enthusiastic about Ayabe.
During work, I got fluffy and got goose bumps even though it was hot, so I left early because of my dangerous physical condition.
Everyone would have thought inwardly that you couldn't even manage their physical condition.
I can only say I'm honestly sorry.
There is sleep deprivation due, I'm worries on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and there are various causes.
After all, the only way to live a cheerful life is to move to a quiet place.
On the way home, I went home with a cup of tea in a water bottle.
No matter how much I drank, I couldn't quench my thirst. Everyone, I'm okay!
Stay alert and rehydrate frequently.
After all, I drank tea in a water bottle and canned cola at once after I got home, but it was still not enough. That's horrible.
I can barely eat one rice ball for lunch. Anyway, I asked for water.
In addition, the thumb of the left hand was convulsed. I feel like I lost.
Let's lick salt candy without heat stroke.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

811 :inhabit or occupy.:2022/06/24(金) 23:16:24.28 ID:???0.net
Ayabe It's hot.
37.1 ℃ in Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture! Is it over normal heat!
It's also a famous tourist destination, so many people visit it on weekends.
There is nothing in the city where I live, so it doesn't heat the customers.
There are only two places that are used in TV dramas, commercials, movies, etc.,
but that doesn't mean that they are going on tours, and that there are no souvenir shops around those places.
Furthermore, it is a playful feeling that large stores, etc. will set up in the neighboring city of this city,
which is called "Flying the city where you live," but you will not to our house.
After all, companies will feel that this city seems to be insecure and that there are no fragments of compassion. yes. That's right.
I don't want to say bad about the city where I grew up, but it's okay if I'm good.
It's such a city. Skateboarding on public roads, kicking a ball against a concrete wall, closing the door noise.
There are so many worries in the neighborhood alone.
I have no, so what's going on? As the woman at work said, the mayor is lewd. Girl's hip rather than the right to life of the inhabitants I wonder if you are chasing.
I chose the citizens, but I'm even more angry because I haven't voted for the current mayor.
Of course, if you don't like it, go out. yes, I will. in preparation.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

812 :destination or terminus.:2022/06/25(土) 23:59:15.32 ID:???0.net
Ayabe It's hot.
40.2 ℃ in Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture! Is it over normal heat!
It's also a famous tourist destination, so many people visit it on weekends.
It seems that it set a new record for the highest temperature in June.
It's frustrating when it's hot, but that's when we help each other.
Let's try not to bother the neighbors.
For example, I'm a little concerned about not making noise. It's not possible in my city.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

813 :ask or inquire.:2022/06/26(日) 23:04:29.68 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Earthquake Delay Report.
There was an earthquake in the Kumamoto region of Kumamoto prefecture around 21:44 today. M4.7, depth about 10km.
Seismic intensity 5 lower was observed in Misato Town, Shimomashiki District, Kumamoto Prefecture.
The first tremor of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake was also around 21:00. I feel like I was absent from work all the time because of my back pain.
Is it six years ago?
I pray that there will be no aftershocks. Prayer.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

814 :elder or senior.:2022/06/27(月) 19:24:05.85 ID:???0.net
It turned out that Yuki Katsuragi, a singer known for songs such as "Bohemian", died at a hospital in Tokyo on the 27th due to peritoneal cancer.
Her was 73 years old. Ms.Katsuragi, known for his powerful singing voice, made a big
However, in April 2021, Katsuragi confessed that he had stage 4 primary peritoneal cancer.
After 10 months of fighting against illness, she had just returned to the stage with "Dream Star Spring / Autumn" on the 17th of last month. The quote ends.
Thanks to everyone at Tonneruzu, I was surprised that the news was almost 20 years ago that I was injured during recording.
The husky Bohemian singing voice had a big impact. Gassho.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi

815 :fondness or love.:2022/06/28(火) 01:27:36.18 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anniversary.
It's been four years and six months since it was early.
Of course, I don't have any chance. Wishes and prayers are empty.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

816 :better or improve.:2022/06/29(水) 12:56:15.75 ID:???0.net
Ayabe three size.
I think there are three famous three sizes: bust, waist, and hips.
It is written in BWH, isn't it?
They are acronyms for Bust, Wait, and Hip, respectively. I see.
Yesterday, I wanted to put a case in the space of the bookshelf, so I measured the dimensions and went to the home improvement store.
I couldn't find it easily, and there was something in the bath corner, and when I looked at the back side to check the dimensions, it was written in WDH.
What? I decided that I'm not sure.
When I got home and put it in the bookshelf, it wasn't like me.
When I looked it up, it was an abbreviation for width, depth, and height. Wide, Depth, Hight. I see.
By the way, half-width in the name field If you enter !3size, three sizes will appear randomly.
Is it true??
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

817 :holy or sacred.:2022/06/30(木) 18:48:59.13 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Holy.
Koki Tanaka arrested on suspicion of possessing stimulants. In Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture.
How many times have you been? 4th time? 5th time? It's already a mini to octopus.
Didn't you think it was a hassle?
I don't want to lower my head in front of the interviewers. Crimes during suspended sentence.
Noboru Takachi is unknown to the general public. I like it so I'm waiting!
I make unclear comments such as. You don't have to know.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

818 :bolide or meteor.:2022/07/01(金) 00:34:21.25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe July.
Now in July. I hope this month will be a fun and happy month.
But it was hot yesterday too. It was 39.9℃ in Hatoyama Town, Hiki Gun, Saitama Prefecture.
I went by bicycle to a little famous place in the city. It was hot.
Head east on the riverside riverside to find the place. A light car got into the place first, so I waited on the spot. This is hot.
Eventually the car left, so I took a photo with my smartphone. It was a pretty good shot.
It was also used in the movie. There used to be a signboard there, and the name of the work used was written on it.
Was it stolen? I didn't have it anymore.
I wanted to shoot that too. Disappointed. And the fear of having to ride a bicycle the way home again. In this heat.
I can not stand losing. I ran without water.
As soon drank a sports drink and was tired for a while. I can't move. Isn't it even hotter in Hatoyama Town and Isesaki City?
The inhabitants there are amazing.
Please be careful. It's a bicycle without water supply that I made.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

819 :uneasy or worried.:2022/07/02(土) 00:50:41.17 ID:???0.net
Ayabe again.
Yesterday, the 40℃ area continued!
The first place is Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, 40.4 ℃!
2nd place is Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture 40.3℃,
3rd place is Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture 40.2℃,
4th place is Hatoyama Town, Hiki Gun, Saitama Prefecture 40.1℃,
5th place is Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture and Tajimi City, Gifu Prefecture 40℃.
Perhaps because of such heat, I lost my SD card again and am in trouble.
Even though I didn't get the card I lost before, it's again. I don't like it.
It is 32GB of TOSHIBA and contains songs for walking and private photos.
The photo taken on June 30th is still in the internal storage, so it was replaced with a different card on the 30th.
I tried to put it in a sun zip so that it wouldn't be lost, but it wasn't in the bag either.
I can't help feeling uneasy.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

820 :origin or source.:2022/07/03(日) 00:59:25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Various.
The winning magic 53 lights up on the Yakult Swallows.
It's the fastest since it became two leagues.
And since yesterday, au by KDDI isn't feeling well. The radio wave suddenly becomes 0. I'm not out of service. It becomes a triangle mark.
I'm that au, so it's inconvenient.
It recovers by turning on / off the airplane mode, but after a while it becomes useless again.
It's difficult because the ID changes each time.
There are 3 or 4 radio waves now. If you think it is zero again. I switched to airplane mode.
And Ms.Akiko Nomura died. She is 95 years old. Gassho.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

821 :despise or detest.:2022/07/04(月) 22:45:10 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Monday.
I fell in love with Monday.
The day when school or work begins. It's a day that most people don't like,
but I'm very happy because it's the farthest day from the soccer school on Saturdays and Sundays.
Of course, yesterday they hit the wall and it was terrible.
I wonder what they are. If it's the people who play soccer, I really despise it.
From now on, my mood will get heavier day by day.
However, don't forget to be grateful, and since it's just a cleaning duty,
I'm thinking of putting a word of gratitude on the bulletin board in the area, but isn't it as unpleasant as this post?
Well, I'll let you like it.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

822 :cursory or perfunctory.:2022/07/05(火) 02:57:36.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe phone.
It seems that the problem with KDDI has been fixed. Was good.
Speaking of phone calls, when I was still living in my old house, I received frequent silent calls.
No response no matter what I say. The time
is not fixed.
Then my father started playing with strange words at the other party of the silent call. Uge, Bero Bello Bar, etc.
The next day, a person at my mother's workplace called Ayabe yesterday, but she suddenly cut off with a strange voice.
It was definitely my father's response.
Yes, it wasn't all silent calls, it was just that I couldn't hear the voice because of a malfunction of the handset.
My father is also shameful about this.
It was the moment when the uneasy days of silent calls turned into laughter.
Will the noise of the soccer school that is currently being damaged become a funny story someday?
It won't be. After all there is no choice but to move.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

823 :leisure or recreation.:2022/07/06(水) 22:40:05.00 ID:???0.net
Ayabe leisurely.
I saw a plan to walk in a town with beautiful water on some program.
It was in the mountains, but I had a drink at a shop that served spring water and soba made from that water.
Healed around the waterfall, and finally made a request at the shrine.
It's good. I want to move if I have a job.
I want to live quietly I've been working from Monday to Friday, and finally on Saturday, what's the noise of the soccer school?
I don't know why the residents have to put up with it or find a place to stay.
Why did you move here? It can't be helped that the previous place became unusable.
At that time, I wonder if I had to stop this place because the facilities and houses are close.
I'm disappointed that pigs of soccer are people who really don't care.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

824 :grasp or learn.:2022/07/07(木) 01:40:45.07 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Nanabata.
Today is Tanabata. Wish Upon a Star.
Of course my wish is to move to a quiet place! That's right.
This is an option. Where should I go? Is it the sea or the mountains?
There is no problem with the sound of nature.
I rather like it. The sound of rain and the voices of creatures such as birds and insects.
The sound of waves, the murmuring of the river.
In such BGM, reading, learning, playing videogames. I want to relax with a cup of coffee. Please.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

825 :apprehend or arrest.:2022/07/08(金) 14:59:57.28 ID:???0.net
Former Prime Minister Abe was shot by a gun and had a cardiopulmonary arrest.
During a speech at "Yamato-Saidaiji Station" in Nara,
there was a shooting incident at Kintetsu "Yamato-Saidaiji Station" station in Nara Prefecture around 11:30 am on July 8.
Former Prime Minister Abe, who was giving a speech, was shot by a gun and is in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest.
Former Prime Minister Abe was giving a cheering speech at that time, and there were 30 people at the scene.
Police and others are investigating the situation at the scene in detail. The quote ends.
I was surprised to see the news on my mobile phone. Various information is flying around. I pray for recovery.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

826 :handle or treate.:2022/07/09(土) 01:26:20.60 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Obituary.
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died during a speech in Nara Prefecture.
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was shot in a speech during a speech,
died at a hospital in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, where he was being treated.
He was 67 years old.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

827 :involve or require.:2022/07/10(日) 10:26:08.11 ID:???0.net
Ayabe 14.
All night e! I'm here while watching season14. Before I knew it, it was 14.
It was always the time of Goripara memoirs
or Wreme de Pon, but this time I am watching the recorded ones. Broadcast at midnight on the 9th.
Since such an incident had happened, I was watching the news related to the incident.
I was expecting a happening unique to live broadcasting.
I've done it 14 times before I knew I remember up to around 5, but I don't remember 6 and 7. There was also 4.5.
Well it can't be helped. There are frequent reruns, so don't worry if you miss it.
However, I was tired of seeing the performer's girl calling "Yabai , Yabai". It's May. Feel the age.
I thought that I wasn't the age of the game anymore, and I wasn't the age to be involved with girls. That's sad.
That's why looking at Game Center CX makes
me feel calm. I was there. good bye.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

828 :bulge or swell.:2022/07/11(月) 00:49:15 ID:???0.net
Ayabe general election.
I went to the Upper House election. Candidates who voted are brilliantly elected.
I think my power made it so.
Then yesterday's all night e numbering 14 is also 14 in Poem on April 23. It wasn't treated as 14 on April 23, but it was a special spring event.
So the broadcast on the 9th is suitable at 14.

From here on, it's a disgusting story.
It's a dream I had in the morning, but first of all, I'm in the back seat of the car.
Among them, a river flowing came out, and the river was wider and larger than the real thing.
The driver said “the car was amphibious and dive into the river with the car.”
It was the worst dream that an elementary school student girl walked and sucked while making a noise in the bulging breast of the elementary school girl.
Of course, I've never done that in reality, and I've never seen such a video. I'm famous for big boobs like.
What does this dream mean? There is no such example in dream fortune-telling.
When I woke up, my penis looked like steel. Creepy Nuts.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

829 :location or scene.:2022/07/12(火) 06:48:50.25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe High School Baseball Championship.
I saw the Kanagawa prefectural qualifying for high school baseball.
It's a recorded broadcast of tvk (TV Kanagawa).
In the Fujimine Fujisawa vs Yokohama Hitorizawa match, there were scenes where players collapsed one after another.
At first, Hitorizawa's Wright player hung his legs to the bench.
After the match was interrupted for a while and resumed, this time the catcher.
Maybe because it's hot. I wonder if we have to think about the time of summer tradition.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

830 :catastrophe or disaster.:2022/07/13(水) 00:24:55.12 ID:???0.net
Ayabe rain.
The white rain that continues to fall is a heart pattern.
Is your area okay?
The disaster prevention radio in the area is ringing here, but I can't hear anything.
Moreover, even though it was midnight, trucks carrying earth and sand were making a round trip.
I am very worried because it is 5 minutes to the river.
Rain God, let me. Then you can have a refreshing morning.
Such rain, sad rain. Former Prime Minister Abe is attached to Shinzo Abe. I'm not in a position to say something great,
but although there are differences in ideas, there are some tweets that despise life, but I really despise them.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

831 :light or pale.:2022/07/14(木) 23:06:09.17 ID:???0.net
Ayabe make money.
Now the money is running out. Each account has only. 700 yen or 600 yen. Can't take it down without a thousand yen.
So I moved 700 yen from the online bank to Resona Bank. It's 1300 yen, so I'll drop 1,000 yen.
I bought a drink. Thank you. The rich will not know so happy.
Immediately pour the drink into a water bottle filled with ice, to drink.
Unintentionally, I heard a voice saying "May". It's neither a goat nor a sheep.
I want to get rich soon. I have no choice but to do my best.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

832 :general bug fixes and performance improvements.:2022/07/16(土) 15:34:28.98 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Obituary.
It was announced on the official website of Mr.Yamamoto on the 15th that singer-songwriter Kotaro Yamamoto died on the 4th.
He was 73 years old.
On the homepage, he reported the death of Mr.Yamamoto under the title of "Notice of Kotaro's Eternal Sleep".
"I died of intracerebral hemorrhage before dawn on was recuperated due to poor physical condition.
I am deeply grateful for the kindness of my life. We would like to express our sincere gratitude that the funeral was held only by close relatives.
July 15, 2022 All relatives. "Mr.Yamamoto has been active as a member of the folk group.
"Run Kotaro" with his own name was a big hit and won the Japan Record Award for New Artist.
He also appeared in the TBS drama "Wataru Seken wa Onibakari". Since 1986,
he has been active as a professor at Hakuoh University because he has a deep knowledge of global environmental issues.
The quote ends. How i am even if it says, it is "Misaki Meguri".
Koutaro Yamamoto and Weekend.
"Run Kotaro" is used in the horse racing corner on Nichiyou Sunday in the laughter problem. Gassho.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

833 :difficulty or trouble.:2022/07/16(土) 19:41:24.59 ID:???0.net
Ayabe gets tired.
By Takatoshi Nukumizu route bus! I was very tired watching.
It was a trip from Mt.Takao to Hachioji in Tokyo, but the cause was guest Yumiko Araki.
She's a cheerful person, but she felt a little noisy.
She is an activist, but I move as I want and stop the flow of my trip.
At the restaurant at the end of the program, she put an umbrella on the umbrella stand of the store,
but she put it in without thinking about the people behind me, so Mr.Nukumizu was in trouble.
She didn't notice it and went straight into the store.
Do all the aunts feel like that? I'm tired of seeing it, so it's even more so if I'm with you.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

834 :butt or hip.:2022/07/17(日) 22:44:14.26 ID:???0.net
Ayabe World Athletics.
The 18th World Athletics Championships are
being held in United States, Oregon.
Yuji Oda, will be the last in this tournament.
Japanese racewalking men finish gold and silver! Congrats.
Even so, foreign players are especially girls, but maybe they are wearing small uniforms, their hips are sticking out.
Maybe it's just a big butt, but it's cool.
It feels like it's done.
Speaking of Japanese players, I tried not to stick out from the beginning. Yamato Nadeshiko.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

835 :envious or jealous.:2022/07/18(月) 22:24:43.55 ID:???0.net
Middleaged Ayabe.
I've worked with people in their mid-20s, but they're still young.
I thought I was still young, but the momentum is different.
The amount of semen and the flight distance will be different. Jealous.
When I first worked, I was hanging out in the same age group, but at that time I was in my 40s, and I became friends with middleaged, and I went out drinking young people.
The age is not so different from that man now.
When I think so, that man often followed me. Now I'm tired just from work.
After that, I went to drink and went to karaoke until morning.

Impossible! Safari park!

I don't think I'll go in between the young guys in the first place.
Now, even middle-aged people of the same age can't be dealt with.
Is it possible to love loneliness here, or is it just right?
Maybe it's the latter at the time of writing this unpleasant poem.
It is an effort not to run only for crime.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

836 :bite or nip.:2022/07/19(火) 23:15:00 ID:???0.net
Ayabe slips.
Yuzuru Hanyu retires from competitive skating. Turned professional. Thank you for your hard work.
Speaking of slipping, the special feature of the Dachou Club was broadcast on Ame Talk.
After Mr.Ueshima passed away, I saw a version of Oden and hot water bathing by Higo and Jimon,
but it was painful. Mr.Ueshima's existence was great.
He can't make a difference, and no will change. It's a waste.
Then I am. Please do.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi.

837 :do or did or done.:2022/07/20(水) 23:57:52 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Soccer.
I saw Kawasaki Frontale vs Paris Saint-Germain.
Is Kawasaki the strongest in the recent J-League?
I'm not sure, but Kawasaki was treated like a baby. Europe is scary.
Speaking of baseball, it's like a seed school where the alma mater loses cold in the first round and defeats the school that defeated the alma mater in a cold game.
Moreover, I was surprised because the other party was before the season.
Is it impossible for the J-League team to catch up with Paris Saint-Germain?
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

838 :celibate or virgin.:2022/07/21(木) 23:40:24.90 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Marriage.
Yuji Ayabe, a member of Peace, was married. Presented in he own essay .
My name was given so I congratulate him from the bottom of my heart. Lie!
I didn't call myself Ayabe because I longed for this person, but I named it after her habit of saying "Ah, yabe !!".
For many years now, those who may have been tapping this unpleasant poem, or Kimopo know.
Is Ayabe member already 45 years old?
It's amazing!, because you can still get married.
I wrote this unpleasant poem, Kimopo for short, from January 3rd to 5th, 2012, but according to Kiyoro Ohashi's analysis,
it is almost impossible to get married after the age of 35.
Yuji Ayabe, a man who made the impossible possible.
I wonder if I'll do my best with him.
You can't do it!
Your face, income, and height are losing! I heard that.
I say something unpleasant. I'm already angry. sleep.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

839 :empty or vacant.:2022/07/22(金) 00:54:01.38 ID:???0.net
Ayabe final episode.
I saw the final special of "LOVE LOVE Aishiteru".
Thank you Takuro Yoshida, this is the final episode.
Kinki Kids, Ms.Tomoe Shinohara, Mr.Takuro Yoshida, and many guests from a young age are shown in the regular footage. It's young!
It was around the time when the same age group was young and had a lot of momentum, and the age of parents was settling down.
Young is wonderful.
Now that the same age group has to settle down, the parents will be older.
Generational change that progresses gradually but surely.
Mr.Takuro's Rakuyo was soaked in BGM and muttered.
Everything goes well, the claim is over. Hogihogi!

840 :fret or worry.:2022/07/23(土) 06:13:00.43 ID:???0.net
Ayabe worries.
I can't use up the gigabytes of this month.
There are 14 gigabytes left as of midnight yesterday.
Usually, at the end of the month, it's not enough to limit communication.
My favorite video site has been closed, and au will remain with 2GB gifts in January, April, July, and October.
So I watched the video. FANZA sample video.
I think one work is about 15 megabytes. Average.
If you look at 100 samples, it's 1.5 gigabytes. If you look at it about 10 times that, you can use up the gigabytes of the month.
The 2GB will disappear if you don't use it up.
The rest is an app update. It's troublesome every time, so I update it all at once at the end of the month.
Even if it is included, it still remains. It's like the flow of skin somewhere.
Isn't it peeled off?
Everything goes well, the claim ends. Hogihogi!

841 :abandon or desert.:2022/07/24(日) 22:50:12.67 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is quiet.
For some reason, the soccer school ended early on this weekend, and I had a quiet afternoon.
However, at around 6:50 in the morning, the sound of kicking the ball was heard.
Thank you very much for this.
Thank you K Soccer Club. I will never forget your achievements.
Speaking of quietness, soccer boys Japan vs. China. 0-0 draw.
Next is the match against South Korea, right?
If you read a thread that is familiar with soccer, this tournament is an abandoned tournament.
It was written, but I still don't want to lose.
I can see the very bitter writing over there. It seems to be noisy.
So I want you to win without injury. Let's make them quiet.
Everything goes well, the claim ends. Hogihogi!

842 :erupt or explode.:2022/07/25(月) 23:43:05.86 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Sakurajima.
Was it during the soccer broadcast last night?
A bulletin that Sakurajima erupted was displayed at the top of the screen.
Eruption alert level 5 is the maximum level.
Are you okay? I went but the Kagoshima United supporters were very calm. As always! Because.
I'm relieved, but if you're writing with the intention of not worrying about people in other areas, don't overdo it.
I've heard rumors that if Mt.Hakone gets serious in the Kanto region, it's dangerous .
How far will it be damaged?
Everything goes well, the claim ends. Hogihogi!

843 :gastrome or gourmet.:2022/07/26(火) 01:53:07.42 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Moonsault.
Monkeypox also infects Japanese people.
Do you have a history of travel and have close contact with your destination?
The generation who got the smallpox vaccine seems to be okay, but I'm not that generation, so be careful.
I'm afraid that there is a risk of blindness.
There are a lot of images with a lot of lumpy faces, when you search.
Mr.Tedros, seal it!
Everything goes well, the claim ends. Hogihogi!

844 :dispatch or .:2022/07/27(水) 00:46:45.55 ID:???0.net
Former dispatched employee Tomohiro Kato (39) was sentenced to death after being charged with murder in an indiscriminate murder case in which 7 people died and 10 people were seriously injured)
Was executed on the morning of the 26th, according to an interview with the people concerned.
The execution has been ordered by Minister of Justice Yoshihisa Furukawa since December last year.
Second time under the Kishida administration. According to the final ruling, on June 8, 2008, he rushed into pedestrian paradise with a truck,
killing three people and injuring two.
He also stabbed him with a dagger knife, killing four and injuring eight.
The Tokyo District Court ruling in March 2011 sentenced him to death. Also supported by the second trial Tokyo High Court.
The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal in February 2015 and was sentenced to death. The quote ends.
At that time, I was still in my twenties, so I used to go to Akihabara a lot.
So I'm scared to think that I might have been involved.
At that time, I also used the bulletin board. I made my own page there and kept a diary.
However, it was suddenly closed and all I copied all the diary and pasted it in the email.
I have no way to see it, but I want to read it for the first time in a while. Which SD?
Everything goes well, the claim ends. Hogihogi.

845 :I can't feel love without you.:2022/07/28(木) 00:23:20.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Anniversary.
It's been four years and seven months since it was early.
Of course, I don't have any chance. Wishes and prayers are empty.
Everything goes well, the claim ends. Hogihogi.

846 :I hear the lonely words.:2022/07/29(金) 23:08:29 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Itching.
Itching after taking a bath!
When I look at the itchy area, I see a lump.
Are you allergic to hot water?
No way monkeypox?
That shouldn't be the case, I know.
If the water is bad, I have no choice but to move to a place with clean water.
After investigating various things, it seems that the tooth filling, so-called silver teeth,has.
There was also a treatise.
I can't take silver teeth. I'm full of worries and my hair comes off.
Everything goes well, the claim ends. Hogihogi!

847 :drag or haul.:2022/07/30(土) 23:15:32.28 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Zenigata.
Animax is broadcasting Lupine the 3rd Part 2.
At the last week, in episode 40, "Operation Missile Jack", there was a scene where Inspector Zenigata undressed Fujiko Mine and exposed her bust.
This surprised me.
In Part 2, even though the bust is exposed, there is often but that scene was properly pink. So what?
That's what people say, but I laughed at the thought of cleaning up that part during the digital remastering.
All is well, The claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

848 :general or widespread.:2022/07/31(日) 09:51:42.76 ID:???0.net
The UN General Assembly adopts a historic resolution recognizing that everyone, everywhere, has the human right to live in a clean, healthy and sustainable environment:

Abstentions: Belarus, Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Russia & Syria

849 :observer or witness.:2022/07/31(日) 19:48:58.73 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Yacht School.
I thought I didn't like the noisy soccer club this morning, but today they are off! Great holiday! Thanks for this.
Thank God! Thank you Buddha! Thank you ancestors! Facial to girls! appreciated.
After all, it was noisy from around 5:40 in the morning from Tuesday to Friday, and from 8:00 to 16:00 on Saturday.
I was going through some very tough days.
I think it will be noisy from tomorrow, but I definitely don't want to be like Takuma,
so I would like you to relocate by means other than force or use of force.
Because we want you to enjoy football to the fullest, your place is not here.
Do it in an open space away from houses. Otherwise there is nothing but hatred.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

850 :cash or money.:2022/08/01(月) 19:45:12.76 ID:???0.net
Ayabe money shortage.
Well, the money has finally run out. How long until payday?
After all, the payslip is paperless, that is, it is displayed on the Internet, so I, who lost the address, have no way to look it up.
I don't like asking people at the company. It's the 15th, right?
When money was abundant, there was no such worry. Even if I check the balance at the ATM, it is only three digits.
Please give me money!
Die buried in either money or boobs. Which would you like to choose? Both! Money now. It's money anyway. Akane Oda.
It's a moving expense. For some reason, the horn. Nothing is dangerous. Saying goodbye?
Are you stupid? That's enough brake lights 5 times.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

851 :near or surround.:2022/08/02(火) 04:00:21.77 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is up.
I saw a strange dream, so I took notes.
As soon as I got home, my wife asked me if I wanted to go and get some vegetables.
I asked, but received a cold reply.
The scene changes and surrounds the dining table. My daughter is a very cute sister.
I don't know who it is, but a man with glasses says to his young daughter, "Marry me."
In that case, I said that I would help.
The scene changes again, and it seems to be the workplace, saying, "From here to me, it's a competition.
We're not opening a restaurant anyway, so let's drink at home."
It's like jumping out of a window. Let the two go first, and I try a shortcut.
If you go through the premises, there is a fence and barbed wire is stretched around.
I couldn't make a shortcut and turned around to turn back, but I woke up when the water was quite high.
I love dreams that show me these kind of meaningless dramas.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

852 :It'll be fine thankyou and you?:2022/08/03(水) 22:47:32.80 ID:???0.net
I have a lot of work to do on HDD, so I'm working every day to delete unnecessary parts of adult works.
Of course, it is safe because it is an amateur's work without copyright.
I don't need the talk part. Erase!
Also, I don't need a scene where the male symbol occupies most of the screen. Erase!
But I just know, the current remaining recordable time is about 1 hour and 50 minutes. Very strict.
Girls don't want to be cut. I am saving it for that purpose.
In order to make 4 works less than 1 hour, we cut 14 minutes per work as a guide.
Then it fits on one DVD in XP mode.
I've made 11 of these now.
There are still many more, and I'm screaming with joy.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

853 :You must study grammar more.:2022/08/04(木) 22:48:37.59 ID:???0.net
Ayabe attention.
Bookworms were walking on the futon. It would be pitiful to smash it, so I guided it onto a piece of memo paper and put it far away and slept.
It looks like he eats rice. Be careful.
By the way, it seems that the torrential rain in Tohoku and Hokuriku was terrible.
I saw footage of rivers flooding and bridges being washed away.
My house is near the river, so I'll take care of myself tomorrow and be vigilant.
No special measures have been taken against flood damage. Protect yourself.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi.

854 :Democratic People's Republic of Korea or Republic of Korea.:2022/08/05(金) 20:44:49.68 ID:???0.net
Ayabe can't do it.
A set-top box loaned from J:COM.
The one in my parent's room is HUMAX's WA-7600, which is made by a different manufacturer than the set-top box in my room.
It is decided that the settings will be made.
It was written that it can be done with a LAN cable, so connect it immediately and make a reservation!
One point "This program cannot be reserved". What a HUMAX.
I looked it up and it turned out to be a company headquartered in South Korea.
Before the replacement, I was able to easily record in my parent's room with a Panasonic STB,
but it was replaced with a South Korean manufacturer's STB without permission.
If I had been there, I could have asked for a Panasonic STB. In the end,
I had no choice but to record it on the STB in my room, and I couldn't watch the quiz brain bell SHOW featuring Mr.Kazuki Kosakai.
Korea-loving J:COM's recommendation for Korea can also be seen in his tablet introduction. Sorrow.
All is well, the claim is over. Horai Horai!

855 :allure or glamour.:2022/08/06(土) 22:53:23.30 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is back.
The devil's soccer school is back. Kicking kicking from the morning.
I was saved that it ended but I guess it will be noisy again tomorrow.
And isn't it a full day course? It's depressing.
Please move soon!
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

856 :robust or vigor.:2022/08/07(日) 23:38:16 ID:???0.net
Ayabe smooth.
I can't buy coffee or fruit juice because I don't have money, so I have no choice but to put.
I drink while playing games while fiddling with my phone, watching naughty works.
I don't like it, but I'm used to it.
However, there were side effects.
What a full erection when you wake up in the morning or after a nap.
As I mentioned earlier, I don't have the money, so I don't take supplements like zinc or maca, which are great for men.
Definitely from drinking alkaline ionized water.
I'm not sure if this water worked, but I think drinking the water made the blood smoother on the bamboo leaves.
I'm guessing as an amateur.
When I think about it, my hair loss has also decreased. Can I believe you?
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

857 :dimension or size.:2022/08/08(月) 19:31:25.25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe obituary.
Mr.Kiyoshi Kobayashi, the voice actor who voiced Daisuke Jigen in the popular anime "Lupin the Third", died of pneumonia on July 30. He is 89 years old.
His funeral has already been held according to the will of his bereaved family. A farewell party will be held at a later date.
Born in Tokyo in 1933.
After working at the National Institute of Cultural Studies, Izumiza Theater Company,
and Nihon University College of Art, Department of Drama, in 1960 he participated in the founding of the Tokyo Actor's Consumer's Cooperative Association (Haikyou),
which is also his office.
In addition to dubbing for James Coburn, Lee Marvin, and Tommy Lee Jones,
he is also active as a voice actor in anime such as Bem in "Youkai Human Bem" and Aiguille Delaz in "Mobile Suit Gundam 0083".
He has also narrated popular programs such as "SASUKE" and "Gaki no Tsukaiya Arahende!!".
For more than been particularly memorable.
With the first "EPISODE 0 -era-" of "Lupin the Third PART 6" broadcast from October 2021, Akio Otsuka will take over from the second episode.
Serving as End of citation. Saturday's rebroadcast makes me cry.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi.

858 :fasten or fix.:2022/08/09(火) 19:08:35.92 ID:???0.net
Ayabe time slip.
Today should be Tuesday, August 9, 2022, but for some reason it is displayed as Thursday, January 1, 1970, 9:33:42.
It seems that it's only "nuko", but I wasn't born.
My parents are about to turn 14, right?
Is it 1970? Major events include the Osaka Expo, the hijacking of the Yodogo, and the suicide of Mr.Yukio Mishima.
I am writing this on New Year's Day.
It will be fixed someday, so let's take a screenshot.

A Happy New Year!

All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

859 :guard or secur.:2022/08/10(水) 00:28:49.84 ID:???0.net
Ayabe obituary.
Mr.Hiroshi Otake, who is well-known for playing the role of Kaoru Kumada, also known as Pig gorilla,
in the anime "Kiteretsu Encyclopedia" (first), has passed away. He is 90 years old.
It's a character like Gian that appears in Doraemon by the same Fujiko F. Fujio, but I think Butagorira is a better guy.
Both Kiteretsu and Miyo have passed away, so I'll be lonely again.
Shouldn't it be rebroadcast? I want to see you for the first time in a while.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi.

860 :STILL LOVE HER.:2022/08/11(木) 00:17:45.20 ID:???0.net
Ayabe payment.
I received this positive message.
"If you don't pay for the July invoice on the 13th, we will stop. Please forgive us if we make a mistake. [KDDI]"
Today is the 11th, so today and tomorrow will be connected. The 13th is suspicious.
Completely stopped on the 14th. Maybe the 15th is payday. So the 14th will be.
I wish I could miraculously write on the 14th.
I'll just go to the convenience store and pay.
I hate being poor.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

861 :Rhapsody in Blue.:2022/08/12(金) 01:29:28.42 ID:???0.net
Ayabe earthquake late report.
At around 0:35 yesterday, there was an earthquake in the northern part of the Soya region.
M5.2. Depth is very shallow.
A seismic intensity of lower 5 was observed in Nakagawa-cho, Nakagawa-gun, Hokkaido.
At around 0:53 yesterday, there was an earthquake in the northern part of the Soya region.
M5.4. Depth is very shallow.
A seismic intensity of upper 5 was observed in Nakagawa-cho, Nakagawa-gun, Hokkaido.
There was a big tremor in quick succession in the same place.
And it's a lot of people who were sleeping. You can't sleep.
I think I can't help but feel uneasy.
How shallow is it? I've seen 10km, so I wonder if it's less than 10km.
It seems that the tremor is still continuing even though it is small, so please be careful.
I'm sure the shaking will subside. prayer.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

862 :haze or smog.:2022/08/13(土) 17:14:21.09 ID:???0.net
Ayabe hot.
It goes without saying that the weather is hot.
For some reason, I couldn't recognize the microSD, and the SD itself was so hot that I couldn't help but say "It's hot!".
Cause unknown.
I saved videos and images are dead.
Most of them are erotic GIFs and mp4s, so you can get them again.
However, some of the videos I was about to edit would never be available again. Nothing private.
That's salvation. Backing up is troublesome and I think it's useless, but it's still necessary.
There was a time when I lost it, but it was a big shock because it was all private.
I even opened the garbage bag of the vacuum cleaner and looked for it, but it didn't come out.
At that time, the importance of backing up must have been familiar to me,
but I neglected it because I forgot the heat when it was too close to my throat. So
I will do it this time.
But I guess I won't do it.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

863 :abuse or misuse.:2022/08/14(日) 00:22:15.94 ID:???0.net
Ayabe still.
I can still connect.
The problem of not paying. Of course I will pay tomorrow.
But still connected. Why?
I thought it would be cut off at the moment the date changed, but it seems there is a grace period.
Well, when I wake up in the morning, it's probably gone. My forecast is 5am in the morning. It was good to be the story of the story.
How was the typhoon No. 8. This is just normal rain.
However, the soccer school had the children practice in the rain. This is abuse.
Kids still can't make up their minds.
It is true that soccer matches are played even in the rain. But is it a typhoon?
A gust of wind might blow something away.
There may be lightning strikes. Should have stopped in the morning.
Such a soccer school should not survive. I see you right. God, Buddha, and the ancestors of each child.
So K soccer club should be merged.
There is an elementary school in a very good location away from houses,
surrounded by rice fields, high schools, railroad tracks and national highways, right?
If we merge with that and make it a practice ground, everyone will be happy, and I think it will surely become a strong club on a national level.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

864 :grave or tomb.:2022/08/15(月) 01:45:33.40 ID:???0.net
Ayabe is connected.
1 o'clock on the 15th, it's almost 40 minutes, but I'm still connected to the internet.
If we can't we'll stop you, okay? I got a message that it's still okay.
Yesterday, I went to visit a grave, so I wanted it.
So that was helpful. Of course, I asked him to watch over me so that I could move.
Put your hands together.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

865 :complete or finish.:2022/08/16(火) 00:18:13.59 ID:???0.net
Ayabe paid.
Finally payday yay.
I also paid the overdue mobile phone bill and put in the amount that will be withdrawn this month.
It will definitely be connected by mid-October. Good good good.
However, since the condition of the smartphone is extremely bad, it is necessary to be careful.
It blacks out even though there is still some battery left. About 75%.
So when I consulted with au, they said that they could prepare a replacement machine. Certainly less than 3000 yen.
But nothing like what I'm using now.
He said, so what kind of things are there?
The models introduced were HUAWEI (China) and SAMSUNG (Korea), so I gave up.
I decided to look for a new model.
Unfortunately, I've been using it for over 5 years. As long as it's lonely because it's full of various memories.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

866 :ping pong or table tennis.:2022/08/17(水) 07:39:33.57 ID:???0.net
Ayabe moved.
Moved from a certain board. August 17, 2022 is the moving anniversary. Wednesday. Congratulations.
The writings are generally disgusting poems (commonly known as Kimopo), so please ignore them. You lose when you care. Adhesive.
Memories with table tennis about the first day.
I was a pen-type racket. The rubber is one-sided, and it's named Impartial or something like that.
The type that enters from the shape, has a butterfly bag, and the color is purple.
I had a bubble 165 in there, but someone pierced it and the contents seeped into the bag,
so I've distanced myself from ping pong. It's probably the work of Osada or Miyano,
but you shouldn't doubt people. I'm introspection.
When I went to Sumiyoshi Junior High School for a game, I was depressed because the junior high school player H made fun of my hairstyle.
I have nothing but bad memories.
I didn't want to have my picture published as a member of the table tennis club in the graduation album,
so I didn't go to the photo shoot.
Rather, he was already a member of the ghost club when he was in the second year.
The advisor didn't have a fever at all, so I didn't say anything.
It was fun when I was stupid during club activities, but that gradually started to feel childish,
and being alone became more comfortable, so I left the club activities.
Now, on the contrary, I'm going back to being childish and writing low-level poems like this, and I'll do my best until the end of my life.
Nice to meet you! 4949, 36. Wow, it's rubbish.
All is well, the claim is over. Horai Horai!

867 :Snow is falling I can't say anymore:2022/08/18(木) 23:38:34.34 ID:???0.net
Ayabe date.
It seems to be only a cat, but the date was strange. It finally got fixed. Was good.
At first, I was excited because the year 1970 was so rare, but I was starting to feel sad that today wasn't recorded.
It feels like a clock that has stopped running.
With this, I should be able to move on from now on.
On a different note, this board is good. Emojis, etc. are displayed.
If you use special characters such as pictograms on the board that was resident before, it will become "?".
It's just as it is here, so it's a waste if you don't use it often!!!
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

868 :I'm standing in the windy road.:2022/08/19(金) 23:58:56.72 ID:???0.net
Ayabe smartphone.
Finally, it suddenly blacked out even when the battery level was close to 80%.
If you fall while writing, you lose momentum.
Moreover, since the ID changes, it is said that the ID is rolling.
It costs money to change models. The split is added to the monthly usage fee. Poor Ayabe is tough.
I would be in trouble if I didn't have a mobile phone. I'd rather have a high grade model.
Come on money a shit of shit.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

869 :You leave me alone.:2022/08/23(火) 23:56:21.71 ID:???0.net
Ayabe aging odor.
Getting older The bad smell is getting stronger every time.
Just touching the side of my nose made my fingers greasy. And it stinks when you sniff the fat with your fingertips.
Fat is rotten. It looks like a cockroach. Some people define ikemen as having a sense of cleanliness, as if a gentle breeze is blowing around the boy,
but in my case, I think it's the atmosphere of a botton toilet in the summer. Oh no.
So I try to drink as much water as possible, but the oiliness doesn't change.
A shampoo that doesn't lather.
It's not the fault of the shampoo shampooing once. I wonder if that fat will oxidize and smell.
If you look at the website, it says that you are secreting too much fat, but you want to get rid of it.
What should I do. Will the vicious cycle continue until I'm bald? Sorrow.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

870 :Don't go away from me.:2022/08/24(水) 23:51:47.25 ID:???0.net
Ayabe purple Listerin.
My Bad Smell It's a story, but the smell that wafts from the cavities is so strong that even that purple Listerine doesn't last for 10 minutes,
and bad breath makes a comeback.
It tastes bad when you touch the big hole of the decayed tooth with your tongue.
This is probably the smelly liquid. When the liquid is absorbed with a tissue, a yellow substance adheres.
Alas, it is completely rotten. A living corpse. Living dead.
Just like that, if you wipe it with a tissue, blood will stick to it. It's over.
I don't have money for a dentist.
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

871 :I wish to be in love again.:2022/08/26(金) 02:28:08.35 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Japan-SouthKorea match
For details I don't know, but the semi-finals of the AFC Champions League soccer showdown between Japanese clubs and South Korean clubs.
The Japan-Korea match burns in any competition. Especially the other person.
It's only natural to injure them, and sometimes they even use violence to get revenge for losing.
I won if I won, and I was beaten in baseball, but I really don't want to play against because I will show a patriotic performance including insults to Japan.
The worst opponent that only unpleasant feelings remain whether you win or lose.
A battle card between Urawa Red Daimoyans and Jeonbuk Motors.
As expected of popular soccer. No broadcast, including terrestrial and satellite waves.
Win anyway.
All is well, the claim is over. Horai Horai!

Ayabe Japan.
The match I introduced yesterday is It looks like Urawa won the penalty shootout and advanced to the final.
Urawa was the first to cross the finish line and was caught up by.
After 90 minutes, the game went to overtime with no conclusion.
In the 116th minute, Jeonbuk reversed.
I'm an old person too, so extended sudden death?
At 120 minutes, just before the end of the match, Urawa's handsome foreign player scored and the match ended.
To the PK battle to decide the final advance. It is said that Urawa's goalkeeper Nishikawa played an active role there.
This is what the people on the domestic soccer board wrote.
Of course I didn't watch the game.
Japan is amazing! I'm amazing! ← Payo's anger word.
The final will be held in February next year. Yeah!? Is it common in soccer?
I will come when I forget The opponent in the final seems to be a Middle Eastern team, so it must be sinking with oil money.
Oil- producing countries should be afraid. Does it affect referee foul standards?
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

872 :abuse or insult.:2022/08/28(日) 00:53:11.43 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Japan.
The match I introduced yesterday is It looks like Urawa won the penalty shootout and advanced to the final.
Urawa was the first to cross the finish line and was caught up by.
After 90 minutes, the game went to overtime with no conclusion.
In the 116th minute, Jeonbuk reversed. I'm an old person too, so extended sudden death?
Just as I thought, the match continued, and in the 120th minute, just before the end of the match, Urawa's handsome foreign player scored and the match ended.
To the PK battle to decide the final advance.
It is said that Urawa's goalkeeper Nishikawa played an active role there.
This is what the people on the domestic soccer board wrote.
Of course I didn't watch the game.
Japan is amazing! I'm amazing! ← Payo's anger word.
The final will be held in February next year. Yeah!? Is it common in soccer?
I will come when I forget The opponent in the final seems to be a Middle Eastern team,
so it must be sinking with oil money. Oil- producing countries should be afraid.
Does it affect referee foul standards?
All is well, the claim is over. Hogi Hogi!

873 :ナナシマさん:2022/08/28(日) 09:03:17.03 ID:???0.net
We Are Diamonds We Are Diamonds
Yes We Love You Boys In Red
We Stand Beside You Forever Always
Yes Red Diamonds You're The Best

We Are Diamonds We Are Diamonds
All Together Hand In Hand
We Will Keep On Singing For You
Yes Red Diamonds You're The Best

La La La- La- La La La- La-
La- La La- La La- La- La La-
La- La- La- La La- La- La- La- La La-
Yes Red Diamonds You're The Best

La La La- La- La La La- La-
La- La La- La La- La- La La-
La- La- La- La La- La- La- La- La La-
Yes Red Diamonds You're The Best

Yes Red Diamonds You're The Best

874 :accident or mishap.:2022/08/29(月) 18:59:25.03 ID:???0.net
Ayabe Ponce.
Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters Pitcher Cody Ponce went no-hitter against the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks on the 27th.
How old are you this year? There will be many successful pitchers.
Speaking of Ponce, in our generation, it's Carlos Ponce of the Yokohama Taiyo Whales.
He looked awfully. It's been a long time since he wanted to do a family stadium.
Of course, in the family computer era.
All is well, the claim is over. Horai Horai!

875 :ナナシマさん:2022/11/25(金) 10:54:34.21 ID:???0.net
Japan's soccer fans clean up stadium after thrilling upset win in World Cup
The passionate soccer fans cheering on the Samurai Blue in the World Cup continued their tradition of cleaning up the stadium after their team upset Germany in Qatar.

876 :ナナシマさん:2022/12/16(金) 19:44:18.78 ID:???0.net
Putting your face on the chest of a well-endowed woman while she squeezes her breasts inward, thereby "massaging" your head.

877 :penis or vagina.:2023/01/15(日) 13:36:15.50 ID:???0.net
Mom 'Praying for a miracle'
After 7-year-old
Brooklyn girl chokes on lunch at school, placed on life support.

878 :Do it yourself.:2023/01/23(月) 17:18:31.61 ID:???0.net
Authorities say the suspect in a California dance club shooting that left 10 dead has shot and killed himself

Luna identified the suspect at 72-year-old Huu Can Tran.

879 :ナナシマさん:2023/01/28(土) 02:49:11.35 ID:???0.net
Thay see me rolling
allow imgur to access all the awesome images in your gallery.

maybe later

880 :ナナシマさん:2023/01/29(日) 07:27:52.31 ID:???0.net
ratio between toxic dose and typical human intake

881 :kickback or recoil:2023/02/18(土) 17:30:48.29 ID:???0.net
Kendall Nicole Jenner seethrough

882 :It won't be long now!:2023/03/07(火) 23:21:15.29 ID:???0.net
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